第十章 玩出高智商,娱乐游戏两不误

2023-10-24 09:22:03

游戏是儿童学习的最佳方式之一,而且许多孩子都喜欢游 戏。事实上游戏对于儿童本身就是一种教育,而且是儿童喜闻 乐见的教育。苏联著名教育家马卡连柯说(“游戏在儿童生活 中具有极其重要的意义,具有与成人的活动、工作和服务同样 重要的意义。儿童在游戏中怎么样,当他长大的时候,他在工 作中也多半如此。因此,未来活动家的教育,首先要在游戏中 开始。”因此父母切不可盲目地认为孩子玩游戏是“不务正 业”,对充满“小孩子气”的儿童游戏活动不以为然,忽视对 儿童游戏活动的正确引导和精心指导。作为父母,更应高度认 识游戏在儿童成长中的重要作用。甚至应该挖掘游戏中的教育 教学因素,提高儿童的游戏品位,将游戏与智力培养、情感熏 陶、德行养成巧妙结合,既能丰富童年生活,又能促进儿童发 展。启发孩子智慧的游戏有很多种,本章将选取具有实用性和 可操作性的益智游戏供家长参考。

■第四十六件事游戏,伴男孩成长近年来,社会上最残酷的行为,就是剥夺了孩子们游戏的权利。一个是 孩子们没有了游戏的场所(第二是孩子们没有了玩与不玩这种选择的权利。 现在,许多孩子的父母不许孩子玩。即使同意孩子玩,也限定时间和内容。 他们总认为,学习成绩和学习时间成正比,学习的时间越长,就会学得越好。

《联合国儿童公约》里明确规定:儿童有游戏的权利。所以,父母们,一 定要给孩子游戏的时间,而且要给尽可能多的时间和空间,让孩子身心健康 地成长。来看看国外的情况:调查显示大多数美国父母认为他们孩子玩游戏 是有益的,而且几乎所有的家长都会对他们购买的游戏进行监督。此外,有 60)的父母说,他们至少每月和孩子一起玩一次游戏(而有三分之二的家长 认为,游戏对他们孩子的生活有正面的影响。在欧洲的一项关于电子游戏的 调查中,有4000名来自英国、法国和意大利的父母参与,结果显示75)的受 访者关心他们孩子玩的游戏内容。还有44)的父母认为每天的电子游戏时间 应该限制在一小时之内。调查发现平均有63)的儿童通常是独自玩游戏,并 且没有任何长辈的监护。而很多家长也表示自己会确认购买适合自己孩子玩 的 戏。

实际上游戏是动物的本能,所有动物都喜欢做游戏。小猫戏弄老猫的尾 巴,小狗和老狗互相咬架,这是为什么呢?根据动物学家的研究,小猫戏弄 老猫的尾巴,是为了发展它将来捕捉老鼠的能力,小狗和老狗互相咬架是为 了以后能够取得防卫能力。孩子也是一样,为了发展他们将来用得着的能力,必须进行游戏。其实,游戏具有开发孩子智力的功能。生活中许多知识都能 巧妙地融合在游戏中。在游戏中,孩子不仅能感受到竞争的激烈,也有成功 的喜悦和挫折后的思考,还能学会对事物的承受能力,学到很多老师、父母、 书本教不会的东西。


游戏是一种聪明儿童喜欢的学习方式,但父母可能会认为它是在浪费时 间。对儿童来说,生活的丰富多彩孕育在游戏之中,增加类似学校中的作业 会剥夺这种生活的乐趣。儿童发展的一条基本原则就是:即便是最复杂、最 成熟的儿童也需要游戏。很多父母误认为,孩子在业余时间要多学一些课外 的本领,如钢琴、书法、绘画等,以后会成为一个全能型人才。还有的父母 觉得,别人家的孩子都在学,我的孩子不学,将来就竞争不过人家。因此, 孩子愿意学,也得学,不愿意学更得学。搞得孩子盼望着有星期八,那样, 他们就不用去上课外班了。在学校里,老师对学生的要求很严,如果学生玩 的时间太多,学习成绩下降,老师会觉得丢面子。而在家里,孩子的学习不 如同班学生,父母也会觉得脸上无光。孩子的课外时间太少,游戏太少,学 习负担太重,最后导致他们对学习感到厌倦,觉得学习是一件苦事,把很多 心思用在如何逃避学习上。即使是最循规蹈矩的孩子,也会讨厌学习。因为 他们缺少游戏。缺少快乐,缺少生活的乐趣。

游戏的价值不仅仅在于能给儿童带来乐趣,使他们感到放松,而且在于 它能提供情绪和智力方面的学习。从情绪上讲,即便是幼儿也会终止他不能 十分理解的事情,这样他就会对正在发生的事更熟悉,并发现更容易接受。 从智力上讲,游戏使儿童吸收新信息,并使这些信息与他已知的东西相融合。 通过游戏,儿童能训练、提高思维水平,发展创造性。与其他儿童做游戏是 学习社会技能和交流技能的很有效的方法,尤其对那些有独立倾向的儿童来 说更是如此。另外游戏对孩子来说,是一种对沉重学习的缓和、休息,是他们本能、本性中必备的享受。有学者说:“小孩子的工作就是游戏。”大人们 不是也常说“玩是孩子的天性”吗?可见如果孩子没有游戏就失去了天性中 的“营养”,他们现在被太多地灌输一些大人的问题,以后无疑会形成严重的 心理畸形。会玩的孩子,能在游戏中有自己独到的想法,那么他在学习时会 思维敏捷,想象力丰富,他的情商与智商会同时得到很好的发展,因此,也 就更会学习。至于儿童每天玩什么游戏,父母可提供一些建议,下面有一些 建议,可供在家中的父母对聪明孩子进行一些心理上的训练。

%)让你的孩子想象自己是个机器人。然后让他回答如果这是真的,会 对世界产生什么影响,鼓励他思考机器人将会如何改变我们的生活方式。以 此类推,考虑各种想象的技术发明。

%)当你的孩子把积木堆成一个高大的、摇摇晃晃的塔时,就此与他谈 论。看他是否能告诉你,如果在顶上放一个较大或较小的积木,将会发生什 么情况。然后让他设法找出自己的“假设”,先用较小的积木来试。也许通过 一些巧妙的提问和提示就能让他明白一些积木可以起到支撑塔的作用。这种 游戏有助于教会孩子解决技术方面问题的技能。

%)—个聪明的4岁儿童能够想出自己的游戏,而不仅仅是遵循他已知 的规则。建议他创造一种游戏,用自己的规则以及自己感兴趣的东西,如一 套他喜欢的玩具动物。然后与其他孩子试验这一游戏。


陪孩子一起玩不仅可以拉近和孩子的距离,和孩子交流沟通,甚至可以 增加孩子的自尊与自信,让孩子心理更健康。可是很多爸爸或妈妈没有注意 到那些可以让游戏更好玩的技巧。如何陪孩子玩,让孩子觉得好玩,其实这 里面也有很多学问。


如果孩子对游戏没有兴趣,游戏当然不会好玩。孩子其实是很敏感的,如果勉强他去玩他不感兴趣的游戏,很容易玩不下去。倒不如和孩子商量着 玩,玩一些大家都感兴趣的游戏。爸爸妈妈在陪孩子游戏时,要和孩子一样 真诚投人、非常专心,短时间完整的注意力投人,比长时间的敷衍来得更有力量。


孩子都需要爸爸妈妈注意自己,而且越多越好。倾听会让孩子感受到你 对他的关注和爱意,让他更想展现自己。孩子在游戏中所表达的可能有它潜 在的含义,爸爸妈妈多花些心思去倾听孩子所说的,收获的可能是孩子想对 你说却不敢或不知如何开口的心里话。在倾听中,让孩子带领你去看他所看 到的世界。


游戏是孩子的国度。进人孩子的世界,你除了多听,还应开放自己,多 问多学。不要假设孩子和你有一样的想法,也不要急着先去表达自己的想法, 孩子的想象力常常是我们望尘莫及的。太阳可以是绿的,云也可以是黄的, 爸爸妈妈有了这样的包容力,孩子更能拥有他自己。多问问孩子在做什么, 了解他的想法,否则孩子会由于你的呵斥破坏了游戏的兴致,孩子也可能会 觉得很委屈,这就得不偿失了。

%)遇到问题,试着让孩子自己解决游戏也是日常生活的缩影,孩子也会遇到问题和困难。爸爸妈妈可能会 不自觉地帮他解决问题。其实游戏是孩子学习解决问题的最安全的方法。比 如,当孩子搬不动他整箱的积木时,可以问问孩子:“怎么办呢?”多些耐心, 你可能会和孩子一起享受他打开箱子,搬出积木,解决问题的得意与骄傲。


■第四十七件事父母陪孩子一起玩许多家长经常会遇到以下情况:带孩子去楼下花园玩球,你本想陪他好 好地玩,教他一点“本事”,可是他净把球乱扔。刚开始你还没有觉得烦,时 间一长,你净“捡”球了,你就觉得很“烦*你带孩子去沙滩上玩沙子,你 本想让他学习如何使用工具,可他还不让你教他怎么玩,结果弄得到处“脏” 兮兮的,你很心“烦*你想培养孩子从小会帮助人的意识,你让他来帮你剥 豆子,可他净帮倒忙,把豆子弄得到处都是,你又觉得“麻烦”了……需要指出的是:孩子喜欢玩游戏,是因为“我要玩”,而不是“要我玩* 游戏是孩子主动、自发、自愿的活动,它不能有任何强迫、催促或限制。孩 子参与游戏的目的主要是“玩”,从玩中获得“快乐*而不是游戏以外的东 西(如你手中的奖品、提高能力等&所以,无论孩子参与何种活动,你不要 首先就判断“活动有什么教育目的、会不会弄脏孩子的衣服”等,才决定让 不让孩子参与,更不要因为考虑到活动目的就限制孩子的活动手段或方式, 因为这个目的是父母的而不是孩子的,我们要尊重孩子参与游戏的目的和原 因。你应该在保证孩子安全的情况下考虑孩子是否真的喜欢这个活动,在这 个活动中他是否表现得兴趣高昂、心情愉快。在陪伴孩子成长的过程中,父 母需要特别的耐心。你关注的不应是教育效果是否“立竿见影”,更应该关注 是否给予了孩子快乐。只有在快乐中成长起来的孩子才是“真正健康”的孩 子,只有拥有“真正的健康”,孩子才能获得智力的发展……!孩子真正想要的礼物

每一个人的童年时代,“六一”都是一个充满梦想和欢乐的日子。在物质 匮乏的年代,孩子们会因为这一天收到的微不足道的礼物欢欣不已,甚至只 是一包糖。因为东西虽不值钱,但能在这一天强烈地感受到来自父母的浓浓 的爱。然而今天,一些孩子从没有为物质缺乏而困扰,平时家长都是有求必 应,仿佛礼物越是高档越能表达家长的爱意。还有一些孩子,因为家境贫困 收不到父母任何礼物而不高兴。

用昂贵的礼物表达爱意,这其实是在商业文化的熏陶下,受到物质至 上主义影响的成年人的观念。然而,孩子的世界原先并不是物质至上的, 孩子最需要的是家长的关心和爱。所以,那些家境富裕的家长,在一味 用昂贵的礼物满足孩子的物质需求时,其实是在灌输给他们物质至上的 价值观;而那些因家境贫困而对孩子没有丝毫表示的家长,也错误地将 物质和爱等同起来。其实,孩子们真正想要的礼物,莫过于父母的陪伴, 陪自己去玩。


广东省妇联曾经对当地近千名儿童进行了家庭教育状况调查,结果显示, 有近半数的父母忽视了与孩子的交流,有3/4以上的孩子希望和父母一起玩 游戏、出去玩。时下很多做父母的忙于赚钱,认为当前最重要的工作是赚够 钱,为孩子未来的成长创造条件,至于眼下欠孩子一点陪伴的时间,等以后 日子好过了,再给孩子补上。其实,这种想法是很不科学的。因为孩子成长 过程中的每一个阶段都是不可重复的,有些东西一旦错过,很可能就没有办 法挽回。当孩子需要与父母交流时,很多做父母的会以手上事情太多而拒绝, 心情不好的父母甚至会施以棒喝,这是对孩子的不负责任。因为,常被父母 拒绝的孩子,最易产生焦虑情绪,变得性情孤僻,性格内向,严重的会患上抑郁症。

有的父母认为孩子的玩乐太小儿科,觉得孩子在幼儿园有小朋友玩,回 家让孩子吃好睡好就行了。这其实也是一个误区。孩子不仅能在玩中学习很 多能力,而且孩子的健康成长并不单是靠丰富的物质生活就能保障的,更多 的是需要父母的关爱、亲情的慰藉以及游戏玩乐。

为孩子提供各种各样的游戏材料,如小纸片、种子、泥土、小 剪刀、积木、水、沙、颜料、空纸盒等,让他们开动脑筋去游戏。 当孩子在游戏中遇到困难时,父母要给孩子自己解决问题的机会。 只有当孩子确实不能解决时再给予一些帮助。


扑克牌是大人们常玩的游戏,考虑到孩子们的认知水平,我们不能沿用 大人的游戏规则,不妨找出一些新的扑克牌的玩法。


根据游戏人数把牌分成相应的份数,然后参加游戏者每人出一张牌,排 成一个长列。谁出的牌与上面长列中的某一张牌相同,则这两张相同的牌之 间的所有的纸牌就都归他了,游戏以最后谁手里的牌最多为胜负标准。在玩 的过程中,家长可以引导孩子读所出的牌上面的数字和花色,从而让他慢慢 地认识数字。这个游戏的另一个好处是可以培养孩子敏锐的观察力。在众多的排成一列的纸牌中,能一下子看到与自己的牌点数相同的牌。


(1)出牌比大小,爸爸(妈妈&和孩子各有一半牌,每次双方各出一张 牌,都反扣在桌上,然后数一、二、三,同时把出的牌翻过来。比较这两张 牌的数目,若是一样大的,就各自收回牌,若不是一样大的,小的牌被大的 牌吃掉,归大牌所有者(这两张牌不能再用来出牌)。直到把双方的牌都出 完,最后看谁得到的牌多谁就赢了。

%)翻牌比大小,先把牌都反扣在桌上,爸爸(妈妈)和孩子各翻一张 牌,比较牌的数目,若是一样大的,就仍翻转回原处,若不是一样大的,就 大牌吃掉小牌,这两张牌都归翻大牌的人。直到把反扣的牌都翻完,最后看 谁得到的牌多谁就赢了。

提示:每次比较两张牌的数目时,要让孩子念出牌的数目,说说几比几 大,几比几小。在这个过程中不仅可以教会孩子认识数字,更能明白数字之 的"3 ·换牌

取3张牌,把大王放在其中,让孩子记住大王的位置,然后开始把牌的 位置不断地变化,最后让孩子找到大王到底在哪个位置。速度由慢而快,变 化的次数也由少到多,牌数也可以增加,这样可以锻炼孩子集中注意力和快 速反应的能力。如果孩子们比较多,那在一起玩这个游戏更是兴趣盎然。


%)先将牌中的*个并列摆出来,然后爸爸(妈妈)和孩子各取一 半牌,双方轮流出牌,以为中心,按数的相邻关系接龙,如“7”的上 方接“8”,“7”的下方接“6”,每个“7”都可以接龙。每次只能接一张牌,无牌可接就由对方接着出牌,直到把所有的牌都出完,谁的牌先出完,谁就赢了。

(2)先分牌,双方各一半,谁有红桃“7”就先摆出来,然后轮流出牌接 龙,无牌接龙时可以出“7”,若无牌接龙又没有“7”,就由对方接龙。每次 只能出一张牌,直到把4条“龙”都接完,谁的牌先出完谁就赢了。

提示:出牌接龙时,最好说说接龙的两个数的“大1” “小1”关系,如 出牌)”接在)”的上面,就说)比8大1个”,有利于孩子认识相邻数关系。

玩牌时可以把牌当中的J、Q、K、A拿出来,以免孩子搞混; 出牌的时候鼓励孩子大声把自己要出的牌报出来,从而加强对数字 的认识&为了让孩子保持玩纸牌的兴趣,刚开始时可以给孩子创造 一些胜利的机会,等他熟练掌握后,就得认认真真地跟他玩,要教 育孩子有一'个正确的心态去面对输赢。


五颜六色的气球,几乎让所有的孩子都喜欢,每逢过节拿在手里都会让 他们开心。其实除了把气球拿在手里玩之外,还可以有其他许多快乐而有意 义的玩法,并且还能让孩子从中学到很多本领,得到很多乐趣!


(1) 头顶球:每人依次顶一下,不能让气球落在地上,否则就算输((2) 打排球:把家人分成两队,中间设定好分界线,开始排球比赛,得 分多的一队为胜利者(%)射门大赛:找两把椅子,分开一段距离放,设置这个区域做球门, 轮流用脚踢气球,比比看谁进球最多(%)踩气球:在每个人的双脚各绑上几个气球,互相追逐和躲闪,比比 谁踩到别人的气球多,同时又能保护好自己的气球不被踩到(%)夹球走:两人一组面对面站好,气球夹在两人胸前,双手放在背后, 规定好比赛路线,两人一起向前走(跑),看看哪一组最先到达终点而且气球 没有落到地上。

%)揪尾巴:每人用一根绳子的一端系住气球,另一端塞进自己的裤腰 里,扮作动物的尾巴,比比看谁能揪到别人的尾巴,越多越好,同时又能保 护好自己的尾巴不被揪下来。


找两个分别装有氢气和空气的气球,让孩子两手分别拿好一个,然后松 手放开,看看会有什么现象发生?孩子会发现一只气球向上飞,另一只却落 在地上!问问孩子为什么,鼓励他动动脑、想一想、猜一猜,一起翻翻书找 找答案,从小培养科学探索精神,寻找科学的答案:原来是因为里面装的气 体不同,氢气的密度比空气轻,会让气球飞起来,而装了空气的气球不会飞 起来,一松手就会落在地上。接着让孩子在那只装了氢气的气球下面挂些小 东西(如纸、小挂件、小娃娃等),试试看气球还能飞起来吗?和孩子一起做 些记录,哪些东西可以和气球一起飞起来,哪些东西不行,培养孩子认真做 实验、如实记录的科学态度!


找一只空杯子(最好开口大一些,口的边缘薄一些&在里面倒入一些开 水(超过杯子容量的一半&然后把杯子里的开水倒掉,迅速将一只气球按住 杯口,注意要按紧,不能有缝隙!这样按了一会儿之后,把杯子倒过来口朝 下拿着,按气球的手松开,看看气球会掉下去吗?如果成功的话,气球会被 杯子牢牢吸住!这是什么原因呢?启发孩子想想和倒进去的开水有没有关系 呢?杯子里的空气发生了哪些变化?找找有关热胀冷缩方面的资料,原来开 水使得杯子里的空气受热膨胀,开水倒掉之后,气球堵住了杯口,里面的空 气慢慢地冷却收缩,把气球紧紧地吸牢!


准备好一个气球,几张报纸,15厘米长的细线一根,还有一些面粉和糨 糊。先把气球吹好,开口用线绑好(再和孩子一起动手把报纸撕成5厘米见 方的小方块,层层相叠粘在气球上,至少要粘3?4层,别忘了提醒孩子开口 处不能粘住!然后把气球放在通风的地方风干一天,观察一下报纸是否干了, 如果已经干透了,就把气球的开口松开、把气球取出。孩子会发现一个黄蜂 窝完成了!原来黄蜂就是这样给自己盖房子的。和孩子一起仔细留心一下生 活周围有关动物自己造房子的情况,一起收集有关动物造房子方面的知识, 会发现原来一些动物和人类一样会给自己盖房子,它们知道该用什么材料, 知道如何连结,如有的鸟类会在大树的分枝处用一些树枝和泥土等其他物质 筑巢,蚂蚁用唾液混合泥土来造蚂蚁窝等,你和孩子一定会觉得大自然真是 很奇妙!


让孩子两手各拿一只气球(气不要打得太足&紧挨着摩擦一会儿,然后停下来仔细看看会有什么现象发生?让孩子试着描述一下自己的发现和感受: 我发现两只气球不能紧紧靠在一起了,会向两边跑,中间好像有一股力量把 它们分别向两边推!翻翻有关摩擦方面的书,和孩子一起找找答案,这可是 一次学习的好机会,培养孩子自己查找资料、寻求答案!

五颜六色的气球,几乎每个孩子都喜欢,逢年过节拿在手里真 开心。其实除了把气球拿在手里玩之外,我们还可以有其他许多玩 法,从中还能学到很多本领,得到很多乐趣!


横放在桌上的一摞硬币能够自动倒下;蛋壳是脆弱的但有时却是坚固的( 不用胶水、胶布等黏合的东西,报纸就能贴在墙上掉不下来(装有沙子和装 有水的两个同等重量的瓶子从一个高度滚下来,谁先到达终点……!模子的神力

思考:把一根筷子插人装着米的杯子中,然后将筷子上提,筷子会把米 和杯子一'起提起吗?

材料:塑料杯一个、米一杯、竹筷子一根 操作:(1)将米倒满塑料杯。



(4) 用手轻轻提起筷子,杯子和米一起被提起来了。

讲解:由于杯内米粒之间的挤压,使杯内的空气被挤出来,杯子外面的 压力大于杯内的压力,使筷子和米粒之间紧紧地结合在一起,所以筷子就能 将装米的杯子提起来。

2. 会自动倒下的一摞硬币




%)拿磁铁在硬币的上方2?3厘米高的地方接近桌面上这摞横放的 硬币。


讲解:由于这摞硬币在磁场的作用下发生了变化,使其中每枚硬币的上 端都分别磁化,由于同性相斥,加上硬币之间紧贴在一起,在磁性斥力作用 , 这 放 上的硬 就 自 倒 。


3. 纸的不同的承受力



操作:(1)把纸放在两本并排分开放的书上,使纸的中间部分悬空。把 一本书放在纸的悬空处。




讲解:(1) 一张纸能承受多大的压力,主要取决于纸张受力时的弯矩。

弯矩即纸张的受力点和受反作用力的点之间的距离。弯矩越大,纸张承受的 力越大,反之越小。

(2)直接把重物放在纸上,则纸的受力点和受反作用力点几乎在同一位 置上。因此弯矩小,所承受的力就小。

%)把重物放在竖直的纸卷上,纸的弯矩较大,因此承受的力较多。 创造:想一想,把纸还可以折成哪些形状,以便承担压力。


思考:看过划船吗?亲自动手划过船吗?知道船在水上为什么会向前移 动吗?


%) —端剪成尖形为船头,另一端中央剪下约5厘米的缺口为船尾。







延伸:仔细观察划船的动作,它造成的水流方向和船行方向有什么 关系呢?


思考:你认为蛋壳是坚固的还是脆弱的,它在什么时候容易破碎,什么 时候不容易破碎?



(2)拿一根细铁棒离蛋壳1〇多厘米的高度竖直向下自由落到蛋壳上,蛋 壳没被砸破。


%)拿一根细铁棒离蛋壳10多厘米的高度竖直向下自由落到蛋壳上,蛋 壳被砸破。

讲解:(1)铁棒创击蛋壳凹处,力量都由创击点承受,容易创破。铁棒 创击蛋壳凸处,力量分散,不容易创破。

%) —样的材质,一样的创击力量,角度不同,效果就完全不一样6.谁的力量大

思考:燕尾夹和锁头哪一个重呢?两者之间拴一条线绳转转看,谁的 “力量”大呢?


操作:(1)在圆珠笔杆中,穿一条约五十厘米长的线绳,线的一端拴上 一个夹子,另一端则系上一个比夹子重的金属小扳手。


%)缓缓搓动笔杆,让夹子做圆周运动,渐渐加速旋转,看看有什 么现象。


%)当转速加快时,会产生更大的离心力,而把金属小扳手往上提升。 创造:物体除了轻重差别外,若加上不同的速度,就会产生不同的动量。 比一比看,你走路时和骑车时,雨点打在脸上,有什么不同的感觉?



这个游戏可以一个人玩,也可以几个人同时进行,看谁用最好的办法, 最先分出来。这个游戏的玩法是这样的:先给每人发一把塑料小汤勺,然后 在每人桌前放一勺盐、半勺胡椒面。准备好后,裁判就可以发令,让参赛者 开始分了。谁最先分完,谁为优胜。

这个游戏看起来是比较困难的,如果用手一粒一粒拣盐,肯定是得不了 优胜的。如果你懂得一点静电的知识,要想取得优胜,就轻而易举了。参赛 者听到裁判“开始”的口令后,把塑料汤勺先在毛衣或别的毛料布上摩擦一 会儿,然后把汤勺逐渐靠近盐和胡椒面的混合物。这时,胡椒面就会跳起来 吸附在塑料汤勺上。用这个方法,你会很快把盐粒和胡椒面分开。这是因为 塑料汤勺经过摩擦带有电荷,产生了吸引力,胡椒面比盐粒轻,所以被吸起 来。注意,你不要把汤勺放得太低,否则盐粒也会被吸起来。






已完结,累计13万字 | 最近更新:第三章



图书在版编目(CIP)数据小学生英语四合一阅读组合训练. 五年级:提高版 /

黄侃主编. —南京: 南京大学出版社, 2020.4

ISBN 9787305231001Ⅰ. ①小…Ⅱ. ①黄…Ⅲ. ①英语阅读教学小学

习题集Ⅳ. ①G624.315中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2020)第046706号出版发行南京大学出版社

社址南京市汉口路22号邮编 210093














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任务型阅读要求学生在任务的引导下展开阅读,问题设置不仅具有真实性、情境性和开放性,而且还有很强的交际性,它改变过去阅读理解“单向信息输入”的情况,而侧重“主动信息输出”。任务型阅读考查学生的思维能力、分析能力、词汇能力以及挖掘语言含义的能力。它要求学生在把握原文的基础上进行信息的重组和加工,运用规范、准确的语言完成相应的图表。任务型阅读主要考查学生收集信息、整理信息、处理信息和运用信息的能力,实质是考查学生 “用语言做事”的能力。首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中的若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让学生根据短文的意思把单词拼写正确,使文章连贯。学生们在通读全文,掌握大意的前提下,采用先易后难,再逐项填空的应试策略,做题时要通过字里行间来捕捉信息,既要理清逻辑,又要综合考虑,最后通过复读全文来消除疏漏。




Unit 11Unit 27Unit 312Unit 418Unit 524Unit 630Unit 735Unit 841Unit 946Unit 1052Unit 1158Unit 1263Unit 1368Unit 1474Unit 1580Unit 1686Unit 1792Unit 1898答案与解析105

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时幸福的奥秘记叙文★★★5分钟分钟Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often 1 sad and lonely.

One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small 2 was trapped unluckily in a bush. The butterfly tried to fly away 3 failed. The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great care. Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned 4 a beautiful fairy(仙女). The little girl was very surprised(感到惊讶的).

“Thank you for saving(拯救) me. You are so kind. I will make any of your dreams come true.” said the fairy.

The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I want to be happy!”

The fairy said, “Very well. I will help you.” And she said something in the little girls ear. Then the fairy disappeared(消失).

As the kind little girl grew up, she was 5 ready to help people in need and was popular among the villagers. No one in the village was as happy as she was. Everyone asked her the secret(秘密) of her happiness. She always smiled and 6, “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind fairy when I was a little girl.”

When the kind girl became a very old woman and was dying, the neighbours in the 7 all gathered(聚拢) around her bed because they were 8 that her secret of happiness would die with her. They asked, “Please tell us what the kind fairy said.”

The lovely old woman still 9 and said, “She told me that everyone needed me, no matter how safe they seemed, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or 10. She said that helping others would make me happy all my life.”


() 1. A. thought B. found C. sounded D. felt

() 2. A. butterfly B. bird C. snake D. squirrel

() 3. A. so B. or C. but D. as

() 4. A. on B. up C. into D. down

() 5. A. always B. never C. seldom D. hardly

() 6. A. asked B. hoped C. answered D. refused

() 7. A. village B. town C. city D. world

() 8. A. excited B. pleased C. glad D. afraid

() 9. A. shouted B. cried C. smiled D. jumped

()10. A. young B. great C. nice D. quiet


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时迎接夏天说明文★★4分钟分钟The weather is getting warmer. Summer is coming soon. In the UK, people have a special way to welcome summer. They hold the Jack in the Green parade(游行) every May.

The most important part of the parade is to “kill” the tree fairy Jack. Usually, a person dresses up like Jack. Someone uses a wooden sword(剑) to “kill” Jack. This way, Jack releases(释放) the spirit of the summer. Some people get leaves from Jack. They think this gives them good luck.

People in the parade wear green clothes. For example, they wear leaves, tree branches(树枝) and even flowers. They dance and play traditional music.


() 1. Why do people hold a parade?

A. To welcome spring.B. To welcome summer.

C. To welcome autumn.D. To welcome winter.

() 2. When is the parade?

A. In summer. B. In May. C. In June. D. In July.

() 3. Who is Jack?

A. A British. B. An actor. C. A tree fairy. D. A prince.

() 4. What is the most important part in parade?

A. Dressing up as the tree fairy.

B. Getting leaves from Jack.

C. “Killing” the tree fairy with a wooden sword.

D. They dance and play traditional music.

() 5. Which clothes people will not dress in parade?

A. Tree branches. B. Leaves. C. Banana. D. Flowers.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时童话大王说明文★★4分钟分钟Hans Christian Andersen(安徒生) is the most famous Dane(丹麦人).

He was born in a small village in Denmark(丹麦) about 200 years ago. His family was very poor. His father was a shoemaker. His mother was a cleaning lady(清洁女工).

When Andersen was a boy, he disliked going to school. But he liked reading. There were always books in Andersens house.

But, unfortunately(不幸的是), when Andersen was 10, his father died. Andersen had to leave school to work. He worked at a theater. He tried out(尝试过) as a ballet(芭蕾) dancer, as a singer and as an actor. But he failed at all of these things. When he was 17, he wrote two plays(剧本). But his spelling was very bad.

So, he had to go back to school. He got the money from the boss of the theater. He graduated(毕业) from a university(大学). Then, he began to write fairy tales for kids. He wrote over 100 fairy tales in his life.


() 1. Andersen lives in a rich family.

() 2. Andersen doesnt like studying, but he likes reading.

() 3. When Andersen was 17, he began to write fairy tales.

() 4. Andersen gets a job at theater, and never goes to the university.

() 5. Children like Andersens fairy tale very much.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时松动的牙齿记叙文★★4分钟分钟In the morning, I brush my teeth. Oh, no! My tooth! Its loose(松动的)!

On the bus to school, my loose tooth moves. I can twist it around, left and right, back and forth. My tooth stays loose. The other kids do not have loose teeth. Its just not fair. I want it out! But wait. Youll see, the tooth fairy will visit me. I hop(单脚跳) around on one foot, trying to get it to drop out. I get tired. But the tooth is still there!

Then, one day, while Im at lunch... My tooth ends up in what I am eating. “Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!” I shout. “My tooth! My tooth! Its finally out!” But, now there is a hole in my mouth. It will fill up later.

Do you know how?A new tooth will take its place!


() 1. When does the boy find his tooth loose?

A. In the afternoon. B. In the morning.

C. In the evening. D. At night.

() 2. When does the boy find his loose tooth move?

A. At home. B. At school.

C. After school. D. On the bus to school.

() 3. What does the boy think when he find the other kids do not have loose teeth?

A. Its fine. B. Its not fair.

C. Its okay. D. Its right.

() 4. Who does he think will visit him?

A. Santa Claus. B. The dentist.

C. The tooth fairy. D. Grandparents.

() 5. How does he feel as the tooth out?

A. Happy. B. Sad.

C. Puzzled. D. Okay.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时仙子舞会记叙文★★★5分钟分钟Lettice is making daisy chains(雏菊花环). Two fairies come to her: “Rabbit, our Queen needs your daisy chains for the Fairy Ball(仙子舞会) in Fairyland(仙境).”

“Id like to go to Fairyland. But Im too big!”

“We will sprinkle(洒) fairy dust(精灵粉) on you,” giggles(咯咯笑) a fairy.

Suddenly, Lettice is no bigger than a leaf! Happily, Lettice dashes into the hole after the fairies.

“Quickly, now,” the fairies say, “its time to put on our best clothes to welcome the Queen. Close your eyes!” Lettice stands still. She feels something soft dropping over her ears. Its the prettiest little fairy dress.

The Fairy Queen arrives! She is riding in a carriage and her reins(缰绳) are Lettices daisy chains!

“Welcome, little rabbit. Thank you for my beautiful reins!” smiles the Queen, holding out a tiny bracelet(手镯). “This is for you. It will grant(让……实现) you one wish—use it well.”


Who is invited to the Fairy Ball?Lettice the 1.Where is the Fairy Ball?Its in 2.Why does Lettice go to Fairyland?

Why do the fairies sprinkle fairy dust on Lettice?The Fairy Queen needs 3 4 5 for the Fairy Ball in Fairyland.

To let Lettice no bigger than 6 7.Whats the use of daisy chains?

Whats special about the bracelet?They are used to be the Fairy Queens 8.

It will grant Lettice 9 10.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时那是你的斧子吗?记叙文★★★5分钟分钟One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood(木头) near a river. Suddenly his o1 axe(斧子) fell into the water. He felt very s2 because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a b3 fairy(仙女) came out and asked the man what the matter was.

“I have lost my axe.” he said, “It fell i4 the water when I was cutting the wood.”

The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is that yours?”

“No.” said the man.

The fairy then showed him a silver(银) axe and asked again, “Is this yours?”

“No.” again answered the man.

Then she showed him the old axe.

“Yes, that is mine.” called out the h5 man.

“I know it well enough.” said the fairy, “I only wanted to see if you would t6 me the truth, and now Ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides(包括) your own one.”


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时我梦想中的教室说明文★★4分钟分钟Id like to tell you about my dream classroom in the future. My classroom will be very 1, so we can do lots of 2 in the classroom. In summer, it will be cool and in winter it will be 3, so it will be very comfortable(舒适的)to 4 in it. There will be a beautiful garden in front of it. We can see many trees and flowers in it. There will 5 be a cable TV in our classroom and we can watch it at noon. 6 will have a computer on the desk, so we can read 7 on the Internet. The lessons will be more interesting. We wont use pens or pencils any more. We will 8 computers to do our homework instead. The teachers wont use chalk to write on the blackboard. They will 9 the lessons 10 the help of the computer.


() 1. A. busy B. beautiful C. big D. bad

() 2. A. tasks B. activities C. actions D. games

() 3. A. cold B. hot C. warm D. mild

() 4. A. work B. play C. finish D. study

() 5. A. also B. else C. other D. too

() 6. A. Everyone B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Someone

() 7. A. books B. ebooks C. information D. pictures

() 8. A. bring B. use C. take D. watch

() 9. A. get B. give C. teach D. put

() 10. A. without B. at C. with D. in


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时 居住在地下说明文★★★5分钟分钟It is dark and cold underground. But many animals live happy and colorful lives there. Do you want to visit them?


We are shy and slow. We sleep during winter. When spring comes, we go out to look for fruit and vegetables. We hide them in our house. Every February, people in North America bring us out. They ask us to predict the weather. They believe we are good at it. Oh please, I want to go back to my bed!


There are many rooms in our castle(城堡), such as bedrooms, dining rooms, toilets and baby rooms. In order to build it, we move a lot of soil. If you see a small “hill” on the ground, you may find us under it.

Burrowing owl(穴居猫头鹰)

Im an owl. But I dont like to stay in trees. I take this house from other animals. Then I cover it with poop(粪便). It can help hide my scent(气味). My enemies cannot find me. And in this way, I can tell other owls, “Hey! This house is mine!”


() 1. Who can guess the weather?

A. Groundhog. B. Ant. C. Owl. D. Bee.

() 2. When can people see the groundhog?

A. December. B. October. C. February. D. January.

() 3. Where can you find ants house?

A. Under the soil.B. In the tree.

C. Under the poop.D. On the tree.

() 4. How does burrowing owl have its house?

A. By building it.B. By taking it from others.

C. By pooping.D. By borrowing.

() 5. Which one is true?

A. Groundhog doesnt like sleeping.B. There is only one room in ants house.

C. Poop can hide owls scent.D. Owls sleep during spring.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时甜甜的家说明文★★4分钟分钟Mmm...this house smells so sweet. Oh, wow! It is a chocolate house in Paris. A French artist made it with chocolate! He used 1.5 tons of chocolate. Everything in the house is chocolate. For example, the door, windows, cups, clock and books. Only the bed is not chocolate.

Will the house melt? Dont worry. It is inside a glass house. It stays at just the right temperature. It doesnt melt. The house can hold four people. Do you want to stay inside it?


() 1. The house is made of chocolate.

() 2. The bed in the house is chocolate.

() 3. The house is in the open air.

() 4. Temperature is important to the house.

() 5. Five people can stay in the house at the same time.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时我们班级说明文★★4分钟分钟There are fortyeight students in our class. There are twentythree boys and twenty five girls. Some students live near the school, and some others live very far from the school. About half of the students come to school by bike. They often get to school at a quarter to seven. About ten students often come to school by bus. They often go to school very early, too. Another ten students come to school on foot. Their homes are near the school, but they are often late for school, because they get up very late.


() 1. More than half of the students usually come to school .

A. very late B. very early C. by bus D. on foot

() 2. Some students are often late for school because .

A. their homes are far from the school

B. they go to school on foot

C. they get up very late

D. they dont like going to school

() 3. About students go to school by bike.

A. fortyeight B. ten C. twenty D. twentyfour

() 4. About ten students often come to school by bus because .

A. their homes are not near the school

B. they dont have any bikes

C. they cant ride bikes

D. they want to go to school very early

() 5. How many students live near from the school?

A. About thirtyeight.B. About twenty.

C. About ten. D. About twentyfive.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时世界上最安静的房间说明文★★★5分钟分钟Every day, there are many different kinds of sounds around us. How does it feel to stay in a very quiet room?

There is a room like this at Microsoft(微软公司), US. It is the quietest place in the world. The sound in the room is even quieter than your breathing(呼吸).

The room is quite small. It is about 6.36 meters wide on each side. Microsoft uses the room to test the sounds of headphones(耳机) and mice(鼠标).

The room has six walls. Each wall is about 30cm thick. The room is on the 87th floor. It stays far from outside noise. There are 68 springs(弹簧) under the room. This way, the room doesnt touch the floor at all. Sounds from the floor cannot go into the room.

However, in this room, small sounds become very loud inside. You can hear the sound of your own breathing and heartbeat(心跳). People feel uncomfortable(不舒服的). Nobody can spend more than 45 minutes inside the room.


What is the quietest place in the world?Its a 1 at Microsoft.What is the room like?

What is the room used for?The room is quite 2. It is about 6.36 meters 3 on each side. The sound in the room is even 4 than your breathing.

The room is used to 5 the sounds of headphones and mice.Why the sounds cannot go into the room from the floor?It stays far from outside 6 and 7 from the floor cannot go into the room.How do people feel inside the room?People feel 8. Nobody can 9 in it for more than 3 10.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时这位是老师吗?记叙文★★★5分钟分钟My English teacher is very funny. He has really l1 hair and wears earring in one ear. He likes to w2 purple shirts and orange pants. He also uses all kinds of slang(俚语) words from 1970s. When he likes something, hell say its really “groovy(酷的)”. I t3 he played the guitar in a rock band when he was young.

The other day, he walked into class and noticed(注意) that there was a new student. He asked h4, “Hey,man, whats happening?” The student was very confused(困惑的), but we all laughed because we knew that the teacher was just saying h5. “Youre new, arent you?” The teacher asked. The student was surprised, and said to himself, “Is this the teacher? He l6 strange(奇怪).” Then he explained(解释) to all us, “Sorry. Maybe Im in the wrong classroom.”


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时人类最好的朋友说明文★★★5分钟分钟In America, when people say “mans best friend”, they dont mean 1 person. Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal: a dog! These words show the friendship between people and 2. Dogs and other pets can give 3 to peoples lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their 4 when they die!

Animals can help people, too. Dogs can be taught to become the “5” for a blind(瞎的) person or “6” for a deaf(聋的) person. Scientists(科学家们) have found that pets help people live 7! They make people happier, too. Because of that, animals are brought into hospitals for “visits”.

Americans hold “Be 8 to Animals Week”, the first week of May. Pet shows are held(举办) during the week. Even if you dont live in America, you, too, can do this. How? If you have a pet, take 9 time this week to play with it. Remember(记住) to give it delicious 10.

If you dont have a pet, be kind to animals around you. If you see a street(街道) dog, dont kick it or throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone(独自), or better yet, make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to an animal, try to stop them. As people, we must protect(保护) animals who cant speak for themselves.


() 1. A. another B. the other C. other D. others

() 2. A. persons B. people C. plants D. animals

() 3. A. sadness B. sad C. happiness D. happy

() 4. A. family B. pets C. children D. parents

() 5. A. eyes B. ears C. hands D. feet

() 6. A. eyes B. ears C. hands D. feet

() 7. A. alone B. together C. shorter D. longer

() 8. A. Bad B. Happy C. Nice D. Sad

() 9. A. less B. more C. no D. some

()10. A. food B. meat C. drink D. milk


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时调皮的鹦鹉记叙文★★4分钟分钟“Help me! Help me!” Neighbors hear a child crying in a house. They call the police. Policemen come and knock at the door. “Help me! Help me!” the child is still crying! But no one answers the door.

Policemen kick the door open. They run into the house to rescue(救) the child. No one there. Its so strange!

Look, there is a big white parrot! “Hello,” the parrot says. It was the parrot! The parrot cried for help.

Now the master Ellen is back. She says the parrot is 10 years old. Its name is Luna. Luna loves watching TV. It learns many English words from TV. What a clever and naughty parrot!


() 1. Who calls the police?

A. Neighbors. B. Ellen. C. Luna. D. Lucy.

() 2. Who is crying in the house?

A. A child. B. A parrot. C. Ellen. D. A girl.

() 3. What does Luna like doing?

A. Luna likes learning English words.B. Luna likes crying.

C. Luna likes watching TV.D. Luna likes playing outside.

() 4. Which one is NOT true?

A. Luna is smart.B. Luna is naughty.

C. Luna is a fat parrot.D. Luna is 10 years old.

() 5. Which one is true?

A. Police find a child in the house.

B. Ellen has an animal friend called Luna.

C. Luna cannot say words.

D. Ellen doesnt like Luna.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时谁的年纪最大?说明文★★4分钟分钟We often say, “May you live a hundred years!(祝你长命百岁)” Greenland sharks(格陵兰鲨鱼) might not be happy to hear this. That is because they can live much longer than a hundred years.

These sharks live in the North Atlantic(北大西洋). They can live for as long as 272 years. Some can even live over 500 years! “The cold water helps them live so long.” scientists say. But Greenland sharks are not the oldest animals in the sea. Sponges(海绵) can live longer than them. Yes, sea sponges are animals. They can live for 11,000 years!

We can also find very old clams(蛤) in the sea. There was one called Ming. It was born in the Ming Dynasty(明代). It died when it was 507. The oldest animal on land is Jonathan. He is a 185yearold Aldabra giant tortoise(亚达伯拉象龟).


() 1. Greenland shark cannot live two hundred years.

() 2. The cold water can help Greenland shark to live.

() 3. Sponge is not animal.

() 4. Sponge lives shorter than sharks.

() 5. Jonathan lives longer than Ming.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时照顾好你的宠物说明文★★4分钟分钟Many people like animals and keep one or more as pets(宠物)—dogs, cats or some kinds of birds. If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must know how to look after them. A grownup(成年)dog needs two meals a day—not more. And it can eat meat, fish, rice and some other things. Dogs like big bones(骨头), but dont give them chicken bones. Remember to give them much clean water.

A dog should have a clean, dry box for sleeping. Washing it once a week is good for its health. If it is ill, take it to a doctor. A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.

Be careful when you have chosen(选择) a cat. It has two meals a day with some meat of fish. Cats drink a little milk everyday. Sometimes you should give them vegetables to eat. Dont forget that they need clean water to drink.

Take good care of your pets. They will be your good friends. Maybe they can give you some help when you need.


() 1. Many people keep as pets.

A. pandas B. elephants C. chickensD. cats

() 2. What do dogs like eating?

A. All the bones. B. Big bones.

C. Chicken bones. D. Small bones.

() 3. A healthy dog can you happiness.

A. makeB. giveC. takeD. bring

() 4. Cats usually drink .

A. orangeB. milkC. water D. milk and water

() 5. Will pets be peoples friends?

A. No, I dont think so.B. Yes, but only a little.

C. Yes, they will.D. No, they wont.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时《功夫熊猫3》说明文★★4分钟分钟Do you remember the panda called Po? He is the Kung Fu Panda and a noodle maker. Many years ago, he lost his dad. In the new movie Kung Fu Panda 3, Po finds his dad, Li Shan. He eats a lot. He is a fat panda.

Po goes back to the Secret Panda Village with his dad. He was born(出生) here. He meets many cute pandas. They live happily in the village.

But Kai comes. He is a strong ox(公牛) and a super villain(坏蛋). He has green glowing(发光的) eyes. When he beats a kung fu master, he steals(偷) his or her powers. Then he gets stronger. He wants to beat all the kung fu masters(大师) around China. Po has to stop him. He tries to train pandas in the village into Kung Fu Pandas. Can he do it? Will they beat Kai? You can find the answers in the movie.


Who is the panda called Po?

Who is the panda called Li Shan?Po is the Kung Fu 1 and a 2 maker.

Li Shan is Pos 3. He eats a lot. He is 4.Where do they go in Kung Fu Panda 3?They go back to the Secret Panda Village where he was 5. In the 6 he 7 many cute pandas and they live happily.Why does the villain Kai beats Kung fu 8?Because he 9 his or her powers when he beats a kung fu master. Then he gets 10. Will the pandas beat Kai?We can find the answers in the movie Kung Fu Panda 3.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时加拿大人的好朋友说明文★★★5分钟分钟In Canada, you can find dogs, cats, and horses in almost every f1. These are their pets. People love pets and regard(看待) them as their good friends. Before they take them to their houses, they t2 them to animal hospitals to give them injections(预防针). They spend(花费) about two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal f3. When you go to Canadian peoples homes, they will be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find almost(几乎) every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All k4 of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is able to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing w5 animals. If you kill an animal, you will be punished.

People in Canada love animals very much. Do you know why? One of the reasons may be: in their families when children grow u6, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old people feel lonely. But pets can solve(解决) this problem(问题). They can be good friends and never leave them.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时大卫的爱好说明文★★★5分钟分钟Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking 1 animals. 2 can make you grow, develop(发展) your interests and help you learn new skills.

David Smith is a student. His hobby is 3. In senior high school, he wrote a book and it came out in 2007. Many teenagers(青少年) 4 his book. As a result, David is a successful(有成就的) young 5now.

David is very lucky 6 his hobby has brought(带来) him enjoyment and success. But he thinks of writing 7 only one of his many hobbies or interests. He is 8 in many other things.“I like playing badminton(羽毛球), too.”says David. And he is a member of the school badminton team.

Remember that we 9 spend all our time on our favorite hobby. There are many other interesting things 10 in life, and we should try to do something new or different.


() 1. A. at B. for C. up D. after

() 2. A. Friends B. HobbiesC. HabitsD. Life

() 3. A. reading B. paintingC. writing D. fishing

() 4. A. like B. showC. hateD. sell

() 5. A. writer B. editor C. scientistD. lawyer(律师)

() 6. A. thoughB. becauseC. however D. if

() 7. A. asB. withC. for D. to

() 8. A. interesting B. interest C. interested D. interests

() 9. A. shouldB. shouldnt C. must D. neednt

()10. A. making B. to makeC. doing D. to do


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时我们来放风筝吧说明文★★4分钟分钟What a party of animals in the sky! It is the biggest kite festival in Sydney(悉尼), Australia. Many people fly their kites at the beach. More than 40,000 people come to see the kites.

Popular kites in China look like birds or butterflies. But here at the festival, dogs, bears and whales fly everywhere.

Kite flying is also a healthy activity. It is good for eyes. When we look at the flying kites in the sky, our eyes relax(放松).

Chinese people invented(发明) the kite about 2,000 years ago. They used kites to send news to others. In the Tang Dynasty(唐朝), flying kites became a game.


() 1. Where is the biggest kite festival?

A. America. B. Australia. C. China. D. Austria.

() 2. Which one looks like the kite in China?

A. Bear kite. B. Cat kite. C. Dragon kite. D. Butterfly kite.

() 3. What is kite flying good for?

A. Eyes. B. Arms. C. Hands. D. Shoulders.

() 4. When did flying kite become a game?

A. 2000 years ago.B. In the Ming Dynasty.

C. In the Tang Dynasty.D. In the Yuan Dynasty.

() 5. Which one is true?

A. People fly kites in front of their houses.

B. Kites in China look different from kites in Australia.

C. In kite festival, people use kite to send news to others.

D. Kite flying is not a healthy activity.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时水滑梯说明文★★★5分钟分钟Summer is here. Its time to have fun in the water. What kind of activity do you like best? Swimming is good. It helps you cool down. But how about a water slide(水滑梯)? You sit in the water and fly down the slide. Whoosh! It is so exciting.

Why are water slides so fun? There is science behind it.

Water is the key(关键). It creates a slippery surface(光滑的表面) on the slide. So people can go down quickly. It is faster than the slides on the playground.

Water slides also have many slopes(坡度) and curves(转弯). Slides with big slopes are usually very tall. Slides with many curves can change your direction quickly. They all make you go down even faster. Thats the best part of a water slide.

The worlds tallest water slide is in Brazil(巴西). It is about 41 meters tall. That means it is taller than a 10story building. People can go as fast as a car on this slide.


() 1. On a water slide, you can go down slowly.

() 2. Slides with many slopes are always very tall.

() 3. The curves on the slide can change your speed.

() 4. The tallest water slide is in Brazil.

() 5. The tallest water slide is 10story building tall.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时《小王子》说明文★★4分钟分钟Do you like the story of the little prince? A new movie about the book was on.

A little girl lives with her strict(严厉的) mom. The little girls neighbor(邻居) is an interesting old pilot. He has an old plane. He tells the little girl about his story.

His plane doesnt work and lands in the desert. There he meets the little prince. The little prince lives on a small planet(星球) with a beautiful rose. He loves the rose very much, but the rose tells a lie to him. The little prince is sad and leaves(离开) the planet. He visits other planets and meets many people. But these people are not friendly to him. At last the little prince arrives on the earth.

The little girl is very interested in the story. She wants to fly the old pilots plane to meet the little prince. Now she begins her trip.

If you are interested in the movie, come to the cinema. You will have lots of fun watching it.


() 1. What does the girls neighbor do?

A. A doctor.B. An actor.C. A pilot.D. A scientist.

() 2. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “lands” in Paragraph 3?

A. 盘旋 B. 着陆 C. 起飞 D. 滑行

() 3. Why does the little prince leave his planet?

A. Because the weather is bad.

B. Because he wants to have a trip.

C. Because the rose lies to him.

D. Because he wants to look for the girl.

() 4. Where does the little prince arrive in the end?

A. On a small planet.B. On the earth.

C. On the sun.D. On the moon.

() 5. After listening to the story, what does the girl want to do?

A. She wants to look for the little prince.

B. She wants to help the old pilot to fix the plane.

C. She wants to fly to another planet.

D. She wants to grow many roses.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时想你,罗格说明文★★4分钟分钟Do you know Roger the kangaroo? He was a big star in Australia. He was famous for his muscles(肌肉). Unfortunately(不幸地), Roger passed away this month. We will all miss him.

Roger was about 2 meters tall. He weighed nearly 90 kilograms. He was so strong! Rogers hobby was crushing metal buckets(压瘪铁桶). He also liked boxing with people.

There are many kangaroos in Australia. There are about 50 million kangaroos, about twice the number of people there! The kangaroos eat grass and destroy land(毁坏土地). Sometimes they even hurt people. Scientists said maybe we can eat some of them. Now you can find kangaroo meat in Australian supermarkets. There are kangaroo burgers and steaks(肉排).


Who is Roger?He was a 1 in 2.How is Roger?Roger was about 2 meters 3. He weighed nearly 90 kilograms. He was so 4! What are Rogers favorite 5?He 6 crushing metal buckets and 7 with people.What is the 8 side of millions of kangaroos in Australia?The kangaroos eat 9, destroy land and sometimes even 10 people. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时良好的爱好说明文★★★5分钟分钟Reading books is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.

First, reading books is f1. You can always keep yourself interested(感兴趣的) and help you to have an enjoyable time if you like reading. This is especially(尤其) useful when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing(放松的) hobby too. You can really become lost in a book.

Next, you can read a book anywhere: in a car, in a waitingroom, on a plane, in bed—even in the bath. All you n2 is a book! Reading is a convenient(方便的) hobby as it is easy to stop and then start again.

A3 good reason for reading books is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby you will get better and better at it. This m4 that you will read faster and will become better at understanding what you read. As your reading improves(提高), you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much easier. Many school subjects depend on(依靠) good reading and, as you read, you learn more and more.

Some people say that reading is out of date(过时). This is not t5. You have to be able to read to use a computer and, the better you read, the better your computer skills will be. Reading is never out of date!

Good readers are most likely to be good w6, too. They are usually good at spelling as well, and have more things to write about. Reading books is a wonderful hobby, one of the best. What other hobby could be more useful, or more enjoyable?


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时你的城市有外来务工人员吗?说明文★★★5分钟分钟Are there migrant workers(外来务工人员) in your city? Do you ever 1 them? If you live in Beijing, the laughing has to 2. The new rules 3 Beijing students say kids must stop making fun of migrant workers.

Many migrant workers have 4 faces. They wear old clothes. And they speak their own dialects(方言). They 5 the big city people. Big city parents have nice office jobs, the stores sell nice things and the kids wear nice clothes.

But do you know 6 migrant workers came to our city? They could not find a job in their hometown. Now, they have to make money to send home. They live 7 their families.

These workers are helping make our cities look great. In Beijing, there are about 4 million migrant workers. They are building the new subway and roads. They are 8 new apartments(公寓) and office building. They are one of the reasons 9 Beijing has become such a big, modern city.

Our city is just a small part of the big country. There are lots of types of people in China with different lives and different problems. So, dont just look down upon(看不起) someone who is different. Try to 10 them and understand them.


() 1. A. help B. laugh at C. play a trick on D. play a joke on

() 2. A. begin B. over C. go on D. end

() 3. A. to B. about C. for D. of

() 4. A. dark B. smiling C. nice D. bright

() 5. A. dislike B. like C. are like D. are different from

() 6. A. why B. how C. when D. where

() 7. A. with B. near C. close to D. far away from

() 8. A. putting up B. putting on C. putting in D. putting off

() 9. A. that B. which C. why D. so

()10. A. help B. take care of C. protect D. respect


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时世界上最酷的工作——乐高玩家说明文★★4分钟分钟Do you like playing Lego? If yes, you will want to meet this man, Duncan Titmarsh. He spends all day playing with Lego bricks. He gets paid(获得报酬) to do it, too. His job is to make Lego models(模型).

There are only 14 Lego Certified Professionals(乐高认证职业玩家) around the world. Duncan is the only one from the UK. He makes many models. The models are worth a lot.

Duncan made a 12metertall Lego Christmas tree in 2012. He used about 400,000 bricks. The tree weighed(重) more than three tons(吨). Duncan and his two teammates spent two weeks building.

“I liked to play Lego when I was a child,” Duncan said. “Lego builder is my dream job. It is the best job in the world, but it is hard work. Fun, but hard work.”


() 1. Where is Duncan from?

A. The United States. B. The United Kingdom.

C. China. D. The United Nation.

() 2. What Lego model did Duncan make in 2012?

A. A Christmas tree. B. A horse.

C. A brick. D. A house.

() 3. How much does the Lego model weigh?

A. 1 ton. B. 2.5 tons.

C. 3.5 tons. D. 3 tons.

() 4. Which one is true?

A. Duncan makes Lego model alone.

B. Duncan is happy with his job.

C. There are many Lego Certified Professionals in the world now.

D. Duncan didnt play Lego until he went to college.

() 5. Why does Duncan want to be a Lego builder?

A. Because this job is easy to do.

B. Because building Lego can get money.

C. Because he wants to be rich.

D. Because Duncan likes Lego.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时世界上最年轻的总监记叙文★★4分钟分钟Sam Pointon is 6. He lives in England. He got a job as a director of fun(游乐总监). How did he get it?

His dad read a piece of news in a newspaper. It was about the retirement(退休) of Mr. Scott, the director of the National Railway Museum(国家铁路博物馆馆长). He said to Sam: “It would be your dream job.” Sam wanted to try. He wrote to the museum. He wanted to be the director.

He wrote: “I have an electric train track(电动火车轨道). I am good on it. I can control(控制) two trains at one time.”

The bosses agreed(同意). Sam got the job. He said happily: “It is the best job in the world. I love it. It is good fun. I got this job, so I wont go to school.” But his mom told him that he still has to go to school.


() 1. Sams mom tells him to write a letter to the National Railway Museum.

() 2. Sam can control two trains on electric train track.

() 3. Sam is director of the National Railway Museum now.

() 4. Sam likes his new job very much.

() 5. Sam will not go to school.


题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时史密斯先生学中文记叙文★★4分钟分钟Mr Smith is an English teacher. He comes from America. He has a daughter. Her name is Amy, and she is a good engineer in New York. Mr Smith likes traveling very much, and he can speak Spanish very well. Now he is in China, so he wants to learn some Chinese. He works very hard at his Chinese, and goes to Chinese classes every evening. He has a lot of friends in China and they often help him. He likes to talk with them. He tells his daughter that he can speak good Chinese, and he doesnt have anytrouble(麻烦) with his Chinese, but the Chinese have a lot.


() 1. Mr Smith works in .

A. a hospital B. a police station C. a school D. a restaurant

() 2. Mr Smith is good at(擅长).

A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Spanish D. French

() 3. He learns Chinese .

A. very well B. not very well C. we dont know D. very good

() 4. Where does he learn Chinese?

A. In an evening school. B. At home.

C. In his friends home. D. In a park.

() 5. Does he study very hard?

A. Yes, he doesnt. B. No, he doesnt.

C. Yes, he does. D. No, he dont.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时我是一只美人鱼说明文★★★5分钟分钟Did you read the story The Little Mermaid(《小美人鱼》)? Whats it about? Do you like the mermaid? Now, there is a beautiful “mermaid” in real life. She is the professional(职业的) “mermaid”, Hannah Fraser.

Hannah Fraser is an Australian. She is 37. She started to work as a “mermaid ” in Sydney Aquarium(水族馆) when she was 27. Her job is to swim among coral reefs(珊瑚礁) with dolphins(海豚), whales(鲸), and even sharks. She can hold her breath(屏住呼吸) for five minutes under water. She takes on shows in the water around the world. She calls on(号召) people to protect(保护) the oceans.

“I am a ‘mermaid’,” Fraser says. “I was interested in mermaids when I was a child. With my parents help, I made a mermaid tail with plastic(塑料) at age 9.” At first, Fraser was afraid of sharks because she thought they were fierce(凶猛的). But later, she tried her best to conquer(克服) this kind of fear. “I thought if I want to be a professional ‘mermaid’, I must face my fear of sharks and I must be careful,” she said.


Who is Hannah Fraser?She is the professional “1”.Where is she?She 2 as a “mermaid ” in Sydney Aquarium in Australia.What does she do?She 3 among coral reefs with dolphins, whales, and even sharks. She can hold her breath for five minutes 4water. She takes on 5 in the water around the world. Why does she work as a “mermaid”?Because she was interested in mermaids when she was a 6. And she made a mermaid 7 with plastic with her parents help when she was 8 years old.How does Hannah conquer the 9 of sharks?She thought if she want to be a professional “mermaid”, she must 10her fear of sharks and she must be careful.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时你们的父母都工作吗?记叙文★★4分钟分钟My father went out to work. He was a f1 worker, and he often worked out 12 hours a day. My mum wanted to work. She was a teacher b2 she met my father. Looking a3 us was a fulltime job, so she stayed at h4. Today its normal for married(已婚的) women to go out to work, but it was less common(正常的) in the p5. My father had the same job the whole of his working life. These days people change t6 jobs much more often.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

题目体裁难度建议用时实际用时 我的家记叙文★★4分钟分钟My name is David. I live in a big house with my 1. Our house 2 not near a city. It is twenty kilometers(公里) 3 the nearest(最近的) city. There are six people in my family. I live with my parents, my two sisters and my brother. Our house has two floors. There 4 a living room, four bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. I share a bedroom 5 my brother, Simon. Each of my two sisters 6 a bedroom. Our house has a big garden 7 lots of flowers. I like 8 in the garden with my brother and 9. At weekends my school friends come to see me. We play in the garden. 10 it rains, we play in the room. Our home is a nice place to live in. I have fun with my friends and family in our house.