METS测试与评析(三级) 9.2
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METS测试与评析. 三级 / 饶辉, 龙芸主编. 南京:

南京大学出版社, 2018.12


Ⅰ. ①M… Ⅱ. ①饶… ②龙… Ⅲ. ①医学-英语-水

平考试-自学参考资料 Ⅳ. ①R










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Ⅰ. 听力

Part One信息匹配短对话55

Part Two信息判断长对话88

Part Three多项选择长对话77

Part Four填写信息短文或


Ⅱ. 阅读

Part One信息匹配短文1010

Part Two多项选择短文77

Part Three信息判断短文88

Part Four补全短文短文55

Part Five完形填空短文10104560

Ⅲ. 写作短文写作提纲、情景






Part One信息匹配


从近几年的真题来看,开篇的5段对话选段相对比较容易,内容主要是医生向患者解释病情或检查。对话选段中经常用到有关身体部位、疾病、症状、检查或治疗的医学词汇。近几年考题涉及的有关身体部位的词汇有brain, heart, liver, pupil, spine, bladder, panceas, humerus, intestine, extremities, blood vessel等;有关疾病的词汇有cold, cancer, angina, cystitis, fracture, hepatitis, melanoma, pneumonia, sleeplessness, tuberculosis, athletes foot等;有关症状的词汇有tender, dilated, allergic, enlarged, cough, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, headache, dehydration, sore throat, infrequent urination, clear nasal discharge等;有关检查的词汇有EEG, Xray, endoscopy等;有关治疗的词汇有cream, aspirin, dilator, steroid, diuretic, antibiotic, penicillin, medication, plaster cast, laser therapy等。由此可见,该部分一般考查基本的医学词汇,但涉及的范围广。考试时,要充分利用播放指示语的时间迅速阅读各个选项,快速记住大意;之后,根据每段听力材料中重要的或特定的信息,将选项与之匹配。重要的信息一般会重复两到三次;特定的信息一般与选项中的信息一致。

Part Two信息判断


与第一部分相比,本部分的信息量较大,难度有所增加。从近年真题来看,医患之间的对话较为多见,也有对某个医学领域专家或学者的采访。医患之间的对话多发生在诊疗室,内容曾涉及hepatitis, stomachache, low back pain等常见疾病或症状。考题设计则多为对事实或细节的正误判断,如:“There is only one genotype of hepatitis C virus.”“The patient has both diabetes and hepatitis.”等;鲜有推理题或篇章题。

正误判断题在本质上是一种多项选择题,每道题有正确(True)、错误(False)以及没有提及(Not Given)等三个选项。其中,对所给句子作出正确的判断最为简单。答题时,听到的内容与题目相符,即可作出判断。对所给句子作出错误的判断稍难。所谓“错误”指的是题目中的陈述与听力材料中相应的内容不符。对所给句子作出未提及的判断最为困难。所谓“未提及”指的是听力材料没有涉及题目中的陈述。考试时,可用播放指示语的时间大致浏览所有选项,猜测对话的主题以及考点。播放对话时,逐个答题;对于第一次没有听清的事实或细节,第二次重点查听。

Part Three多项选择


第三部分和第二部分之间有不少相同之处,也有一些差异。相似之处在于,二者都是长对话,长度一致,且通常为医患之间的对话,偶见访谈;不同之处则在于第二部分的考题为事实题或细节题,仅需作出正误判断,而第三部分的考题不仅有事实题、细节题,还有推断题和归纳题,需选出正确答案。回顾近年真题,本部分的长对话曾涉及stroke, arthritis, acute nephritis, breathing problems等常见疾病或症状。如前所述,考题既有事实题、细节题,如:“What is the patients chief complaint?”也有推断题和归纳题,如:“Which of the following can be inferred?”由此可见,第三部分有一定难度,需认真作答。考试时,要充分利用播放指示语的时间迅速阅读考题,猜测对话的主题以及考点。播放对话时,可以答题;对于第一次没有听清,无法作答的考题,第二次重点查听。对于推断题和归纳题,听时可在试卷相应考题的空白处稍做笔记。

Part Four填写信息


与前三个部分相比,第四部分对考生的要求较高。考生不仅要听懂,还要写出重要的或特定的细节。从近几年的真题来看,本部分多为短文,内容曾涉及breast cancer, chronic pain, CTPET scan, colorectal cancer, primary health care, obsessivecompulsive disorder等。考生看到的是信息不全的短文概要,需根据所听内容,补全概要。这部分有5个空格,要求填写5个单词,多为医学词汇,比如:iron, abuse, bowel, genetic, mental, maternal, injection, behavioral, secondary, depressive, defecation, biochemical, metastasis, metabolizing, colonoscopy, osteoarthritis, epidemiologist, physiotherapist, noncommunicable, postmenopausal等,也有少量普通词汇,比如: monitor, lifestyle, findings, strenuous等。由此可见,多数单词较长,不易写对,少数单词比较简单。考试时,考生应在播放指示语时迅速浏览所给概要,猜测听力材料的话题和所缺内容。播放对话时,开始逐个答题。听到所缺内容后,不要急于全部记下,可用首字母、汉语或符号稍做笔记,以免因写已听到的信息而错过新信息。对于第一次没有听清的事实或细节,第二次重点查听。


三级听力试题有四个部分:信息匹配、信息判断、多项选择和填写信息。我们在前面对上述各部分的题型及解题技巧等作了简要说明。虽然熟悉题型和掌握技巧有助于提高答题的正确率,但是更重要的是平时的听力训练。没有持之以恒的练习,任何技巧都无济于事。因此,考生平时要多接触各类英语视听材料,如:TED(ideas worth spreading)、VOA、 BBC、ABC news等。如前所述,听力考试的前三部分基本是医患对话,涉及的内容广泛。备考时,应认真学习不同科室医生诊疗英语会话的结构和常用表达(包括如何询问主诉、病史、请患者配合检查、告知诊断结果以及治疗方案等);还应全面复习临床上常用的医学词汇,尽量做到听说读写“四会”。此外,第三部分听力材料也会从访谈中节选。考生平时可以多接触此类听力材料,如:《新英格兰医学杂志》官网上的访谈等。对于第四部分,考生应在平时重视单词的读音和拼写,方能正确填写所缺信息。总而言之,大量听力练习,辅以解题技巧才能提高听力部分的成绩。



Part One信息匹配

本部分考查考生理解医学短文(约500词)中重要信息以及归纳段落大意的能力。从近年真题来看,这部分一般为5—7段文字,内容涉及paper medicine, health benefit plans, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, approach to breaking bad news, how to take vital signs before performing CPR等。短文后面有两项考题:第一项考题考查考生归纳段落大意的能力;第二项考题则考查考生理解重要信息的能力。第一项考题中有6个选项,其中1个为干扰项。考生阅读相应段落后,总结其大意,并将这些信息与选项中相应的内容相匹配。有的段落有主旨句,位置在段首、段中或段末;有的段落没有主旨句,需要考生自己概括。阅读每一个段落、每一句话时,思考其大意,并分析每句话之间的关系;切忌力求读懂每个单词。一般来说,此项考题不难,易于得分。第二项考题也有6个选项,其中1个为干扰项。此项考题要求考生根据短文内容补全句子。答题时,先阅读所给句子,然后根据句子中的关键词(如:主语或谓语动词)从短文中寻找相关的内容。回顾历年真题,所填内容一般与医学相关,如:obese patients, lumbar puncture, motor neurons, muscle biopsy, medical records, emergency services, electronic case files, potential side effects等。由于段落大意和重要信息不易快速识别,因此建议做题前略读全文,做题时认真阅读相应段落或句子。总的来说,本部分属于信息匹配而且干扰项较少,难度不大。

Part Two多项选择


多项选择题被广泛用于国内外各级各类英语考试,如:雅思、托福、高考英语等,因此,METS三级考试也采用了这种题型。从近几年真题来看,这部分内容涉及的话题比较广泛,如:Ebola infection, drug development, Parkinsons disease, transplanted bacteria, pregnancy and smoking等,基本属于医学科普文章。这部分的细节题居多:有的考查考生理解明确的重要信息的能力,如:“According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, how many American women suffer from osteoporosis?”有的考查考生理解隐含的重要信息的能力,如:“According to the passage, the research reported in Science demonstrates that .”也有的考查考生理解文章主旨的能力,如:“The primary purpose of this passage is to .”还有词汇理解题,如:“What does the word ‘rodents’(in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph) refer to?”由此可见,与信息匹配题相比,多项选择题覆盖的内容较为广泛,而且干扰项较多,具有一定难度。对于这种题型,考生可以先大致浏览考题,带着问题阅读短文。对于某一道题,找到短文中相对应的内容后,可以直接选出正确答案,也可以运用排除法、推理法等方法确定正确答案。

Part Three信息判断

本部分考查考生理解医学短文(约400词)中明确或含蓄表达的重要信息的能力。题目要求考生在读懂全文的基础上,对给出的8个句子所表达的信息作出正确(True)、错误(False)或未提及(Not Given)的判断。

近几年真题中,这部分涉及的话题有medicare, safety announcement, early menopause and later depression, acquisition of clinical skills, vaccine to prevent cholera, the use of stem cells for treating lung diseases等。从考题来看,真题中仍以细节题居多,如:“The prefilled glass syringes may malfunction, break, or become clogged during the process of attempting to connect to needleless Ⅳ access systems”, “Postmenopausal depression has been offset by the use of hormone replacement therapy.”等。

如前所述,正误判断题在本质上是一种多项选择题。与第二部分多项选择题相比,这种题型较为简单。这部分每道题只有True, False以及Not Given等三个选项。其中,对所给句子作出正确的判断最为简单。答题时,找到题目在文中相对应的句子或段落,仔细阅读即可。对所给句子作出错误的判断稍难。所谓“错误”指的是题目中的陈述与文中相应的内容不同。对所给句子作出未提及的判断最为困难。所谓“未提及”指的是无法在文中找到题目中的陈述。对于这部分考题,仔细阅读,不难得分。

Part Four补全短文


近几年的真题曾涉及genes, narcolepsy, doctorpatient communication, flu and other viral infections, planning oncology clinic visits, importance of asking family members等内容。所缺句子一般位于段中,也有在段末的,鲜有在段首的。所缺句子或长,如:“When these pathogens spread throughout the body, they will inject their genetic material—comprised of RNA—inside of healthy cells, taking them over and replicating to form new viruses.”或短,如:“These proteins,they knew, are produced abundantly in the obese.”对于正确作答,所缺句子的位置或长短不是首要的,最重要的是句子与上下文之间的逻辑关系。因此,考试时,应先对整篇文章有整体的理解,特别是各个段落之间的关系,之后根据所缺句子的上下文选择最合适的句子。与阅读部分其他考题相比,本部分考题难度较大,对考生的逻辑思维能力要求较高。

Part Five完形填空


本部分题型为多项选择式完形填空,比开放式完形填空(不提供任何选项)简单一些,可综合考查考生的词汇、语法、篇章等不同语言层次的能力。最近几年的真题中,本部分的内容较为广泛,比如:vaccination, misuse of antibiotics, cluster of cancer cases, locating intramuscular injection sites, behavioral health screening in children, informed consent and the use of biospecimens in research等。纵观近年真题,本部分多数考题考查考生根据上下文选择恰当词汇的能力,特别是与医学相关的名词、动词、形容词等,如:fever, episode, evaluate, incidence, carcinogen, in vitro, undiagnosed等;也有一些题目考查语法或句子衔接。答题时,应先快速阅读全文,掌握文章主旨,然后根据主旨和上下文,逐个答题。第一遍作答时,如遇到无法短时完成的题目,可以暂时空着,继续答题。第二遍作答时,检查已完成的题目,完成未完成的题目。对于某一道题,根据全文主旨以及上下文,可以直接选出正确答案,也可以运用排除法、推理法等方法确定正确答案。



如何提高阅读部分的成绩?纵观历年真题,阅读部分涉及的话题十分广泛,包括疾病(如:Parkinsons disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis等),临床常规操作(如:approach to breaking bad news, how to take vital signs before performing CPR, acquisition of clinical skills等),药品(如:drug development, misuse of antibiotics等),医学研究成果(如:pregnancy and smoking, the use of stem cells for treating lung diseases等)等。因此,平时应广泛涉猎相关知识,具备一定常识。阅读材料可为教材、报纸、杂志等。国内医学英语阅读类教材比较多,可选择人民卫生出版社出版的《医学专业英语—阅读分册》、南京大学出版社出版的《医学英语阅读教程》等。不少英文报纸杂志都有健康栏目,比如:Readers Digest《读者文摘》, Scientific American《美国科学》,可在其官方网站阅读,非常方便。此外,还可以阅读世界卫生组织(WHO)、美国国立卫生研究院(the National Institutes of Health)等国外医疗机构网站上的内容。大量阅读不仅能够帮助我们增长医学知识,还能提高语言能力,特别是阅读能力。在大量阅读的基础上,可以利用高等教育出版社出版的《全国医护英语水平考试综合教程》及《全国医护英语水平考试应试指南》等全国医护英语水平考试系列用书,熟悉考试题型,掌握解题技巧。总而言之,大量阅读,辅以解题技巧才能提高阅读部分的成绩。


Part Six写作


本部分为命题作文,要求考生根据标题、提纲等给定的信息撰写短文。近几年真题的作文题目多为考生较为熟悉的,比如:what makes a good doctor/nurse, communication between doctors and patients, young peoples unhealthy lifestyles must be changed, there should be a limit to the number of patients a doctor can see in one day等。在理解题目的基础上,考生需要根据所给提纲构思作文的结构和具体内容。以there should be a limit to the number of patients a doctor can see in one day为例。给定提纲为“有必要限制每天门诊病人的数量”和“这样做的好处”。作文可以分成四段。第一段阐述观点:“有必要限制每天门诊病人的数量”。第二段列出对患者的好处。第三段阐述对医生的好处。第四段总结全文。语言要通顺、流畅、无语病。若能恰当使用排比、比喻、重复等常见的修辞手法,将为作文锦上添花。总而言之,作文的内容要切题、结构要清晰、语言要流畅。写作时,要尽量用英语思维,避免汉语的干扰。要想做到这点,平时就要加强阅读和写作训练。



(1) 一致性


(2) 连贯性

连贯性亦为英文写作的基本要求。同一致性一样,句子内部、段落内部以及篇章内部均需保持连贯性。句子连贯性指的是句子各个成分之间有机连接。国内的英语学习者最常犯的错误就是用逗号连接两个或两个以上完整的英文句子。这种错误叫做“逗号粘连错误”。造成这种错误的主要原因可能是受汉语的影响。在汉语中,我们可以用逗号分隔两个句子,如:“据说苏州园林有一百多处,我到过的不过十多处。”然而,在英语中,逗号没有这样的用法。同理,段落内各个句子之间,以及文章的各个段落之间都应保持有机连接。段落内部的连贯性主要依靠衔接手段来实现。英语中常用的衔接手段是重复关键词或短语,使用同义词、代词,连接性表达以及某些句型(如:平行结构)。其中,最常用的是连接性表达。按照语义,连接性表达可分为递进(如:also, and, besides, equally, furthermore, in addition, moreover, what is more)、比较(如:compared with, in comparison with, in the same way/manner, likewise, similarly)、对比(如: although, but, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, whereas, while, yet)、列举(如: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, in the first place, last, to begin with, next, then )、让步(如:although it is true that, granted that,it may appear, it may be the case that)、举例(如:for example, for instance, to illustrate, such as, let us take the case of)、总结(如:in all, in brief, to summarize, in summary, in short, in conclusion, therefore, in a nutshell, on the whole, to sum up)、时间(如: after, afterwards, at first, at last, as long as, before, concurrently, first, finally, immediately, in the end, in the future, later, since, soon, subsequently, so far, somewhat earlier, thereafter, meanwhile, while)、结果(accordingly, as a result, as a consequence of, brought about by, consequently, contribute to, for that reason, hence, is due to, lead to, result in, thus)、重述(如:in other words, put simply, that is to say等)、位置(如:above, behind, beyond, closer to, in the back, in front,nearby, to the left, to the right)等多类。段落之间遵从一定的逻辑顺序,例如:并列、递进、相反等。




Medical English Test System (METS) Level 3




Medical English Test System (METS)

Level 3


Part One>>>>>

Questions 1—5

 You will hear five extracts from conversations taking place in different clinical departments.

 Choose which case each doctor is discussing from the list A—F.

 Use each letter A—F only once. There is one extra letter which you DO NOT need to use.

 Mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

 You will hear each extract twice.

Doctor 11

Doctor 22

Doctor 33

Doctor 44

Doctor 55

A. The patient has an advanced eye tumor.

B. The patient is going to receive a brain CT.

C. The patient is anxious about the operation.

D. The patient has just finished his operation.

E. The patient has some problem with his stomach.

F. The patient will have an intravenous pyelogram.

Part Two>>>>>

Questions 6—13

 You will hear a conversation between two doctors.

 For each of the following statements, decide whether it is True (A) or False (B). If there is not enough information to answer True (A) or False (B), choose Not Given (C).

 Mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

 You will hear the recording twice.

6. Dr. Jim is reluctant to discuss the patients condition with Dr. Mary.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

7. Mr. Alan Jameson is a frequent attender of Dr. Mary.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

8. The pain of the patient came on about six weeks ago.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

9. The patients work has been affected by the pain.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

10. Though depressed, the patient has no weight change.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

11. The pain is accompanied by some tingling in his right hand.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

12. Before he came to see the doctor, the patient had enjoyed good health.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

13. The patient has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

Part Three>>>>>

Questions 14—20

 You will hear a discussion among a supervising physician and two medical students.

For questions 14—20, choose the most appropriate answer.

 Mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

 You will hear the discussion twice.

14. The common causes of asthma include the following EXCEPT .

A. airB. infection

C. irritants and allergies

15. Several studies show that the chances of developing asthma will be increased by .

A. personality

B. dietC. heredity

16. How many people died of asthma every year?

A. Approximately 500.

B. Approximately 5,000.

C. Approximately 50,000.

17. Which of the following is NOT thought to be the components of asthma attack?

A. Swelling of the airways.

B. Constriction of the muscles around the body.

C. Inflammation.

18. Which of the following statements about acute severe asthma is true?

A. It is responsive to routine therapy.

B. Its attack may be slow, but the result is rapidly fatal.

C. Patients will have difficulty in talking.

19. The treatment of acute severe asthma should be .

A. immediate and aggressive

B. accurate and balanced

C. given under the permission of the patient

20. Monitoring of blood oxygen saturation should be performed as well as .

A. arterial blood gas analysis

B. monitoring of heartbeating

C. monitoring of blood sugar

Part Four>>>>>

Questions 21—25

 You will hear a speech on various contraceptive methods.

 Complete the notes. In each blank, write only one word.

 Write the answers on your answer sheet.

 You will hear the speech twice.


There are different types of contraceptive pills that you need to think about and they all work differently:

 The (21) which has a single hormone in it

Be more careful about when you take it because it only has a threehour gap in which it is safe.

 The combined pill with two types of hormones in it

People have problems with both types of pills, for example, they get headaches or (22) or put on weight and some people also have problems with their blood pressure.

 Coil

We dont normally recommend this to women until theyve had at least one child.

If you do have any pelvic inflammatory diseases, it can be made worse, and it can increase the risk of (23) .

 The cap or diaphragm

It doesnt involve any hormones.

You do have to have it quite carefully fitted.

 Be sterilized or as it is sometimes called “have your tubes tied”

This normally involves just a minor operation.

Its a very, very reliable method. It has a very low failure rate.

Its main drawback is that it should be regarded as being absolutely (24) .

 Coitus interruptus, an extremely unreliable method

 Condoms or sheaths, a safe and reliable method of contraception

The main disadvantage is that they have to be put on during or shortly before intercourse.

However, they do have the advantage of protecting against (25) transmitted diseases.


Part One>>>>>

Questions 26—35

 Read the following passage about general nutritional information.

General Nutritional Information

1Making wise food choices early in life will help prevent health problems that can affect you later. It is reported that 8 of the 10 leading causes of death in America are directly related to what we eat and drink. Your eating habits, along with a smart exercise program, are crucial elements on the path to a healthier body and self.

2Experts recommend limiting your fat intake to 30% of the total calories you consume per day. For a moderately active woman, you should consume approximately 2,000 calories and 65 grams of fat each day. For a moderately active man, you should consume approximately 2,500 calories and 80 grams of fat. If you want to lose weight, the equation is simple, eat less and exercise more. If you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day, you will lose 1 pound per week. Alternatively, if you consume the same amount of calories, but increase your activity level to burn an additional 500 calories per day, you will also lose 1 pound per week. The easiest way to decrease the number of calories your body stores as fat is to not consume those calories in the first place; especially since it is much more difficult to burn calories once they are consumed. For weight loss it is recommended that you do not decrease your calorie and fat intake to any less than 1,200 calories and 40 grams of fat. Starvation diets or losing weight too fast can be dangerous.

3A consistent pattern of daily physical activity and exercise is one of the healthiest habits you can get into. Studies have shown that physical activity tends to decrease with age, so now is the time to start. Walking to classes, taking stairs instead of elevators and becoming involved in sports and other physical activities are just a few of the many ways to develop a more active lifestyle. The time you spend on physical activity each day will also give your mind a muchneeded break from its academic workout. And besides, exercise makes you feel wonderful, provided that you do not overdo it. So start slow, set goals for yourself, and get moving!

4Vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular among college students. It is estimated that 15% of the current collegeage population in America is vegetarian. There are several different types of vegetarian diets, and each is chosen for a variety of reasons. Some people consider themselves vegetarian simply because they do not eat red meat. As far as nutritional recommendations for vegetarian diets, protein, iron and calcium can become an issue for those who do not consume animal products.

5A healthy outlook about your body and appearance and how it relates to food and physical activity is very important for young adults. Selfdestructive behaviors, which lead to eating disorders, such as eating a diet with too little fat or calories or embarking on a severe regime of physical activity, can have very harmful consequences to the health of your body and mind. Keep your mind and body in shape by treating them both with respect. A healthy selfimage and realistic perception of yourself is one of the healthiest feats you can achieve.

Questions 26—30

 Choose the most appropriate subheading from the list A—F for each paragraph.

 Use each letter A—F only once. There is one extra letter which you DO NOT need to use.

 Mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

26. Paragraph 1

27. Paragraph 2

28. Paragraph 3

29. Paragraph 4

30. Paragraph 5

A. Good nutrition is your choice

B. Keep balance between calorie intake and exercise

C. Fitness can be fun!

D. Growing trend of vegetarianism

E. Respect health

F. What do people usually expect from the highprofile sport events?

Questions 31—35

 Fill in each blank with the correct answer from the list A—F.

 Use each letter A—F only once. There is one extra letter which you DO NOT need to use.

 Mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

31. It is reported that 80% of leading causes of death in America are directly related to .

32. To lose weight, two options are recommended: .

33. It is much more difficult to burn calories .

34. Vegetarian diets should contain protein, iron and calcium .

35. One of the healthiest feats you can achieve is and realistic perception of yourself.

A. once they are consumed

B. instead of red meat

C. a healthy selfimage

D. eat less and exercise more

E. starvation diets

F. what we eat and drink

Part Two>>>>>

Questions 36—42

 Read the following passage about a respiratory disease.