
2023-09-25 12:47:02


第十三,lobid,图书馆和相关组织的索引。Lobid组织为图书馆提供URIs,现有的和已确立的为图书馆和相关组织提供的因特网标准标签(International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations, ISIL)。


第十五,MEDLINE[29]。MEDLINE是美国国立医学图书馆(The National Library of Medicine, 简称NLM)生产的国际性综合生物医学信息书目数据库,是当前国际上最权威的生物医学文献数据库。内容包括美国《医学索引》(Index Medicus, IM)的全部内容和《牙科文献索引》(Index to Dental Literature)、《国际护理索引》(International Nursing Index)的部分内容。





第二十,ECS南安普顿Eprints。这是目前被Eprints3服务器产生的活数据,它们和RKB Explorer提供的服务相区别。


第二十二,在Talis平台上的开放图书馆数据镜像。用从开放图书馆上下载的JSON数据做出的数据模型,提供SPARQL endpoint和OpenSearch界面(用RSS1.0输出)。


第二十四,der Universitatsbibliothek Mannheim关联数据服务。对一定数量的书目数据发布成RDF格式。




元数据元素集也常被称为元数据词汇,是为描述资源实体的特征及其关系而定义的类与属性,是对数字图书馆建设过程中涌现的各种元数据描述方案的总称。这些元数据方案作为描述工具在实际应用中,抽象的元数据方案被具体表征为RDF Schemas或 OWL,这样使得元数据元素集与数据集具有相同的底层构架,也就是本身也可视为资源。通过使用相同元数据方案及不同元数据映射作为桥接,可以建立其描述的数据集之间的关联,这实际反映的是互操作研究目标。元数据元素集发布的一个重要目标是加速元数据重用与共享,建立数据描述共通的基础。

RDF的词汇集构架由RDF Schema(RDFS)和OWL网络本体语言等模型语言来提供。除了它们持有者提供的文档外,一个本体通常能够被普通的本体构建软件和可视化工具所观察,如通过Protégé、Manchester ontology browser、OWL Sight或Live OWL Documentation Environment(LODE)等工具来看一个从LODE中描述的项目中的本体例子。目前图书馆关联数据中的元数据元素集主要分为以下几类:作为RDF词汇集发布的元数据元素集、正在研究中的使RDF词汇集可获得的元数据元素集、从没有RDF词汇集的实例中获得的元数据元素集。其中作为RDF词汇集发布的元数据元素集是关联数据元数据元素集的主要组成部分,也是图书馆领域关联数据使用最多的元数据元素集,因此作为本节的主要阐述内容。





第三,简单知识组织系统(Simple Knowledge Organization System, SKOS)。

SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System),简单知识组织系统,为语义Web环境下的数字信息资源整合提供了描述和转化机制,解决了信息资源的语义互操作问题。SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System), 由W3C提出,在语义网框架下,用机器可理解的语言来表示知识组织系统的一个模型。SKOS 核心词汇表是一个RDF的应用,提供了一个模型来表达概念模式的基本结构和内容,包括叙词表、分类系统和其他类型的受控词表。

第四,SKOS对于标签的扩展(SKOS eXtension for Labels, SKOSXL)。


第六, CIDOC 概念的参引模型(CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model,CRM)。

第七,都柏林描述词汇集核心收集(Dublin Core Collection Description vocabularies)。

都柏林核心元素集(Dublin Core Element Set,以下简称DC)是一个致力于规范Web资源体系结构的国际性元数据解决方案,它定义了一个所有Web资源都应遵循的通用的核心标准,内容较少,也比较通用,因此得到了其他相关标准的广泛支持。面向其他类型资源的元数据标准,基本上都兼容DC标准,并对它作了扩展。它已经成了Internet的正式标准RFC2413和美国国家信息标准Z39.85。

第八,书目数据记录的功能需求和相关本体(Functioinal Requirements for Bibliographic Records FRBR and Related Ontologies)。

第九,资源描述和获取(Resource Description and Access,RDA)[30]。



《资源描述与检索》(Resource Description and Access,简称RDA)是应数字环境的发展而制定的最新国际编目规则,是《英美编目条例(第2版)》(AngloAmerican Cataloging Rules,Second edition,简称AACR2)的升级产品,其目标在于满足数字环境下资源著录与检索的新要求,成为数字世界的通行标准。RDA以统一的《国际编目原则声明》(Statement of International Cataloguing Principles,简称ICP)为纲领,以传统的AACR2为基础,以现代的FRBR和FRAD概念模型为框架,创造性地提供了一套更为综合、能覆盖所有内容和媒介类型资源的描述与检索的原则和说明,其包容性与可扩展性、一致性与连贯性、灵活性与便利性、继承性与协调性以及经济性与高效性等诸多特点为国际编目界所瞩目。

第十,和FRBR对齐的书目参考文献描述(the FRBRaligned Bibliographic Ontology,FaBio)。

第十一,国际参考书目标准(International Standard Bibliograhic Description,ISBD )[31]。

第十二,使用RDF的元数据权威描述表(Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF, MADS/RDF)。

第十三,面向规范资源描述的Gemeinsame NormDatei (GND)词汇表。

第十四,朋友的朋友(Friend of a Friend, FOAF)[32]。

FOAF,即FriendofaFriend,简称FOAF。FOAF 是一种 XML/RDF 词汇表,它以计算机可读的形式描述您通常可能放在主 Web 页面上的个人信息之类的信息。

FOAF词汇表提供了一种管理社区内信息的有用方法。关于其他人的信息常常是最令人感兴趣的一类数据,而且 FOAF 实现了分散、机器可读和个人描述等需求。但在其自己的应用领域之外,FOAF 提供了用于研究有关构建语义 Web 的概念(链接、信任和起源的概念)的有用试验台。

FOAF只是一个 RDF 词汇表。它的常规用法类似于 RSS:在 Web 服务器上创建一个或多个 FOAF 文件并共享 URL,这样,使得软件可以使用该文件内的信息。和创建您自己的 Web 页面一样,分散创建 FOAF 数据并使其创建在您的控制之下。使用这些文件的示例应用程序可能是一个社区目录,成员在该目录内维护他们自己的记录。然而,如同 RSS 一样,当聚集数据然后探究和交叉链接这些数据时,FOAF 才显露出其真正有趣的部分。

第十五,互联数据库词汇集(Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets, VoID)。

第十六,参考文献本体(Bibliographic Ontology, BIBO)。




第二十,可交换的图片文献格式(Exchangeable Image File Format, EXIF)。

第二十一,溯源元数据模型 (Open Provenance Model, OPM)。

第二十二,音乐本体(Music Ontology)。

第二十三,Creative Commons Rights Expression Language, CCREL。

第二十四,一个引用的类型的本体(A Citation Type Ontology, CiTO)。

第二十五,软件项目描述 (Description Of A Project, DOAP)。


第二十七,语义相连的在线社团(SemanticallyInterlinked Online Communities, SIOC)。


值得关注的一个新事物是由Google、Bing和Yahoo!等搜索引擎联合推出的Schema. org[38],分别为作品、载体对象、事件、组织、人物、地点、产品、社交活动(评分)等制定了元数据描述集,允许网站嵌入微数据(MicroData),相当于结构化元数据,目的是方便搜索引擎更好地索引。这是一种比较实用的渐进方式,类似的HTML网页语义增强的丰富网摘(Rich Snippets)方法还有RDFa和微格式(MircroFormat)。这三种方案目前不排斥对方,可以相互兼容。从应用推进看,搜索引擎联盟推广的微数据进入了HTML5草案中,配合Schema.org多种元数据方案的组合,发展势头较为强劲。



当前元数据元素集已经遍地开花,对于图书馆而言,积极开放和参与行业之间的交流与共享,无疑是大势所趋。由此联想到,国内图书馆界中文元数据方面近些年也取得了丰硕成果,DC的中文化以及各类专题元数据(古籍、拓片、家谱、地方志等)标准相继出炉,为数字资源标准化规范化建设提供了有力的描述工具。要拓展图书馆优势,让更多的人知道、利用和关联元数据方案,通过发布对应的RDF Schemas,让各种元数据方案拥有可被参引的网络依据与规范化RDF词汇,从而提高可见度,这不失为一条可行的路线。



第一,分类系统:杜威十进制分类法(Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC)、通用十进制分类法(Universal Decimal Classification, UDC)。

杜威十进制分类法(Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC),由于词表数据规模庞大,一般采取分层分阶段开放关联策略,例如DDC开放到3级类目,包含13种语言。杜威十进制图书分类法(英文:Dewey Decimal Classification)是由美国图书馆专家麦尔威·杜威发明的,对世界图书馆分类学有相当大的影响,已翻译成西班牙文、中文、法文、挪威文、土耳其文、日文、僧伽罗文、葡萄牙文、泰文等出版,并被许多英语国家的大多数图书馆以及使用其他相应译文国家的部分图书馆采用。在美国,几乎所有公共图书馆和学校图书馆都采用这种分类法。

通用十进制分类法(Universal Decimal Classification, UDC),UDC开放包含2 400个类目,46种语言中22种(包含中文)的简表数据。《国际十进分类法》,即UDC(Universal Decimal Classification),又称为通用十进制分类法,是世界上规模最大、用户最多、影响最广泛的一部文献资料分类法。自1899—1905年比利时学者奥特勒和拉封丹共同主编、出版UDC法文第一版以来,现已有20多种语言的各种详略版本。近百年来,UDC已被世界上几十个国家的10多万个图书馆和情报机构采用。UDC目前已成为名副其实的国际通用文献分类法。

第二,主题权威文件:美国国会图书馆主题标目(Library of Congress Subject Headings, LCSH)、RAMEAU、SWD、Diet图书馆国家级标题标目、FAST。

美国国会图书馆主题标目(Library of Congress Subject Headings, LCSH)。美国国会图书馆编制的一部大型综合性标题表。英文简称LCSH。1909—1914年, 美国国会图书馆以本馆藏书目录为基础,编制和出版了2卷本的 《美国国会图书馆字典式目录用标题表》,1975年第8版改为本名,至1991年已出14版。LCSH在出印刷本的同时,还发行缩微胶卷、缩微平片、计算机磁带版和光盘版。自1989年第12版起,将每版新增删的标题单独抽印,排在前言与主表之间,以便查阅。LCSH的前言介绍各版的标题分类统计数字、发展简史、标题结构以及示范标题表等;主表由众多的规范化标题及各类参照按字顺排列,许多标题后附有《美国国会图书馆分类法》的分类号;附录是一个专门用于儿童读物的标题表。LCSH是目前世界上规模最大、应用最广泛的标题表,在检索语言的发展史上和当今图书馆主题编目工作中,占有重要地位。美国国会图书馆自1984年起出版《主题编目手册 (标题部分)》,1991年已出至第4版,它是使用 LCSH最主要的辅助工具,其中除介绍主题编目工作的基本规定外,还以较大篇幅介绍了各种复分标题及其使用方法。

OCLC将FAST(主题术语的分面应用)作为关联数据发布。FAST(主题术语的分面应用)是一个枚举的、基于美国国会图书馆的主题标目系统(Library of Congress Subject Headingsschema,LCSH)派生出的分面主题标目系统,现在可以作为实验性的关联数据服务(http://id.worldcat.org/fast/)使用,并根据开放数据共享署名许可(Open Data Commons Attribution License)来开放使用。



FAST的加入显著扩展了关联数据形式的以图书馆为中心的受控词表。在之前,OCLC发布过Dewey.info(http://dewey.info/)。Dewey.info是一个实验性的关联杜威十进制分类(Dewey Decimal Classification,DDC)数据,也是以关联数据形式发布的,是一个探索合并参与机构的命名标准文件到一个单一的命名标准服务的合作项目。此外,美国国会图书馆和几个其他重要的受控词表的保管机构也已经以关联数据格式发布了他们的资源。


第三,命名权威文件:虚拟国际权威文件(Virtual International Autority File, VIAF)、针对艺术家名称的Getty联合目录(Getty Union List of Artist Names, ULAN)、国会图书馆命名权威文件(Library of Congress Name Authority File, LC/NAF)、GeoNames。

虚拟国际权威文件(Virtual International Autority File, VIAF),以VIAF为代表的国家级规范数据联盟,实现围绕人名和主题的开放机制,通过唯一标识的人物可以关联到与其相关的其他数据资源。

GeoNames。GeoNames是一个免费的全球地理数据库。GeoNames的目标是把各种来源的免费数据进行集成并制作成一个数据库或一系列的Web服务。GeoNames的用户包括Microsoft Popfly、Slide.com、LinedIn和Tagzania。GeoNames地名辞典包含了650万个地点将近200种语言的850万个地名和200万种别名。地理信息还详细到坐标、行政区划、邮政编码、人口、海拔和时区。GeoNames的数据收集自(美国)国家测绘机构、国家统计署、国家邮政局,还有美国陆军。GeoNames回答了诸如此类的问题:这个地方在哪儿?它的坐标是多少?它属于哪个地区或哪个省?有哪些城市或地址靠近这个给定的经纬度?GeoNames的用户一般利用这些数据或服务计划旅游、房地产、在线社区、商店定位、交通工具追踪、地址确认或关于地理地图方面的应用。2007年4月,GeoNames报告宣称已有15000次数据库下载和3000万次Web服务查询。并且,GeoNames采用了维基百科的风格允许用户纠正数据和添加新的地名。

第四,专业辞典:STW经济学辞典、AGROVOC、Eurovoc、图元素辞典(Thesaurus for Graphic Materials, TGM)。

第五,其他受控词表:DCMI类型词汇集(DCMI Type Vocabulary)、对于描述者的MARC编码列表、PRONOM。


WordNet[34]。WordNet是由Princeton 大学的心理学家,语言学家和计算机工程师联合设计的一种基于认知语言学的英语词典。它不是光把单词以字母顺序排列,而且按照单词的意义组成一个“单词的网络”。它是一个覆盖范围宽广的英语词汇语义网。名词,动词,形容词和副词各自被组织成一个同义词的网络,每个同义词集合都代表一个基本的语义概念,并且这些集合之间也由各种关系连接(一个多义词将出现在它的每个意思的同义词集合中)。在WordNet的第一版中(标记为1.x),四种不同词性的网络之间并无连接。WordNet的名词网络是第一个发展起来的,正因如此,下面将要讨论的大部分学者的工作都仅限于名词网络。

名词网络的主干是蕴涵关系的层次(上位/下位关系),它占据了关系中的将近80%。层次中的最顶层是11个抽象概念,称为基本类别始点(unique beginners),例如实体(entity,“有生命的或无生命的具体存在”),心理特征(psychological feature,“生命有机体的精神上的特征”)。名词层次中最深的层次是16个节点。

DBpedia。DBpedia 是一个很特殊的语义网应用范例,它从维基百科(Wikipedia)的词条里撷取结构化的资料,以强化维基百科的搜寻功能,并将其他资料集链接至维基百科。透过这样的语意化技术的介入,让维基百科的庞杂资讯有了许多创新而有趣的应用,例如手机版本、地图整合、多面向搜寻、关系查询、文件分类与标注,等等。DBpedia 同时也是世界上最大的多领域知识本体之一,也是 Linked Data 的一部分,美国科技媒体 ReadWriteWeb 也将 DBpedia 选为2009 年最佳的语义网应用服务。

DBpedia 3.4版的资料集拥有超过290万的物件,包括282000人、339000个地点、88000张唱片、44000部电影、15000种电脑游戏、119000个组织、130 000 种物种和4400个疾病。其资料不仅被BBC、路透社、《纽约时报》所采用,也是Google、Yahoo等搜寻引擎检索的对象。





已有的潜在取值词汇资源丰富且分布广泛,LLD报告中对已发布的取值词汇集划分为分类表、标题表(包含主题规范)、名称规范、叙词表、其他资源(例如, Wordnet)等。语义网发展进程中,受控词表不同程度上都在进行语义化改造,从面向概念的语义建模到底层的编码表征,这些都为取值词汇集打下了基础。目前,传统大型综合词表如DDC、LCSH、UDC等在数字图书馆项目的关联数据用例中有所应用。专业词表方面,例如,农业叙词表 AGROVOC、经济学叙词表STW、图形资料叙词表TGM等作为整体数据开放。规范数据方面,图书馆在规范记录方面的积累优势得以体现。另外,地理名词GeoNames,艺术家人名ULAN等也开放关联供调用。


LLD报告将图书馆关联数据组织成八类的应用案例(Use Case),这些应用案例论证了开放的关联数据对描述图书馆资源及其上下文环境的优势和益处,并对图书馆资源在更广阔的领域共享做出贡献。对图书馆上下文环境的描述包括展现这些图书馆资源间的关系,而这些关系是通过匹配相关的实体或使隐性关系显性化来定义的。新的关系可以通过机器处理,如语义推理、匹配来得到,也可以通过人工,如标注、编目来得到。这些语义关系可以用来提供知识发现、浏览和搜索服务,可以将来自不同信息源的资源合并或集成。关联数据技术可以通过元数据元素集和取值词表的重用,给资源定义相关的URI,开发发布服务如API等方法来达到来提供图书馆数据的全局互操作性。











[1] Sharing,Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World [EB]. OCLC Reports 2007. http://www.oclc.org/zhcnasiapacific/reports.html. Retrieved 2011.

[2] Online Catalogs: What Users and Librarians Want [EB]. OCLC Reports 2009. http://www.oclc.org/zhcnasiapacific/reports.html. Retrieved 2011.

[3] Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community [EB]. OCLC Reports 2010. http://www.oclc.org/zhcnasiapacific/reports.html. Retrieved 2011.

[4] Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources [EB]. OCLC Reports 2005. http://www.oclc.org/zhcnasiapacific/reports.html. Retrieved 2011.

[5] At a tipping point: education, learning, libraries [EB]. OCLC Reports 2009. http://www.oclc.org/zhcnasiapacific/reports.html. Retrieved 2011.

[6] 图书馆关联数据孵化小组最终报告 [EB]. http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/XGRlld/. Retrieved 2012.

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虽然数字图书馆有快捷、环保、内容丰富、更新快等特点,但受到软硬件设备的限制,无法做到随时随地的按需服务。基于云服务的数字图书馆能有效利用云服务的特性,跨越传统的数字图书馆中软硬件设备的障碍,用户无需受软硬件平台和数据格式的限制,可以在大数据环境中随时随地按需进行数字阅读。由于基于云服务的数字阅读有以上优点,不少图书馆和网络服务商都采用了此种形式。OCLC于2009年推出了图书馆的云服务WorldCat,New York Times正把多种服务构建在云服务平台之上。在国内,方正番薯网推出“云阅读”平台,至今已拥有180万种已出版的正版图书资源和近60万种可翻阅、可销售的电子书资源。中国知网计划构建基于云框架的“云出版+云服务+云数图”的新平台。

这些应用和研究部分实现了基于云服务的数字图书馆服务,但仍存在一些不足。云服务往往基于延时的批量处理,无法提供实时的数据处理服务。在快节奏的现代化社会,信息往往带有时效性,如新闻、微博、即时通讯等。如果能针对这些实时信息进行快速处理,提供即时的数据响应服务,就能有效利用这些数据的时效性,帮助用户迅速做出判断和处理,有效满足用户的实时信息需求。而云服务构建在并行处理的MapReduce框架上,往往需要较大的时间延迟,不能对实时性高的数据处理任务做出及时响应,从而导致数据处理缺乏时效性,降低了实时数据的利用价值。为了解决大数据环境下的实时数据处理问题,研究者们提出了流计算(Stream Computing)技术[4],对大数据环境中快速产生的数据流进行高效处理。流计算技术把快速产生的实时数据看成数据流的形式,不对全部的数据进行存储和运算,也无需确定数据产生的时刻和顺序,而是直接对数据流中符合某种窗口或限制条件的数据进行实时运算,并快速输出结果。流计算可以有效满足大数据环境下实时信息的需求,提供实时的数据处理和响应服务,弥补云计算技术依靠批量数据处理技术造成的时间延迟和反应迟缓等不足,因此受到研究者和工业界的欢迎。目前Yahoo公司的S4,Twitter的Storm都是流计算技术的实时数据处理框架。

流计算技术虽然能够解决大数据环境下的实时数据处理问题,但由于流计算不存储历史数据,数据处理具有无序性和易失性等特点,故数据处理的精确度无法和批量数据处理相媲美。同时,由于缺乏数据上下文环境,导致一些复杂的数据处理算法和技术如自然语言处理、数据挖掘等无法有效运行,从而无法满足复杂的用户数据处理需求。针对以上问题,一种新型的大数据处理框架快数据处理(Fast Data Processing)逐渐为人们接受[5]。快数据处理结合了云计算技术中的批量数据处理和流计算技术中的实时数据处理的优点,通过把历史数据分割成能够永久存储的内存数据块,即弹性分布式数据集(Resilient Distributed Datasets, RDD),对较短时间窗口内的数据进行批量处理,而在整体任务数据处理流程上仍使用实时数据处理技术的运算方法,从而提高数据处理的响应速度和数据处理的精准度。快数据处理可以响应秒级和分钟级的大数据处理任务,同时可应用传统的批量数据处理的方法和技术,得到准确的数据处理结果。除了在大数据处理架构上的优势,快速数据处理技术还对NoSQL数据库存储进行了改进,增加了类SQL数据操作指令集,使数据处理更为准确。目前权威的快数据处理技术主要有麻省理工的Spark快数据处理框架和Facebook的Hive等,这几种技术已被Google、IBM、Facebook等重要的软件公司采用,并逐渐取代以云计算Hadoop平台,成为大数据处理技术的新兴力量。但是直到目前为止,快数据处理技术还没有被数字阅读服务提供商和图书馆有效利用。



OCLC于2009 年4 月23 日宣布创建了全球首个“Web 级协作型图书馆管理服务”,被公认为图书馆领域第一个云服务[6]。该服务的目的是降低图书馆费用, 促进共同发展和提升用户体验。它将图书馆管理服务推向网络级别, 使WorldCat Local 变成基于“ 云” 的在线图书馆自动化系统, 从而实现Web 级的流通与传递、Web 级印刷本与电子采访、Web 级许可管理、Web 级自助配置、Web 级工作流程、Web 级合作情报等。WorldCat Local 还可与人力资源系统、财务系统等第三方业务流程系统进行互操作,从而降低图书馆管理总成本。






QuestionPoint在全球范围内通过合作来提供虚拟参考咨询服务,由Regional/Local Network和Global Network两部分组成。前者直接面向用户提供网上参考咨询服务,其作用相当于本地虚拟参考咨询台;后者并不面向用户,仅作为本地虚拟参考咨询服务的后台支持。主要功能有:通过万维网界面回答、跟踪和管理用户提出的问题;对于某一成员馆无法回答的问题,通过全球虚拟参考咨询系统中的Request Manager(请求管理器)自动转发给其他成员馆回答;提供本地参考咨询子系统的用户接口;提供本地和全球知识库供用户和咨询馆员检索;项目使用的统计和分析等。

5.2.3图书馆应用Amazon 云服务

Amazon是全球最大的在线图书销售商,拥有大量闲置的IT 基础设施。2002 年Amazon 开始将闲置资源租赁给第三方,逐渐形成云计算服务,即亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services,AWS)。AWS 主要向企业提供托管式的云计算基础架构网络服务平台,包括虚拟机、在线存储和数据库、远程计算处理以及一些辅助工具。用户无需管理和维护,只需根据使用状况付费。在图书馆界,俄亥俄州图书馆与信息合作网(Ohio LINK) 使用Amazon 云服务管理一些公共数字资源, 匹兹堡大学使用EC2 服务托管该馆的网站, 用S3 服务备份图书馆集成系统, 并且还计划用Flickr 和EC2 服务管理未来的数字馆藏资源。

亚马逊的Amazon Web Services (AWS) 于2006年推出,以Web服务的形式向企业提供IT基础设施服务,现在通常称为云计算。其主要优势之一是能够以根据业务发展来扩展的较低可变成本来替代前期资本基础设施费用。

亚马逊网络服务所提供服务包括:亚马逊弹性计算网云(Amazon EC2)、亚马逊简单储存服务(Amazon S3)、亚马逊简单数据库(Amazon SimpleDB)、亚马逊简单队列服务(Amazon Simple Queue Service)以及Amazon CloudFront等。


5.2.4图书馆应用Google 云服务

Google的云服务理念是将互联网建设成为一个数据中心和计算中心,提供安全、高效的数据存储和网络计算服务, 用户只需将数据和应用程序存储在Google 的大规模服务器集群中, 通过Internet 就可以随时随地访问和使用资源。目前,加州理工学院图书馆使用Google Docs 服务收集图书馆与用户的互动信息, 把Google Calendar 作为用户培训和会议安排的参照表,用Google Analytics获取其他图书馆目录、相关网站的数据信息。美国东部州立大学使用Google App Engine 服务来提高数字图书馆的工作效率,并把图书馆丛编流通数据库以及政府出版物管理数据库转移到Goog1e App Engine 上。

● 谷歌云存储(Google Drive)

谷歌云存储Google Drive是谷歌推出的在线云存储服务,允许用户在Google服务器上存储照片、文件和视频,并可通过苹果iPhone和iPad等网络互联设备获取这些内容。

● 谷歌GCE(Google Compute Engine)

Google Compute Engine(GCE)是一个基础架构服务(IaaS),其架构与驱动Google服务的架构一样,开发者可以在这个平台上运行Linux虚拟机,获得云计算资源、高效的本地存储、通过Google网络与用户联系,得到更强大的数据运算能力。

● 谷歌云端数据库GCS(Google Cloud SQL)

Google Cloud SQL:基于MySQL的云端数据库。MySQL数据库运行在云端,并能方便地与Google App Engine整合,而且Google Cloud SQL和Datastore一样,无需开发者维护,Google会帮你搞定这些琐事。

● 谷歌GAE(Google App Engine)

GAE(Google App Engine)是一个开发、托管网络应用程序的平台,使用Google管理的数据中心。GAE应用程序易于构建和维护,并可根据用户的访问量和数据存储需要的增长轻松扩展。通过GAE,用户可以在支持 Google 应用程序的相同系统上构建和承载网络应用程序。GAE可提供快速开发和部署,管理简单,无需担心硬件、补丁或备份,并可轻松实现可扩展性。

● 谷歌大数据分析(Google BigQuery)

Google BigQuery:企业级大数据分析工具。Google BigQuery是Google推出的一项Web服务,该服务让开发者可以使用Google的架构来运行SQL语句对超级大的数据库进行操作。BigQuery本质上是一个云平台基础服务PaaS,旨在实时处理 TB 级别的大数据,并提供 UI 界面和 Rest API 两种访问方式。在历经了过去一年的限制测试后,Google近日向公众开放了他们的BigQuery云数据分析引擎。

● 谷歌Google Cloud Storage

谷歌Cloud Storage允许用户以最低的成本在线储存其公司的商业数据。用户可以随时随地访问这些数据,无需购买价格高昂的服务器硬件并支付管理费用,同时谷歌还将保护用户的数据。该项数据云储存服务向所有企业开放,不仅包括大型企业,还包括中小型企业。云储存服务在2009年真正成为行业热点,其中Nirvanix和亚马逊S3服务是该领域两个主要的先锋。














大数据包含着生产速度极高的数据如点击流数据、金融交易数据、日志聚合数据或者传感器数据等。这些事件每一秒钟往往会发生数千甚至数万次,达到每秒MB数量、每小时GB数量或者每天TB数量。捕捉输入数据价值的最佳方式就是在信息抵达时立即做出反应及操作。如果以批量方式处理输入数据,需要很大的时延,就意味着可能失去了其时效性,进而丢掉了快数据的核心价值。为了解决大数据环境下的实时数据处理问题,研究者们提出了流计算(Stream Computing)技术,对大数据环境中快速产生的数据流进行高效处理。流计算技术把快速产生的实时数据看成数据流的形式,不对全部的数据进行存储和运算,也无需确定数据产生的时刻和顺序,而是直接对数据流中符合某种窗口或限制条件的数据进行实时运算,并快速输出结果。流计算技术虽然能够解决大数据环境下的实时数据处理问题,但由于流计算不存储历史数据,数据处理具有无序性和易失性等特点,故数据处理的精确度无法和批量数据处理相媲美。同时,由于缺乏数据上下文环境,导致一些复杂的数据处理算法和技术如自然语言处理、数据挖掘等无法有效地运行,从而无法满足复杂的用户数据处理需求。

新型的大数据处理平台Spark是由加州大学伯克利分校开发的一种可伸缩(scalable)的基于内存计算(InMemory Computing)的数据分析平台,用于构建大规模、低延时的数据分析应用。Spark比Hadoop集群存储方法更有性能优势。Spark采用Scala语言实现,提供了单一的数据处理环境。Spark采用基于内存的分布式数据集,优化了迭代式的工作负载以及交互式查询。Spark还引入了一个抽象概念,即弹性分布式数据集RDD(resilient distributed datasets)。通过把实时数据存入能够具有持久性的RDD中,Spark可以有效克服传统的流数据框架不能存储和计算历史数据的缺点,从而能够在实时数据处理中应用更复杂和精准的计算和应用,满足用户更准确的实时数据处理需求。另一方面,通过把数据处理流程分成较短时间间隔,在总体流程上采用实时数据处理的方法,而在时间间隔内使用延时数据的批量处理的方法,Spark可以同时兼顾延时数据的批量处理和实时数据的处理算法,增强了数据的处理能力,扩展了数据的应用范围,同时也可以满足数据处理的“快”的需求。





















将语义消歧和语义互联两方面的应用技术相结合,对图书馆数字资源内容和网络信息进行精确和互联的语义理解。依据语义相似度计算将不同信息源的数字资源进行文本概念联立,构建文本概念的语义模型,通过自然语言处理技术和数据挖掘算法对信息资源进行语义消歧和理解。对语义相同或相似的数字资源建立语义连接,并以关联数据(linked data)的形式发布到互联网上,满足用户在图书馆服务中进行资源共享和语义互联的需求。





第一,操作系统选择。理想状态是在裸机上直接安装Linux操作系统,而Linux操作系统最好选用Red Hat Enterprise Linux服务器版。实验研究中,也可以选择在已有操作系统上安装Linux虚拟机。Linux操作系统的版本众多,作为初学者,建议选取Ubuntu桌面版的Linux系统作为实验环境。Ubuntu每6个月发布一个新版本,而每个版本都有代号和版本号,其中有LTS是表示长期支持版。版本号基于发布日期设定,例如14.04,代表2014年04月发行。我们建议选择长期支持版做云计算平台底层操作系统环境,因为在安装过程中可能会遇到各种安装包的依赖关系,采用长期支持的Ubuntu一般会很方便地自动帮助我们获取在安装过程中所需的各种依赖包。


export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_17


export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar






$sudo aptget install ssh


$sshkeygent dsaP" -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa

来生成秘钥对。然后将公钥放入授权文件中 :

$cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


$scp ~/.ssh/authorzied_keys zkq1@






$sudo vi /etc/hostname。


$sudo vi /etc/hosts



$sudo mkdir/hadoop

$sudo chmod a+rwx/hadoop

第六,配置Hadoop文件。主要需要配置hadoopenv.sh、coresite.xml、HDFSsite.xml 和Mapredsite.xml四个文件。注意到Hadoop配置文件所涉及的参数都是附有final关键字,目的是为了确保这些参数不会被用户的应用程序随意修改。

配置hadoopenv.sh文件。hadoopenv.sh文件记录的是Hadoop运行所依赖的环境变量路径。在hadoop/conf 里面hadoopenv.sh增加如下语句:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/software/jdk1.7.0_45

export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/hadoop/bin

配置 coresite.xml文件。coresite.xml文件记录的是Hadoop的Master节点和端口号、分布式数据存放路径以及临时数据存放路径等信息。下面是具体配置示例。







配置 HDFSsite.xml文件。HDFSsite.xml文件记录的是Hadoop分布式文件系统的参数配置,如分布式文件副本个数。下面是具体配置示例。




配置Mapredsite.xml 文件。Mapredsite.xml文件记录的是MapReduce任务执行的相关参数设置。下面是具体配置示例。



现实应用中,特别是规模较大的集群,我们需要对以下参数进行设置,如下表5.1。 表5.1规模较大集群常用参数设置参照表

参数 示例值 说明 dfs.block.size134217728HDFS数据块大小。示例中的值表示128 MB。 dfs.namenode.handler.count40NameNode节点通过RPCs(远程过程调用)接收。

DataNodes节点消息的线程服务数。Mapred.Reduce.parallel.copies 20对Map输出数据进行并行重复计算的Reduce数。通过绝对提高重复Reduce计算任务数,并从这些多个同时执行的Reduce任务中挑选一个最早执行完成的结果,以提高Reduce任务执行的速度。 fs.inmemory.size.mb200Reduce操作时用于合并Map输出的数据(Map结果通过IO通信暂时存于Reduce端内存中)所分配的内存空间。 io.sort.mb200对数据排序的内存上限。 io.file.buffer.size131072SequenceFiles(序列文件)读写时的缓存大小。示例中的值表示128 kB。 Mapred.child.java.opts-Xmx1024M每个Map或Reduce子任务运行所分配的java内存堆大小。 第七,分发Hadoop源文件。将前面配置好的整个Hadoop文件夹拷贝到其他机子上。下面是具体操作示例。








$hadoop namenode –format平台运行




$ bin/startdfs.sh

bin/startdfs.sh脚本启动同时会访问NameNode上 ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/Slaves文件并启动Slaves文件上所列的所有Slave的DataNode守护进程。


$ bin/startMapred.sh bin/startMapred.sh脚本启动同时会访问JobTracker上 ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/Slaves文件并启动Slaves文件上所列的所有Slave的TaskTracker守护进程。



$ bin/stopdfs.sh bin/startdfs.sh脚本启动同时会访问NameNode节点上 ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/Slaves文件并启动Slaves文件上所列的所有Slave的DataNode守护进程。


$ bin/stopMapred.sh bin/stopMapred.sh脚本关闭同时会访问JobTracker上 ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/Slaves文件并关闭Slaves文件上所列的所有Slave的TaskTracker守护进程。

可通过Jps或者Web UI两种方式查看hadoop是否配置成功。当Hadoop的HDFS和MapReduce的JobTracker启动完成,通过Jps方式在Master节点上输入Jps,结果显示示例:

16070 Jps

14822 NameNode

15135 SecondaryNameNode

15228 JobTracker


4132 Jps

3845 TaskTracker

3633 DataNode

同样,也可以通过Web UI方式查看。在URL地址栏上输入Master节点和相应的端口号即可查看对应的任务运行情况。下面是在Hadoop 2.6(注意,上述所列的全部配置示例及jsp结果示例是基于Hadoop 1.2版本设置与运行的)版本下的操作示例:

在URL地址栏上输入http://Master:50070 ,可以看到相应HDFS的运行情况,如图5.3所示。




当编好基于MapReduce软件设计模型的应用程序时,我们就可以将其放在Hadoop集群上运行。下面将介绍Hadoop 1.2版本的MapReduce作业具体执行流程。


TaskTracker是通过心跳检测机制向JobTracker不时报告自身的情况。当TaskTracker向JobTracker发送请求执行新任务时,JobTracker就会将任务队列中的任务发送给TaskTracker执行。TaskTracker收到Map任务后,就会从HDFS上获取作业资源,并在本地创建临时目录,将文件切分信息、作业配置参数、jar包拷贝到本地;之后解压jar包。通过调用lunchTaskForJob 方法将任务发布。对于执行的任务,所有TaskTracker的执行进度信息都会汇总到JobTracker中,当JobTracker接收到最后一个Reduce任务的已完成通知后,便把作业状态设置为“成功”,同时JobClient也会收到任务成功的通知,至此一个MapReduce任务就完成了。


Spark是目前最为成功的快数据处理平台之一。它是基于内存计算的大数据并行计算框架,提高了在大数据环境下数据处理的实时性,同时保证高可伸缩性和高容错性。Spark在简单的Map及Reduce操作之外,还支持SQL查询、流式计算、机器学习和图分析。例如SQL查询或者交互式分析,借助Spark SQL查询引擎,将SQL翻译为Spark Job。流数据分析借助Spark Streaming的流处理框架将流数据转换为RDD,输入与分析流数据。Spark1.0核心代码只有4万行,这是由于Scala语言的简洁和丰富的表达力,以及充分利用和集成Hadoop等其他第三方组件。Spark通过将中间结果缓存在内存减少磁盘I/O来达到性能的提升。安装

Spark的安装要较Hadoop简单些,这是由于Spark所处理的分布式数据系统直接利用Hadoop的分布式文件系统,而且通常安装Spark之前需要安装Hadoop,所以就省掉比如Java环境变量、节点间ssh免密通信和IP地址与主机名映射表的添加等前期准备工作。安装Spark时,需要从官方网站下载稳定版的Saprk。Spark是通用目的的快速集群计算系统,因此只要有java环境的系统就能够运行Spark,比如Windows和类Unix操作系统皆可。目前Spark的稳定版本为1.2.1,该版本运行在Java 6及以上、python 2.6及以上和Scala 2.10。









export JAVA_HOME=/usr/software/jdk1.7.0_45


$scpr/home/ spark/ spark1.2.0binhadoop2.4Slave01:/home/spark

$scpr/home/ spark/ spark1.2.0binhadoop2.4Slave02:/home/ spark

$scpr/home/ spark/ spark1.2.0binhadoop2.4Slave03:/home/ spark

$scpr/home/ spark/ spark1.2.0binhadoop2.4Slave04:/home/ spark

$scpr/home/ spark/ spark1.2.0binhadoop2.4Slave05:/home/ spark




● 启动Spark集群


$ sbin/startall.sh

sbin/startall.sh脚本启动同时会访问NameNode上 ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/Slaves文件并启动Slaves文件上所列的所有Slave的WorkerNode守护进程。可通过Jps或者Web UI两种方式查看Spark是否启动成功。通过Jps方式查看,可在Master上输入Jps,结果中会有Master进程。在Slave端输入Jps,结果中会有Worker进程。同样,也可以通过Web UI方式查看。在URL地址栏上输入Master节点和相应的端口号即可查看对应的任务运行情况。图5.5是在Spark 1.2版本下的运行示例:


● 提交Spark应用程序


$./bin/Sparksubmit \\

 class

 Master  \\

 deploymode  \\

 conf = \\

... #其他选项




 class:应用程序的入口类(比如SparkWordCount);

 Master: Spark集群的Master节点及端口号 (比如Spark://Master:7077);

 deploymode:是否将Driver驱动器配置到Worker节点上(集群方式)或者外部客户端方式 (为默认配置方式);

 conf:自定义key= value格式,对于包含空格的value值采用双引号方式标记 “key=value”;

applicationjar:包含应用程序及其依赖关系的jar包所存放的路径。该URL在集群中必须是全局可见的,如HDFS上的文件HDFS:// path to file 或者对于所有节点都可见的本地文件file:// path to file;


如图5.6 所示,Spark应用程序通过应用程序内主程序的Spark上下文(SparkContext)对象管理成为相互独立的多个运行的应用程序。如图5.7所示,Spark上下文能够根据具体情况连接不同类型的集群管理模式。Spark对于资源管理与作业调度可以使用Standalone(独立模式)、Apache Mesos及Hadoop YARN来实现。Spark上下文内包含的组件有RDD DAG、DAGScheduler、TaskScheduler和SparkEnv等。RDD DAG(Resident Distributed Datasets Directed Acyclic Graph,弹性分布式数据集有向无环图)为Spark的基本计算单元,一组RDD可形成执行的有向无环图RDDGraph。DAGScheduler根据作业(Job)构建基于阶段(Stage)的DAG,并提交阶段给TaskScheduler。TaskScheduler将任务(Task)分发给Executor执行。SparkEnv为线程级别的上下文,用于存储运行过程中重要组件的引用,这些引用所指向的组件主要包括BlockManager、MapOutputTracker、ShuffleFetcher和ConnectionManager等。客户的应用程序一旦连接到Spark集群,Spark就会通知负责客户应用程序数据存储和任务计算的各节点上的执行器(Executors)。接着Spark将客户的应用程序源码(jar包或者Python文件)分发到各执行器。最后,Spark上下文将客户端所上传的任务分发到各执行器加以执行。



根据RDD依赖关系的不同,Spark将每一个Job分为不同的阶段(Stage),而阶段之间的依赖关系则形成DAG(有向无环图)。对于窄依赖(Narrow Dependency)的操作,Spark会尽量多地将RDD转换(Transformation)放在同一个阶段中,这里面的每个操作都对应成MapTask,并行度就是各自RDD的Partition(分区)数目;而对于宽依赖(Wide Dependency)的操作,由于宽依赖通常意味着Shuffle操作,因此Spark会将此阶段定义为ShuffleMapStage,以便于向MapOutputTracker注册Shuffle操作,这里面的操作就对应成ResultTask,结果RDD的Partition数就是并行度。MapTask和ResultTask可以理解为对应Hadoop中的Map和Reduce,切分它们的依据本质上就是Shuffle。文本系统件从HDFS读入Spark集群形成RDDA和RDDC两个RDD,RDDA执行Map操作转换为RDDB,RDDD执行flatMap操作转换为RDDE,RDDB通过Shuffle操作转换为RDDC,RDDC和RDDE再执行join操作转换为RDDF,最后RDDF通过函数saveAsSequenceFile将序列文件输出到HDFS中。









本系统的原始已知文本很大一部分是从pdf格式转换而来,因此在聚类和倒排之前需要预处理,包括“段落合并”、“页面拼接”、“文章结构识别”、“图表识别”和“乱码处理”等,见图5.8。原始文本清洗完之后,就对文档进行分句、分词,建DI(Document Information,文档信息)。每句话分配一个ID,生成句子级的TFIDF向量。包括“生成DI”→“合并词典”→“生成TFIDF及句子级词典”→“合并句子级词典”→“转换句子级词典”这些步骤。字典文件包括两种,一种是词与词ID映射,一种是词ID与词频映射。下面是部分文件的样例。




一世 2000001

一丙 2000002


一中 2000004













6 1






… …


10038 8436,0.1351384 44032,0.0524775 55703,0.2328715 264562,0.2071696

445665,0.1501020458146,0.1013761 517856,0.7068409


10039 8536,0.4057308 184102,0.2866816265281,0.3809445



10041 55703,0.2639755 386081,0.5150701517856,0.8012518


10042 11832,0.0237527 26991,0.1642416 93925,0.2667053 176160,0.0750009









10045 7584,0.3434757100463,0.1375514151226,0.0744377








● 去掉高频低频,得到关键词。

● 求出关键词间在句子层面的共现矩阵。

● 对于要计算的K个正交基:











根据找到的K个正交向量,与句子进行余弦相似度计算,如果最高的相似度中,其差别处在一定阈值内,则将该句子分别赋给这些类. 对于最高相似度为0的情况,则将该句子赋给候补的类(候补的类,是由超高频词和超低频词组成)。



当前论文相似检测主要是基于向量空间模型和基于字符串的数字指纹两种方法。使用基于字符串的数字指纹方法需要计算出待检测论文中一段连续文字的数字指纹,然后与已知文本集中的所有可能相似的指纹进行比对,最后得到结果。其中比对花费了大量的时间。而使用基于向量空间模型的方法需要提取出待检测论文中一段连续文字的特征,构建出其空间向量,然后与已知文本集中的所有可能相似的文本向量进行相似度计算,最后得到结果。为了能快速找到已知文本集中可能相似的文本向量,本系统使用了倒排索引机制。倒排结构如表5.2所示: 表5.2倒排表结构

词 (文本句子ID,TFIDF值)列表 一等奖 515200062,0.4148586;1045410084,0.35127828;… 一氧化碳 589170056,0.13434106;589170087,0.21653792;… …… …… 浙江 819190138,0.46413502;1189450029,0.23259968;… 其中文本句子ID=文本ID*10000+句子ID。TFIDF值是通过公式5.1得到。IDF值是通过公式5.2得到。N表示文本总数,DFi表示含有词i的文本数,TFi表示文本的词i出现的频率,n表示文本中不同词个数。通过倒排表能快速找到含有待检测论文句子特征词的已知句子,然后进行相似度计算,排序后输出结果。





本系统将论文相似性检测算法置于Spark平台上执行,实现待检测论文内句子级快速过滤可疑文本以及可疑文本与待检测论文精确匹配的并行,具体检测框架如图5.12所示。论文相似性检测的步骤如下:每个工作节点(Worker Node)初始化倒排文件的字典映射表和软聚类的簇中心,形成初始化RDD(Resilient Distributed Dataset, 弹性分布式数据集),主节点(Master Node)等待新进入的待检测论文;如果有新进入的待检测论文,主节点就将论文以滑动块形式分句,并将原句和切分后的分句同初始化的RDD合并,形成待检测RDD;对待检测RDD执行Map操作,包括句子分词和通过倒排索引结合软聚类算法计算出相似度最高的可疑已知句子,形成可疑句子RDD;对可疑句子 RDD再次执行Map操作,进行可疑已知句子所在的已知文本与待检测论文原句的相似性精确计算,输出待检测论文与相似文本相对应的相似位置和相似度值信息,形成精确文本RDD;最后,通过Reduce操作将待检测论文的相似文本合并,并输出待检测论文与对应的相似文本之间具体相似位置以及相似度值。



























初始化RDD是指每个工作节点(Worker Node)初始化倒排文件的字典映射表和软聚类簇中心。实际应用中,很可能存在内存不足,同时每个工作节点的计算性能和可用内存不一致问题。本系统的解决办法是将倒排索引文件存在磁盘,内存中只存储倒排索引关键字与所对应磁盘文件中离文件头的字节数以及软聚类簇中心。软聚类簇中心是由各个词所构成的向量,占用空间不大,因此很容易存到内存。








SSH ssh = new SSH();



InitPartition initp = new InitPartition();

JavaRDD init = initp.initPartition(sc, nodes, "/home/flag");

//初始化 Retrieval

final Retrieval[] r = new Retrieval[1];

List ls = new ArrayList();

for(int i = 0; i < nodes; i++){



JavaRDD initRetrvl = init.map(new Function

() {


public Tuple2 call(Integer i) {

String path = "";


Retrieval r = new Retrieval(null,1,1,1,0.5,0.1);

return new Tuple2(i, r);



initRetrvl.foreach(new VoidFunction(){


public void call(Tuple2 r) {








Iterator it = hashmap.entrySet().iterator();//词+词频


Map hashmap_tfidf = Dictionary.getTF_IDF2(hashmap);//获得该段的TFIDF


int[] classes=Class_vector.get_similar_class(hashmap_tfidf,Time_NUM+1);



Map result_list=new THashMap();//文档段落ID+相似度

for(int time=0;time



for(Entry entry : list){

Integer wordID=entry.getKey();

double tf_idf=entry.getValue();//TFIDF


byte[] long_int_bytes=new byte[12];

input3.read(long_int_bytes, 0, 12);

Long_Int l_i=new Long_Int(long_int_bytes);






for(int i=0;i < pre_num;i++){


Map.Entry entry = null;



while (iter.hasNext()) {

entry=(Map.Entry) iter.next();








result_list.put(Doc_Para_ID,score2); //result_list存放快速过滤结果





精确匹配时,本系统对可疑句子 RDD执行Map操作,进行可疑已知句子所在的已知文本与待检测论文原句的相似性精确计算,输出待检测论文与相似文本相对应的相似位置和相似度值信息,形成精确文本RDD;最后,通过Reduce操作将待检测论文的相似文本合并,输出待检测论文与对应的相似文本之间具体相似位置以及相似度值。在精确匹配过程中,由于快速过滤的时候会将一些短句过滤掉,因此需要采用短句补齐技术将先前未匹配的短句补充回来。此外,短句补齐技术还能将部分漏检的句子(由于噪音的干扰)补充回来,提高检索的召回率。





* @param sced被抄袭的句子

* @param chars1抄袭的句子

* @return boolean true表示相似,false表示不相似


public boolean isSimiliar(SentenceCopyed sced,Character[] chars1) {



CP cp=new CP(chars1,chars2);


if(cp.isSimiliar()){ //先判断词组集合形式是否

return true;




LCS lcs=new LCS(chars1,chars2);




return true;




return false;




//公共词组形式 比对

public CP(T[] arrayA,T[] arrayB)




ListA=new LinkedList();

ListB=new LinkedList();

ListASorted=new LinkedList();

ListBSorted=new LinkedList();

PhraseClass pc;

int i=0;

for(T t : arrayA)


pc=new PhraseClass(t,i);






for(T t : arrayB)


pc=new PhraseClass(t,i);





sort(); //排序(按编码大小排序)

compare(); //对比(标记)



*利用LCS计算 最长公共子序列

* @param strs1文档词 数组

* @param strs2文档词 数组

* @param c用于显示路径

* @param b用于指示路径


private void LCSLength(T[] strs1, T[] strs2, int[][] c, char[][] b) //最长公共子序列算法


int i, j;

for (i = 0; i <= strs1.length; i++)

c[i][0] = 0;

for (j = 0; j <= strs2.length; j++)

c[0][j] = 0;

for (i = 1; i <= strs1.length; i++)


for (j = 1; j <= strs2.length; j++)


if (strs1[i-1].equals(strs2[j-1]))//如果当前元素相等。(因为c数组比x,y多一维,所以此处计算都是有-1的,下同)


c[i][j] = c[i-1][j-1] + 1;

b[i][j] =′′; //标记b[i][j]是怎么来的。用于回溯。



{ //看x去掉末尾元素后,和y序列



if (c[i -1][j] >= c[i][j-1])


c[i][j] = c[i-1][j];

b[i][j] =′↑′; //标记b[i][j]是怎么来的。用于回溯。




c[i][j] = c[i][j-1];

b[i][j] =′←′; //标记b[i][j]是怎么来的。用于回溯。







*利用LCS计算 最长子串

* @param strs1文档词 数组

* @param strs2文档词 数组

* @param d 用于显示路径


private void LCSLength2(T[] strs1, T[] strs2, int[][] d) {//最长子串算法

int i, j;

for (i = 0; i <= strs1.length; i++)

d[i][0] = 0;

for (j = 0; j <= strs2.length; j++)

d[0][j] = 0;

for (i = 1; i <= strs1.length; i++){

for (j = 1; j <= strs2.length; j++){

if (strs1[i-1].equals(strs2[j-1])) {

d[i][j] = d[i-1][j-1] + 1;








由于Spark集群硬件配置与单机硬件配置的不同,本系统将单机下的准确性实验、执行速度实验以及软聚类实验和分布式Spark平台实验分开讨论,本小节处理准确性实验。单机环境下的配置为:4核处理器Intel core i54590以及内存8 G,编程语言为Java。分布式Spark平台硬件配置为:主结点(Master Node) 1个,工作节点(Worker Node) 8个,其中每个结点的配置为2核处理器Intel Core i53470,内存2 GB,磁盘空间100 GB、网卡百兆以及操作系统为Ubuntu 14.04。下文实验结果均为运行3次后所得的平均值。














假设待检测论文的字符长度为m,已知文本的平均长度为n,已知文本集的规模为N。考察LCS算法,若使用动态规划的计算策略,时间复杂度则为约O(m瘙簚n瘙簚N)。设Simhash算法所采用的位数为f,则Simhash算法的时间复杂度约为O(f瘙簚N),通常f设为64或者128,比文本的字符长度m一般来说小很多,也就是说Simhash算法检测速度要较LCS快些。设待检测论文的特征项为t个,已知文本集的总特征项为V,则倒排索引的时间复杂度约为O(t瘙簚 t瘙簚 N/V),显然倒排索引方式的相似性检测又要比Simhash快些。其实倒排索引方式所花的时间在于倒排索引的前期建立阶段。对于在线检测论文是否存在抄袭他人成果嫌疑的应用场景,前期准备多花时间这一点要求不是很高,而检测速度却要求达到秒级响应,所以采用倒排索引方式检测相似论文是适宜的。再看倒排索引结合软聚类算法,设软聚类后每个类的平均文档规模为M,则倒排索引结合软聚类算法的时间复杂度约为O(c瘙簚t瘙簚t瘙簚M/V)(其中c表示依次寻找最相似的前c个簇,其他符号含义同倒排索引算法),说明倒排索引结合软聚类算法又比纯倒排索引算法的执行速度有较大提高。















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[8] MacQueen, J. B. (1967). Some Methods for classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations. Proceedings of 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability 1. University of California Press. pp. 281297. 1967.

[9] Wikipedia. Minimum spanning tree[EB/OL].http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_spanning_tree. Retrieved 2015.

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第六章基于关联数据的图书馆云服务 第六章基于关联数据的图书馆云服务



关联数据作为一项语义网的最佳实践,受到学术界和工业界的广泛关注。在互联网大数据时代,关联数据同时也是构建网络大数据集之间的语义关系有效途径[1]。关联数据的主要特性之一就是对不同RDF数据集之间有语义关联的实体或是属性建立关联关系(如owl:sameAs,rdfs:seeAlso),同时通过HTTP协议和URI实现对互联网上信息对象的发现、关联和共享服务。因此,实现不同关联数据集间的关联匹配是实现互联网信息共享的基础,受到来自研究领域和工业界的广泛关注。W3C发起的关联开放数据(Linking Open Data, LOD)[2]运动得到了广泛的支持和关注,来自各个会议、学术组织和企业团体发布了大量的关联开放数据。这些关联数据中包括地理信息[3]、生物科学数据[4]、百科词条[5]、政府信息[6]、出版数据[7]等。关联数据已渗透到网络信息服务的方方面面,成为新的网络应用服务增长点和新研究热点。




除了图书馆,其他的文献发布和出版机构也积极引入关联数据作为图书论文发布的有效工具。著名的计算机科技文献书目数据库DBLP已通过D2R服务器将关系型数据库中的论文信息全部转换成关联数据并在互联网上公开发布[14],供用户查询和浏览。同时,Citeseer、ACM、NSF以及部分IEEE会议也将学术资源组织成关联数据的格式以方便在网络上访问。爱尔兰和英国的研究者将语义网学术会议资料组织成关联数据的格式发布,并称之为Semantic Web Dog Food[15]。大量的关联数据带来了丰富的语义信息,为用户提供了知识发现和语义检索的数据基础,但也成为信息处理中的难点和热点。截至2011年9月,网络开放的关联数据云已包含310亿RDF三元组,5亿多的RDF关联连接[16]。如何对如此海量的关联数据进行匹配和处理,有效为用户提供服务成了关联数据服务中急需解决的问题。






为了获取互联网上其他关联数据,可以采用在线SPARQL Endpoint访问、语义搜索引擎查询关联数据集以及下载关联数据集到本地这三种方式。对于从互联网络上难以下载的网络大数据,采用SPARQL Endpoint查询关联数据集的方式可以实时的对其进行访问,且有较高的准确率。但是这种实时查询的方式需要占用大量的网络带宽,而且会造成较长的访问延迟。对于数据量较小的开源关联数据,可以先将其下载到本地的方式。目前的LOD中有34%的数据集提供本地下载文件,而67%的数据集提供SPARQL Endpoint[19]。语义网搜索引擎如Sindice[20]、Falcons[21]等都提供查询API供机器访问,但检索到的数据容易出现冗余和误差。本文对通过SPARQL Endpoint进行关联数据集的访问和下载到本地的关联数据获取方式都进行了实现。






● 元数据转换

为了把MARC格式的书目数据转换成RDF格式的关联数据,首先需要将这些书目数据对应的元数据的格式转换成本体表示的结构,也就是说需要构造和MARC格式相应的本体模式来描述书目数据中的语义信息。目前国内外已有一些描述书目数据的本体。如欧盟DERI(Digital Enterprise Research Institute)创建的MarcOnt Ontology[22],包含34个大类和43个属性,用于不同格式的书目描述间的转换。D Arcus及Giasson等人开发的基于RDF的书目本体Bibiliographic Ontology Specification[23],包含69个类,52个对象属性和54个数据属性,可以作为其他书目数据源交换的通用词汇基础。NSTL书目本体[24]作为将数据库中的书目数据转换成关联数据的本体参照,共包含18个类和410个属性。Kvision本体[25]利用书目数据自动构建本体辅助对网络信息资源的组织和利用。这些本体和知识组织都部分地实现了MARC格式向RDF数据及本体模式之间的转换。

MODS(Metadata Object Description Schema)是由美国国会图书馆于2002年制定的一个基于XML的文献描述Schema[26],用于融合MARC和都柏林核心(DC)中的元数据描述,能够和现有的数据资源描述高度兼容,而且更加适应互联网环境。SIMILE[27]项目是由W3C、麻省理工学院图书馆和麻省理工学院科学和人工智能实验室联合研制开发的,主要关注数字资料的互操作性。在SIMILE项目中,由Stefano Mazzocchi开发研制的本体RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1[28]将MODS V3.1中的要素(Element)描述成本体中的类和属性,以便对相关的数字资源进行转换和交换。

考虑到MODS承启了MARC格式的中元数据的描述,和其他LIS领域中的受控词表互为补充,并在图书情报领域有较强的权威性,笔者在书目数据的转换中采用了RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1作为书目数据转换的参照本体,用于描述书目数据的元数据属性。RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1共定义了40个类和62个属性;其中不包含子类的有11个类,包含子类的有5个类。属性则分为6大类,分别是General properties,Item properties,Name properties,Item Relationships,Record properties,Roles。

RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1各个类的名称和包含子类个数如表6.1。 表6.1RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1分类表

类名 所属类别 包含子类个数 RecordClasses0DateClasses0ClassificationClasses0AudienceClasses0GenreClasses0LanguageClasses0DescriptionClasses0Form Classes0PublisherClasses0ConferenceClasses0CorporationClasses0TitleTitle type4NameName type3ItemItem type12SubjectSubject type6RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1的Subject type中类和子类间继承关系如图6.3所示。

图6.3Subject type中类和子类间继承关系

通过参照RDF Ontology for MODS V3.1,笔者可以将书目数据转换成RDF的描述格式。

● 书目数据转换

笔者从Project Gutenberg Australia项目[29]中下载了1281条MARC格式的书目数据。Project Gutenberg Australia(PGA)网站是Colin Choat在2001年创立的对澳大利亚知识产权已经到期的电子书和电子文档进行免费共享的一个组织。

为了对多种书目数据进行关联,笔者从code4rda(software for the Resource Description and Access (RDA) library standard)项目中[30]下载了155M的美国国家图书馆发布的NT格式的RDA数据。RDA格式[31]是图书馆资源描述的新方式,和传统的FRBR方式相比,它更适合对网络上的互联数据进行描述,并非常适合由关联数据的格式进行表达。NT格式是RDF数据格式的一种,无需做数据转换即可和其他网上数据资源进行关联匹配。笔者对PGA中下载的MARC格式数据进行分析,如图6.4所示。


图6.4的上半部分是一段由MARC格式标记的书目数据,包含了相关的元数据信息和具体的书目信息。经过转换后生成的RDF文件保存了MARC数据中所应有的元数据信息,同时把相关的书目数据实例转换成了一个RDF资源实体的实例()。这个实例由URI标签唯一指定,发布后可以在浏览器中直接浏览。对于书目数据中的作者数据,转换后的RDF数据把作者作为一个实体(Entity)的实例(),并通过本体中定义的Person类型对作者这个实例进行数据类型的约束()。作者的生卒年月(18731947)和全名(Cather, Willa.)是这个作者实例的属性。和作者相关的作品被定义成本体中的文本类型(),作品的标题(Death Comes for the Archbishop)标记为title标签()。为了方便在互联网上进行信息共享,转换后的RDF数据采用了RDF/XML格式,方便被其他网络应用程序处理和访问。





● MapReduce模型实现


Map (K, v):

//K: document name

//v: target field

For each v:

V=Sort (v);


Reduce (K, V):

//K: the similar target field value

//V: a array of the document D with the similar target field

L = null;

L← V;

For each L(di, vi) and L(dj, vj):

If di<>dj

Then Compare (L(di, vi), L(dj, vj));


● 书目数据间的关联匹配

在书目数据和书目数据的相互匹配中,笔者使用了由PGA项目提供的MARC数据和XML数据转换成的RDF/XML格式的数据(如图6.5所示)。另外,笔者还采用了code4rda项目中的RDA形式的NT格式的书目数据,NT格式是以RDF三元组的形式来表示。图6.5所示的代码显示了书目的名称和作者关系,包括书名“In a sunburned country”和作者“Bill Bryson”。




SILK使用了一种专有的连接语言Link Specificaiton Language(SILKLSI)来完成对两个关联数据资源间的语义关联发现,SILKLSI以XML的形式表现。由于两个书目数据都较易获取,为了提高匹配效率,笔者采用了将数据源下载到本地进行匹配的方式。

在SILKLSI文件中使用了“”对读取的数据源位置进行了指定。如果需要在读取数据源时采用访问SPARQL Endpoint的方式,只需要在“”标签中指明“endpointURI”即可。如下所示:

其中,“type="sparqlEndpoint"”表明使用的是SPARQL Endpoint的方式进行访问,对于一个返回数据的链接“retryCount”,返回数据的数量是100个,即“value="100"”。


在RDA数据中,人名取用的“preferredNameForThePerson”标签的值(value),而在RDF/XML格式数据中取的“modsrdf:fullName”的值。由于在不同的数据集中,同一数据的表示形式可能会有区别。如“Zane, Grey”在另一个数据集中的表现方式可能是“Grey Zane”。因此,在进行匹配时,笔者去掉了数据中的标点和空格等没有意义的符号,并把大小写不一致的数据全部转化成小写数据。这一步骤通过“”中的函数来完成。经过转换后的两个字符串通过笔者定义的条件即相等关系“equality”来进行比较,并给拥有此关系的关系组赋予权值1,通过语句“”来实现。对于“owl:sameAs”关系,当两个进行匹配的关联实体间的最小相似度大于0.8的时候,笔者即认为这组实体关系为“equality”,并对这组关联关系进行输出,通过标签“”来完成。




● 书目数据和DBPedia之间的关联匹配

对于开放关联数据社区中的数据,笔者选用了DBPedia来获取和书目数据间的关联关系。笔者首先从网上获取了DBPedia的相关数据227M[34],并把它和RDA书目数据以及RDF/XML书目数据进行匹配。DBPedia的数据格式如图6.8所示,包含人名信息“Attila the Hun”,类型是“foaf/0.1/Person”,以及相关描述“Khan of the Huns from 434 until his death”。








关联数据作为语义网的最佳实践,推动了互联网的语义知识发现和信息共享,在网络信息服务的各个方面都得到了相关的应用和研究。本文以书目数据为研究对象,提出了一种对不同格式的书目数据进行转换,并基于MapReduce 模型将书目数据和其他关联数据资源互相关联的方法,为实现图书馆的关联数据服务提供了丰富的语义连接和技术实现。在后续的工作中,笔者会研究将已经转换的书目关联数据发布在网上,并提供针对语义关联的查询检索服务,对关联数据在图书馆信息服务中的应用做进一步的实现。




为了使图书馆获得更多的用户关注和阅读量,目前有许多研究致力于将图书馆馆藏资源和外部的网络资源互联。Joorabchi & Mahdi[37]通过寻找共同的主题词将图书馆馆藏信息和Wikipedia中的概念词条信息互相联系,利用wikipedia的用户流量来增加图书馆馆藏资源的可见度和利用率。Golub[38]和Yi[39]都以受控词表为基础,将图书馆资源和网络分类系统相联系,增加图书馆资源的利用率。夏明春[40]等对国内图书馆资源的共享状况做了调查和研究,并提出了相应的建议。这些工作都从一定程度上增强了图书馆馆藏资源的能见度,促进了图书馆馆藏资源的利用和发展。但是,这些研究都是构建网络分类系统、知识库等专家系统和图书馆之间的连接,有很强的针对性,同时也需要用户对这些网络分类系统和知识库有较深的理解和较高的网络搜索技能。因此,这些将网络资源和图书馆馆藏资源相联的研究存在很强的专业性,不能面向普通的网络搜索用户,在扩展图书馆服务及扩大馆藏资源利用率方面受到极大的限制。

实时新闻是一种通过网络信息技术将世界各地及用户身边发生的事件即时发布,供用户浏览、查询、评论等的一种新闻播报方式。在网络信息时代,实时新闻以其时效性、丰富性、交互性等特点受到广大网络用户的关注。实时新闻信息量大,产生速度快,在为用户提供大量实时信息的同时也使用户疲于被动接受,无法进行深入的思考和探索。为了帮助用户更有效地理解新闻,HEADY[41]提出了一种通过NOISYOR模型提取事件模式的方法,能够根据新闻中的描述信息自动提取概要,帮助人们快速了解新闻内容。Gao Wei[42]等通过对和新闻相关的微博信息进行过滤自动提取相关新闻中的关键语句,帮助用户快速了解新闻重点。刘晓娟等[43]通过对网络新闻进行分析和处理对研究热点和发展方向进行了分析。这些工作都从一定程度上帮助用户更加快捷有效地理解实时新闻的要点,但没有为用户提供更深入的理解和思考的途径和方法。用户面对海量高速的实时新闻,容易陷入盲目混乱,甚至自相矛盾的境地,不利于对实时新闻的深入理解和知识发现。














快数据处理技术是继云计算技术和流计算技术[45]之后,融合对大数据的稳定、精准的延时处理和对实时数据快速可靠的实时处理技术开发的新型大数据处理框架,目前已被谷歌等主流的网络应用公司所采用,并逐步取代传统的云计算处理平台,成为大数据处理技术的新的趋势[46]。新型的大数据处理平台Spark是由加州大学伯克利分校开发的一种可伸缩(scalable)的基于内存计算(InMemory Computing)的数据分析平台,用于构建大规模、低延时的数据分析应用。Spark比基于云计算的Hadoop集群存储方法更有性能优势。Spark采用Scala语言实现,提供了单一的数据处理环境。Spark采用基于内存的分布式数据集,优化了迭代式的工作负载以及交互式查询。Spark还引入了一个抽象概念,即弹性分布式数据集RDD(resilient distributed datasets)。通过把实时数据存入能够具有持久性的RDD中,Spark可以有效克服传统的流数据框架中不能存储和计算历史数据的缺点,从而能够在实时数据处理中应用更复杂和精准的计算和应用,满足用户更准确的实时数据处理需求。另一方面,通过把数据处理流程分成较短时间间隔,在总体流程上采用实时数据处理的方法,而在时间间隔内使用延时数据的批量处理的方法,Spark可以同时兼顾延时数据的批量处理和实时数据的处理算法,增强了数据的处理能力,扩展了数据的应用范围,同时也可以满足数据处理的“快”的需求。








● 快数据处理技术


● 文本分类技术

















为了更好地评估实验系统的性能,我们采用了对主题词的前10搜索结果计算命中率的方法(TOP10 Recall Hit Rate),即对于一个提交给系统的目标新闻,系统为其推荐相关的书目数据,取排在前面的最相似的50条书目记录并把这些记录的主题词集合起来。通过对这50条书目记录中的所有主题词出现的频率进行排序,取排在前十位的主题词,并对这十个主题词进行评估,如果包含了和提交的目标新闻相关的主题就认为系统在用户可以读到的范围之内找到了和系统提交的目标新闻相关的书目信息。这种对书目数据的评估方法可以把对大段的书目描述信息的评估转化为对书目的主题词的分类和评估,从而避免了阅读大量的非结构化文本所带来的歧义信息和评估者之间产生的主观分歧。由于主题词是由图书馆专家制定的受控词表,并有各级图书管理机构和出版单位分配给相关书目作为分类和标识的有效信息,故具有一定的权威性,并较少含有歧义,从而能够客观有效地对书目数据推荐的准确性进行评估。








第四个实例的新闻是讨论全球气候变化的会议。关键词包括“气候变化—环境方面”、“气候学—社会方面”、“全球气候变暖”、“温室气体效应—大气”、“季节—社会方面”。相关的书目有“气候变化”、“全球变暖:全面的简报”、“温室气体效应”、“气候变化:一个多学科方法”、“气候:过去、现在和将来”。读者通过阅读这些相关书目可以对全球气候变化的相关主题、包括大气、社会、温室气体效应等有一个全面和详细的认识,从而扩大读者的知识面,帮助读者了解相关知识。 表6.2实验结果分析(部分)

新闻数据 关键词 相关馆藏书目数据 1. Title: employees suspended following Mo. school rape allegations

Contents: Months after vowing to boost security at a Kansas City school where a student says she was dragged to a room and raped, district officials have suspended three employees amid new allegations from a 14yearold girl who alleges a boy repeatedly raped her at school. 1. “Rape—United States—Trial practice.”

2. “Rape victims—Legal status, laws, etc.—United States.”

3. “Date rape—United States”

4. “Victims of crimes—United States”

5. “Acquaintance rape—United States.”1. “The criminal justice and community response to rape”

2. “Punishing violence”

3. “Crimes of violence”

4. “Against our will : men, women and rape”

5. “Confronting rape : the feminist antirape movement and the state”2. Title: States rebel against powerful new painkiller

Contents: Officials fear pill that hit market last month will deepen prescription drug abuse crisis.1. “Drug abuse.”

2. “SubstanceRelated Disorders.”

3. “Drugs of abuse—Law and legislation—United States—Criminal provisions”

4. “Psychotropic drugs”

5. “Drug addiction—Treatment.”1. “Drugs and drug abuse”

2. “From chocolate to morphine : everything you need to know about mindaltering drugs”

3. “Drugs : a very short introduction”

4. “The consumers guide to drug interactions”

5. “Prescription drugs” 3. Title: So what? U.S. regains jobs lost in the recession

Contents: Analysts downplay milestone as economy is still millions of jobs short of goal.1. “Job hunting.”

2. “Unemployment—United States.”

3. “Employment interviewing.”

4. “Vocational guidance.”

5. “Labor market—United States.”1. “The job description handbook”

2. “The job search solution the ultimate system for finding a great job now!”

3. “The jobhunters survival guide : how to find hope and rewarding work even when \\"there are no jobs\\”

4. “Everything you need to know about getting a job”

5. “The coming jobswar : what every leader must know about the future of job creation” 4. Title: Climate meeting to discuss future of fossil fuels

Contents: After concluding that global warming almost certainly is manmade and poses a grave threat to humanity, the U.N.sponsored expert panel on climate change is moving on to the next phase: what to do about it. 1.“Climatic changes—Environmental aspects.”

2. “Climatology—Social aspects.”

3. “Global warming.”

4. “Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric.”

5. “Weather—Social aspects.”1. “Climate change”

2. “Global warming : the complete briefing”

3. “The greenhouse effect ”

4. “Climate change : a multidisciplinary approach ”

5. “Climate: present, past and future”5. Title: UK scientists make body parts in lab

Contents: In a north London hospital, scientists are growing noses, ears and blood vessels in the laboratory in a bold attempt to make body parts using stem cells. 1. “Medicine.”

2. “Cytology”

3. “Cells—Aging”

4. “Cell culture.”

5. “Medical innovations—Social aspects.”1. “Louis Pasteur : the scientist who discovered the cause of infectious disease and invented pasteurization”

2. “The cell :”

3. “English for biomedical scientists”

4. “Viruses, cells and hosts; an introduction to virology.”

5. “Stem cell research”6. Title: End of Windows XP support spells trouble for some

Contents: Microsoft will end support for the persistently popular Windows XPon Tuesday, and the move could put everything from the operations of heavy industry to the identities of everyday people in danger.1. “Microsoft Windows (Computer file)”

2. “Operating systems (Computers)”

3. “Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file)”

4. “Microcomputers”

5. “Presentation graphics software” 1. “The complete idiots guide to Microsoft Windows 7”

2. “Windows 7 quicksteps”

3. “Windows XP allinone desk reference for dummies”

4. “Windows XP visual encyclopedia”

5. “Windows 7 inside out”7. Title: Ebola fears spread as outbreak worsens

Contents: Emergency measures taken across west Africa to contain one of worstever outbreaks, threatening every country in region.1. “Africa”

2. “Epidemics—Europe—History”

3. “South Africa”

4.“AIDS (Disease)—Africa”

5. “Africa, SubSaharan”1. “Africa from 1945”

2. “Africa, a continent selfdestructs”

3. “Africans : the history of a continent”

4. “Popular politics in the history of South Africa, 1400—1948”

5. “Black death : AIDS in Africa” 8. Title: Energy co. offers $250,000 reward in startling Silicon Valley grid attack

Contents: Pacific Gas & amp; Electric Co. offered a $250,000 reward Thursday for information leading to an arrest and conviction in a startling attack mounted nearly a year ago on telephone lines and the power grid in Silicon Valley. 1. “California—Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)”

2. “United States”

3. “High technology industries—Employees—Supply and demand—California—

Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)”

4. “California”

5. “Large type books”1. “The man behind the microchip : Robert Noyce and the invention of Silicon Valley”

2. “Silicon”

3. “The last best thing: a classic tale of greed, deception, and mayhem in Silicon Valley”

4. “How to hack a party line: the Democrats and Silicon Valley”

5. “The new argonauts : regional advantage in a global economy”9. Title: AP PHOTOS: Tornadoes rip across Midwest, South

Contents: With parts of the U.S. recovering from deadly tornadoes, more heavy storms are making their way across the South. 1. “Tornadoes”

2. “Hurricanes”

3. “Storms”

4. “United States”

5. “Natural disasters”1. “Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes”

2. “Tornadoes”

3. “Storm warning; the story of hurricanes and tornadoes”

4. “Historical catastrophes: hurricanes & tornadoes”

5. “Disastrous hurricanes and tornadoes”10. Title: Jihadist Islamic State seizes key Syria oil field

Contents: The insurgent group took control of a major Syrian oil field on the Iraqi border.1. “Petroleum industry and trade”

2. “Petroleum reserves—Forecasting”


4. “Iraq”

5. “Energy policy—United States”1. “Petrotyranny”

2. “Oil, power, and principle: Irans oil nationalization and its aftermath”

3. “Crude power : politics and the oil market”

4. “Black gold : the story of oil”

5. “Crude awakenings : global oil security and American foreign policy”第五个实例的新闻是英国科学家利用干细胞培养身体的器官和组织。关键词包括“药物”、“细胞学”、“细胞老化”、“细胞培植”、“药物的革新:社会方面”。相关的书目有“巴斯特:发现细菌感染原因和发明抗生素的科学家”、“细胞”、“英国的生物医学科学家”、“病毒、细胞和寄主:病毒学”、“干细胞研究”。对新闻有兴趣的读者通过扩展阅读资源,可以更深入地理解相关的专业知识和研究领域。

第六个实例的新闻是微软终结对WindowsXP的支持可能给正在使用WindowsXP的企业和个人带来麻烦。关键词包括“微软视窗”、“操作系统”、“微软PowerPoint”、“微电脑”、“展示图形化软件”。相关的书目有。“Windows 7白痴入门”、“Windows 7 快速进阶”、“WindowsXP一次搞定桌面参考”、“WindowsXP可视化百科全书”、“Windows 7内部构造”。其中,“Windows 7”是继“WindowsXP”之后微软开发的新操作系统,也是微软终结对WindowsXP的支持后用户可以选择的最受欢迎的新操作系统之一。通过推荐新操作系统的入门教程,本系统可以帮助用户更好地适应旧操作系统停用后的新工作环境。


第八个实例的新闻是能源有限公司悬赏25万美元来获取近一年前在硅谷的一个惊人的攻击电话线路和电网的罪犯的逮捕和定罪的信息。关键词包括“加利福尼亚—圣他克拉县”、“美国”、“高技术产业—雇员—供需—圣他克拉县”、“加利福尼亚”、“大规模读物”。相关的书目有“站在微处理器之后的人:Robert Noyce和硅谷的发明”、“最后一个最好的事情:一个贪婪,欺骗和混乱的经典故事,在硅谷”、“如何破解一个政党:民主党人和硅谷”、“新英雄:在全球经济中的区域优势”、“硅”。这些书目大部分是关于硅谷的政治、经济、文化,可以使人们对硅谷有更加详细的认识。





新闻标题,So what? U.S. regains jobs lost in the recession。

新闻内容,Analysts downplay milestone as economy is still millions of jobs short of goal。


190968  "2008" . ."The job description handbook"."Introduction — An overview of job descriptions — Avoiding legal pitfalls — Analyze and define the job — Writing the job description — Using job descriptions — Troubleshooting."

"Provides a guide for managment and human resources personael to create effective job descriptions, and describes how to establish a list of duties, requirements, qualifications, and other data; and includes a CDROM with a PowerPoint presentation." .





图6.14中第一个“schema:about”属性描述的是杜威分类中该书目记录的类型,可以由http://dewey.info/class/658.306/e22在万维网上唯一确定。第二个“schema:about”属性描述的是该书目记录在LOC中的主题分类,类型是“schema:intangible”,分类主题是“Personnel Management”。第三个“schema:about”属性描述的是该书目记录在FAST中的主题分类,即“job descriptions”。第四个“schema:about”属性描述的是该书目记录在FAST中的主题分类,即“Personnel management”。第五个“schema:about”属性描述的该书目记录在LOC中的主题分类,即“Job description”。




在图6.15中“schema:bookEdition”描述的是这个书目的版本,值是“2nd ed.”“schema:creator”表示的是这本书的作者,这个作者是http://viaf.org/viaf/9259277在万维网上的唯一标识,全名叫“MaderClark, Marjorie”,其中姓是“Marjorie”,名是“MaderClark”。“schema:dataPublished”描述了书的出版日期“2008”。其中,VIAF是一个虚拟的国际权威文档,它把几种权威的命名文件合并成由OCLC提供的名称权威服务。命名的目的是为了降低成本花销,并提高图书馆权威命名文件的可用性。OCLC把万维网上广泛使用的权威文件做了匹配和互联,使其在网上易于获取和共享。

图6.16中“schema:description”是对书的内容的梗概描述。这本书包括两个描述,一个是对内容的描述:“Provides a guide for managment and human resources personael to create effective job descriptions, and describes how to establish a list of duties, requirements, qualifications, and other data; and includes a CDROM with a PowerPoint presentation.”另外一个主要描述了书的章节,包括:“Introduction — An overview of job descriptions — Avoiding legal pitfalls — Analyze and define the job — Writing the job description — Using job descriptions — Troubleshooting.”



图 6.17关联数据五

如图6.17所示,“schema:exampleOfWork”属性定义为实体—著作中的一员,ID为46089207,可以通过http://worldcat.ogr/entity/work/id/46089207在万维网上唯一确定。“schema:genre”定义了作品的体裁,属于“Handbooks, Manuals, etc.”。“schema:inLanguage”标明作品的描述语言是英语。“schema:name”确定作品的名称是“The job description handbook”。



图6.18中“schema:publication”对该出版物的出版进行了描述。这本书的出版所在地是“Berkeley, CA”,组织是“Nolo”,出版时间是“2008”。


通过这段关联数据,我们可以直接访问到Berkeley, CA的Nolo出版社在万维网上的地址,同时,相关的出版物属性可以更好地帮助我们进行网络应用和服务。














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(Library to Amazon)(部分)  .

. 附录二DBpedia和书目数据的关联匹配(DBpedia to Library)(部分) 附录二DBpedia和书目数据的关联匹配

(DBpedia to Library)(部分)  .

附录三DBpedia和书目数据的关联匹配(DBpedia to Amazon)(部分) 附录三DBpedia和书目数据的关联匹配

(DBpedia to Amazon)(部分)  .

. 附录四书目数据推荐(新闻10条,书目前50条) 附录四书目数据推荐

(新闻10条,书目前50条) NO.3 begin

3: 3 employees suspended following Mo. school rape allegations

??Months after vowing to boost security at a Kansas City school where a student says she was dragged to a room and raped, district officials have suspended three employees amid new allegations from a 14yearold girl who alleges a boy repeatedly raped her at school.

143748  "1994" . ."The criminal justice and community response to rape" ."Introduction and overview — Legal and policy reform — Law enforcement agencies — Prosecutors offices — Rape crisis centers — Hospitals — Interagency coordination — Emerging issues — Prevention education — Conclusion — Glossary — Appendixes — Tables." .

135508  "1995" . ."Punishing violence" ."1. Introduction — 2. The Reality of assault — 3. Harm and reporting — 4. The victim and the police — 5. The police and the demands of the legal process — 6. Police case construction — 7. Victims in court — 8. Assault, prosecution and the victim." .

31929  "1973—" . ."Crimes of violence" ."v. 1. Homicide and assault — v. 2. Rape and other sex crimes." .

204867  "1975" . ."Against our will : men, women and rape" ."The mass psychology of rape : an introduction — In the beginning was the law — War — Riots, pogroms and revolutions — Two studies in American history — The policeblotter rapist — A question of race — Power : institution and authority — The myth of the heroic rapist — Victims : the setting — Victims : the crime — Women fight back." . "\\"A ‘history of rape, including psychological, sociopolitical, and legal perspectives....The material is well documented and compellingly presented.’\\" Choice." .

147247  "1994" . ."Confronting rape : the feminist antirape movement and the state" ."Confronting Rape documents two decades of antirape activism. From grassroots efforts to the institutionalization of statefunded rape crisis centers, the movement has changed public thinking significantly about sexual assault. Activists in rape crisis centers across the US have created a feminist success story, although not always as they would have chosen." . "1. Feminism, the state, and the antirape movement: theoretical underpinnings — 2. The national context — 3. The birth of the Los Angeles antirape movement — 4. Surviving the early years — 5. The politics of crisis and a crisis of politics — 6. Politics and bureaucracy: OCJP funding — 7. The expansion of racial diversity — 8. From stopping violence to managing rape." .

106927  "1998" . ."Date rape and consent" ."Stranger rape and date rape — Date rape: the evidence — Date rape and the concept of consent — Sex on a sloping playing field." .

15756  "2007" . ."Frequently asked questions about date rape" ."Knowing the facts about date rape will help you understand how and why rape happens. Learn how to protect yourself and others from date rape." . "Why does date rape occur? — How can you defend yourself against date rape? — How can you prevent date rape? — What if it happens to you? — What can you do if a friend is raped?" .

51650  "2005" . ."Rape work : victims, gender, and emotions in organization and community context" ."Rape Work — Rape Work & Organizational context — The Legal Institution: Why Police, Prosecutors, and Judges Collaborate with Rapists and their Defenders — Hospitals: The Reluctant Partner — Rape Crisis Centers as Unobtrusive Mobilizers — Discursive Politics — Communities & Rape Work — Gender & Rape Work — The Emotions of Rape Work: \\"You need some really soft handling.\\" — Moving Forward." .

177929  "1971" . ."Patterns in forcible rape." ."1. Introduction — 2. The victim and th offender in the rape situation — 3. The Rape situation and modus operandi — 4. The victim in forcible rape — 5. The postrape situation" .

162036  "1976, c1975" . ."Against our will : men, women, and rape" ."The mass psychology of rape: an introduction — In the beginning was the law — War — Riots, pogroms and revolutions — Two studies in American history — The policeblotter rapist — A question of race — Power: institution and authority — The myth of the heroic rapist — Victims: the setting — Victims: the crime — Women fight back." .

151947  "1993" . ."Against our will : men, women, and rape" ."Apersonal statement — The mass psychology of rape: an introduction — In the beginning was the law — War.World War I ;World War II ; Bangladesh ; Vietnam — Riots, pogroms and revolutions.The American Revolution ; Pogroms ; The Mormon persecutions ; Mob violence against Blacks: the KKK — Mob violence against Whites: the Congo — Two stories in American history.Indians ; Slavery ; Addendum: The cliometricians — The policeblotter rapist.Pairs, groups and gangs ; \\"Gratuitous acts, extravagant defilements\\" ; Rapemurder — A question of race — Power, institution and authority.Prison rape: the homosexual experience ; Police rape ; The sexual abuse of children — The myth of the heroic rapist — Victims: the setting.The conscious rape fantasy ; The beautiful victim ; \\"Blonde exshowgirl slain in hotel suite\\" ; COnfessions: \\"He made me do it!\\" — Victims: the crime — Women fight back." . "This book stands as a unique document of the history, politics and sociology of rape and the inherent and ungrained inequality of men and women under the law." .

52493  "2005" . ."Just sex? : the cultural scaffolding of rape" ."Rape as a social problem — The discovery ofa rape epidemic — The social construction of sex, subjectivity, and the body — Heterosexuality under the microscope — Unsexy sex : unwanted sex, sexual coercion, and rape — Can a woman be raped and not know it? — Turning the tables? : women raping men — Toward ending rape." .

143227  "1995" . ."Double jeopardy" ."In Dallas, after his client breaks out of jail, a defense lawyer becomes the object of two manhunts. The police want him, convinced he arranged the escape, and the mob is after him because they dont want him to help the client, whom they want dead. In desperation the lawyer turns to his archenemy, a lady prosecutor." .

180546  "1990" . ."Everything you need to know about date rape" ."Explains what date rape is, how to avoid it, and where to find help if youre a victim." .

4483  "1974,c1975" . ."Rape victimology," ."The rape victim speaks: Cohn, B. N. Succumbing to rape? Anonymous. When a woman is attacked. Griffin, S. Rape: the allAmerican crime.—Social aspects of rape victimology: Amir, M. Forcible rape. Kanin, E. J. Selected dyadic aspects of male sex aggression. Schultz, L. G. and DeSavage, J. Rape and rape attitudes on a college campus. Weis, K. and Borges, S. S. Victimology and rape: the case of the legitimate victim.—Legal aspects of rape victimology: Snelling, H. A. What is rape? What is nonconsent (in rape)? Hibey, R. A. The trial of a rape case: an advocates analysis of corraboration [sic] consent, and character. Wood, P. L. The victim in a forcible rape case: a feminist view.—Sociomedico aspects of rape victimization: Enos, W. F., Beyer, J. C. and Mann, G. T. The medical examination of cases of rape. Fox, S. S. and Scherl, D. J. Crisis intervention with rape victims.—The child as a sex victim: Flammang, C. J. Interviewing child victims of sex offenders. Schultz, L. G. The child as a sex victim: sociolegal perspectives. Saperstein, A. Child rape victims and their families. Libai, D. The protection of the child victim of a sexual offense in the criminal justice system.—Policy: Report of District of Columbia task force on rape.—Greer, G. Seduction is a fourletter word.—Suggested reading (p. 396405)" .

107914  "1998" . ."Likely to die" ."When a neurosurgeon at the MidManhattan Medical Center is found raped, stabbed, and left to die, Alexandra Cooper, head of the Manhattan District Attorneys Sex Crime Unit, finds herself mired in a plethora of suspects." .

123602  "1997" . ."Guilt" ."As chief legal counsel for the archbishop of San Francisco, Mark Dooher could not divorce his wife, therefore he murdered her. So say the police and the novel is the story of his trial, a conflict between a tenacious police detective and the powerful lawyer. By the author of A Certain Justice." .

84977  "2009" . ."Guilt" ."As chief legal counsel for the archbishop of San Francisco, Mark Dooher could not divorce his wife, therefore he murdered her. So say the police and the novel is the story of his trial, a conflict between a tenacious police detective and the powerful lawyer." .

150468  "2011" . ."Crash into me : a survivors search for justice" ."In September 2005, Liz Seccuro received an apology letter from the man who had raped her twentytwo years earlier. The rape, which occurred when she was a freshman at the University of Virginia, was reported to the campus police, but their inquiry led nowhere. The man accused of raping her left the university soon after, and Seccuro tried to put the incident behind her, but like all survivors of trauma, the memory was never far from the surface. The letter brought it all back. Seccuro began an email correspondence with her rapist to try to understand what happened, and why. Then she found the courage to do what should have been done all those years earlier—prosecute him. But once proceedings began, she found that what she thought occurred at that frat party was only the tip of the iceberg.—From publisher description." . "The letter — High ambitions — Darkness on Madison Lane — Sweeping it under the rug — The legacy of rape — The charges, the arrest, and the system — The media beast and what she eats — The preliminary hearing and direct examination — Cross examination and redirect — Dark days and new revelations — The guilty plea — The sentencing and release of William Beebe — Epilogue: Hope, joy, and the continuing fight." .

139882  "1995" . ."Eyes of a child" ."A husband convinces a judge to give him custody of the couples daughter. The mother goes to see a lawyer and he turns out to be a man of action. Rather than file a timeconsuming appeal, he murders the husband. So says the prosecution, in this tale of a trial." .

146832  "1994" . ."Recovering from rape" ."If you have been sexually assaulted, you are probably experiencing a mix of fear, anger, and depression. If you are a relative, friend, or lover of someone who has been assaulted, you too may be deeply affected by the incident and by the survivors reaction to it. However, working together, survivors and their loved ones can recover and may even be able to turn the recovery into an opportunity for positive change and growth. This comprehensive handbook offers emotional support and practical guidance in overcoming the trauma of rape. It explains what to expect at the police station, at the hospital, and, if necessary, in court, and it helps readers learn the most effective ways of dealing with their feelings immediately following an assault, during the subsequent few months, and beyond. The experiences of survivors recounted throughout the book reassure readers that others have pulled through. Dr. Ledray helps survivors realize that no matter what they didwore a lowcut blouse, accepted a ride from a stranger, invited an acquaintance homethey did not deserve to be raped. She guides them from guilt or disbelief through bitterness and despair to the decision to take back control of their lives." . "Introduction: What Is Rape, and What Can We Do About It? — 1. Its Not Your Fault — 2. Your Next Move Can Make a Difference — 3. Sorting Out Your Feelings and Response — 4. Your Recovery: Taking Back Control — 5. Telling Other People — 6. The First Anniversary and Beyond — 7. Overcoming the Trauma of a Childhood Sexual Assault — 8. Prosecuting and Convicting the Rapist — 9. Who Rapes? — 10. Preventing Rape — Rape Crisis Centers in the United States." .

78570  "2002" . ."The silence of the rain" ."Inspector Espinosa investigates the murder of a corporate executive found dead in his car, piecing together clues surrounding the victims missing secretary, a life insurance policy, the victims widow, and two additional murder victims." .

141753  "1995" . ."The fourth procedure" ."A medical thriller on abortion. The protagonists are powerful people with vested interests in both the prochoice and prolife camps. They include a congressman, a judge and a surgeon. A tale of bombs, dirty politics, blackmail and murder." .

104883  "1999" . ."The prosecution : a legal thriller" ."A killer claims Portlands chief district attorney paid $10,000 to kill his wife, the money delivered by his second wife. No witnesses are available to corroborate the story, but lawyer Joe Antonelli agrees to prosecute the attorney anyway. The story of a trial." .

151217  "1994" . ."Dissociated states" ."A married couple who are both psychiatrists discover they are treating the same patient under different names and that the patient is a killer. When he is arrested, the wife is hired by the defense and the husband by the prosecution." .

22359  "1958" . ."The criminal prosecution in England." ."General principles — Interrogation — Arrest and detention — The legal process — Appendix: judges rules." .

47284  "2006" . ."The destruction of young lawyers : beyond one L" ."Unhappy young lawyers — The trouble with law school — The pointless ritual of the bar exam — The structure of law firm practice : alienated \\"associates\\" — The content of law firm practice : doing things you dont want to do — Technology and the overwrought lawyer — Options for young lawyers." .

120490  "1997" . ."Guilty as sin" ."Assistant County Attorney Ellen North is in charge of the prosecution of the trial of a child abductor in a rural Minnesota community. Her efforts are complicated by the silence of the victim, the presence of her former lover as the defense, and threatening telephone calls." .

146363  "1977" . ."Rape and raperelated issues : an annotated bibliography" ."348 Englishlanguage journal articles and some books published between 1965—1976 on rape. Represents legal, psychiatric nursing, sociological, and popular literature. Author arrangement. Subject index." .

190272  "1988" . ."Coping with date rape & acquaintance rape" ."\\"It wasnt rape, he just took advantage of me\\" — You are not alone — Why does it happen?Sugar and spice and everything niceHow are you feeling? — Whose fault is it? — Whom should you tell and where can you go for help? — What are your rights? — Preventing rape — Not just for femalesmales as victims — Why do nice men force friends to have sex?" . "Case studies describe acquaintance rape and the issues concerning it." .

198228  "1975" . ."An American rape : a true account of the GilesJohnson case" ."An account of the GilesJohnson case in which three young black males, James Giles, his brother John Giles, and their friend Joe Johnson, were accused of raping a sixteenyearold white girl in Montgomery County, Maryland, on July 21, 1961. Despite their pleas of innocence, contradictory testimony by the accuser, and exonerating evidence in the states attorneys office, the three men were convicted and sentenced to death." .

126543  "1996" . ."Error of judgment" ."At the Old Bailey courthousein London a lawyer defends an amnesiac accused of murder, the case complicated by romance. The lawyer is the boyfriend of the woman prosecutor and when she leaves him, he takes up with the wife of the accused man." .

47149  "2010" . ."Criminal innocence" ."Lawyer Steven Drury is caught in an impossible dilemma when the man he identified as his attacker threatens to kill a young woman if he doesnt recant his statement." .

72422  "1960" . ."American rights; the Constitution in action." ."Military control over civilians — Habeas Corpus and criminal procedure — The right tocounsel — The use of confessions — Search and seizure — The prosecutor as the Servant of Justice — Licensing of speech — The hostile audience — Labor union picketing — The Smith Act: illegal advocacy — The Internal Security Act of 1950 (McCarran Act) — The Communist Control Act of 1954 — The right not to say what one does not believe — The right not to say what one does believe — The right not to say what one knows — Movement within the United States — Entrance into the United States — Freedom to leave — The course of past decisions — Are Negroes different? — A guess about the future." .

21970  "2011" . ."Wrong man running" ."Rick Cornith—driven careerist, brilliant prosecutor, and the heir apparent to the District Attorneys job in Manhattan—is asked to handle a case involving a series of increasingly sadistic rapes. When the victims begin identifying him as their assailant, he takes flight. No one who knows him well believes him capable of commiting these crimes. And yet the evidence against him keeps mounting." .

63735  "2003" . ."The distant echo" ."Twentyfive years after an unsolved rape and murder, four friends, having been falsely accused of the crime, find themselves targeted by someone who still believes that they are guilty, prompting a search for the real killer." .

54775  "1980" . ."Felony file" ."Luis Mendoza of the Los Angeles Police Department takes on the challenge of bigcity crime—four robberies, the murder of a young divorcee and a middleaged woman, and the brutal beating and rape of a nineyearold girl." .

134913  "1996" . ."Touched" ."A case of child molesting told from several points of view, among them that of the boy and the molester. The novel examineshidden motives, one being the mothers cry for retribution, prompted by feelings of guilt at leaving the boy unattended while she was having an affair. A first novel." .

60602  "2004" . ."Public rape : representing violation in fiction and film" ."The author considers the public investment in images of rape and the figure of the raped woman. Introducing the idea of \\"public rape\\", she looks at how images of rapefrom news stories to Hollywood films and popular fictionserve as cultural fantasies of sexual, racial and class difference. The author argues that the concept of fantasy, while much maligned in traditional feminist writing on sexual violence, is the key to understanding the investment in narratives of rape. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach that works between the fields of gender, film, and cultural studies to reveal how representations of rape raise vital questions about the relationship between reality and fantasy, and between violence and spectacle." . "Preface — Acknowledgements — Part I. Primal scenes. 1. Origin stories : rape, fantasy and the foundations of feminism — 2. Body politics : Rousseaus Le L\\u00E9vite dEphraim — Part II. The spectacle of rape. 3. Rape is not a spectator sport : the New Bedford Big Dans gang rape — 4. They did worse than nothing : rape and spectatorship in The Accused — Part III. Rewriting rape. 5. More intimate than violence : Sarah Dunants Transgressions — 6. Rape on tape? Raw Deal : A Question of Consent — Notes — Bibliography — Index." .

133489  "1996" . ."A woman scorned : acquaintance rape on trial" ."Prologue: Hooking Up at the Trump — 1. The St. Johns Case Goes to Trial — 2. Birth of the False Accuser: The Case of Margery Evans — 3. The Enigma of Puritan Sexuality: Rape in Early New England — 4. The NoMeansYes Defense: Rape at the Birth of the Nation — 5.Rape and Sexual Politics in the Nineteenth Century — 6. Construction of Modern Sexual Stereotypes — 7. The Great American Sex Business — 8. Feminism in the Sixties and the AntiRape Movement — 9. Naming and Studying Acquaintance Rape — 10. The Continuing Power of Stereotypes — 11. The Crusade Against AntiRape Activism — 12. Affirmative Consent — 13. Conclusion." . "Beginning with a harrowing account of the St. Johns rape case, Sanday reaches back through British and American landmark rape cases to explain how, with the exception of earliest Colonial times, rape has been a crime notable for placing the woman on trial. Whether she is charged as a false accuser, gold digger, loose or scorned woman, stereotypes prevail. American jurisprudence and the public at large remain divided on acquaintance rape. And now, as the Violence Against Women Actthe most important legislation for women in twenty yearshas been passed, a new breed of antifeminists has stepped up to the plate to subordinate womens bid for sexual autonomy and freedom. A groundbreaking work of scholarship that coherently challenges the antirape backlash and its rhetoric, A Woman Scorned brings a broader perspective to our understanding of acquaintance rape and envisions, finally, a new paradigm for female sexual equality." .

112642  "1998" . ."Surviving the silence : Black womens stories of rape" ."\\"Charlotte PierceBaker weaves together the accounts of black women who have been raped and who have felt that they had to remain silent in order to protect themselves and their race.\\"—Jacket." .

135661  "1995" . ."Done wrong" ."In Chicago, a black woman detective starts her own probe into the death, three years earlier, of her policeman husband who was said to have committed suicide. The husband was a narcotics officer. A tale of police corruption by the author of Dead Time." .

131281  "1996" . ."The bitter bite" ."In London, a young woman is raped by an electrician working in the home of her parents. The police cannot prove it, so her boyfriend turns vigilante. He enrolls a schoolmate and they resort to torture to obtain a confession, an operation which ends badly. By the author of Judgment Deferred." .

147401  "1994" . ."Pretty maids in a row" ."A group of women decides to punish rapists inhigh places by exposing them to public scorn. The list ofcandidates includes HUD secretarydesignate Sen. Timothy Ziegler. When the senators mutilated body isfound with a \\"rapist\\" placard, its obvious someone istaking advantage." .

213189  "1984" . ."Womans counsel : a legal guide for women" ."Introduction — Dealing withattorneys. Do you really need an attorney? ; Selecting an attorney ; Jury duty ; Small claims court ; Traffic court — Dealing with police.Your rights as an arrested person ; Searches — The family. Divorce ; Child custody and support ; Juvenile law — Women as victims. Sex discrimination ; Sexual harassment ; Rape ; Battered women — Purely financial. Wills ; Social security ; Consumer concerns ; Bankruptcy." .

67474  "2004" . ."Hate crime" ."Entreated by the mother of a hatecrime suspect to defend her son, charged with murdering a gay man, a Tulsa defense attorney hides his reasons for wanting to refuse the case, but attends the trial with partner Christina McCall." .

125409  "1997" . ."Profiling the lethal employee : case studies of violence in the workplace" ."1. Recognizing the Lethal Employee — 2. Case StudiesA Decade of the Lethal Employee — 3. Driven to Violence and Murder — 4. Intervention and Prevention — 5. Conclusion." .

196344  "2007" . ."Taking the stand : rape survivors and the prosecution of rapists" ."Follows 47 rape survivors of varied ages and ethnicities, focusing on the womens experiences throughout the criminal justice processes." . "Why take a stand? — \\"I knew I had to ... \\": reporting rape to law enforcement — \\"It had to be done\\": rape survivors participation in investigation — Too little, too late : prosecutors precourt preparation — \\"I wanted there to be no question\\": survivors selfpreparation for court — \\"I dont have to be afraid of you!\\" : rape survivors emotion management in court — \\"Im only gonna tell you once\\": rape survivors interaction and information management in court — \\"He said hell plead guilty. How does that sound to you?\\" : rape survivors participation in and satisfaction with plea negotiations — \\"Having the last word\\": rape survivors participation in sentencing — Moving toward more justice for rape survivors in the criminal process." .

13470  "2005, c1994" . ."The 13th juror" ."A legal thriller featuring a battered San Francisco wife accused of shooting both her husband and her sevenyearold son. When the trial opens she refuses to allow a defense of spousal abuse because of its implication of guilt. Which presents her lawyer, the narrator, with a major problem as the prosecution claims she killed the husband for the insurance." .

170574  "2008" . ."A family sin" ."Raised by a bootlegger in a bad section of town, Karim Spencer becomes a successful businessman. His sister is a stripper with a gangstawannabe son, and his brother is serving a life sentence for a murder he didnt commit. But how can Karim help without jeopardizing his future or destroying his family?" .

"Rape—United States—Trial practice." . , .: 16.001000658190534

"United States" . , .: 15.001000046135589

"Rape victims—Legal status, laws, etc.—United States." . , .: 8.001000509244623

"Viol—EtatsUnis—Bibliographie." . , .: 6.000250499903541

"Date rape—United States" . , .: 4.0001672274232885

"California—San Francisco" . , .: 4.000058970491159

"Victims of crimes—United States". , .: 3.00050043058307

"Acquaintance rape—United States." . , .: 3.0001675469857574

"Women—Legal status, laws, etc.—United States" . , .: 3.0000778674965822

"Trials (Murder)" . , .: 3.0000594877716704

NO.4 begin

4: States rebel against powerful new painkiller

Officials fear pill that hit market last month will deepen prescription drug abuse crisis.

189583  "1987" . ."Drugs and drug abuse" ."Describes symptoms of drug addiction, social effects of drug abuse, and efforts to help people get off drugs." .

158008  "1993" . ."From chocolate to morphine : everything you need to know about mindaltering drugs" ."Providesessential information on drugs and how they affect the mind and body." . "Straight talk at the start — What is a drug? — Why people use drugs — Relationships with drugs — Types of drugs — Stimulants — Depressants — Psychedelics, or hallucinogens — Marijuana — Solvents and inhalants, deliriants, PCP and ketamine — Medical drugs, herbal remedies, smart drugs — Problems with drugs — Alternatives to taking drugs — Final words." .

78322  "2001" . ."Drugs : a very short introduction" ."A brief introduction to drugs that provides information on legal, prescription, and illegal drugs, explaining what they are, how they work, and how medicines are developed and tested." .

156190  "1993" . ."The consumers guide to drug interactions" ."1. PainRelieving Drugs — 2. Drugs for Infection — 3. Drugs for Allergy, Cold, and Cough — 4. Drugs for Asthma and Other Breathing Disorders — 5. Drugs for Stomach and Intestinal Problems — 6. Heart Drugs: Drugs for Angina, Irregular Heartbeat, and Congestive Heart Failure — 7. Antihypertensive Drugs — 8. Hormonal Drugs — 9. Antidepressant Drugs — 10. Antianxiety and SleepInducing Drugs." .

46972  "2005" . ."Prescription drugs" ."What is a prescription drug? — How does a prescription drug reach the marketplace? — Adverse reactions and product problems — Researching drug information through the FDA — Medication errors — Purchasing drugs over the Internet — Purchasing drugs from foreign countries — Directtoconsumer advertising — The HIPAA privacy rule — Prescription drug litigation." .

188436  "2008" . ."Drugs and the world" ."Taking leave of our senses : drug use and drugtaking in the 21st century — The pathology ofdrug use — Possible benefits of drug use — How drugs have shaped history in the modern era — Redefining the issue : symptom of decadence or development problem? — International drug control : system and structure — How drugs became a development issue — Drugs and development along the silk route — Positives and negatives of the drugs economy — The khat economy — Drugs and the management of pleasure." .

129322  "1996" . ."Lets talk about drug abuse" ."A simple introduction to different drugs and how they affect the body and to the problem of drug abuse." .

136706  "1995" . ."Unintended consequences : illegal drugs and drug policies in nine countries" ."1. Drugs, Illegality, and Crime — 2. Drug Production and Consumption — 3. Drug Trafficking — 4. DrugControl Efforts and Their Effectiveness — 5. Unintended Socioeconomic and Political Effects — 6. What Ought to Be Done? Consequences of Action and Inaction — About the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and the United Nations University (UNU)." .

63718  "2004" . ."Illegal drugs : a complete guide to their history, chemistry, use and abuse" ."PART I: FORBIDDEN FRUIT: Flesh of the gods, or the Devils poison? — The long, strange history of psychoactive drugs — The war on drugs — Drug use and abuse — Drugs at work: employee drug testing — Chemicals and the brain — Just say know — PART II: ILLEGAL DRUGS FROM A TO Z: Alphabetical list of drugs illegal in the United States — Amphetamines — Barbiturates — Cathinone — Cocaine — DMT, Bufatenine, psilocybin — Flunitrazepam — GHB — Ibogaine — LSD — Marijuana — MDMA — Methaqualone and glutethimide — Opiates — PCP — Peyote and mescaline — PART III: Selfhelp resources." .

98747  "2000" . ."Prescription drug abuse" ."Discusses how prescription drugs are abused, how to recognize this problem in parents and friends, and how to seek help." .

203127  "1975" . ."The forbidden game : a social history of drugs" ."Traces the historical patterns of prohibition and increased use of moodand perceptionaltering and visioninducing drugs, describing shifting social attitudes and the status of such drugs in todays world." .

75898  "2002" . ."Legalize this! : the case for decriminalizing drugs" ."1. Understanding drug policy — Conflicting anecdotes — Asking the right question — A few bad answers — The concept of a drug — Drug policy preliminaries — Punishment as policy — The right answer : decriminalization of drug use — 2. Reasons for criminalizing drug use — Possible good answers — Drugs and children — Drugs and crime — Drugs and health — Drugs and immorality — 3. Disadvantages of prohibition — Positive effects of drugs — Negative effects of prohibition — The world of decriminalized drugs — Harms versus benefits — Getting there." .

150198  "1994" . ."Designer drugs" ."Discusses what the designer drugs are, how they have created terrible trouble in our society, and where they come from." .

130025  "1978" . ."Drugs, society, and human behavior" ."Introduction — Drug use: an overview — Regulation of drug use — Drugs and...driving, crime and violence, bad trips — Fundamentals — Nervous system — Prelude to pharmacology — The actions of drugs — The nondrug drugs — Alcohol — Nicotine — Caffeine — Overthecounter drugs — Oral contraceptives — Psychotherapeutic drugs: use and misuse— Tranquilizers and mood modifiers — Stimulants and depressants — Narcotic drugs — Opiates through the ages — Illegal narcotic use and treatment: today and tomorrow — The phantasticants — Introduction to the hallucinogens — The major hallucinogens — Marijuana and hashish — Conclusion — A rational look at drug use." .

148219  "1994" . ."Drugs and crime" ."Street drugs — Drugs are big business — Drugs, crime, and youth — Busted — What now?" . "Presents comprehensive information to help teenagers cope with the dangers and attractions of drug abuse and the criminal activity with which it is inevitably surrounded." .

29262  "2007" . ."Prescription drugs" ."Frank discussion of the issue of prescription drug abuse." . "The history and physiology of prescription drug abuse — Use and abuse — Coping with abuse — Prescription drugs and the legal system — Prescription drug abuse and society — Prescription drug abuse and the media." .

133659  "1995" . ."Problem drugs" ."Drugs and children — Women and drugs — Drugs and the eldery — Antibiotics — Analgesics — Cough and cold preparations — Growth stimulants — Vitamins — Drugs in pregnancy — Contraceptives — The pill — Injectables — Implants — Hormone replacement therapy — Psychotropics." .

180345  "1990" . ."Drug wars" ."Describes the current drug scene, the level to which drug abuse has risen, and the efforts being made to control drug dealing and drug use." .

134500  "1995" . ."Understanding medications : what the label doesnt tell you" ."1. Drugs: Historical Beginnings — 2. Early Modern Medicines — 3. Naming Drugs —4. Biomedical Research — 5. Modern Drug Discovery and Development — 6. Molecular Modification of Prototype Drugs — 7. Drug Use and Abuse — 8. Neurohormones and Drugs That Affect the Central Nervous System — 9. Drugs for the Relief from Pain — 10. Local Anesthetics, Antispasmodics, and Antihistamines — 11. Drugs That Act on the Blood Pressure and the Heart — 12. Intestinal Tract Medications — 13. Hormones and Vitamins — 14. Drugs for the Treatment of Cancer — 15. Drugs Affecting the Immune Response — 16. Drugs for Infectious Diseases — 17. Antiparasitic Drugs — 18. Antiviral Drugs — 19. Computer Assistance in Medicinal Research — 20. Antiseptics and Disinfectants — 21. Whats Next? — Glossary: Some Chemical and Medical Terms." .

214823  "1970" . ."The good drug and the bad drug," ."Contrasts the effects of medicinal drugs and addictive \\"dope\\" as they pass through the body." .

48007  "2005" . ."The legalization of drugs" ."The meaning of drug decriminalization — How should we evaluate alternative drug policies? — Reasons to criminalize drug use — Reasons to decriminalize — Drug legalization : production and sale — An argument for drug prohibition — Drug prohibition and liberalism — Alcohol and other drugs — Epistemic concerns." .

149811  "1994" . ."Everything you need to know about a drug abusing parent" ."What is drug abuse? — The effects of drug abuse on your parent — The effects of a parents drug abuse on you — What you cant do — What you can do — How to help a friend — Making things better." .

86171  "2001" . ."Addiction : from biology to drug policy" ."Drugs and the brain. Neurotransmitters : the brains own drugs — Receptors : locks for the addictive keys — Addictive behavior — Pain and pleasure — The seesaw brain : \\"highs\\" and adaptations — Are addicts born or made? The drugs and the addicts. Nicotine — Alcohol and related drugs — Heroin, morphine, and other opiates — Cocaine and amphetamines — Cannabis (Marijuana) — Caffeine — Hallucinogens. Drugs and society. Prevention : just say no? — Treating addiction, preventing relapse — Three lessons from the street — Three lessons from abroad — Prohibition vs. legalization : a false dichotomy — New strategies for rational drug policy." .

173079  "1992" . ."Drugs and your brothers and sisters" ."Discusses the effects of drug abuse on the family, particularly siblings, of the abuser and what family members can do to help each other." .

177838  "2009" . ."Happy pills in America : from Miltown to Prozac" ."Blockbuster drugs in the age of anxiety — Listening to Miltown — Wonder drugs and drug wars — The Valium panic — Prozac and the incorporation of the brain." .

17915  "2007" .."Drug addiction and families" ."What is the problem? — Family journeys of discovery, adaptation and expulsion : cycles of response to drugs in the family — Distorted roles and strained relationships — Practitioner responses to mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of problem drug users — Parenting in the midst of a drug problem — Children growing up with parents who have drug problems — Stepping into the breach : when the extended family takes on the care of children — Proliferating problems : exposure to drugs and drug initiation — Practitioner responses to drugs in the home — Conclusion : what needs to happen? : a case of tinkering or overhaul?" .

5706  "1983" . ."Chocolate to morphine : understanding mindactive drugs" ."A discussion of many commonly abused substances, their effects, and how to avoid dependence. ry A study of legal and illegal drugs—including stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, medical drugs, and other drugs—discusses the diverse effects of each substance, side effects, safety, and alternatives." . "Straight talk at the start — What is a drug? — Why people use drugs — Relationships with drugs — Types of drugs — Stimulants — Depressants — Psychedelics, or hallucinogens — Marijuana — Solvents and inhalants; deliriants; PCP and ketamine — Medical drugs and herbal remedies — Problems with drugs — Alternatives to taking drugs — Final words — Appendix: Firstperson accounts and comments — Glossary." .

20852  "1973, c1974" . ."Principles of drug action; the basis of pharmacology" ."1. Molecular mechanisms of drug action — 2. The absorption, distribution, and elimination of drugs — 3. Drug metabolism — 4. The time course of drug action — 5. Drug toxicity — 6. Pharmacogenetics and drug idiosyncrasy — 7. Drug allergy — 8. Drug resistance — 9. Drug tolerance and physical dependence — 10. Chemical mutagenesis — 11. Chemical carcinogenesis — 12. Chemical teratogenesis — 13. Drug development — 14. Drug evaluation in man." .

179078  "1990" . ."Thepressure to take drugs" ."Discusses how many young people become involved with drug taking due to peer pressure, and gives advice to resist and avoid drugs." . "Introduction — People and drugs — Medicinal drugs — Tobacco and alcohol — Illegal drugs — The roleof government — Resisting the pressure — Factfile — Sources of help — What the words mean." .

194229  "1988" . ."Think about drugs and society: responding to an epidemic" ."Describes the effects of drug abuse on the individual and on society and discusses what can be done to combat this problem." .

156132  "2009" . ."Drug repair that works : how to reclaim your health happiness and highs" ."\\"Drugs have become the refuge of school kids, pillpopping housewives, stressed corporates and ex hippies  all seeking enhanced experiences that everyday life fails to provide. These people use drugs because they make them feel good. The longer they take drugs, the harder it is to imagine life without them. So, what chance do they have when they want to quit? Drawing on his longterm expertise in this area, Jost Sauer presents readers with a powerful, practical, stepbystep recovery regime and a wealth of case studies which deal with a whole range of issues including: why even drug experiences arent wasted; what is really going on in psychotic episodes; how to handle the post drug emotional rollercoaster; why raw foods hinder recovery; what forms of exercise work.\\"—Provided by publisher." . "A new approach to drugs — Giving up drugs — How not to live after drugs — How to live after drugs — Recreational drugs and the human spirit — Drugs and psychosis — A new take on psychosis — The postdrug high." .

102367  "1999" . ."Forbidden drugs" ."Why use drugs? — The consequences of drug use — Alcohol — Tobacco — Cannabis — Cocaine, amphetamines, and other stimulants — Psychedelics and hallucinogens — Ecstasy and other ‘party drugs’ — Anabolic steroids — Tranquillizers and sleeping pills — Heroin and the opioids — The nature of addiction — Helping problem drug users — Drug policy : a time for change?" .

32949  "2006" . ."Laughing gas, Viagra, and Lipitor : the human stories behind the drugs we use" ."Cancer drugs: from nitrogen mustards to Gleevec — Drugs to kill germs — Cardiovascular drugs: from nitroglycerin to Lipitor — Sex and drugs — Drugs of the mind — Diabetes drugs — Anesthetics — Antiinflammatory drugs — Reflections." .

30240  "2007" . ."Rohypnol : roofies—\\" the date rape drug\\"" ."Rohypnol in America and the rise of club drugs — The dangers of club drugs — The use of rohypnol to facilitate sexual assault — Rohypnol, club drugs, and the legal system — Drug abuse and society: what are the costs? — Rohypnol and public awareness." . "Examines the use and abuse of rohypnol in America, discussing the dangers of using the drug, its use to facilitate sexual assault, the legal consequences of possessing or selling it, and efforts by the government to halt its distribution." .

80682  "2001" . ."The expectant mothers guide to prescription and nonprescription drugs, vitamins, home remedies, and herbal products" ."Furnishes an alphabetical listing of prescription and nonprescription drugs, along with FDA safety class ratings, information on drug dosages, precautions for each trimester, safe supplements and drugs for use while breastfeeding." .

202966  "1971" . ."Is the grass greener? Answers to questions about drugs." ."Traces the history of various drugs and narcotics used and misused today, describes their psychological and physical effects, and explains the economics of drug traffic and rehabilitation for the addict." .

149793  "1994" . ."Drugs and sex" ."An overview of the problem — What drugs do to your body — Effects of drugs on the mind — Social pressures to use drugs and have sex — Myths about drugs and sex — Positive alternatives and resources." .

201586  "1971" . ."Drugs and you." ."Describes many drugs, from aspirin to LSD, discusses their use and abuse, their effect on the body, and attempts to control illegal drug traffic." .

8437  "1982" . ."Drugs and— you" ."Discusses the major drugs in use today, their history, their effect on the mind and body, their harmful and beneficial uses, and the control of illegal drug traffic." .

179618  "1990" . ."Drugs and you" ."Discusses the major drugs in use today, their history, their effect on the mind and body, their harmful and beneficial uses, and the control of illegal drug traffic." .

165883  "1992" . ."Bad medicine : the prescription drug industry in the Third World" ."The pharmaceutical industry has long and vehemently insisted that it has the willingness, the dedication, and the ability to police itself to insure that the public will not be unnecessarily harmed or defrauded. As the record shows with painful clarity, however, virtually no industry or professional group has ever adequately policed itself, and the pharmaceutical industry is no exception. Where the most flagrant abuses have been exposed and corrected, major credit must probably be divided among the media that publicized the situation, consumer groups that applied pressure, government officials who took actions that were often unpopular, and individual members of the pharmaceutical industry who had the courage to face up to their social responsibilities. To this number should perhaps be added the three authors of this volume who have, in a series of books such as Pills, Profits, and Politics, The Drugging of America, and Prescriptions for Death: The Drugging of the Third World, exposed fraudulent practices by U.S. and multinational pharmaceutical companies. In this book, the authors turn their attention to what happened in Third World countries when, because of worldwide pressures, the multinational drug companies largely corrected their notorious abuses. On the basis of painstaking research, much of it conducted in a great many Third World countries, the authors conclude that a plethora of small local firms have filled the dishonest sales channels vacated by the multinationals. The authors show in great detail how local drug firms in the Third World have taken advantage of loose regulatory practices and unscrupulous behavior on the part of regional and national health care professionals to promote the sale of dangerous or worthless drugs as remedies for diseases for which they were never intended. Warnings of bad side effects are omitted from promotional literature, drugs are sold that have not had proper trials, and drug firms have often bribed government officials, doctors, and hospital administrators in order to gain favorable treatment in the importation and sale of their products. Among the many topics treated in this book are the controversy over inexpensive generic drugs (including disclosures of fraud and bribery in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration), the actions of consumer groups, and the key role of government in preventing abuses by drug firms. The authors describe a remarkable attempt in Bangladesh, one of the poorest of all the developing countries, to develop a highquality local drug industry. They also present as case histories reports on three extremely important drug products or groups—the dipyrones (for control of pain and fever), highdosage estrogenprogesterone hormone products (for use in pregnancy tests), and clioquinol or Enterovioform (for treatment of diarrhea)—all of which were or still are centers of worldwide, heated controversy." . "The patients : health for all by, when? — Drug labeling : how safe? how deadly? — The companies : heroes or villains? — The great generics controversy — The dipyrone affair — The case of the deadly pregnancy test — Bangladesh and the noble experiment —The drug swindlers — So shines a good deed — Ammunition for the consumers — Consumer power : the Hansson/CibaGeigy connection — The essential role of government — Hard choices." .

173773  "1992" . ."Drugs and your friends" ."Discusses peer pressure and drug use and the importance of making the right choice." .

89428  "1998, 1993" . ."Drugs and the law" ."Discusses different kinds of drugs and the American and international laws concerning their use." .

156980  "1993" . ."Drugs and the law" ."Discusses different kinds of drugs and the American and international laws concerning their use." .

181917  "1989" .  ."Facts on drugs and sport" ."Discusses how athletes use drugs from steroids to diuretics, how these drugs affect the body, and what risks are involved." .

164902  "1992" . ."Coping with drugs and sports" ."Examines the dangers of drug use in sports, discussing such substances as prescription drugs, alcohol, cocaine, pain relievers, steroids, and tobacco." .

202089  "1986" . ."Americas habit : drug abuse, drug trafficking, and organized crime : report to the President and the Attorney General" ."V. 1Americas habit, drug abuse, drug trafficking and organized crime. — Appendix B, State and local law enforcement survey — Appendix C, Drug Abuse Budget summary. — Appendix E, Current Department of Defense assistance to drug enforcement. — Appendix F, United States Intelligence activities. — Appendix G, Consultants papers." .

130612  "1996" . ."Drugs" ."Aims to provide a better understanding of drugs and the dangers of abuse, and discusses what can be done to help users and to stop the illegal use of drugs." .

78115  "1979" . ."Drug use and drug abuse" ."Outlines the medicinal and recreational use of various drugs includingnarcotics, amphetamines, tobacco, alcohol, and overthecounter drugs such as aspirin and cough syrups." .

207000  "1986" . ."Drug use and drug abuse" ."Outlines the medicinal and recreational use of various drugs including narcotics, amphetamines, tobacco, alcohol, and overthecounter drugs such as aspirin and cough syrups." .

"Drug abuse." . , .: 30.001000081437258

"Drugs." . , .:24.000333846330395

"United States" . , .: 18.000200504899503

"SubstanceRelated Disorders." . , .: 15.000500721988459

"Drugs of abuse—Law and legislation—United States—Criminal provisions" . , .: 7.000143691517585

"Psychotropic drugs" . , .: 5.001000405139618

"Drug addiction—Treatment." . , .: 4.000050228585632

"Drug addicts—Rehabilitation." . , .: 4.000046023882055

"Drogues—L\\u00E9galisation—\\u00C9tatsUnis." . , .: 3.0001257493554268

"Drug control—United States." . , .: 3.0001251734174095

NO.5 begin

5: So what? U.S. regains jobs lost in the recession

Analysts downplay milestone as economy is still millions of jobs short of goal.

190968  "2008" . ."The job description handbook" ."Introduction — An overview of job descriptions — Avoiding legal pitfalls — Analyze and define the job — Writing the job description — Using job descriptions — Troubleshooting." . "Provides a guide for managment and human resources personael to create effective job descriptions, and describes how to establish a list of duties, requirements, qualifications, and other data; and includes a CDROM with a PowerPoint presentation." .

34949  "2006" . ."The job search solution the ultimate system for finding a great job now!" ."The emotional and psychological dimensions of finding a job — Start taking massive action now! — The key to the whole process: getting facetoface interviews — The stark realities of your potential employers hiring process — Breaking down the popular delusions about resum\\u00E9s and cover letters — Common myths and the realities about hiring — The benefits of practical spirituality — Mastering the dreaded telephone interview — Making the initial interview successful 95 percent of the time — Followup interviews: a very different game — Be ready for interview pitfalls that can trip you up — Overcoming employer biases that can keep you from getting a job — Looking for a job when you have a job — Be careful with references — Stay focused on the process even when you reach \\"the finals\\" — Handling your transition smoothly and confidently — Tonys top ten reasons why people have trouble finding a job." .

142350  "2010, c2009" . ."The jobhunters survival guide: how to find hope and rewarding work even when \\"there are no jobs\\"" ."\\"Anemergency, essentialsonly guide to finding a job—even your dream job—in a challenging economic climate, from the author of classic career guide What Color Is Your Parachute?\\"—Provided by publisher." . "There are always jobs out there — How to find hope in the midst of a brutal downturn — How long will I be out of work? — The best and worst ways to look for a job — The Internet : the 10% solution — Do I need a resume? — Looking for the job you used to have — Looking for your dream job — A plan of action, when youre out of work." .

98998  "2000" . ."Everything you need to know about getting a job" ."Preparing for employment — Looking for a job — Contacting employers — Applying for a job — Interviewing for a job — If you have a disability — After you are hired." . "Explains how to get a job, including information on everything from social security cards to resumes and networking tips.".

18021  "2011, \\u00A92011" . ."The coming jobs war : what every leader must know about the future of job creation" ."What 7 billion people want — Joblessness — Chinas surge — Unless — Classical economics vs behavioral economics — Cities — Entrepreneurship vs innovation — Highenergy workplaces — Customer service — K12 schoolswhere entrepreneurs are created — Global wellbeing — Conclusion." . "Gallup chairman and CEO Jim Clifton presents his perspective on current global employment and job creation issues, how these affect society in general, and his recommendations for creating good jobs." .

64592  "1973" . ."Saturdays child; 36 women talk about their jobs." ."Women from such fields as the arts, communication, science, business, and government discuss their jobs, job requirements, and job selection.".

58389  "2004" . ."Monster careers : how to land the job of your life" ."Presents a stepbystep guide for finding the right job, covering everything from exploring diverse career options to writing the perfect resumes and cover letters to negotiating a job offer." .

111055  "1999" . ."Great jobs for political science majors" ."Offers advice on job hunting and discusses career possibilities in public service, teaching, law, and nonprofit management." .

110538  "1999" . ."Great jobs for math majors" ."Emphasizes career advancement, training and qualifications, related job skills, and how to locate a job." .

99332  "2009" . ."The job search solution the ultimate system for finding a great job now!" ."Beshara presents a simple yet incredibly powerful stepbystep system that allows listeners to take control of their own daytoday job search process. In addition to illuminating reallife job search stories, the audiobook contains interactive exercises, practical dos and donts, and other essential tools." .

49921  "2003" . ."Job creation, job destruction, and international competition" ."Openness — Job creation and job destruction — Literature review — Job flows and the exchange rate — Regression implementation and results — Job flows and trade — Policy implications — Directions for future research." .

62164  "2003" . ."An insiders guide to political jobs in Washington" ."Getting that First Job — Working for Politicians — Political Parties — Congress — The White House — Executive Branch Departments — Related Jobs — Case Studies." .

88433  "2000" . ."Working for the environment : a growing source of jobs" ."Introduction — The changing nature of work — Boosting resource productivity — Environmental policy: job killer or job creator? — Natural resource extraction and jobs — Energy alternatives and jobs — Durability, remanufacturing, and a new service economy — Labor and environmentalists: finding common ground?" .

98518  "2000" . ."Learning a living : a guide to planning your career and finding a job for people with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and dyslexia" ."Career planning: so what do you want to do? — Educating yourself for the world of work: handling high school — Educating yourself for the world of work: trade school, college, and graduate school — Accommodations in education and training: using them to improve your learning — Social skills: finding friends and persuading people — Believing in yourself: selfesteem and motivation — Getting ready for work: work experience and strategizing your search — Researching your search: finding the facts — Finding and filling openings: proving yourself on paper, on the phone, and in person — Job interviews: competing to win — Getting help with your search: career counselors, vocational rehabilitation, and other sources of assistance — The Americans with Disabilities Act: civil rights for you — Accommodations on the job: some specific solutions and how to request them — Success on the job: moving in and moving forward — Putting it all together: from job hunt to career success." .

45715  "2005" . ."The unofficial guide to landing a job" ."Twenty secrets of successful job seekers — How employers think — Marketing you, the product — Your marketing plans secret weapon — Getting organized and planning your action — Honing your communication skills and tools — R\\u00E9sum\\u00E9s — More selfmarketing tools — Job search correspondence — Where will you find your job? — Landing a job through the formal marketplace — Networking — Online job hunting — Preparing for interviews — Types of interviews and how to handle them — Typical and notsotypical interview questions — Interview curve balls — Clinching the deal — What to do when nothing seems to work — After landing.\"" .

198175  "1975" . ."Womans work book" ."\\"How to get your first job ... How to reenter the job markey ... How to fight for your rights in the work world ... and more."\\" .

62516  "2004" . ."Career comeback : 8 steps to getting back on your feet when youre fired, laid off, or your business venture has failed—and finding more job satisfaction than ever" ."Introduction — When your back is against the wall — Find solid ground — Find out what happened — Find out what others need from you — Find your support system — Find out what matters to you — Find your next move — Find your new job — Find your stride and get back on track — Career comeback resources." . "Offers vocational guidance for individuals who have lost their jobs, and discusses strategies for coming to terms with job loss and learning from the experience in order to be better prepared for landing a new job." .

96977  "2010" . ."Use your head to get your foot in the door : job search secrets no one else will tell you" ."Mackay shows readers how to prepare for the job search so they wont find themselves unemployed without a clue where to go next. Drawing on reallife stories of people who have transformed their lives by finding the right career, he shows how to: rebuild your personal confidence in the face of rejection, create a daily \\"recovery program\\" and job search, take advantage of the way firms and recruiters make hiring decisions, use stateofthe art networking strategies, and find job security even in todays tough economy. With his characteristic short, witty style, Mackay inspires readers to take charge of their careers, instead of letting the job hunt take charge of them.—From publisher description." . "Dark days — Reconstruct your attitude — Reemployment : your extreme preparation guide — Mobilize your network — Fill in the blanks — Dday : plan the attack — Get hired — Stay afloat — Afterthoughts." .

113706  "1965" . ."The book of God and man; a study of Job." ."On reading Job — The enigma of Job — The cultural background: The law and the prophets — Wisdom and Job — Job and near Eastern literature — The tale of Job — Job and his friends: The first two rounds — The end of the debate: The third cycle — Elihu the intruder — The Lord out of the whirlwind — Job and the mystery of suffering — The language and style of Job — The use of quotations in Job — The rhetoric of allusion and analogy — The author: His provenance and date — The later fortunes of Job: In the canon, the versions, and legend." .

68837  "2002" . ."Landing your first job : a guide for physics students" ."Introduction — Steps to a job — To freshmen, sophomores, and 1styear grad students: laying the foundation — The firsttime job seeker — Resources for the job hunter — Networking II — The search — Cover letters — The resume and the curriculum vitae — The interview — Negotiating compensation — After an offer is accepted." .

96978  "2009" . ."Over 40 & youre hired! : secrets to landing a great job" ."Americas top career counselor offers her markettested program that shows readers how to effectively stand out and appeal to employers amid age discrimination and floods of competition." . "Hiring is different now — Now aim — Overcoming concerns decision makers may have — Finding unadvertised jobs — Finding potential employers — Referral networking — Finding job openings using websites and online job boards — Job hunting on social networks — What you need to know about recruiters — Your targeted r\\u00E9sum\\u00E9 — Guidelines on formatting and writing your r\\u00E9sum\\u00E9 — R\\u00E9sum\\u00E9 samples — Eyecatching cover letters — Cover letter guidelines and formats — Cover letter samples — Wowem with a successful presentation — Acing the job interview — Salary negotiations — Set S.M.A.R.T. goals — Youre hired! — Career resources to help you." .

50978  "1954" . ."Job evaluation, a basis for sound wage administration" ."Part 1: Introduction to job evaluation — An introduction — Planning a jobevaluation program — Job evaluation and collective bargaining — Part 2: Job evaluation systems — Nonquantitative systems — Quantitative systemsthe point method — Quantitative systemsthe factorcomparison method — Part 3: Analyzing jobs — Getting job facts — Job descriptions — Job specifications — Part 4: Evaluating jobs — The use of jobrating scales — Verification of jobevaluation ratings — Part 5: Establishing the pay system — Identifying employees by standard job titles — The wage curve — Establishing the classification and pay structure — Part 6: Wage and salary administration — Establishing the wage and salary administration system — Wage and salary administration as a management control." .

113392  "1998" . ."The job" ."A New York advertising salesman loses his job after a German corporation buys the magazine for which he works. The novel follows Ned Allen as he searches for a job, rewriting his resume, finally obtaining employment as a courier laundering money.".

8480  "2007" . ."The definitive guide to getting a teaching job : an insiders guide to finding the right job, writing the perfect resume, and nailing the interview" ."Provides information on finding a teaching job, covering such topics as certification requirements, the job market, creating a resume and cover letter, conducting a job search, interviews, postinterview followups." . "Becoming a teacher — Your job search — The paperwork — The interviews — The interview questions and answers — Postinterview followup and your next career move." .

21101  "2007" . ."New on the job : a school library media specialists guide to success" ."Your philosophy — Getting the job — Finding your way — Getting yourself organized — Reaching your students — Reaching your teachers — A matter of \\"principals\\" — Advocacy and you — Planning — Technology and you — Ethics, standards, and you — Looking back, looking forward." .

64691  "2002" . ."Imports, exports, and jobs what does trade mean for employment and job loss?" ."Understanding the links between increasing foreign competition and domestic employment and job loss — Evidence from earlier studies — Inside manufacturing — Modeling labor market responses to changes in trade and import competition — Measuring the link between changes in industry employment and changes in trade flows — Job displacement and foreign competition — Conclusions and policy implications." .

75360  "2002" . ."Women for Hire : the ultimate guide to getting a job" ."Attitude : you are now a job seeker — Find yourself : personality/skills assessment — The truth : job functions and industries — The (gulp) resume — Good cover letters — The easy stuff : online job searching — Building your muscle : marketing yourself : Network it, girl! — Networking, networking, and more networking — More traditional jobsearch methods — Acing the interview — Interview day — Evaluating offers and sealing the deal — Day one and beyond." .

17905  "2007" . ."How to get a job and keep it : career andlife skills you need to succeed" ."Myths and truths of success — The first step: getting to know yourself — Gain experience and knowledge through internships and informational interviews — The job of finding a job — Finding the job you want — Putting yourself on paper — Prepare for interview success — Dressing for interview success — Dos and donts of interviewing — The interview is over: now what? — When youre the newcomer — Communication skills that work at getting and keeping work — Habits of successful people — Getting along with others — Avoiding potential pitfalls — When youre disappointed and disillusioned." .

70754  "2002" . ."Imports, exports, and jobs : what does trade mean for employment and job loss?" ."Understanding the links between increasing foreign competition and domestic employment and job loss — Evidence from earlier studies — Inside manufacturing : trends in international trade, employment, and job loss — Modeling labor market responses to changes in trade and import competition — Measuring the link between changes in industry employment and changes in trade flows — Job displacement and foreign competition — Conclusions and policy implications." .

150815  "1993" . ."Steve Jobs and the NeXT big thing" ."Stross follows Jobs career from the start of Apple Computer in the late 70s to the failingof NeXT Computer." .

207113  "1986" . ."The story of Job" ."God tests Jobs faith by letting terrible misfortunes befall him." .

147338  "1994" . ."Your best foot forward : winning strategies for the job interview" ."Provides tips and advice for job interviewing." .

89072  "2000" . ."Everything you need to know about getting a job" ."Explains how to get a job, including information on everything from social security cards to resumes and networking tips." .

19783  "2007" . ."Taking on the big boys, or, Why feminism is good for families, business, and the nation" ."Overview — Why social workers earn less than accountants : pay equity — Can you have a job and a life? — Can a woman do a mans job? — You want to see my what? : sexual harassment — Nine to five : not just a movie—the right to organize — Working other than nine to five : parttime and temporary jobs — What this nation really thinks of motherhood : welfare reform — Revaluing womens work outside of work — How you can help get there." .

41485  "2005" . ."A nagging sense of job insecurity : the new reality facing Japanese youth" ."The underlying causes of job insecurity — The \\"parasite single\\" explanation — Misconceptions about freeters — Averting the clash of generations — The income gap and the job gap — Performancebased pay and a sense of purpose in ones work — Conditions for a happy job change — Becoming ones own boss — Conclusion : talking to seventyyearsolds." . "Y\\u016Bji uncovers the background of \\"freeters\\" in the 1990s Japanese economy, young people who move from one parttime contract job to another while remaining economically dependent on their parents. Social stigma was unable to solve the problem despite Japans confusion during this \\"lost decade.\\" What Y\\u016Bji finds is that a combination of the industrial inability to adjust employment despite a surface performancebased system and the lack of training opportunities led to this situation." .

76950  "2002" . ."The job training charade" ."How many jobs are there? : labor demand and the limits of training policy — How important is education? : rhetoric and reality in the skills mismatch debate — Does job training work? : lessons from the Job Training Partnership Act — Power and \\"empowerment\\" : the final frontier of job training — The politics of job training : the legislative history of JTPA — Job training after welfare reform : training for discipline — Conclusion : job training as political diversion." .

152505  "1994" . ."Electronic job search revolution : win with the new technology thats reshaping todays job market" ."\\"Sun up\\" on the new job market — Independent resume database services — New: inhouse applicant tracking systems — Armchair job hunting — Amazing new electronic employer databases — The computerized job interview — Bedknobs, broomsticks, and jobseeking wizardry — Computer terms made simple." .

136980  "2009" . ."The 2009 what color is your parachute? : a practical manual for jobhunters and careerchangers" ."1. Finding a job ... in hard times — Hard times: rejection shock — Hard times: think — Things school never taught us about jobhunting: five best ways to hunt for a job — Things school never taught us about job hunting: how to deal with handicaps — Things school never taught us about job hunting: resumes and contacts — Things school never taught us about job hunting: interviews — Things school never taught us about job hunting: salary negotiation — Things school never taught us about job hunting: how to choose a new career — Things school never taught us about job hunting: how to start your own business — Things school never taught us about job hunting: entering the world of 50+ — 2: Finding a life ... that has meaning and purpose — The parachute workbook (updated 2009) — Finding your mission in life." . "Offers advice to job hunters and career changers on how to find their dream job, including tips on writing resumes, conducting online job searches, starting a business, making contacts, interviewing, and negotiating salaries." .

62350  "2003" . ."Job creation, job destruction, and international competition" ."Introduction : Job reallocation and international trade ; Reallocation across and within industries ; Overview and summary of results ; Notes — Openness : Openness over time and across industries ; The volatility of dollar exchange rates ; The diversity of behavior of industryspecific exchange rates ; Conclusion ; Notes — Job creation and job destruction : Gross job flows in U.S. manufacturing ; Conclusion ; Notes — Literature review : International factors and labor markets ; International factors and net employment ; International factors and gross flows ; Notes — Job flows and the exchange rate : Job flows and idiosyncratic shocks ; The role of aggregate shocks ; Implications of the model ; Conclusion ; Notes — Regression implementation and results : Empirical implementarion ; Regression results ; Conclusions and interpretations ; Notes — Job flows and trade : Economic effects of trade liberalization ; An overview of NAFTA ; Previous research related to the economic effects of NAFTA ; Sextorspecific effects ; Conclusion ; Notes — Policy implications : Summary of main findings ; Exchange rate management ; Tariffs and industrial policy ; Worker assistance policies ; Conclusion ; Notes — Directions for future research : Matching job and worker flows ; Data development ; Measuring laboradjustment costs ; Summary ; Notes — Appendix A : Standard industrial classification (SIC) system — Appendix B : A formal economic model of the effect of exchange rate changes on job creation and job destruction — Appendix C : Data sources." .

96414  "2000" . ."Dare to change your job and your life" ."Questers and the contemporary career — Questers are made — Are your a quester? — Career change: updownsideways — The career cycle meets the life cycle — Job satisfiers — Rate your job satisfaction — The will to risk: psychological aspects of decision making — Prepare to change — Dare to change." . "Advocates becoming a Quester through developing the traits and skills to make satisfying career changes, and discusses job satisfaction, risk, and decisionmaking." .

31891  "2006" . ."Dream job profiles : the young & successful share their secrets" ."Provides informative profiles of young people who found their ultimate dream jobs and success at an early age and gives young entrepreneurs advice and inspiration on how to pursue their own dreams." .

163234  "1992" . ."Find the job youve always wanted in half the time with half the effort" ."Includes techniques for learning about unadvertised job openings, secrets for making your r\\u00E9sum\\u00E9 stand out from the crowd, pinpointing the firms and positions that are right for you, how to secure interviews before the competition does, and keeping your selfconfidence up and your anxiety down." .

13549  "2011" . ."Steve Jobs" ."Based on more than forty interviews with Jobsconducted over two years, as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues, the author has written a riveting story of the rollercoaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. At a time when America is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, and when societies around the world are trying to build digitalage economies, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination. He knew that the best way to create value in the twentyfirst century was to connect creativity with technology. He built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering. Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it was published. He put nothing offlimits. He encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against. His friends, foes, and colleagues provide an unvarnished view of the passions, perfectionism, obsessions, artistry, devilry, and compulsion for control that shaped his approach to business and the innovative products that resulted. Driven by demons, Jobs could drive those around him to fury and despair. But his personality and products were interrelated, just as Apples hardware and software tended to be, as if part of an integrated system. His tale is instructive and cautionary, filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership, and values. — From publisher." .

13578  "2011" . ."Steve Jobs" ."Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years, as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues, the author has written a riveting story of the rollercoaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. At a time when America is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, and when societies around the world are trying to build digitalage economies, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination. He knew that the best way to create value in the twentyfirst century was to connect creativity with technology. He built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering. Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it was published. He put nothing offlimits. He encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against. His friends, foes, and colleagues provide an unvarnished view of the passions, perfectionism, obsessions, artistry, devilry, and compulsion for control that shaped his approach to business and the innovative products that resulted. Driven by demons, Jobs could drive those around him to fury and despair. But his personality and products were interrelated, just as Apples hardware and software tended to be, as if part of an integrated system. His tale is instructive and cautionary, filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership, and values. — From publisher." .

101676  "2000" . ."60 seconds & youre hired" ."A practical job seekers guide combines helpful advice and simpletofollow techniques for mastering the interview process and landing the perfect job." .

191362  "2008" . ."60 seconds & youre hired!" ."A practical job seekers guide combines helpful advice and simpletofollow techniques for mastering the interview process and landing the perfect job." .

176613  "2008" . ."Valuing roles how to establish relative worth" ."Highlights different approaches to job evaluation and demonstrates how it links to other people, payrelated processes, systems and policies, ensuring a transparent framework for talent management." . "Valuing roles : approaches and issues — Role valuation : methodology — Choice of approach — Developing a formal job evaluation scheme — Rollingout, implementing and maintaining job evaluation — Designing a pointfactor job evaluation scheme — Designing a matching job evaluation scheme — Market pricing — Consultants schemes — Equal pay — Developing grade and pay structures — International job evaluation — Job evaluation in action — Case studies in job evaluation — Trends and issues in role valuation." .

50572  "2004" . ."Exporting America : why corporate greed is shipping American jobs overseas" ."Assault on middleclass Americans — What right to work? — Working against ourselves — Globalization — The high cost of free trade — The exporters — The myths of outsourcing and free trade — For the people? — A simple choice — Finding the solutions." . "Examines the growing corporate trend of moving American jobs to cheap labor markets overseas, discussing the impact of lost jobs on American workers and communities and pointing out government complicity in the practice." .

82933  "2001" . ."The complete idiots guide to cool jobs for teens" ."Get a life, get a job — Top fifty jobs — Nailing down the job — youre hired! — Outside the job box — Appendixes: Agencies that work — Cool books and web sites." . "Youre no idiot, of course. You want independence, you gotta have cash, and to get your own cash, you have to get a job. But where do you find work that doesnt crush your soul or bore you to death? Start looking right here! The Complete Idiots Guide to Cool Jobs for Teens will show you exactly how to find and keep a job. Whether you want to work after school, over the summer, or both, youll earn the money you need and get valuable work experience." .

20233  "2011" . ."The education of millionaires : its not what you think and its not too late" ."Introduction: The Craigslist test of the value of a BA (or, Why practical intelligence almost always beats academic intelligence) — How to make your work meaningful and your meaning work (or, How to make a difference in the world without going broke) — How to find great mentors and teachers, connect with powerful and influential people, and build a worldclass network — What every successful person needs to know about marketing, and how to teach yourself — What every successful person needs to know about sales, and how to teach yourself — How to invest for success (The art of bootstrapping) — Build the brand of you (or, To hell with resumes!) — The entrepreneurial mindset versus the employee mindset: become the author of your own life — Epilogue: The education bubble is about to pop: are you prepared for the aftermath?" . "Ellsberg draws on interviews with successful, wealthy individuals who never attended or finished college, identifying their winning principles to offer advice on networking with highpowered mentors and designing a lucrative career path." .

"Job hunting." . , .: 18.00050024686346

"United States" . , .: 14.00033387206102

"Unemployment—United States." . , .: 7.000200736637785

"Employment interviewing." . , .: 6.000500865125737

"Vocational guidance." . , .: 6.0002505413789455

"Labor market—United States." . , .: 5.0000916773318576

"Foreign trade and employment—United States." . , .: 5.0000909822496515

"Career development." ., .: 5.000067366436019

"Job creation—United States." . , .: 4.0002009618385355

"R\\u00E9sum\\u00E9s (Employment)" . , .: 4.000048043308171

NO.16 begin

16: Climate meeting to discuss future of fossil fuels

??After concluding that global warming almost certainly is manmade and poses a grave threat to humanity, the U.N.sponsored expert panel on climate change is moving on to the next phase: what to do about it.

7464  "2008" . ."Climate change" ."Discusses a most crucial issue of the twentyfirst century that affects the climate in which we live." . "The warming Earth — The greenhouse effect — Consequences of global warming — Living in a warmer world — Taking action on climate change." .

143575  "2009" . ."Global warming : the complete briefing" ."Global warming and climate change — The greenhouse effect — The greenhouse gases — Climates of the past — Modelling the climate — Climate change in the twentyfirst century and beyond — The impacts of climate change — Why should we be concerned? — Weighing the uncertainty — A strategy for action to slow and stabilise climate change — Energy and transport for the future — The global village." . "John Houghton explores the scientific basis of global warming and the likely impacts of climate change on human society, then addresses the question of what action might be taken by governments, industry, and by individuals to mitigate the effects." .

118841  "1997" . ."Global warming : the complete briefing" ."Global warming and climate change — The greenhouse effect — The greenhouse gases — Climates of the past — Modelling the climate — Climate change under businessasusual — The impacts of climate change — Why should we be concerned? — Weighing the uncertainty — Strategy for action to slow and stabilize climate change — Energy and transport for the future — The global village." . "The author \\"explores the scientific basis of global warming and the likely impacts of climate change on human society before addressing the action that could be taken by governments, by industry and by individuals to mitigate the effects.\\"—Cover." .

105419  "1999" . ."Changing climate" ."Examines the causes of recent changes in climate, their effects on our planet, and ways to reduce the harmful effects." .

97770  "1972—1977" . ."Climate: present, past and future" ."v. 1. Fundamentals and climate now.—v. 2. Climatic history and the future." . "Part 3. Survey of types of evidence of past climates over last million years and methods of dating evidence. Part 4. Events of last 15 years leading to problems of estimating course of future development and mans influence on climate." .

206657  "1986" . ."The greenhouse effect" ."Examines evidence that rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may be changing the earths climate. Also discusses how and why scientists study climatic changes." .

92772  "2001" . ."Climate change : a multidisciplinary approach" ."Radiation and the earths energy balance — The elements of the climate — Evidence of climate change — Consequences of climate change — The measurement of climatic change — Statistics, significance, and cycles — The causes of climatic change — Modelling the climate — Predicting climate change." .

169259  "2008" . ."Climate change" ."\\"Discover how global warming is changing our planet, and what we can do to fight back.\\"—Cover." . "Earths climate — The greenhouse effect — The carbon cycle — Checks and balances — Natural climate change — The human impact — Burning the forests — Fossil fuels — Our carbon culture — Adding to the problem — Heatwaves and droughts — Melting ice — Warming oceans — Oceanic research — Living with the heat — Plight of the polar bear — Predicting future climates — The next century — What scares the scientists? — Climate change and society — Adapting to climate change — Combating climate change — Cutting the carbon — Nuclear power — Renewable energy — Power for the people — Energy efficiency — Green transportation — Your carbon footprint — Greenhouse gas producers — Timeline — Find out more — Glossary." .

9201  "1973" . ."Climatic fluctuationsof the Ice Age." ."A thorough discussion of the methods by which ancient climates can be studied.".

210756  "1986" . ."Changes in the wind : earths shifting climate" ."Examines the factors causing changes in the earths climate, including ocean currents, the destruction of the rain forests, and the greenhouse effect, and discusses predictions for the future." .

196947  "2007" . ."A history of the science and politics of climate change : the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" ."Pt. Ⅰ. The early history of the climate change issue — 1. Nineteenthcentury discoveries — 2. The natural carbon cycle and life on earth — 3. Global research initiatives in meteorology and climatology — 4. Early international assessments of climate change — Pt. Ⅱ. The climate change issue becomes one of global concern — 5. Setting the stage — 6. The scientific basis for a climate convention — 7. Serving the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee — 8. The IPCC second assessment report — 9. In the aftermath of the IPCC second assessment — 10. The Kyoto Protocol is agreed and a third assessment begun — 11. A decade of hesitance and slow progress — Pt. III. Are we at a turning point in addressing climate change? — 12. Key scientific findings of prime political relevance — 13. Climate change and a future sustainable global energy supply." .

175953  "1971" . ."Inadvertent climate modification; report." ."Results of a 3week intensive examination of the present and potential climatic effects of mans activities by 30 of the worlds leading atmospheric scientists from 14 countries." .

17609  "2007" . ."The suicidal planet : how to prevent global climate catastrophe" ."Beyond the planets limits : climate change : why, how, and what next? — As if theres no tomorrow : energy use : past, present, and future — Eyes wide shut : the response of the general public — Wishful thinking : the role of technology — Fiddling while Rome burns : what government is doing to reduce fossil fuel dependence — Turning the tanker around : international negotiations on climate change — The blueprint for survival : contraction and convergence — Fair shares for all : personal carbon allowances — Carbon watchers : how to live within the carbon allowance — Conclusions : climate by negligence or climate by choice." .

121071  "1997" . ."Does the weather really matter? : the social implications of climate change" ."1. Introduction — 2. The historical evidence — 3. Cold winters — 4. Storms, floods and droughts — 5. How much do we know about climatic change? — 6. Models of the climate and the economy — 7. Consequences of forecasting — 8. Conclusions." .

41364  "2005" . ."Adapting buildings and cities for climate change : a 21st century survival guide" ."Climate change : the battle begins — The evolution of buildings — Risk, scenarios, and insurance — How hot will it get? — Safe and warm : effect of climate change on thermal comfort and health — How wet will it get? — Windstorms — Sea level rises — Vulnerability, exposure, and migration — Air conditioning : the ultimate solution? — Tall buildings — The fossil fuel crisis — Fuel security : when will the lights go out? — The players — The battle continues." .

104382  "2000" . ."The great ice age : climate change and life" ."Cycles of climatic change: evidence and explanations. The Great Ice Age ; Understanding present and past climates ; Understanding the Cryosphere ; The deep sea record ; Revealing the Milankovich pacemaker ; Evidence for rapid climate change ; Explanations — Ecological change and human origins.; Climate change and life on land ; The record of humanity ; Changing environments and changing habits ; Human impact during the Holocene." .

150149  "1977" . ."Our changing climate" ."Discusses how world climate varies over a period of time and the effect major changes could have on the Earths population." .

42770  "2010" . ."Building for a changing climate the challenge for construction, planning and energy" ."1. Prepare for four degrees — 2. Probable future impacts of climate change — 3. The UN carbon trading mechanism — 4. Setting the pace towards climateproof housing — 5. Futureproof housing — 6. Buildingintegrated solar electricity — 7. Sun, earth, wind and water — 8. Ecotowns : opportunity or oxymoron? — 9. The housing inheritance — 10. Ondomestic buildings — 11. Community buildings — 12. Conventional energy — 13. Coal : black gold or black hole? — 14. Filling the gap; utilityscale renewables — 15. The age beyond oil — 16. The thread of hope." . "There is now a practically universal consensus that our climate is changing rapidly, and as a direct result of human activities. While there is extensive debate about what we can do to mitigate the damage we are causing, it is becoming increasingly clear that a large part of our resources will have to be directed towards adapting to new climatic conditions, with talk of survivability replacing sustainability as the new and most pressing priority. Nowhere is this more evident than in the built environment  the stage on which our most important interactions with climatic conditions are played o." .

140956  "1968" . ."An introduction to climate" ."The earths ocean of air; The elements and controls of climate; Solar radiation; Temperature of the atmosphere; Wind and pressure systems; Atmospheric moisture and precipitation; Air masses fronts; Atmospheric disturbances and their associated weather; The world pattern of climate: climatic types and their distribution; Classification of climates and the world pattern; Tropical humid climates; Subtropical climates; Temperature climates; Boreal, polar and highland climates; Dry climates." .

86503  "2010" . ."The climate crisis : an introductory guide to climate change" ."\\"An incredible wealth of scientific data on global warming has been collected in the last few decades. The history of the Earths climate has been probed by drilling into polar ice sheets and sediment layers of the oceans vast depths, and great advances have been made in computer modeling of our climate. This book provides a concise and accessible overview of what we know about ongoing climate change and its impacts, and what we can do to confront the climate crisis. Using clear and simple graphics in full color, it lucidly highlights information contained in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, and brings the subject completely uptodate with current science and policy. The book makes essential scientific information on this critical topic accessible to a broad audience. Obtaining sound information is the first step in preventing a serious, longlasting degradation of our planets climate, helping to ensure our future survival\\"—Provided by publisher." . "\\"This book provides a concise and accessible overview of what we know about ongoing climate change and its impacts, and what we can do to confront the climate crisis. It gives a readable account of the treasure trove of information contained in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, and also brings the subject completely uptodate with current science and policy\\"—Provided by publisher." .

58415  "1958" . ."Weather and climate" ."Weather and climate — Weather lore — Atmosphere — Heating and cooling of the atmosphere — Temperature — Moisture — Wind — General circulation of the atmosphere — Air masses and fronts — Synoptic weather, storms and local winds — Atmospheric optics — Climate — Physical climate — World distribution of temperature — World distribution of pressure and winds — World distribution of precipitation — Classifying and charting climates — Humid tropical climates — Dry climates — Humid mesothermal climates — Humid microthermal climates — Polar or arctic climates." .

144559  "2009" . ."Why we disagree about climate change : understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity" ."The social meanings of climate — The discovery of climate change — The performance of science — The endowment of value — The things we believe — The things we fear — The communication of risk — The challenges of development — The way we govern — Beyond climate change." . "\\"Climate change is not ‘a problem’ waiting for ‘a solution’. It is an environmental, cultural and political phenomenon which is reshaping the way we think about ourselves, our societies and humanitys place on Earth. Drawing upon twentyfive years of professional work as an international climate change scientist and public commentator, Mike Hulme provides a unique insiders account of the emergence of this phenomenon and the diverse ways in which it is understood. He uses different standpoints from science, economics, faith, psychology, communication, sociology, politics and development to explain why we disagree about climate change. In this way he shows that climate change, far from being simply an ‘issue’ or a ‘threat’, can act as a catalyst to revise our perception of our place in the world. Why We Disagree About Climate Change is an important contribution to the ongoing debate over climate change and its likely impact on our lives.\\"—Publishers description." .

80767  "2010" . ."The climate connection : climate change and modern human evolution" ."1. Introduction — Pt. I. Early human history — 2. From ape to human: the emergence of hominins — 3. Human behavioural evolution — 4. migrations and diaspora of Homo — Pt. II. Climate during the last glacial cycle — 5. Climate change over the last 135 000 years — 6. effect of 135 000 years of changing climate on the global landscape — Pt. III. interaction between climate and humans — 7. interaction between climate and humans — 8. Climate and agriculture — 9. Climate and our future — Appendices: The biological background to the story of evolution — App. A. Evolutionary theory — App. B. Developmental evolution — App. C. Human adaptability: the physiological foundation." .

193502  "2009" . ."International business and global climate change" ."\\"Climate change has become an important topic on the business agenda with strong pressure being placed on companies to respond and contribute to finding solutions to this urgent problem. This text provides a comprehensive analysis of international business responses to global climate change and climate change policy. Embedded in relevant management literature, this book gives a concise treatment of developments in policy and business activity on global, regional and national levels, using examples and systematic data from a large number of international companies. The first part outlines the international climate policy landscape and voluntary initiatives taken by companies, both alone and together with others. The second part examines companies strategies, covering innovation for climate change, as well as compensation via emissions trading and carbon offsetting.\\" — Book cover." ."1. Introduction — pt. I. Between regulation and selfregulation — 2. From Rio to ‘beyond Kyoto’ : synopsis of international climate policies — 3. Beyond regulation : voluntary agreements and partnerships — 4. Carbon control : emissions measurement, targets and reporting — pt. II. Strategic options for business — 5. Business strategies for climatic change — 6. Carbon trading as (compliance) strategy — 7. Innovation and capabilities for climate change — 8. Dilemmas on the way forward." .

28728  "2006" . ."The global climate system : patterns, processes, and teleconnections" ."Oscillations and teleconnections — Tropical climates — Middle latitude climates — Climate of the polar realms — Postglacial climatic change and variability — Urban impacts on climate — Human response to climate change — ESSAY : Model interpretation of climate signals: An application to Asian monsoon climate (Lau) — Conclusions and the future of climate research." .

136398  "2010" . ."An introduction to climate change economics and policy" ."Introduction — Basic science of climate change — Prospects for agriculture — Economic growth, wellbeing and sustainability — Development in a changing climate — Ethics and climate change — Kyoto and other international environmental agreements — Incentives for mitigation : carbon taxes and emissions trading — The costs of climate change and the benefits of mitigation — From economic crisis to mobilization for mitigation." .

35503  "2005" . ."Climate : the force that shapes our world and the future of life on earth" ."Introduction: Is climate changing? — PART I: CLIMATES OF THE PAST: The birth of climate — Prehistoric climates — Climate and mankind — PART II: CLIMATE TODAY AND TOMORROW: Human impact on climate — Too hot to handle — Melting snow and ice — Rising seas — Changing ecosystems — Cities under siege — Extreme weather — Our future: biome by biome — Limiting climate change — Adapt we must — APPENDICES: A chronology of climate — Charting climate change — Glossary — Further reading & organizations." .

50956  "2010" . ."An introduction to climate change economics and policy" ."Introduction — Basic science of climate change — Prospects for agriculture — Economic growth, wellbeing and happiness — Development in a changing climate — Ethics and climate change — Kyoto and other international environmental agreements — Incentives for mitigation : carbon taxes and emissions trading — The costs of climate change and the benefits of mitigation — From economic crisis to mobilization for mitigation." .

179266  "1990" . ."Climate change and world agriculture" ."The sensitivity of agriculture to climate — Possible changes of climate — Methods of assessing impacts of climatic change — Effects on plants, soil, pests and diseases — Effects on agricultural potential — Effects on production and land use — Implications for global food security — Adapting to climatic change — Conclusions." .

23969  "2006" . ."The rough guide to climate change" ."pt. 1. The basics : global warming in a nutshell. Climate change : a primer: key questions and answers ; The greenhouse effect : how global warming works ; Whos responsible? : which countries, regions and activities are warming the world — pt. 2. The symptoms : whats happening now, and what might happen in the future. Extreme heat : too hot to handle ; Floods & droughts : two sides of a catastrophic coin ; The big melt : climate change in overdrive ; Oceans : aproblem on the rise ; Hurricanes & other storms : rough waters ; Ecosystems & agriculture : the future of flora, fauna and farming — pt. 3. The science : how we know what we know about climate change. Keeping track : taking the planets temperature ; The long view : a walk through climate history ; Circuits of change : modelling the future climate — pt. 4. Debates & solutions : from spats and spin to saving the planet. A heated debate : how activists, sceptics and industry have battled for column inches and the public mind ; The predicament : can we solve global warming?; Political solutions : Kyoto and beyond ; Technological solutions : energy, engineering and efficiency ; What you can do : reducing your carbon footprint and lobbying for action — pt. 5. Resources : climate change books and websites." . "\\"Gives the complete picture of the single biggest issue facing our planet. ... lays out the facts and assesses the options global and personalfor dealing with the threat of a warming world\\"—P. [4] of cover." .

117850  "1998" . ."Atmosphere, weather, and climate" ."From clear explanations of basic physical and chemical principles of the atmosphere to descriptions of regional climates and their changes, this popular text presents a comprehensive coverage of global climatology." .

80847  "2010" . ."The science and politics of global climate change : a guide to the debate" ."Preface to the second edition; Preface to the first edition; 1. Global climate change: a new type of environmental problem; 2. Science, politics and science in politics; 3. Humaninduced climate change:present scientific knowledge and uncertainties; 4. Climate changepolicy: impacts, assessments and responses; 5. The state of climate policy and a path forward; Glossary; Bibliography; Index." . "\\"The second edition of Dessler and Parsons acclaimed book provides an integrated treatment of the science, technology, economics, policy, and politics of climate change. Aimed at the educated nonspecialist, and at courses in environmental policy or climate change, the book clearly lays out the scientific foundations of climate change, the issues in current policy debates, and the interactions between science and politics that make the climate change debate so contentious and confusing. This new edition is brought completely up to date to reflect the rapid movement of events related to climate change. In addition, all sections have been improved, in particular a more thorough primer on the basic science of climate change is included. The book also now integrates the discussion of contrarian claims with the discussion of current scientific knowledge; extends the discussion of cost and benefit estimates; and provides an improved glossary\\"—Provided by publisher." .

170262  "1991" . ."Weather and climate" ."Explains the main elements of weather, including what causes temperature changes, the composition of the atmosphere, seasonal changes, and the effects of ocean currents and altitude on climate. Includes simple experiments." .

146364  "2008" . ."Atmospheric justice a political theory of climate change" ."The politics of climate change mitigation — Climate change, fairness, and equity — Climate change and international justice — Climate change and intergenerational justice — Moral responsibility and greenhouse gas emissions — Knowledge, beliefs, and responsibility — Equity, responsibility, and climate change mitigation." .

195693  "2008" . ."Atmospheric justice : a political theory of climate change" ."The politics of climate change mitigation — Climate change, fairness, and equity — Climate change and international justice — Climate change and intergenerational justice — Moral responsibility and greenhouse gas emissions — Knowledge, beliefs, and responsibility — Equity, responsibility, and climate change mitigation." .

45835  "2005" . ."Climate change in prehistory : the end of the reign of chaos" ."The climate of the past 100 000 years — Life in the ice age — The evolutionary implications of living with the ice age — Emerging from the ice age — Recorded history — The future." . "(Publishers Description) \\"How did humankind deal with the extreme challenges of the last Ice Age? How have the relatively benign postIce Age conditions affected the evolution and spread of humanity across the globe? By setting our genetic history in the context of climate change during prehistory, the origin of many features of our modern world are identified and presented in this illuminating book. It reviews the aspects of our physiology and intellectual development that have been influenced by climatic factors, and how features of our lives  diet, language and the domestication of animalsare also the product of the climate in which we evolved. In short: climate change in prehistory has in many ways made us what we are today. Climate Change in Prehistory weaves together studies of the climate with anthropological, archaeological and historical studies, and will fascinate all those interested in the effects of climate on human development and history.\\"" .

119681  "1998" . ."Climate change policy : facts, issues and analyses" ."Inspired by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes Second Assessment Report, Jepma and Munasinghe set out to create a concise, practical, and compelling approach to climate change issues. In Climate Change Policy: Facts, Issues, and Analyses, they deftly explain the implications of global warming and the risks involved in attempting to mitigate climate change. They look at how and where to initiate action, and what sort of organization is needed to implement the changes. This book represents a muchneeded synopsis of climate change and its real impact on society. It will be an essential text for climate change researchers, policy analysis, university students studying the environment, and anyone else with an interest in climate change issues." .

32269  "2006" . ."Global environmental negotiations and US interests" ."An introduction to three global environmental issues — A different approach to understanding environmental regime creation — Ozone politics — Ozone protection : the story continues — Unconventional behavior on forests — The climate on climate change — Conclusion : a climate for future success?" .

138219  "1995" . ."Climate, history, and the modern world" ."Introduction — The climate problemPART I: THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISEASE: How climate works — How climate comes to fluctuate and change — How we can reconstruct the past record of climate — PART II: CLIMATE AND HISTORY:Climate at the dawn of history — In the times of the early civilizations — Times of disturbance and decline of the ancient world — Roman times and after — Through Viking times to the high Middle Ages — Decline again in the late Middle Ages — Little Ice Age: background to the history of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries — The recovery, 1700 to around 1950 — PART III: CLIMATE IN THE MODERN WORLD AND QUESTIONS OVER THE FUTURE: Climate since 1950 — The impact of climatic developments on human affairs and human history — The causes of climates fluctuations and changes — Forecasting — What can we do about it? — Recent developments and the outlook — Notes." .

214456  "1984" . ."Weather and climate" ."Examines such aspects of the weather as atmosphere, wind, clouds, rain, sky, and climate." .

146876  "1977" . ."Climates of hunger : mankind and the worlds changing weather" ."Climate has always had profound effects upon human history, helping both to build and to destroy great civilizations. Until now, we have not had the knowledge to react intelligently to the signs of shifting climate. Today, even though we remain essentially powerless to affect climate purposefully, we are ready to recognize the signs of change and we are somewhat better able to predict the effects of those changes." .

67894  "1942" . ."Climatology, general and regional." ."General climatology — Weather and climate — Temperature as a climatic element — Pressure, wind, and moisture as climatic elements — Climatic controls — Climatic variability — Climatic influences — The classification of climate — Part 11: The climates of the world — General climatic features of North and Central America — The humid climates of Central America, Southern Mexico, West Indies, Southern Florida, and Hawaii — The dry climates of North America — Subtropical climates of the United States — Humid intermediate climates of North America — Polar and subpolar climates of North America — Climates of South America — Humid Tropical and subtropical climates of the East Indies, the Philippines, and Southern Asia — Dry climates of Eurasia — Humid climates of China, Japan, and Manchukuo — Climate of the Mediterranean region — Humid intermediate, subpolar, and polar climates of Europe and Siberia — Tropical climates of Africa — Subtropical climates of Africa — Climates of Australia and New Zealand." .

124992  "1996" . ."Climate of hope : new strategies for stabilizing the worlds atmosphere" ."Introduction — The

evidence mounts — Climate shocks — Reducing greenhouse gas emissions — Stabilizing the climate — Rio, Berlin, and beyond — Notes." .

75807  "2002, c2000" . ."The Little Ice Age : how climate made history, 1300—1850" ."Preface — Acknowledgments — Authors note — Warmth and its aftermath: Medieval warm period — Great famine — Cooling begins: Climatic seesaw — Storms, cod and doggers — Vast peasantry — End of the \\"full world\\": Specter of hunger — War against the glaciers — \\"More like winter than summer\\" — Dearth and revolution — Year without a summer — Ghorta mor — Modern warm period: Warmer greenhouse — Notes — Index." . "The Little Ice Age tells the story of the turbulent, unpredictable, and often very cold years of modern European history, how this altered climate affected historical events, and what it means for todays global warming. Building on research that has only recently confirmed that the world endured a 500year cold snap, renowned archaeologist Brian Fagan shows how the increasing cold influenced familiar events from Norse exploration to the settlement of North America to the Industrial Revolution. This is a fascinating book for anyone interested in history, climate, and how they interact." .

148838  "2009" . ."Thepolitics of climate change" ."\\"A landmark study in the struggle to contain climate change, the greatest challenge of our era. I urge everyone to read it.\\"—Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America. Climate change differs from any other problem that, as collective humanity, we face today. If it goes unchecked, the consequences are likely to be catastrophic for human life on earth. Yet for most people, and for many policymakers too, it is a ‘back of the mind’ issue. We recognise its importance and even its urgency, but for the most part it is swamped by more immediate concerns. Politicians have woken up to the dangers, but at the moment their responses are mainly on the level of gesture rather than being, as they have to be, both concrete and radical. Political action and intervention, on local, national and international levels, is going to have a decisive effect on whether or not we can limit global warming, as well as how we adapt to that already occurring. At the moment, however, Anthony Giddens argues controversially, we do not have a systematic politics of climate change. Politicsasusual wont allow us to deal with the problems we face, while the recipes of the main challenger to orthodox politics, the green movement, are flawed at source. Giddens introduces a range of new concepts and proposals to fill in the gap, and examines in depth the connections between climate change and energy security. This book is likely to become a classic in the field. It will appeal to everyone concerned about how we can cope with what amounts to a crisis for our civilisation." . "Climate change, risk and danger — Running out, running down? — The greens and after — The track record so far — A return to planning? — Technologies and taxes — The politics of adaptation — International negotiations, the EU and carbon markets — The geopolitics of climate change." .

149667  "2009" . ."A blueprint for a safer planet: how to manage climate change and create a new era of progress and prosperity"."Why there is a problem and how we can deal with it — The dangers — How emissions can be reduced, and at what cost — Adapting to climate change — Ethics, discounting and the case for action — Policies to reduce emissions — Individual, firms, communities: the power of example — The structure of a global deal — Building and sustaining action — A planet in peril." .

21778  "2007" . ."Arctic thaw : the people of the whale in a changing climate" ."The I\\u00F1upiat people of Alaskas North Slope must learn to adjust to a changing climate that threatens to disrupt their ancient culture." . "Darkness sets in — Cold and dark — Light returns — Epilogue — Glossary — What you can do — Index." .

133896  "2009" . ."Potential impacts of climate change in the United States." ."\\"Today CBO released a paper presenting an overview of the current understanding of the impacts of climate change in the United States. CBO cannot independently evaluate the relevant scientific research, so our paper draws from numerous published sources to summarize the current state of climate science and provides a conceptual framework for addressing climate change as an economic concern. The paper was reviewed by several knowledgeable external reviewers and, as with all CBO analysis, makes no recommendations. The paper discusses potential impacts on the physical environment (temperature, precipitation, severe storms, ocean currents, climate oscillations. sea level, and ocean acidification); biological systems(ecosystems and biological diversity, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries); and the economy and human health (water supply, infrastructure, human health, and economic growth).\\"" . "The link between emissions and climate — Potential impacts of climate change.Effects on the physical environment ; Consequences for biological systems ; Impacts on the economy and human health — Policy implications of uncertainty." .

51390  "2005" . ."Primer on climate change and sustainable development : facts, policy analysis and applications" ."Climate change: scientific background and introduction — Future scenarios of development and climate change — Framework for making development more sustainable: concepts and analytical tools — Making development more sustainable — Adaptation to climate change: concepts, approaches and linkages with wider sustainable development issues — Vulnerability, impacts and adaptation by sectors and systems — Vulnerability, impacts and adaptation by geographic region — Mitigating climate change: concepts and linkages with sustainable development — Mitigating measures: technologies, practices, barriers and policy instruments — Assessment of mitigation costs and benefits — Climate change and sustainable development: a synthesis." .

195683  "2007" . ."Human impacts on weather and climate" ."This new edition of Human Impacts on Weather and Climate examines the scientific and political debates surrounding anthropogenic impacts on the Earths climate and presents the most recent theories, data and modeling studies. The book discusses the concepts behind deliberate human attempts to modify the weather through cloud seeding, as well as inadvertent modification of weather and climate on the regional scale. The natural variability of weather and climate greatly complicates our ability to determine a clear causeandeffect relationship to human activity. The authors describe the basic theories and critique them in simple and accessible terms. This fully revised edition will be a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in atmospheric and environmental science, and will also appeal to policy makers and general readers interested in how humans are affecting the global climate. —Publisher.".

"Climatic changes—Environmental aspects." . , .: 37.00100085824187

"Climatology—Social aspects." . , .: 16.00020081220418

"Global warming." . , .: 10.001000479425226

"Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric." . , .: 5.001000090867731

"Weather—Social aspects." . , .: 5.000250157738644

"Environmental policy—Economic aspects." . , .: 4.00004571677849

"Paleoclimatology." . , .: 3.0002003564657374

"Nature—Effect of human beings on." . , .: 3.000084063052115

"Glacial epoch." . , .: 2.000111323794251

"Meteorology." . , .: 2.0000480779783043

NO.132 begin

132: End of Windows XP support spells trouble for some

??Microsoft will end support for the persistently popular Windows XP on Tuesday, and the move could put everything from the operationsof heavy industry to the identities of everyday people in danger.

140724  "2009" . ."The complete idiots guide to Microsoft Windows 7" ."Windows 7 everywhere: a few things you need to know — Windows 7 at home — Windows 7 at work — Windows 7 on the Internet — Windows 7 at the show: customizing, maintaining, and troubleshooting." . "Offers the technical support and expertise you need to get your operating system up and running— without crashing your mind with confusing technical jargon." .

107200  "2010" . ."Windows 7 quicksteps" ."Color screenshots with streamlined explanations show you how to use all the new and improved features of this sleek operating system. Youll find tips for customizing your desktop, managing files, connecting to the Internet, using email, adding hardware and software, and enjoying photos, music, and video. Learn how to set up a wired or wireless network and secure your entire system too. Get the book that gets you upandrunning on Windows 7 in no time..." . "Stepping into Windows 7 — Customizing Windows 7 — Storing information — Using the Internet — Managing Windows 7 — Working with documents and pictures — Working with multimedia — Controlling security — Setting up networking — Using networking.".

49316  "2004" . . "Windows XP allinone desk reference for dummies" ."Windows XP AllInOne Desk Reference For Dummies, 2nd Edition; About the Author; About the Contributors; Dedication; Authors Acknowledgments; Introduction; Book Ⅰ: A Windows XP Overview; Book Ⅱ: Customizing Your Windows eXPerience; Book Ⅲ: Windows XP and the Internet; Book Ⅳ: Adventures with Internet Explorer; Book Ⅴ: Connecting with Microsoft Network; Book Ⅳ: Adding and Using Other Hardware; Book Ⅶ: Joining the Multimedia Mix; Book Ⅷ: Windows Media Center; Book Ⅺ: Setting Up a Network with Windows XP; Index." . "The ultimate reference for Windows users who have recently upgraded and are looking for a comprehensive guide to installing Windows XP, setting it up, and taking advantage of all of its new features, in addition to anyone who is downloading the new service pack (SP2) or purchasing a new PC." .

34441  "2006" . ."Windows XP visual encyclopedia" ."Covers the range of Windows XP commands and tools with color graphics, screen shots, features, concepts, processes, listings, explanations, tips, and howto techniques." .

44944  "2005" . ."Windows XP" ."This fastpaced, nofluff book teaches you the basics of Microsoft Windows XP andincludes tips, shortcuts, and workarounds for Windows veterans as well as new users. Whether youre using the Home or Professional edition of XP, youll find stepbystep instructions and plenty of screenshots that guide you through XPs new and updated features, including the updated desktop and the improved versions of Internet Explorer, Mail, Live Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, and Media Player. Youll also find information on setup; installation; upgrading from other Windows versions: troubleshooting; hardware; and organizing you documents, music photos, and videos. Laptop and mobile users will learn how to connect from the road, jump onto a public wireless network, and conserve battery power. The author also walks you through setting up a network, connecting to the internet, configuring routers and firewalls, and hooking up printers and other devices. Youll learn how to use XPs security features to protect your PC and network and share files while keeping personal stuff private. This updated edition covers Windows Media Player 10 and Service Pack 2 (Security Center, Windows Firewall, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express enhancements, improved wirelessnetworking and Bluetooth support, and more), and adds security and privacy tips and recommendations for thirdparty addins, utilities, and programs." . "Introduction — Getting started with Windows XP — The start menu and taskbar — Getting help — Personalizing your work environment — Organizing files and folders — Installing and running programs — Printing and faxing — Setting up hardware — Cameras and scanners — Windows Media Player — Windows Movie Maker — Connecting to the Internet — Browsing the Web with Internet Explorer — Outlook Expressemail and news — Chatting online with Windows Messenger — Managing user accounts — Setting up a small network — Working remotely — Maintenance & troubleshooting — Appendix. Installing Windows XP." .

86497  "2010" . ."Windows 7 inside out" ."Whats new in Windows 7 — Installing and configuring Windows 7 — Obtaining help and support — Personalizing Windows 7 — Adding, removing, and managing programs — Using Internet Explorer 8 — Adding Windows Live programs and services — Organizing files and information — Using Windows search — Advanced file management — Backup, restore, and recovery — Playing and organizing digital media files — Sharing and syncing digital media — Using Windows Media Center — Security essentials — Managing user accounts, passwords, and logons — Setting up a small office or home network — Sharing and managing network resources — Fixing and tweaking your network — Tuning up and monitoring performance — Performing routine maintenance — Using advanced system management tools — Troubleshooting Windows errors and crashes — Setting up and configuring hardware — Managing disks and drives — Using pen, touch, and voice input — Appendixes. Windows 7 editions at a glance — Working with the command prompt." . "Explaining how to use the new features of Windows 7, a comprehensive manual details hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds, along with information on such topics as Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Center, networking, and security." .

48682  "2005" . ."Windows XP power hound" ."Getting started — The desktop and interface — Windows Explorer and searching — Builtin utilities — Microsoft Office — The Internet — Web browsers — Email — Networking — Hardware — System speedups — Security — Crash recovery — Windows Media Player — The registry." . "Demonstrates ways to improve the operating systems features, covering such topics as files and folders, utilities, Internet security, registry, and speeding up the system." .

11565  "2007" . ."Microsoft Windows Vista step by step" ."A guide to the concepts and features of Windows Vista discusses such topics as how to get started, computer security, adding hardware and software, file and folder management, Internet connectivity, networking, and digital media options." .

72963  "2002" . ."Mastering Windows XP Professional" ."Windows XP Professional is Microsofts client operating system. This text provides information on technology using language with visual guidance. It covers CD burning, system restore, device driver rollback, and Internet connection firewall." .

43505  "2010" . ."Windows 7" ."Like its predecessors, this book illuminates its subject with technical insight, plenty of wit and hardnosed objectivity for beginners, veteran standalone PC users and those who know their way around a network." . "Introduction — Part One: The Windows 7 Desktop: Getting started, desktop, & start menu — Explorer, windows, & the taskbar — Searching & organizing your files — Interior decorating windows — Getting help — Part Two: Windows 7 Software: Programs, documents, & gadgets — The freebie apps — The control panel — Part Three: Windows 7 Online: Hooking up to the Internet — Internet security — Internet Explorer 8 — Windows live mail — Windows live services — Part Four: Pictures, Music, & TV — Windows live photo gallery — Windows media player — Windows media center — Part Five: Hardware & Peripherals: Print, fax, & scan — Hardware — Laptops, tablets, & touchscreens — Part Six: Pc Health: Maintenance & speed tweaks — The disk chapter — Backups, system restore, & troubleshooting — Part Seven: Networking & Homegroups: Accounts & logging on — Setting up a workgroup — Network domains — Sharing files on the network — Windows by remote control — Part Eight: Appendixes: Appendix A: Installing & upgrading to Windows 7 — Appendix B: Fun with the registry — Appendix C: Whered it go? — Appendix D: The master keyboard shortcut list." .

9344  "2007" . ."Windows Vista inside out" ."Explaining how to use the new features of Windows Vista, a comprehensive manual details hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds, covering the new features of Microsoft Windows Media Player and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7." .

60380  "2003" . ."Windows XP hacks" ."Startup and shutdown — The user interface — Windows Explorer — The Web — Networking — Email — The registry — Basic utilities — Applications — Graphics and multimedia — System performance — Hardware." .

46563  "2005" . ."Windows XP simplified : service pack 2 edition" ."Covers new SP2 enhancements, including the new Windows Firewall and wireless interface as well as updates to Windows Update, Media Player, and Internet Explorer." .

77619  "2000" . ."Windows Me simplified" ."A visual guide to Windows ME basics explains how to create documents and pictures, manipulate and view files, configure the system, work with a network, browse the Web, and send and receive email." .

78584  "2001" . ."How to do everything with Office XP" ."Demonstrates Office XPs updated features while offering a solutionsbased tutorial to all the applications included in the suite, including Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, and FrontPage." .

18369  "2007" . ."Windows Vista" ."Offers coverage of all five versions of Windows Vista, offering a guide to help users navigate the desktop, deal with the new user interface and search functions, use the Media Center, deal with the new Internet Explorer 7 tabbed browser, and build a network for file sharing." .

80769  "2010" . ."CompTIA A+ certification exam guide : exams 220701 & 220702" ."The path of the PC tech — Operational procedures — The visible PC — Understanding Windows — Microprocessors — RAM — BIOS and CMOS — Expansion bus — Motherboards — Power supplies — Hard drive technologies — Implementing Hard Drives — Removable media — Installing and upgrading Windows — Working with the commandline interface — Securing Windows resources — Maintaining and troubleshooting Windows — Input/output — Video — Multimedia — Portable computing — Printers — Local area networking — Wireless networking — The Internet — Securing computers — The complete PC tech — Mapping to the CompTIA A+ objectives — About the CDROM." .

45449  "2005" . ."Windows XP in a nutshell" ."Part Ⅰ. The Big Picture — 1. The Lay of the Land — The Big Picture — Whats New in Windows XP — Windows XP Home and Professional Editions — Windows Update — Windows Service Packs — 2. Using Windows XP — The Desktop — PointandClick Operations — Starting Up Applications — Styles and Consequences of Styles — Windows and Menus — Keyboard Accelerators — Common Controls — Files, Folders, and Disks — The Command Line — Online Help — Shutting Down — Part Ⅱ. Alphabetical Reference — 3. The User Interface — 4. Windows XP Applications and Tools — Using the Command Prompt — Alphabetical Reference to Windows Components — 5. Task and Setting Index — 6. The Command Prompt — Using the Command Line — Command Prompt Choices — Wildcards, Pipes, and Redirection — Alphabetical Reference to DOS Commands — MSDOS Batch Files — Part Ⅲ. Advanced Topics — 7. Networking — Networking Terminology — General Procedures — 8. The Registry — Whats in the Registry — Adding and Deleting Registry Keys and Values — Organization of the Registry — Hives — Backing Up the Registry — Exporting and Importing Registry Data with Patches — Ten Cool Things You Can Do in Your Registry — 9. The Windows Script Host — What Is WSH? — Executing Scripts — Creating a Script — VBScript — Object Model — Wscript Object — Shell Object — Registry Routines — Shortcuts — Popup — Network Object — Network PrinterRelated Functions — FileSystem Object — TextStream Object — Object Browser — Database Example — Messaging — Part Ⅳ. Appendixes. A. Installing Windows XP — B. Migrating to Windows XP — C. Keyboard Shortcuts — D. Power Toys and TweakUI — E. Keyboard Equivalents for Symbols and International Characters — F. Common Filename Extensions — G. Services — H. Service Packs." . "Windows XP in a Nutshell, Second Edition, is a comprehensive, compact reference that systematically documents what serious users need to know about both Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional. Part of the bestselling \\"In a Nutshell\\" series, this book contains more information about using Windows XP than any other book on the market. Windows XP in a Nutshell, Second Edition, was cowritten by David A. Karp, author of the nononsense Windows Annoyances book series and creator of the popular Annoyances.org web site, and Tim OReilly, the publisher whose books have revolutionized computer book publishing with their commonsense approach, depth of detail, and focus on practical information that you can really use. In Windows XP in a Nutshell, Second Edition, youll find: Everything you need to know about Windows XP Service Pack 2: setting up a WiFi network; mastering Bluetooth features; plugging security holes and configuring the new Windows Firewall for maximum protection; tweaking new Internet Explorer features; and more; Detailed information on virtually every command and utility available in Windows XP, including both Windowsbased and command promptbased applications and accessories (not just those in the Start menu); Detailed advice and documentation on system configuration, with extensive coverage of the Control Panel, the Registry Editor, the Microsoft Management Console, and the new Windows Security Center; A comprehensive guide to every setting in every dialog box, menu, and Properties sheet throughout Windows XP; A quick reference to keyboard shortcuts, special symbols, common filename extensions, and background services; Detailed advice on how to build a wired or wireless home or SOHO network, the best ways to connect to the Internet (including WiFi), and keeping your PCs and network safe from hackers, crackers, viruses, and more; Hundreds of tips, gotchas, and clever ways to do familiar and notsofamiliar tasks; A reference to the Windows Script Host (WSH), the system that lets you use VBScript, JavaScript, and even Perl to automate common tasks." .

113042  "1998" . ."Essential Windows NT system administration" ."This is a comprehensive guide to the management ofWindows NT systems, covering issues such as security, performance tuning, fault tolerance, backups, printing, and networking." .

6115  "2007" . ."Windows Vista : the definitive guide" ."Getting started with Windows Vista — Optimizing Windows Vistas interface — Finetuning Windows Vistas appearance and performance — Installing, configuring, and maintaining software — Customizing your computers hardware devices — Mastering Windows Explorer and searching your computer — Navigating the Web with Internet Explorer 7 — Creating your media library with Windows Media Player — Capturing and managing your digital pictures and videos — Making video DVDs and movies — Securing and sharing your data — Setting up printers, scanners, and fax machines — Making the most of your computers accessories — Setting up your network — Protecting your computer with Windows Defender and Windows Firewall — Using Windows mail, calendars, and contacts — Mastering dialup, broadband, and onthego networking — Managing user accounts and parental controls — Managing disks and drives — Handling routine maintenance and troubleshooting — Getting help and handling advanced support issues — Installing and running Windows Vista — Exploring the Windows boot environment — Understanding Windows Vista security changes — Mastering Windows Media center — Using group policy with Windows Vista — Navigating Windows Vista policy changes — Navigating Internet Explorer 7 policies — Desktop tips and tricks with keyboard shortcuts." .

183292  "2008" . ."Windows Vista annoyances" ."Get started with Windows Vista — Shell tweaks — The registry — Working with media — Performance — Troubleshooting — Networking and Internet — Users and security — Scripting and automation." .

94954  "1999" . ."Windows 2000 professional for dummies" ."An overview of the newest version of Windows NT Workstation covers basic tasks, Windows 2000 applications, network navigation, and troubleshooting common problems." .

18370  "2007" . ."Windows Vista in a nutshell" ."‘Windows Vista in a Nutshell’ documents everything there is to know about the newest version of the worlds most widely used operating system. This desktop reference is dedicated to making the computer safer, easier and more fun." .

99125  "1999" . ."PCs for dummies" ."Guide to personal computers written in easytounderstand language, with information on setting up the computer and auxiliary devices, troubleshooting, Windows 95 and Windows 98, DOS fundamentals, CDROMs, the Internet, and other related topics." .

81712  "2001" . ."Office XP for dummies" ."Showcases the upgraded features of Office XP, explaining how to maximize the effectiveness of Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and Frontpage while integrating Office applications, sharing resources, and storing information on the Web." .

95488  "2000" . ."The smart approach to window decor" ."Illustrates present trends in drapes, blinds, and valances, provides guidelines on selecting and installing arrangements, and offers instruction on making window treatments." .

197019  "2007" . ."The smart approach to window decor" ."Presents advice and illustrations that explain the decisionmaking process of decorating windows, including factors such as window shape, personal lifestyle, and the type of window treatment desired." . "The big picture — Window types — Planning — Dollars & sense — Curtains & draperies — Shades, blinds & shutters — Top treatments — Finesse with fabric — Tassels & trimmings — Designer hardware — Problem solving — Curtains you can make." .

87564  "2001" . ."Twohour window treatments" ."Contains over 100 ideas for window treatments that do not take a lot of time to create." .

71582  "2002" . ."Windows XP headaches : how to fix common (and not so common) problems in a hurry" . "Covers topics such as how to control the Desktop Cleanup Wizard, security issues, installation problems, how to avoid the Welcome screen, and Internet connection concerns." . "Windows XP Interface Headaches — Display Setting Headaches — Windows Theme Headaches — Start Menu Headaches — Taskbar Headaches — Power Configuration Headaches — Accessibility Headaches — Windows XP File and Folder Headaches — Folder Headaches — File Headaches — Offline Files Headaches — Recycle Bin Headaches — Windows XP User Headaches — User Headaches — Password Headaches — Account Feature Headaches — Windows XP Accessory and Software Headaches — Managing Windows XP Accessories — Difficulties with Software — Windows XP Hardware Headaches — Installing and Uninstalling Hardware — Solving Problems with Drivers — Managing Hardware — Windows XP Disk Headaches — Problems with Hard Disks — Difficulties with Floppy Disks — Problems with CD and DVDROM Drives — Windows XP Peripheral Headaches — Windows XP Peripheral Problems — Difficulties with Game Controllers — Windows XP Printer, Scanner, and Camera Headaches — Printer Setup Problems — Solving Printing Problems — Solving Problems with Scanners and Cameras — Windows XP Internet Connection Headaches — Windows XP Internet Connection Headaches — Solving Problems with Modems — Problems with Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) — Windows XP Internet Explorer Headaches — IE Connection Problems — Solving IE Configuration Problems — Managing Internet

Explorer Security — Outlook Express Headaches — Problems with Outlook Express Connections — Solving Problems Using Outlook Express — Solving Problems with Mail Management — Windows XP Networking Headaches — Problems with Network Setup and Access — Difficulties with Network Shares — Aggravations with Internet Connection Sharing — Pains with Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance — Media Player Headaches — Configuring the Interface — Music and Movie Difficulties — Media Library Aggravations — Problems Copying Music — Radio Tuner Troubles — Movie Maker Headaches — Difficulties with Video — Problems Editing Video — Annoyances with Audio — Aggravations with File Types — Tools and Utility Headaches — Performance Headaches — Windows XP Performance Problems — Application Performance Problems — Aggravations with Printing Performance — Performance Issues with Laptops — Windows XP Migraine Headaches — Problems with Installation — Problems with System Crashes and Boot Failures — Problems with Activation — Curts Top 20 Windows XP Headaches — 20: My printer/scanner used to work fine, but now that Ive upgraded to Windows XP, it does not work or does not work well — 19: I want to use the New Technology File System (NTFS) because Windows XP is optimized for it, but my hard disk is a FAT32 drive — 18: Windows Update keeps trying to connect to the Web and download stuff without my permission — 17: Windows XP keeps turning itself off when I leave it idle — 16: I dont like the appearance of Windows XP, or I am having difficulty managing the Start menu — 15: Folder views use large icons that require me to scroll around a lot — 14: I cant find the encryption or Remote Desktop features in Windows XP Home Edition — 13: My network does not work — 12: On my ICS network, network users can control the Internet connection — 11: On my network, I can access all other computers, but none can access mine — 10: Internet Explorer will not let me view certain sites due to \\"security settings.\\" — 9: My modem keeps hanging up when there is idle time — 8: The Internet is too slow — 7: On a Windows XP Professional computer, I cannot configure individual NTFS permissions for a share — 6: Windows Media Player will not play CD music and/or I cannot put CD music in the Media Library — 5: Certain applications do not work on Windows XP — 4: Windows XP performs tasks slowly — 3: Windows XP will not boot, or a new configuration causes the system to crash — 2: A hardware device will not work with Windows XP — 1: Windows XP keeps giving me a permissions message instead of letting me perform certain actions — Four Signs You Need Help from Technical Support — Your Computer Often Locks Up/Acts Strangely — You Get the Blue Screen of Death — Windows XP Makes No Attempt to Boot/Fails to Boot — A Hardware Device Will Not Work — Five Things Computer Users Do That Cause Headaches! — Use the Internet Without Antivirus Software — Change Settings Randomly — Fail to Read Device Instructions — Use Incompatible Software — Upgrade to Windows XP Without Doing Their Homework — Helpful Windows XP Web Sites — Microsoft Support — Windows XP for Real People — WindowsHelp.NET — ZDNet — eXPerience Windows — Big Daves — Windows XP User — CNET — Windows XP Tips — Computer Hope — SuperSite for Windows — Windows XP Discussion Forum — XP Dot Net — Focus on Windows — The Driver Guide — XP BBS — Windows XP Resources — XP Mania — Theme XP — WinCustomize — XP Logos — WinPlanet." .

189210  "2007" . ."Upgrading & fixing PCs for dummies" ."Explains how to maintain and repair personal computers, covering topics including memory, multimedia equipment, networking, installing Windows Vista, and troubleshooting." .

18775  "2006" . ."Windows Vista allinone desk reference for dummies" ."Vista Orientation — Vista boot camp — Securing Vista — Customizing Vista — Vista on the Internet — Adding cool hardware — Joining the multimedia mix — Vista Video — Setting up a Vista Network." . "This nineinone reference encompasses all of the updates in Windows Vista, with sections on Windows Vista basics, security, customization, the Internet, searching and sharing with third party software, hardware, multimedia, Windows Media Center, and wired and wireless networking." .

41562  "2005" . ."Absolute beginners guide to Microsoft Windows XP" ."Covers connecting to the Internet, maintenance, applications, and multimedia features." .

182971  "2008" . ."PCs allinone desk reference for dummies" ."A guide to personal computing covers hardware, software, setup, configuration, installation, and troubleshooting." . "PC hardware — Windows Vista — The Internet — Microsoft Works — Office 2007 — Fun with movies, music, and photos — Upgrading and supercharging — Home networking." .

196743  "2008" . ."Photos, video and music with Windows Vista for seniors. Learn how to use the Windows Vista tools for digital photos, home videos, music and entertainment" ."Playing a CD — Ripping a CD — Working with the library — Burning an audio CD — The MP3 player — The appearance of Windows Media Player — Video, DVD and radio in Windows Media Player — Windows movie maker and DVD maker — Your photos in Vista — Windows media center." . "Photos, video and music with Windows Vista for seniors is the perfect book for senior citizens who want to get started using the excellent photo, video and music tools that are featured in Windows Vista. Includes information on Windows photo gallery, movie maker, media player and media center." .

117592  "1997" . ."Curtains & shades : a stepbystep guide to creative window treatments" ."Reviews the basic techniques of creating window treatments, and features illustrated, stepbystep instructions for a variety of projects." .

28454  "2007" . ."Framing attention : windows on modern German culture" ."Menzels rear window — Richard Wagner and the framing of modern empathy — Early cinema and the windows of empire — Underground visions — Windows 33/45 — Fluxus television — The nations new windows — Epilogue : \\"Berliner Fenster.\\"" .

74068  "2002" . ."Windows XP home edition : the missing manual" ."Explains how to get accustomed to the new operating system and master its features, covering topics such as using menus and control panels, networking multiple PCs, and finding lost files." .

34857  "2006" . ."PowerPoint 2003 just the steps for dummies" ."Presents stepbystep instructions and illustrations to help readers learn key PowerPoint tasks and create effective presentations." .

26350  "2006" . ."Teach yourself visually : PowerPoint 2003" ."Offers advice on using the business presentation software to create transparencies and handouts, publish presentations on the Internet, and create timesaving macros." .

146177  "2010" . ."Creating multimedia presentations"."Setting the stage — Charting your course — High tech slideshows — Sound and vision." . "Introduces the reader to a wide variety of multimedia, with advice on how to use PowerPoint and other sources in putting together an effective presentation." .

99812  "1997" . ."Windows NT user administration" ."Getting started — Creating users — Windows NT groups and security — Managing users through scripts — Managing domain users — NT internals and managing users — Controlling the user — Auditing and Windows NT — Auditing with Perl." .

136303  "2009" . ."The PowerPoint detox reinvent your slides and add power to your presentation" ."Straightforward, practical guide designed to appeal to anyone who needs to use PowerPoint." .

33710  "2006" . ."PCs : the missing manual" ."Part 1. Your PCs main parts. Inside your PC — Keyboards and mice — Monitors and video — Printers — Part 2. Multimedia. Digital cameras, camcorders, and webcams — Scanners — Sound — Digital music players — Part 3. Storing information. Hard drives and floppy drives — CD and DVD drives — Part 4. Talking to the world. Getting online — Email — Surfing the web — Networking — Part 5. Maintenance, security, and troubleshooting. Security — Fixing common problems — Advanced troubleshooting." . "Provides information on using a PC, covering such topics as hardware, networking, burning CDs and DVDs, using the Internet, and upgrading and replacing parts." .

51728  "2005" . ."Microsoft Windows XP plain & simple"."Jump in wherever you need answers. Easy numbered steps show exactly what to do for the simplest ways to get the job done. Handy tips teach new techniques and shortcuts." .

32659  "2006" . ."PowerPoint 2003" ."Offers advice on using the business presentation software to create transparencies and handouts, publish presentations on the Internet, and create timesaving macros." .

14925  "2007" . ."Send : the essential guide to email for office and home" ."Introduction: Why do we email so badly? — When should we email? — Theanatomy of an email — How to write (the perfect) email — The six essential types of email — The emotional email — The email that can land you in jail — S.E.N.D. — The last word — Appendix: How to read your header." . "Whether you email just a little or never stop, use a desktop or a handheld, here, at last, is an authoritative and delightful book that shows how to write the perfect email\\u2082at work, at school, or anywhere. Send also points out the numerous (but not always obvious) times when email can be the worst option and might land you in hot water (or even jail!). The secret is, of course, to think before you click. Send is nothing short of a survival guide for the digital age\\u2082wise, brimming with good humor, and filled with helpful lessons from the authors[alpha] own email experiences (and mistakes). In short: absolutely essential." .

67830  "2003" . ."Teach yourself visually Mac OS X" ."Offers tips on routine maintenance, hardware and memory upgrades, performance tuning, Internet connections, multimedia, and related matters." .

49494  "2010" . ."Office 2010 allinone fordummies" ."Common tools youll find in all Office applications ; Clear instructions for revising and collaborating on documents ; Tips on building tables, charts and diagrams in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint ; Words tools for creating scholarly reports and white papers ; Advice on scheduling events with Outlook ; Secrets ofPowerPoint presentations ; How to build an Access database from scratch ; Hints for creating newsletters in Publisher." .

84638  "2001" . ."Just in time : poems, 19841994" ."Memory gardens — Windows — Echoes." .

172023  "2008" . ."The Windows Vista book : doing coolthings with Vista, your photos, videos, music, and more" ."A guide focusing on the useful and fun features of Windows Vista covers such topics as the display and appearance of the desktop, gadgets, the sidebar, security, email and instant messaging, connecting to the Internet, playing and organizing music, and watching and making videos." . "Vistas coolest features — Customizing display and appearance — All new gadgets and sidebar — Security! — Surfing the web — Keeping in touch — Getting the most out of your photos — Music — DVDs, videos, and making movies — Storing, finding, and viewing your files." .

"Microsoft Windows (Computer file)" . , .: 26.001000751991157

"Operating systems (Computers)" . , .: 24.001000848677094

"Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file)" . , .: 6.000067138215801

"Microcomputers" . ,.: 4.000042624838839

"Draperies in interior decoration." . , .: 4.000039162961579

"Presentation graphics software." . , .: 3.000067507231039

"Microsoft Office" . , .: 3.000066969364473

"Business—Computer programs." . , .: 3.000066751484833

"Draperies." . , .: 3.0000378713535607

"Window shades." . , .: 3.000037820719823

NO.170 begin

170: UK scientists make body parts in lab

??In a north London hospital, scientists are growing noses, ears and blood vessels in the laboratory in a bold attempt to make body parts using stem cells.

63865  "1964" . ."The scientist," ."Discusses the scientist as a person and his role in modern life, describes various fields of science and explains the scientific method." .

197557  "1987" . ."Fantastic voyage II : destination brain" ."An American scientist is abducted and flown to the U.S.S.R. There he is to be part of a team of scientists to be miniaturized to molecular size and travel to the brain of a dying Soviet scientist to untap the secrets held there." .

152771  "1977" . ."Essays of an information scientist"."v. 1. 1962—1973 — v. 2. 1974—1976 — v. 3. 1977—1978 — v. 4. 1979—1980 — v. 5. 1981—1982." .

35472  "1980" . ."Mad scientists in fact and fiction" ."Discusses those scientists, real and fictional, who have espoused unusual theories, often in conjunction with bizarre experiments." .

164433  "1972" . ."Charles Darwin: the making of a scientist" .

"A biography of the nineteenthcentury English scientist whose publication The Origin of the Species greatly influenced scientific thinking." .

186121  "1989" . ."Louis Pasteur : the scientist who discovered the cause of infectious disease and invented pasteurization" ."A biography of the nineteenthcentury French scientist who discovered the process for destroying harmful bacteria with heat and opened the door to the new science of microbiology." .

188827  "1988" . ."The new eyes of the scientist" ."Discusses how new visual and optical technology has helped expand the world of the scientist in giving new tools to perform research experiments and stretch our knowledge of space." .

16828  "1964" .  ."The cell :" ."The cell : a bustling metropolis — Vital energy from a ray of light — The architect and the master builder — The first living thing on Earth — The marvel of specialization — The mechanics of muscle power — The message carriers — The cell in sickness and in health." .

94020  "2009" . ."English for biomedical scientists" ."Methodological approach to English for biomedical scientists — English grammar usage — Usual mistakes made by scientists speaking and writing in English — Writing a manuscript — Writing scientific correspondence — Attending a scientific course or conference — Giving presentations for biomedical scientists — Chairing a scientific discussion — Curriculum vitae, cover letters, and other professional letters — Getting ready for a job interview in English — The laboratory environment — Laboratory writing — Laboratory safety and biohazards — Laboratory animal work — Latin and Greek terminology — Acronyms and abbreviations — Conversation survival guide." .

26649  "1970" . ."Cells and tissues by light and electron microscopy. Microscopie photonique et \\u00E9lectronique de tissus et de cellules." ."Coordinated study of animal cells and tissues. For students at any level of training and also for the biologists and physicians." .

146183  "2009" . ."So you want to be a scientist?" ."Getting started — Career choices and laboratory nittygritty — How to think like a scientist — How to write a scientific paper — Giving presentations and talks — How to compose/submit grant applications — The politics of science — Ethical conduct of research — Scientific research as a creative enterprise — The role of the scientist in society — Personal challenges — Rewards and riches." . "\\"So You Want To Be a Scientist? offers the reader a glimpse into the job of being a research scientist.\\"back cover." .

199877  "c1965" . ."Viruses, cells and hosts; an introduction to virology [by] M. Michael Sigel [and] Ann R. Beasley." ."The world of the cell. Profile of the intruder. A closer look at tools and toils. The virus in the cell. The shifting balance in hostparasite relationships. The altered cell : transformations and malignancies." .

170537  "p2008" . ."The last oracle" ."A group of scientists has found a way to imbue autistic children with an incredible power. While they hope this will lead to world peace, it has the potential to destroy the world instead. SIGMA Force must find a way to stop the scientists, before its too late." .

78276  "2003" . . "Stem cell research" ."Discusses the latest scientific breakthroughs regarding embryonic stem cells and the growing of new human tissues, and how this can help doctors treat human illnesses." .

103354  "1999" .  ."Mad scientists" ."Contrasts the monstercreating escapades of mad scientists such as Frankenstein, Moreau, and Jekyll with the methods used by real scientists who try to help, not hurt, the world.".

138873  "2009" . ."Technological medicine : the changing world of doctors and patients" ."Revealing the bodys whispers : how the stethoscope transformed medicine — Enigmatic pictures : how patients and doctors encountered the Xray — Lifesaving but unaffordable : the improbable journey of the artificial kidney — Promising rescue, preventing release : the double edge of the artificial respirator — The quest to unify health care through the patient record — Putting technologies on trial : from bloodletting to antibiotics to the Oregon initiative — Amid the technological triumphs of disease prevention : where is health? — The technological transformation of birth — Governing the empire of machines." .

206877  "1985" . ."Human error" ."Two scientists have produced Epicell, a \\"biochip\\" so revolutionary it will make all other silicon and biochipsobsolete.But Epicell is a living virus capable of harming the human body.The scientists must reprogram the virus to live benignly in the human body." .

171754  "1968—" . ."The biological basis of medicine," ."V. 1. The dynamic state of the cell ; Growth ; Cell injury ; Ageing — v. 2. Hormones ; Control of metabolic processes ; Mechanisms of action of biological and physical agents — v. 3. Blood ; Connective tissues ; Synovial membranes and skeletal muscle ; Bone — v. 4. Molecular genetics ; Immunology and transplantation — v. 5. The nervous system ; The liver and gall bladder ; The alimentary tract ; The cancer cell — v. 6. Hair and skin ; The cardiovascular system ; The lung ; The kidney." .

25120  "2011" . ."Smart medicine : how the changing role of doctors will revolutionize health care" ."Modern Medicine. Bed nine did die ; Bones ;See ya, in 2015 ; CODE! ; Stretch, floss, dance and mentor — Histories of Medicine. Dead presidents ; Go forth and multiply ; Such waste is tragic ; For one good new suit of clothes — New Methods of Care. Binocular vision ; Knee jerk ; Doctors in flight; Medical avatars — New Models of Care. Survival of the fit ; Mothers day; Out of network." . "We are a nation in love with the drama of the medical world, from fastpaced hospital life to the race to discover cures for diseases. In this book the author brings to life the world of doctors and nurses and reveals the revolutionary changes that will soon be sweeping through the medical community: pharmacies that double as walkin clinics; health services that will be delivered online; electronic records that hold the history of every drug or blood test you ever took. You might go to a genome specialist to identify the ticking time bomb in your genes, or you might show a rash to your doctor via videophone from thousands of miles away. The plethora of new options will change the way you and your doctor make decisions.This is a penetrating look at the new world of medicine." .

161623  "1993" . ."Cell wars" ."Explains how cells fight off diseases and viruses in the human body." .

94995  "2000" . ."Brain plague" ."Chrysoberyl has been infected with a sentient form of microbe that can enhance human brain function or be fatal." .

183843  "2009" . ."Marie Curie : scientist who made glowing discoveries" ."Presents the life and accomplishments of the Polishborn scientist whose studies of radioactivity lead to the discovery of two new elements, for which she received two Nobel Prizes." .

204382  "1986" . ."Cells" ."Discusses the discovery of cells, their structure and functions, and new experiments in DNA research.".

62531  "2003" . ."The immortal cell : one scientists quest to solve the mystery of human aging" ."Describes the miraculous breakthroughs scientists have made in the past decade and dispels the many myths and misunderstandings surrounding stem cell research and therapeutic cloning, offering a window into the astonishing potential of regenerative medicine to extend the human life span and cure disease. Annotation. The extraordinary story of the breakthrough discoveries in cell aging, stem cell research, and therapeutic cloning, and the tremendous promise they hold for dramatically extending human life. Dr. Michael West has been consumed with the mystery of science since he was as an inquisitive child mixing chemicals in his atticturnedlaboratory. Today, he stands in the center of a controversy so great that the list of those lining up against him includes President George W. Bush. Once a devoted creationist eager to dispel theories of human evolution, Dr. West was set on a quest to find a scientific solution to the devastating effects of disease and death after the death of his father. He became immersed in the study of cell aging and the discovery of the cellular \\"clock\\" telomerase  the mechanism that controls cell aging. His work led him to found the biotechnology company Geron, a pioneer in the field of stem cell research. His new company, Advanced Cell Technology, is the only organization in the United States pursuing human therapeutic cloning researchresearch in the field of \\"regenerative medicine\\" intended to repair damaged and diseased human organs and tissues. Unlike reproductive cloning, the attempt to clone a human child, therapeutic cloning is a process of growing cells, using a patients own DNA that is inserted it into an unfertilized egg cell to create embryonic stem cells, cells that hold the promise of repairing the damage of age and diseasein essence, making the cell young again. The potential for therapeutic cloning to treat afflictions caused by the loss of dysfunction of cells  from spinal cord injury and skin burns to kidney failures and canceris enormous. Part memoir, part adventure story, The Immortal Cell chronicles the breakthroughs Dr. West and other scientists have made in biotechnology over the past decadeand the astonishing potential they offer us to cure diseases and improve the quality of human life." . "Experiment of a Lifetime — Green Face of Osiris — Aging under glass — Ariadnes thread — Racing against the clock — Philosophers stone — Human therapeutic cloning: A Maelstrom of controversy — Abolition of death — Further reading." .

75080  "2002" . ."Who wants to be a scientist? : choosing science as a career" ."Introduction — Starting out in research — Getting down to research — Scientific ethics and conduct — Publish or perish? — Communication and getting known — Moving up — Responsibilities — Funding research — Who owns science? — Science and the public — Power, pressure and politics — Social aspects of science — So who does want to be a scientist?" .

121938  "1997" . ."The light in the skull : an odyssey of medical discovery" ."The author relates the struggles to understand and treat illnesses by such scientists as \\"Gallo, Pasteur, and Jenner as they try to link the three great themes of our time: evolution, disease, and the frail, everchanging relationship between humans and nature.\\"—Jacket." .

68242  "2003" . ."A to Z of computer scientists" ."A collection of profiles of people involved with computers. Included are scientists, programmers, entrepreneurs, and inventors." .

125737 "1996" . ."Animal cell culture and technology" ."Introduction: the use of animal culture — Characteristics of cells in culture — Growth and maintenance of cells in culture — Cell line and culture monitoring — Genetic engineering of animal cells in culture — Hybridomas sources of antibodies — Scaling up animal cell culture — Modes of culture: batch, fedbatch, or continuous? — Production from cell culture — Mammalian cell products: established and potential." .

40104  "2006" . ."Discovering cell mechanisms : the creation of modern cell biology" ."1. Introduction : cell mechanisms and cell biology — 2. Explaining cellular phenomena through mechanisms — 3. The locus of cell mechanisms : terra incognita between cytology and biochemistry — 4. Creating new instruments and research techniques for discovering cell mechanisms — 5. Entering the terra incognita between biochemistry and cytology : putting new research tools to work in the 1940s — 6. New knowledge : the mechanisms of the cytoplasm — 7. Giving cell biology an institutional identity." .

160689  "1992" . ."Memorys voice : deciphering the brainmind code" ."In Memorys Voice, pioneer brain and memory researcher Daniel L. Alkon, M.D., tells the fascinating story of the quest to trace the very roots of our consciousness. Our passions, addictions, joys, fears they all have a biological basis. Dr. Alkon escorts us on an amazing voyage through the corridors of the brain to unlock the secrets of the mindand revolutionize the way we think about the way we think. Dr. Alkon has discovered that the very process of learning in." . "intelligence and neurobiology can combine to take our understanding of mind and body to a new level. Impassioned, lyrical, and very human, Memorys Voice touches the heart and the intellect, leaving the reader in awe of the powers of the brain and of modern science." . "the brain can be observed in simpler life forms. He goes on to discuss how trauma, such as child abuse, may create memories that crystallize into the actual physiological causes of later psychiatric disorders; how cuttingedge molecular procedures may ultimately yield cures for even the most profound mental illnesses, such as depression and schizophrenia; and how, in a dramatic convergence of scientific disciplines more than twenty years in the making, artificial." .

115561  "1968" . ."The crime laboratory; case studies of scientific criminal investigation," ."Foreword / Quinn Tamm — Preface — Acknowledgments — A. General principles. 1. The crime laboratory : its role in investigation — 2. Crime scene search for physical evidence — 3. Laboratory processing of evidence : significant concepts — B. Laboratory exercises : a case method of study. Introduction — 4. Traces of the person — 5. Wearing apparel traces — 6. Instruments involved in the commission of crime — 7. Miscellaneous traces — 8. Trace evidence sources — Appendix 1. Case solutions by contributing laboratory experts — Appendix 2. Laboratory reports : report writing — Appendix 3. FBI suggestions for handling of physical evidence — Appendix 4. Glossary — Appendix 5. Case exercises — Index." . "In the first section of the book the value of a crime laboratory is explained, primarily from point of view of the investigator. An effort is made to demonstrate what the investigator must do in the collection and preservation of evidence, including what legal and scientific precautions he must take. The appendices include case laboratory exercises, case solutions, suggested form for a laboratory report, and FBI suggestions for handling of physical evidence. List of illustrations includes some drawings and about 200 photographs." .

51671  "2005" . ."Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structures: understanding cells with and without a nucleus" ."Explains in detail the structure and parts of a cell." . "Introduction — The structure of a typical cell — The cell membrane — Cytoplasm — The nucleus — Glossary — For more information — For further reading — Bibliography — Index." .

207520  "1942" . ."Soldier doctor; the story of William Gorgas," ."A biography of the doctor and sanitation expert who enabled the Panama Canal to be successfully completed by destroying the rats that carried bubonic plague and the mosquitoes that carried malaria and yellow fever." .

84272  "1979" . ."Explorers of the body" ."Examines the colorful personalities, accidents, scandals, and brilliant insights involved in the discovery of antibiotics, anesthesia, Xrays, and insulin and the achievement of other medical breakthroughs and looks at current research in genetics." .

3771  "c1960" . ."Scientists behind the inventors," ."The lives and work of outstanding scientists whoseresearch and discoveries made later inventions possible. Grades 69." .

71175  "p2010" . ."The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks" ."Documents the story of how scientists took cells from an unsuspecting descendant of freed slaves and created a human cell line that has been kept alive indefinitely, enabling discoveries in such areas as cancer research, in vitro fertilization, and gene mapping." .

170791  "1960" . ."George Washington Carver, Negro scientist,"."A biography of the man, born a slave, who became a scientist and devoted his entire life to helping the South improve its agriculture." .

49899  "2005" . ."A consumers guide to laboratory tests"."How tests are born — Hematology — Coagulation—blood clotting — Clinical chemistry — Microbiology — Immunology and serology — Donor collection center and blood bank laboratory — Urinalysis — Histotechnology — Cytotechnology — Molecular biotechnology." .

100581  "p1999" .."Gravity" ."A brilliant research physician aboard a space station must struggle to contain a deadly microbe that the project finds." .

135552  "1968" . ."The biology of animal viruses" ."v. 1. Molecular and cellular biology.—v. 2. The pathogenesis and ecology of viral infections." .

51687  "2005" . ."Cell communication : understanding how information is stored and used in cells" ."Communication within the cell — Hormonal communication — Neuronal communication — When things go wrong." . "Discusses how different cells communicate with each other, and what can happen when things go wrong." .

129437  "1978" . ."Medicine and the reign of technology" ."Based chiefly on material from primary sources, this book describes some technological advances made in the art and practice of medicine during the past three centuries and shows how these advances have altered the methods of diagnosing illness.publisher description." . "Examination of the patient in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries — The stethoscope and the detection of pathology by sound — Visual technology and the anatomization of the living — The microscope and the revelation of a cellular universe — The translation of physiological actions into the language of machines — Chemical signposts of disease and the birth of the diagnostic laboratory — Medical specialism and the centralization of medical care — The shortcomings of technology in medical decision making — Selection and evaluation of evidences in medicine — Telecommunication, automation, and medical practice." .

81105  "2002" . ."The bug scientists" ."Bug scientists, called entomologists, present information on insects and explain how they use that information in their work." .

201013  "2008, c2007" . ."Human body" ."Meet the human body: Cells: Bodys building blocks — Growth and aging — Timeline of medical knowledge — Bionicbody — From the inside out — How does the body work?: Skeleton — At the core: Bones — Muscles — Skin, hair, and nails — Body in action — Bodys organs: Organs — Life force: Heart — In control: Brain — In focus: Bodys systems: Respiration — Circulation — Nervous system — Bodys defenses — Digestive system — Urinary system — Reproduction — Senses: Sight — Smell — Taste — Hearing — Touch — Body file — Glossary — Index." . "Provides a multidimensional view of the human body: inside blood cells; systems from the inside out; and cross sections of the brain, muscles, and bones." .

196080  "1987" . ."Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique" ."Biology of the cultured cell — Design and layout of the laboratory — Equipping the laboratory — Aseptic technique — Laboratory safety and biohazards — The culture environment: substrate, gas phase, medium, and temperature — Preparation and sterilization — Disaggregation of the tissue and primary culture — Maintenance of the culture cell lines — Cloning and selection of specific cell types — Physical methods of cell separation — Characterization — Induction of differentiation — The transformed phenotype — Contamination — Instability, variation, and preservation — Quantitation and experimental design — Measurement of cytotoxicity and viability — Culture of specific cell types — Culture of tumor tissue — Threedimensional culture systems — Specialized techniques." .

103279  "1998" . ."On giants shoulders : great scientists and their discoveries : from Archimedes to DNA" ."Some of the greatest minds of science are profiled in a series of engaging portraits. On Giants Shoulders Explore the greatest minds in the history of science with some of the top scientific thinkers of today. Archimedes Galileo Galilei Sir Isaac Newton Antoine Lavoisier Michael Faraday Charles Darwin Jules Henri Poincar Sigmund Freud Marie Curie Albert Einstein Francis Crick James Watson The story of science is the greatest adventure of the human mind over the last 2,500 years, as scientists have progressively advanced humankinds understanding and control of the universe. Yet for many, the scientific theories that underpin the modern world can be hard to grasp. On Giants Shoulders elucidates the milestones in the history of science, focusing on twelve individuals and their extraordinary breakthroughs. From a laymans perspective, acclaimed journalist and author Melvyn Bragg discusses the life, work, and legacy of these remarkable people with leading scientists and historians in each field, including Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Roger Penrose, Martin Rees, Oliver Sacks, John Gribbin, and Paul Davies. Ranging from the foundation of hydrostatics in the third century B.C. to the discovery of DNAs structure in our own time, this is an accessible, thoughtprovoking, and fascinating account of the seminal discoveries of the past and their originators. The book also illuminates the issues with which scientists are wrestling today, poised on their forerunners shoulders to carry scientific inquiry into the next millennium. \\"This is an enchanting book, because it is a book produced by a clever man listening intently ... Science is not, in truth, a daunting alien territory. But characteristically it seems to want to tell us the answers dogmatically, before we are sure what questions we would like to ask. On Giants Shoulders asks just those kind of questions.\\" Lisa Jardine, The Times (London) \\"Nobody in the media has worked harder than Melvyn Bragg to promote science as a culture and scientists as creators. In a sea of indifference to the educational and cultural nature of science, he seems to be the only person with perception.\\" Professor Sir Harry Kroto The Sunday Times (London)." .

57919  "2004" . ."The science glass ceiling : academic women scientists and the struggle to succeed" ."Sue Rosser chronicles the plight of women faculty across the US, noting the difficulties, double standards and backlash they routinely face. Rosser interviewed some of the USs best female scientists about their research, love of science and routine barriers faced." . "Who are the women scientists? — Opportunities and challenges — Life in the lab — Differences across the disciplines — The difference an institution makes — A brighter future : change the institutions, not the women." .

53678  "2005" . ."Five quarts : a personal and natural history of blood" ."A personal and informative exploration of the history of human blood traces attitudes toward the vital substance, from ancient times, through a Victorian Europe decimated by hemophilia, to todays modern day hightech laboratories. Writer Hayes is our guide on a whirlwind journey through history, literature, mythology, and science by means of the great red river that runs five quarts strong through our bodies. Along the way, there will be worldchanging triumphs: William Harveys discovery of the circulation of the blood; Dr. Paul Ehrlichs NobelPrizewinning work in immunology; Dr. Jay Levys codiscovery of the virus that causes AIDS. This is also a personal voyage, in which Hayes recounts the impact of the vital fluid in his daily life, from growing up with five sisters and their monthly cycles, to coming out as a gay man during the explosive early days of the AIDS epidemic.—From publisher description." .

104897  "1998, c1997" . ."Visions : how science will revolutionize the 21st century" ."Visions. Choreographers of matter, life, and intelligence — The computer revolution. The invisible computer. The intelligent plant. Machines that think. Beyond silicon: cyborgs and the ultimate computer. Second thoughts: will humans become obsolete? — The biomolecular revolution. Personal DNA codes. Conquering cancer—fixing our genes. Molecular medicine and the mind/body link. To live forever. Playing God: designer children and clones. Second thoughts: the genetics of a brave new world?" . "The quantum revolution. The quantum future. To reach for the stars. Toward a planetary civilization. Masters of space and time." .

185728  "2007" . ."New frontiers in regenerative medicine" ."Rapid advances in stem cell biology have raised exciting possibilities of replacing damaged or lost tissues and cells by activation of in vitroexpanded stem cells or their progeny. This book examines many of the unresolved problems as well as future applications of regenerative medicine. Areas of focus include the nervous system and hippocampal neurogenesis, along with the functional significance of proinflammatory cytokines, and the production of free radicals after brain ischemia; the digestive and integumentary systems, dealing with hepatocyte transplantation, pancreatic regeneration, and." .

"Science—Methodology." . , .: 8.001000905916664

"Medicine." . , .: 8.000072330200995

"Scientists" . , .: 6.001000848360501

"Cytology" . , .: 6.000125001182482

"Medical innovations—Social aspects." . , .: 4.000066888551737

"United States" . , .: 4.000042390932704

"Cells—Aging" . , .: 3.0000715530938473

"Cell culture." . , .: 3.0000360678106492

"Science fiction." . , .: 2.0005000416352754

"France" . , .: 2.0001673983233577

NO.185 begin

185: Ebola fears spread as outbreak worsens

Emergency measures taken across west Africa to contain one of worstever outbreaks, threatening every country in region.

191451  "1987" . ."Africa from 1945" ."Discusses, in text and illustrations, the history of Africa from the nineteenth century to the present with emphasison the impact of colonialism, the struggle for independence, and the continents uncertain future." .

85722  "2001" . ."Africa, a continent selfdestructs" ."Slave trade,colonialism, and the Cold War — Civil wars, wars, and political collapse — Whither human rights? — African poverty and the AIDS crisis — Globalization and Africa — Will Africa survive?" .

11920  "2007" . ."Africans : the history of a continent" ."The frontiersmen of mankind — The emergence of foodproducing communities — The impact of metals — Christianity and Islam — Colonising society in western Africa — Colonising society in eastern and southern Africa — The Atlantic slave trade — Regional diversity in the nineteenth century — Colonial invasion — Colonial change, 1918—1950 — Independent Africa, 1950—1980 — Industrialisation and race in South Africa, 1886—1994 — In the time of AIDS." .

27944  "2010" . ."Popular politics in the history of South Africa, 1400—1948" ."\\"Popular Politics in the History of South Africa, 1400—1948 offers a newly inclusive vision of South Africas past. Drawing largely from original sources, Paul Landau presents a history of the politics of the countrys people, from the time of their early settlements in the elevated heartlands, through the colonial era, to the dawn of Apartheid. A practical tradition of mobilization, alliance, and amalgamation persisted, mutated, and occasionally vanished from view; it survived against the odds in several forms, in tribalisms, Christian assemblies, and other, seemingly hybrid movements; and it continues today. Landau treats southern Africa broadly, concentrating increasingly on the southern highveld and ultimately focusing on a transnational movement called the \\"Samuelites.\\" He shows how peoples politics in South Africa were suppressed and transformed, but never entirely eliminated\\"—" .

174822  "2009" . ."A history of modern Africa : 1800 to the present" ."Introduction: understanding the contours of Africas past — Western transitions: slave trade and \\"legitimate\\" commerce in Atlantic Africa — Eastern intrusions: slaves and ivory in eastern Africa — Southern frontiers: colony and revolution in southern Africa — Revival and reaction: north African Islam — Jihad: revolutions in western Africa — The eastern crescent: the Islamic frontier in eastern Africa — The lonely cross: missionary frontiers — The wandering white man: Africa explored — \\"Whatever happens—\\": towards the scramble — African adapting: conquest and partition — Empires of soil and service — Bush wars and distant shadows: Africa in global war (1) — \\"Pax colonia\\"? Notions of progress, manifestation of change — Hard times: protest, identity, and depression — Other peoples battles (again): Africa in global war (2) — The beached whale: colonial strategies in the postwar world — Conceiving and producing nations — Compromising conflict: routes to independence — Crowded house: friends, foes, and ideologies in the Cold War — Unsafe foundations: challenges of independence — Rectification, redemption and reality: contemporary Africa." .

62324  "2003" . ."Black death :AIDS in Africa" ."Introduction — AIDS and the world — Africas political and economic development — Epidemic rules, Part I: Causes and conditions — Epidemic rules, Part II: Internal dynamics of epidemics — Sexually transmitted diseases — Disease and evolution — Evolution and epidemic management." .

39240  "1970" . ."Africa to 1875; a modern history." ."General history embracing the continent of Africa and adjoining islands from remote times to 1875, discussing African societies and politics, indigenous developments, foreign incursions and influences, and manifestations of change region by region and underlines the differences between and among the regions that make generalizations about Africa absurd." .

49902  "2005" . ."Language decline and death in Africa : causes, consequences, and challenges" ."Map 1. The language families of Africa. — Map 2. The countries and territories of Africa. — The languages of Africa. — Patterns of language use in Africa. — African languages as a resource. — The minority languages of Africa. — The endangered languages of Africa. — Language shift and death in Africa. — Language maintenance in Africa. — Language empowerment measures. — Appendix 1: Nationally and areally dominant languages of Africa, by country. — Appendix 2: Highly endangered and extinct or nearly extinct languages of Africa, by country. — Appendix 3: Number of dominant and minority languages of Africa, by country." .

38064  "2006" . ."New news out of Africa : uncovering Africas renaissance" ."An assessment of modern Africa that goes beyond the disease, disaster, and despair that seems to embody the continent to reveal its beauty, diversity, and culture." . "South Africa, then and now — Baby steps to democracy — Reporting renaissance." .

86397  "2001" . ."Children of AIDS : Africas orphan crisis" ."Mbuyas story: a grandmothers story, Lusaka, Zambia — Extended families: an aunts story, Kampala, Uganda — Strangers step in: the tale of two foster parents, South Africa — Childcare by committee: a social workers story, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa — Hope in the hills: ‘cluster fostering’ in rural KwaZuluNatal, South Africa — Institutionalised: an orphanage in Cape Town, South Africa — A hundred dollars for a bull: a social workers story, Luweero District, Uganda — Foreign aid or interference?: United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), Lusaka, Zambia — A mother to her brothers: a childheaded households story, Johannesburg, South Africa — Falling through the net: a street childs story, Lusaka, Zambia." . "AIDS has ravaged Africa, South of the Sahara, the epidemic is catastrophic. Every day seventeen hundred South Africans contract HIV, and in Botswana over a third of adults are infected. With the death toll ever increasing, this book explores how governments, charities and families are responding to the next wave of the crisis—millions of orphaned children.".

136198  "1995" . ."The hot zone" ."A highly infectious, deadly virus from the central African rain forest suddenly appears in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. There is no cure. In a few days 90 percent of its victims are dead. A secret military SWAT team of soldiers and scientists is mobilized to stop the outbreak of this virus. The book tells this dramatic story, giving an account of the appearance of rare and lethal viruses and their \\"crashes\\" into the human race." . "Shadow of Mount Elgon — Monkey house — Smashdown — Kitum Cave — Glossary — Credits." .

20878  "2006" . ."The ghost map : the story of Londons most terrifying epidemic—and how it changed science, cities, and the modern world" ."\\"An account of the worst cholera outbreak in Victorian London—and an exploration of how Dr. John Snows solution revolutionized the way we think about disease in cities. In the summer of 1854, a devastating cholera outbreak seized London just as it was emerging as a modern city: more than 2 million people packed into a tenmile circumference, a hub of travel and commerce, continually pushing the limits of infrastructure thats outdated as soon as its updated. Author Johnson chronicles Snows daybyday efforts as he risked his own life to prove how the epidemic was being spread. When he created the map that traced the pattern of outbreak back to its source, Dr. Snow didnt just solve a pressing medical riddle—he established a precedent for the way modern citydwellers, city planners, physicians, and public officials think about the spread of disease and the development of the modern urban environment.—From publisher description.\\"—Source other than the Library of Congress." .

117556  "1998" . ."Born to die : disease and New World conquest, 14921650" ."1. In the Path of the Hurricane: Disease and the Disappearance of the Peoples of the Caribbean, 14921518 — 2. The Deaths of Aztec Cuitlahuac and Inca Huayna Capac: The First New World Pandemics — 3. Settling In: Epidemics and Conquest to the End of the First Century — 4. Regional Outbreaks from the 1530s to Centurys End — 5. New Arrivals: Peoples and Illness from 1600 to 1650." . "The biological mingling of the previously separated Old and New Worlds began with the first voyage of Columbus. The exchange was a mixed blessing: It led to the disappearance of entire peoples in the Americas, but it also resulted in the rapid expansion and consequent economic and military hegemony of Europeans. Amerindians had never before experienced the deadly Eurasian sicknesses brought by the foreigners in wave after wave; smallpox, measles, typhus, plague, influenza, malaria, yellow fever. These diseases conquered the Americas before the sword could be unsheathed. From 1492 to 1650, from Hudsons Bay in the north to southernmost Tierra del Fuego, disease weakened Amerindian resistance to outside domination. The Black Legend, which attempts to place all of the blame for the injustices of conquest on the Spanish, must be revised in light of the evidence that all Old World peoples carried, literally though largely unwittingly, the germs of the destruction of American civilization." .

96389  "2000" . ."Intervening in Africa : superpower peacemaking in a troubled continent" ."The ADSTDACOR Diplomats and Diplomacy Series — Map of Africa — 1. Forging a New US Policy for Africa — 2. Ethiopia: Ending a ThirtyYear War — 3. Sudan: Total NorthSouth Incompatibility — 4. Angola: From Euphoria to Tragedy — 5. Liberia: A Bold Plan Hijacked — 6. Rwanda: Could We Have Prevented Genocide? — 7. Mozambique: Pieces Falling into Place Nicely — 8. Somalia: Better Late Than Never — 9. Superpower in Africa: Medicator or Meddler?" .

176133  "1990" . ."The Cape of Storms : a personal history of the crisis in South Africa" ."A personal account of the National Partys rise to power and of the political and human consequences in South Africas recent history." .

175419  "1991" . ."From feast to famine : official cures and grassroots remedies to Africas food crisis" ."The food and development crises in Africa — Centuries of diversity and selfsufficiency — Africa in th nineteenth century — The early colonial period: Africa becomes Europes plantation — The later colonial period: 1920—1960 — The postcolonial heritage: famines and underdevelopment — Established world order: destructive engagement — Strangers of disorder: Northern answers for Africa — africas official response: the view from above — Peoples knowledge: foundations for change — The people organize — No longer playing the game." .

50734  "2005" . ."World music : the basics" ."Africa: North Africa ; West and Central Africa ; East Africa ; South Africa — Europe: Western Europe ; Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, and the Balkans — Middle East — Asia — North and Central America, and the Carribbean — South America — Australia and the South Pacific." .

163872  "1992" . ."Doomsday book" ."Journeyingback in time to the year 1320, twentyfirst century Oxford woman Kivrin arrives in the past during the outbreak of a deadly epidemic." .

14473  "1965" . ."Africa aeterna : the pictorial chronicle of a continent" ."Africa and the ancient world — Islam: a new dimension of Africa — The European interregnum — Converging forces in Africa — Africa emergent." .

43725  "2005" . ."The monster at our door : the global threat of avian flu" ."Preface: Pieta — Evolutions fast lane — The virulence of poverty — The wrong lessons — Birds of Hong Kong — A messy story — Pandemic surprise — The triangle of doom — Plague and profit — Edge of the abyss — Homeland insecurity — Structural contradictions — The Titanic paradigm — Conclusion: Year of the rooster." . "In 1918, a pandemic strain of influenza killed at least 40 million people in three months. Now, leading researchers believe, another world catastrophe is imminent. The World Health Organization warns that the \\"bird flu\\" is on the verge of mutating into a supercontagious pandemic form that could visit several billion homes within two years. In this book, Mike Davis reconstructs the scientific and political history of a viral apocalypse in the making, exposing the central roles of agribusiness and the fastfood industries, abetted by corrupt governments, in creating the ecological conditions for the emergence of this new plague. He also details the failure of the Bush administration, obsessed with hypothetical \\"bioterrorism,\\" to safeguard Americans from the greatest biological threat since HIV/AIDS.—From publisher description." .

116605  "1998" . ."Africa" ."A brief overview of the geography, wildlife, history, and people of Africa." .

57355  "2004" . ."Plague : the mysterious past and terrifying future of the worlds most dangerous disease" ."Chronicles the history and mystery of several centuries of plague including bioweapons programs initiated by the former Soviet Union." . "Return to Obolensk — The mystery of plague — The winepress of God — Black Death — The Renaissance plague — The third pandemic — The enduring threat." .

116137  "1998" . ."Africa : a biography of the continent" ."A history of Africa, following the development of the continent from its earliest manifestations to the late twentieth century; identifying the physical processes which have determined the course of progress; and, where relevant, defining the ecological context in which those processes occurred." .

70622  "2002" . ."Africas armies : from honor to infamy : a history from 1791 to the present" ."Traditional Africa before the colonial era — African resistance to colonial conquest — Armed rebellions against colonial power — Civil wars — Military coups and government corruption — Rwanda, Burundi, and genocide — Africa today and tomorrow." .

4181  "1983" . ."Medicine and power in Tunisia, 1780—1900" ."\\"Severe epidemics of plague, cholera, and typhus swept across Tunisia between the years 1780 and 1900. The society was galvanized into action: medical practitioners, religious authorities, and political leaders all tried to deal with the deadly crises. Muslims had, over many centuries, evolved ideas concerning the origin, prevention, and treatment of epidemic diseases that differed somewhat from those of their European counterparts. With European economic and political expansion that accelerated after the Napoleonic Wars, Muslims found themselves confronted not only by a new source of political power but by a new set of medical ideas. This study traces the medical confrontation through the societys response to epidemic disease. Muslim political leaders were anxious to learn new medical practices and in Tunisia acted quickly to impose quarantines when news of epidemic disease arrived following the practice in European ports. By the 1830s, however, European consuls dominated quarantine boards in most Muslim ports, citing the need for efficient controls; yet in Tunisia it was in fact the eagerness of the rulers to impose quarantines in the hope of protecting their territories that led to the takeover of the quarantine authority. Europeans did not want interference intheir trade and travel. As European interests in Tunisia increased, medicine became a political tool. History was rewritten: Muslims became passive and fatalistic and so in need of European medical guidance. In the new version of history, Tunisian society had become impoverished not from European economic and political strangulation but from epidemics. This study suggests rather the opposite. The transition from Muslim to European medical authority was stimulated by the epidemics but was more fundamentally part of the onset of European political domination.\\"" . "Indigenous medicine against plague, 1780—1830 — Cholera in an age of European economic expansion, 1830—58 — Cholera, typhus, and economic collapse, 1858—70 — Colonization and collapse of Arab medical institutions" .

193292  "2008" . ."The betrayal of Africa" ."From the Publisher:In The Betrayal of Africa Gerald Caplan provides the lowdown on the collusion between African \\"Big Men\\" and Western governments and financial institutions. He traces the evolution of this toxic relationship from the transatlantic slave trade through the colonial division of Africa and the liberation movements of the 1960s to 1980s to the current situation of conflict, poor governance, forced subjection to the world economy and AIDS. A persuasive tour de force, The Betrayal of Africa challenges readers of all political stripes to rethink their assumptions about the Wests relationship with Africa." . "1:Diverse continent, a common predicament — 2:History matters — 3:Portrait of a continent — 4:Great conspiracy — 5:Western policies and Africa — 6:China factor — 7:Changing Africa — Africa timeline — Notes — For further information — Acknowledgments — Index." .

99798  "1996" . ."Preventing and mitigating AIDS in SubSaharan Africa research and data priorities for the social and behavioral sciences" ."Societal context — Epidemiology of the HIV/AIDS epidemic — Sexual behavior and HIV/AIDS — Primary HIVprevention strategies — Mitigating the impact of the epidemic — Building capacity for AIDSrelated research." . "The AIDS epidemic in SubSaharan Africa continues to affect all facets of life throughout the subcontinent. Deaths related to AIDS have driven down the life expectancy rate of residents in Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda with farreaching implications. This book details the current state of the AIDS epidemic in Africa and what is known about the behaviors that contribute to the transmission of the HIV infection. It lays out what research is needed and what is necessary to design more effective prevention programs." .

110728  "1998" . ."The first horseman" ."An outbreak of Spanish flu in North Korea raises fears the virus is being tested as a weapon by the military. Early this century the flu killed millions and the U.S. races to find an antidote, seeking the virus in corpses which were buried in permafrost." .

102783  "1966" . ."Africas search for identity" ."African heritage — The old Africa — Africa conquered — Triumph of African nationalism — New nations — Creating a new continent — Building a new culture — Africa in doubt — Africa South — What Africa seeks — Africa and Europe — Africa and the underdeveloped world — Africa and world organization — Africa and communism — Africa and the United States — Africas search and Americas response." .

92576  "2001" . ."Influenza" ."Discusses symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatments of influenza, and examines the history and future threats of this disease." . "Spanish flu — Influenza throughout history — Hunt for the killer — Flu today — Potential dangers of infectious disease." .

80419  "2002" .  ."South Africa" ."Provides an overview of the geography, history, government, language, art, and food of South Africa, exploring its customs and current issues." .

139572  "2009" . ."Smallpox : the death of a disease : the inside story of eradicating a worldwide killer" ."\\"This spellbinding book is Dr. Hendersons personal story of how he led the World Health Organizations campaign to eradicate smallpoxthe only disease in history to have been deliberately eliminated. Some have called this feat \\"the greatest scientific and humanitarian achievement of the past century\\" — inside cover." . "4. Where to begin? A tale of two countries—Brazil and Indonesia — Stonewalling — The Brazilian program—a regrettable saga — Vaccine problems — Surveillancecontainment saves the day — The program staggers to a finish — A last regrettable chapter—certifying eradication in South America — Indonesia—a remarkable achievement with few resources — Certification of eradication—a serious effort is made — 5. Africa—a formidable and complicated challenge — An early start in West Africa — Surveillancecontainment is renamed \\"eradicationescalation\\" — Smallpox is eradicated from Africas two largest countries — Zaire—major epidemic center at the heart of Africa — Sudan—a smallpoxfree country becomes infected — Eastern Africa—a massvaccination achievement — Southern Africa — The Botswana debacle — The lessons of Africa — 6. India and Nepal—a natural home of endemic smallpox — An ambitious national program is created—1962 — The program nearly collapses—1967—1969 — A resurrection of the program—1970 — An unexpected catastrophe in West Bengal—refugees from East Pakistan—1971 — The \\"final phase\\"—target zero—delusional optimism—1972 — The ultimate strategy—1973 — The darkest days of all—January to June 1974 — Yet another catastrophe — A summer program—1974 — 7. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh—the last stronghold of variola major — Afghanistan — Pakistan (West Pakistan Province before December 1971) — Bangladesh : the end of variola major — A renewed eradication program begins—1968 — Civil war—March 1971 — Reinfection—December 1971 — The epidemic spreads—1972 — The disaster of November 1973 and recovery — Bulldozers, floods, and famine trigger yet another disaster—1974 — One last disaster—1975 — 8. Ethiopia and Somalia—the last countries with smallpox — Ethiopia — Troubles in beginning the program — The tip of the iceberg—1971—1972 — Disaster : drought, famine, hordes of refugees—1974 — Floods, fighting, and unexpected news—1975 — Somalia : an epidemic that should never have happened — Smallpox before 1975 — Growing suspicions — Smallpox uncovered in Mogadishu—September 1976 — Lies, coverups, and secret records — The last case —" . "Foreword / Richard Preston — Preface — 1. The disease, the virus, and its history — The oldest of scourges and the most devastating — A case of smallpox — The virus — How long can the smallpox virus survive? — Smallpox in ancient times — Smallpox becomes endemic — Smallpox and the settlement of the new world — Early protection against smallpox — Variolation — Jenners vaccine — Needed—a better vaccine — Calves become vaccinia factories — Better distribution—doortodoor cows — A heatstable vaccine — A second form of smallpox — Smallpox begins to lose ground — 2. The world decides to eradicate smallpox — The beginning of the eradication saga — 1953 : a global eradication program is proposed—and rejected — 1958 : the Soviet Union makes a new proposal to eradicate smallpox — Mission impossible? — The US Communicable Disease Center becomes engaged with smallpox — Concerns about vaccine complications — The United States offers to support a West Africa program—a startling development — The DirectorGeneral challenges the 1966 Assembly — 3. Creating a global program — A program in its infancy — Countries, fiefdoms, and shortcircuiting the bureaucracy — The creation of the program budget — How many smallpox cases? — The realities of executing a simple, twopart strategy — Massvaccination strategy — Surveillance and containment—a new component — Availability of vaccine—an apparently soluble problem is anything but — Vaccination techniques—there have to be better ways — Communication—conflict and controversy — Off and on the World Health Assembly agendas — Three reporting systems become one — A surveillance report threatens the whole program — Diplomatic challenges—the Cold War and other problems — Yet another problem—obtaining a competent staff — Results a transformation —" . "9. Smallpox—posteradication — Eradication—what does it mean and how do we define it? — Surveillance and search — A routine reporting system — Special searches — Rumor registries — International commissions — Global certification of smallpox eradication — The World Health Assembly—1980 — Posteradication — The book and the archives — Monkeypox—a potential threat? — Reserve stocks of vaccine — Laboratories retaining stocks of smallpox virus — To destroy or to retain the remaining stocks of smallpox virus — The initial steps toward smallpox virus destruction — Objections to virus destruction — The January 1995 executive board is blocked from taking action — Attempts to reconcile an impasse — The executive board and the World Health Assembly—1996 and onward — 10. Smallpox as a biological weapon — Biological warfare—the emerging threat — The Soviet Unions secret—a massive bioweapons program — The Soviet bioweapons legacy—who else might have the smallpox virus? — An illprepared United States awakens to a threat — A symposium changes minds — An expert \\"working group\\" — From working group to a center — The Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies — The \\"dark winter\\" exercise — New challenges—postSeptember 11 — How to deal with a smallpox epidemic — The vaccine production miracle — The Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness — Lets vaccinate everyone! — A national vaccination program starts and collapses — Smallpox on the international scene — Atlantic storm—a reminder that smallpox is not to be forgotten — 11. Lessons and legacies of smallpox eradication — The siren song of eradication — The legacy of the smallpox eradication program — An expanded program on immunization begins — A paradigm for EPI—the program in Latin America — New horizons in public health — Acknowledgments — Sources — Index." .

172719  "1971" . ."West Africa; a background book from ancient kingdoms to modern times," ."Discussesthe political, economic, and cultural history of West Africa." .

91395  "2000" . ."Trouble spots : the world atlas of strategic information" ."Global concerns — Weapons of mass destruction — The U.S.A: the only superpower — End of empire: the collapse of the Soviet Union — Europe: between unification and fragmentation — The Balkans: exchanging communism for nationalism — The crescent of crisis — The Middle East: the worlds most volatile region — North Africa: a threatening coastline — The Middle EastAfrican interface — SubSaharan Africa: the impoverished continent — South Asia: with nuclear weapons in the open — East and SouthEast Asia — Latin America: outside the mainstream — Space: the new battlefield.".

27501  "2010" . ."No distance too far" ."Astrid Bjorklund believes God might use her medical training on a faraway mission field. But when an emergency calls her home, shes confronted with a measles outbreak on a nearby Indian reservation." .

5261  "1956" . ."Contemporary Africa, continent in transition." ."pt. I. Contemporary Africa — pt. II. Readings." .

98874  "1999" . ."Towards a Russia of the regions" ."The making of todays Russia — The economic dimension — The political dimension — The strategic dimension." . "Russias state system has changed significantly since 1991, but the question of how the country should be governed has not been answered. Russias constitutional framework is weak and inherently flawed, and the balance of political and economic power between the centre and the regions is illdefined. In the absence of a firm constitutional settlement, regional elites have consolidated power, restricting the growth of local democracy and frustrating attempts at grassroots economic reform. Establishing an effective and regulated relationship between the federal centre and the regions requires greater decentralisation, but devolution need not threaten Russias integrity if it is transparent and based on a greater respect for the rule of law." .

195828  "2008" . ."Contagious : cultures, carriers, and the outbreak narrative" ."How should we understand the fear and fascination elicited by the accounts of communicable disease outbreaks that proliferated, following the emergence of HIV, in scientific publications and the mainstream media? The repetition of particular characters, images, and story linesof Patients Zero and superspreaders, hot zones and tenacious microbesproduced a formulaic narrative as they circulated through the media and were amplified in popular fiction and film. The \\"outbreak narrative\\" begins with the identification of an emerging infection, follows it through the global networks of contact and contagion, and ends with the epidemiological work that contains it. Priscilla Wald argues that we need to understand the appeal and persistence of the outbreak narrative because the stories we tell about disease emergence have consequences. As they disseminate information, they affect survival rates and contagion routes. They upset economies. They promote or mitigate the stigmatizing of individuals, groups, locales, behaviors, and lifestyles." . "Introduction — Imagined immunities: the epidemiology of belonging — The healthy carrier: \\"Typhoid Mary\\" and social being — Communicable Americanism: social contagion and urban spaces — Viral cultures: microbes and politics in the Cold War — \\"The Columbus of AIDS\\": the invention of \\"Patient Zero\\" — Epilogue." .

29035  "p2006, c2004" . ."The great influenza [the epic story of the deadliest plague in history]" ."A ultimate tale of triumph amid tragedy, this book depicts the 1918 influenza epidemic which killed as many as 100 million people worldwide. \\"This crisis provides us with a precise and sobering model as we confront the epidemics looming on our own horizon.\\"" .

92822  "2001" . ."South Africa" ."Describes the geography, culture, history, politics, and people of South Africa." .

18684  "1966" . ."Africa, past and present" ."Very readable account of Africa from prehistoric times to present day; the rise and fall of ancient civilizations and entrance into Africa of European explorers and traders is covered. Brief survey of modern Africa describes the road to independence and the present problems as well as the hopes of typically emerging nations." .

71968  "2002" . ."The Persian Gulf in the coming decade : trends, threats, and opportunities" ."This study examines likely challenges to U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf, identifies key uncertainties and trends, and assesses the implications of those trends for the United States. The authors find there is a declining threat from Iraq and Iran, with shifting military balances and weakness, although weapons of mass destruction (WMD) remain a concern. Internal threats to regional partners include a fraying social contractunemployment is growing and governments are less able to provide services. There is potential for unrest and sudden large refugee flows. Economic problems contribute to limited momentum for reform, and the U.S. presence and policies may exacerbate problems. Possibilities for dramatic regime change in Iraq or Iran are weighed. The authors conclude that while many trends in the region are positive, daunting problems remain. The United States should focus less on the conventional military threat and more on the risk of WMD and possible instability or domestic unrest among several Gulf partners, and attempt to minimize any deleterious effects of the U.S. military presence in the region. (The analysis was completed before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.)." .

36484  "2005" . ."AIDS in Africa : how the poor are dying" ."Introduction: Africas AIDS crisis in context — Stagnation, decline and vulnerability: a brief history of postcolonial Africa — Understanding the dynamics of HIV/AIDS in Africa — The socioeconomic impact of HIV/AIDS — The challenge of scaling up HIV/AIDS treatment programmes in Africa — Communitybased strategies: lessons from below — Setting priorities for confronting HIV/AIDS in Africa." .

39934  "2006" . ."Epidemics laid low : a history of what happened in rich countries" ."The plague era — Modernity: new concepts of the state and the body — Cholera: the return of epidemic disease and the abandonment of traditional protective measures — The \\"English System:\\" new methods gain acceptance — The sanitary reform movement: from miasma theory to departments of health — Vaccination: a powerful paradigm — The era of spectacular victories — The end of a dream?" .

59011  "2005" . ."Africa since 1800" ."This new edition covers events up to the middle of 2003, and takes account of the fresh perspectives brought about by the end of the Cold War and the new global situation following the events of September 11, 2001. It is also concerned with the demographic trends which are at the heart of so many African problems today, the ravages of diseases such as AIDS and malaria, and the conflicts waged by warlords fighting for control of scarce resources." . "Africa north of the equator — Africa south of the equator — The opening up of Africa: (1) from the northeast — The opening up of Africa: (2) from the Maghrib — West Africa before the colonial period 1800—1875 — Western Central Africa — Eastern Central Africa — Southern Africa — The partition of Africa on paper 1879—1891 — The partition of Africa on the ground 1891—1901 — Colonial rule in Tropical Africa: (1) Political and economic developments 1885—1914 — Colonial rule in Tropical Africa (2)Social and Religious developments — The interwar period, 1918—1938 — North and NorthEast Africa 1900—1939 — South Africa 1902—1939 — The last years of colonial rule — The road to independence — Africa from the Sahara to the Zambezi — The road to independence: (3) Central Africa — The long road to democracy in Southern Africa — The politics of independent Africa — Economics and society in independent Africa — Into the Third Millenium." .

161098  "1992" . ."Africa betrayed" ."Introduction: Black neocolonialism — Solving Black Africas problems — Indigenous African political institutions — Africa under colonial rule — Indigenous Africa after independence — Quasiapartheid regimes in Black Africa — Military regimes: rule by \\"uniformed buzzards\\" — The march toward tyranny — Repression of freedom of expression — The looting of Africa — External props of tyrannical regimes in Africa — Internal props of tyrannical regimes — The second liberation of Africa — Conclusion: Aluta continua! (The struggle continues!)" .

61967  "2004" . ."Contemporary South Africa" ."Historical context — A rainbow nation — The South African economy — Social structure and social policy — Government — Political life — Culture, ideas, and issues — South Africa and the world — South Africa in the twentyfirst century." .

35655  "2005" . ."History of Africa" ."Early prehistory of Africa — Later prehistory : farming and pastoralism in tropical Africa and ancient Egypt — The impact of iron in North and West Africa — The early Iron Age in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa — North and Northeastern Africa to 1000 CE — TransSaharan trade and the kingdom of ancient Ghana — Islam and the Sudanic states of West Africa — Eastern Africa to the sixteenth century — Trading towns of the East African coast to the sixteenth century — Later Iron Age states and societies of Central and Southern Africa to 1600 — North and Northeast Africa to the eighteenth century — The Atlantic slave trade, sixteenth to eighteenth centuries — West African states and societies to the eighteenth century — Central and Eastern Africa to the eighteenth century — Southern Africa to the eighteenth century — West Africa in the nineteenth century and the ending of the slave trade — Central and East Africa in the nineteenth century — Preindustrial Southern Africa in the nineteenth century — North and Northeast Africa in the nineteenth century — Prelude to empire in tropical Africa — The European \\"scramble,\\" colonial conquest, and African resistance in East, Northcentral, and West Africa — Industrialisation, colonial conquest, and African resistance in Southcentral and Southern Africa — Consolidation of empire : the early period of colonial rule — Africa between the wars : the high tide of colonial rule — The Second World War and Africa — The winning of independence (1) — The winning of independence (2) — Africa since independence (1) — Africa since independence (2) — Africa and the new millennium." . "Beginning with the evolution of mankind itself, the book traces the history of Africa through the millennia of the ancient world to the centuries of medieval and modern Africa." .

147520  "1969" . ."Religion in Africa" ."Traditional religions. Literature and art — Philosophy and cosmology — Unity, the supreme being — Plurality, powers of the universe — Ritual word and action — The life cycle — Society and morals — Christianity. North Africa and Ethiopia — Early modern missions — The twentieth century — Independency — Christianity today — Islam. Egypt and North Africa — West Africa — East Sudan and Eastern Africa — Modern times — Religious movements — Conclusion. Other religions — Relationships of African religions — Characteristics of religion in Africa." .

102198  "1999" . ."The Great Plague" ."Examines the causes, effects, and legacy of the epidemic that killed millions of people in Europe during the fourteenth century." .

"Africa" . , .: 22.001000701099294

"Epidemics—Europe—History." . , .: 7.000167454986142

"South Africa" . , .: 5.000250325113882

"AIDS (Disease)—Africa." . , .: 4.000166918930587

"Africa, SubSaharan" . , .: 4.000111196361713

"United States" . , .: 3.000071487345263

"Plague—England—History" . , .: 3.0000458275146524

"Sida—Aspect social—Afrique." . , .: 2.0001005389050572

"Apartheid" . , .: 2.000067406996806

"History, Medieval—Europe." . , .: 2.000056382891011

NO.191 begin

191: Energy co. offers $250,000 reward in startling Silicon Valley grid attack

??Pacific Gas & Electric Co. offered a $250,000 reward Thursday for information leading to an arrest and conviction in a startling attack mounted nearly a year ago on telephone lines and the power grid in Silicon Valley.

48345  "2005" . ."Silicon" ."Provides information on the characteristics, behavior, occurrence, isolation and uses of silicon." . "What do you call it? — Where is silicon found? — How is silicon useful? — What are silica and silicone? — Fun facts about silicon." .

47627  "2005" . ."The man behind the microchip : Robert Noyce and the invention of Silicon Valley" ."Hailed as the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford of Silicon Valley, Robert Noyce was a brilliant inventor, a leading entrepreneur, and a daring risk taker who piloted his own jets and skied mountains accessible only by helicopter. Now, in The Man Behind the Microchip, Leslie Berlin captures not only this colorful individual but also the vibrant interplay of technology, business, money, politics, and culture that defines Silicon Valley. Here is the life of a giant of the hightech industry, the cofounder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel who coinvented the integrated circuit, the electronic heart of every modern computer, automobile, cellular telephone, advanced weapon, and video game. With access to neverbeforeseen documents, Berlin paints a fascinating portrait of Noyce: he was an ambitious and intensely competitive multimillionaire who exuded a \\"just folks\\" sort of charm, a Midwestern preachers son who rejected organized religion but would counsel his employees to \\"go off and do something wonderful,\\" a man who never looked back and sometimes paid a price for it. In addition, this vivid narrative sheds light on Noyces friends and associates, including some of the bestknown managers, venture capitalists, and creative minds in Silicon Valley. Berlin draws upon interviews with dozens of key players in modern American business—including Andy Grove, Steve Jobs, Gordon Moore, and Warren Buffett; their recollections of Noyce give readers a privileged, firsthand look inside the dynamic world of hightech entrepreneurship. —Publisher." . "Adrenaline and Gasoline — Rapid Robert — Apprenticeship — Breakaway — Invention — A Strange Little Upstart — Startup — Takeoff — The Edge of Whats Barely Possible — Renewal — Political Entrepreneurship — Public Startup — Authors Interviews and Correspondence — Robert Noyces Patents.".

123997  "1996" . ."The last best thing : a classic tale of greed, deception, and mayhem in Silicon Valley" ."A zany tale on Silicon Valley centered on a rich entrepreneur, a former Jesuit, who sets out to create the software of all softwares. He surrounds himself with young computer geniuses, all enemies of big corporations, and for an adviser hires a French anarchist." .

90937  "2001" . ."How to hack a party line : the Democrats and Silicon Valley" ."Behindthescenes account ofthe attempt to build Silicon Valleys first political machine, a highstakes experiment to turn the Democrats into the party of business, reshaping the politics of the twentyfirst century." .

35262  "2006" . ."The new argonauts : regional advantage in a global economy" ."Extends geographers pioneering research into the dynamics of competition in Silicon Valley. This book brings a fresh perspective to the way that technology entrepreneurs build regional advantage in order to compete in global markets. It is useful for scholars, policymakers and business leaders." . "Surprising success — Learning the Silicon Valley system — Creating crossregional communities — Taiwan as silicon sibling — Taiwan as partner and parent — Manufacturing in Mainland China — IT enclaves in India — The Argonaut advantage — App. A: Immigrant professional and networking associations, Silicon Valley — App. B: Survey results : immigrant professionals in Silicon Valley." .

109313  "1962" . ."Through the valley of the Kwai." ."Religious life of Allied prisoners of World War II, held by the Japanese in camps along the River Kwai, based on personal experiences of the author, a member of the British Army." . "The death house — Soldiers at sea — Our hosts — The valley of death — Miracle by the River Kwai — \\"For thou art with me\\" — Church without walls — Christmas day, 1943 — On from Chungkai — The last trek — Through the valley." .

43953  "1930" . ."Death valley" ."\\"This story of Death valley includes the geologic history of the valley and a survey of its plant and animal life, but the bulk of the tale is about men—Indians, emigrants, and miners—who have known the Death valley trails.\\"" .

134231  "1995" . ."Nightmare in Death Valley" ."Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield are trapped in Death Valley! Led astray by the promise of hidden treasure, the Sweet Valley gang is in serious danger. A torrential rainstorm is brewing on the horizon, and theyre being pursured by three escaped convicts!" .

49473  "2010" . ."Valleys of death : a memoir of the Korean War" ."From the devastating counterattack at Unsan tothe thirtyfour months he spent in captivitya period of years in which giving up surely meant dyingCol. Bill Richardsons instinct for leadership and stubborn will to survive saw him through one valley of death after the next. Valleys of Death is a stirring story of survival and determination that offers a fascinating, intimate look at the soldiers who fought Americas first battle of the Cold War in the unvarnished words of one of their own." .

71037  "2003, c2002" . ."Altered carbon" ."In the 25th century, humankind has spread throughout the galaxy, monitored by the watchful eye of the U.N. While divisions in race, religion, and class still exist, advances in technology have redefined life itself  a persons consciousness can be easily downloaded into a new body, making death nearly obsolete. ExU.N. envoy Takeshi Kovacs has been killed before, but his last death was particularly brutal. Resleeved into a new body in Bay City (formerly San Francisco), Kovacs is thrown into a shady, farreaching conspiracy that is vicious even by the standards of a society that buys and sells human existence. As a warriorforhire, he is called to help a farflung planets government put down a bloody revolution. But when a rogue pilot and a sleazy corporate fat cat offer him a lucrative role in a treacherous treasure hunt, hes only too happy to go AWOL with a band of resurrected soldiers of fortune. All that stands between them and the ancient alien spacecraft they mean to salvage are a massacred city bathed in deadly radiation, unleashed nanotechnology with a million ways to kill, and whatever surprises the highly advanced Martian race may have in store." .

66682  "1970" . ."Valley of the shadow" ."Conflicting interests between the townspeople of Valduro and nearby miners lead to a vicious struggle for control of the valley." .

9382  "1982" . ."A time of the dark" ."The silent tower — The silicon mage." .

203583  "1937" . ."Life in a Haitian Valley" ."Study of native life in the valley of Mirebalais." .

215522  "1969" . ."Halfway elements; the technology of metalloids." ."Band theory — Electrons and holes — Various semiconductors — Rise and fall of the vacuum tube — Discovery of the transistor — Preparation of semiconductor materials — Planar transistors — Expitaxial growth — Integrted circuits — Hybrid circuits — Silicates — Asbestos — Nature and forms of glasses — Ceramics — Glass Ceramics — Boron  a unique element — Borides — Early history of silicones — Fluids, rubbers and resins — Preparation of silicones — Silicone waterrepellents — Silicone mold releases — Oils and greases — Silicones in the body — Uses of silicone resins — Early medical chemistry — Antimony as an alloying element — Arsenic — Gallium arsenide in communications — Tellurium — Boron: hardness and strength — Silicon: element of the future — Germanium: an unknown quanitiy." .

48150  "1973" . ."The high valley." ."Hidden in the mountains of Mexico is a secret and beautiful world called the High Valley. It is a colorful world of bullfights and serenades, but for young Alison Mallory it becomes a terrifying prison of malice and violence. She is quickly caught up in a struggle for power she cannot understand, and too late she discovers the nature of the tragedy that haunts the valley." .

37063  "2005" . ."Washingtons secret war : the hidden history of Valley Forge" ."General George Washington: loser — Revels and redcoats — Ideologues front and center — Playing the insult card — Enter the committee in camp — \\"Congress does not trust me\\" — Discipline from a baron — From anxiety to exultation — The follies of spring — General double trouble — A moment at Monmouth — Epilogue: Two visits to Valley Forge." . "Discusses Valley Forge within the larger context of the Revolutionary War, linking the winter stay of the Continental Army during 1777 and 1778 to such events as the negotiations with the French and the maneuvering of the Continental Congress." .

148373  "1994" . ."Regional advantage : culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128" ."Genesis: universities, military spending, and entrepreneurs — Silicon Valley: competition and community — Route 128: independence and hierarchy — Betting on a product — Running with technology — Inside out: blurring firms boundaries — Conclusion: protean places." .

148994  "2009" . ."Peaks and valleys : making good and bad times work for you—at work and in life" ."A story of a young man who lives unhappily in a valley until he meets an old man who lives on a peak, and it changes his work and life forever. Initially, the young man does not realize he is talking with one of the most peaceful and successful people in the world. However, through a series of conversations and experiences that occur up on peaks and down in valleys, the young man comes to make some startling discoveries. Eventually, he comes to understand how he can use the old mans principles and practical tools in good and bad times, and becomes more calm and successful himself.—From publisher description." . "Before the story — Feeling low in a valley — Finding answers — Forgetting — Resting — Learning — Discovering — Sharing — Using peaks and valleys — A summary — Enjoying a peak — After the story." .

72467  "2010" . ."Electricity from sunlight : an introduction to photovoltaics" ."About the author — Preface — Acknowledgements — 1:Introduction — Sun, earth, and renewable energy — Solar resource — Magic of photovoltaics — Piece of history — Coming up to date — References — 2:Solar Cells — Setting the scene — Crystalline silicon — Ideal crystal — Pn junction — Monocrystalline silicon — Photons in action — Generating power — Sunlight, silicon, and quantum mechanics — Refining the design — Multicrystalline silicon — Amorphous and thinfilm silicon — Other cells and materials — Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS) — Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) — Specialized and innovative cells — Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) — Dyesensitized cells — References — 3:PV Modules And Arrays — Introductory — Electrical performance — Connecting cells and modules — Module parameters — Capturing sunlight — Sunshine and shadow — Aligning the array — Concentrating and tracking — References — 4:GridConnected PV Systems — Introductory — From DC to AC — Completing the system — Buildingintegrated photovoltaics (BIPV) — Engineering and architecture — PV outside, PV inside — Large PV power plants — References — 5:StandAlone PV Systems — Remote and independent — System components — Batteries — Charge controllers — Inverters — Hybrid systems — System sizing — Assessing the problem — PV arrays and battery banks — Applications — PV in Space — Island electricity — PV water pumping — Solarpowered boats — Far and wide — References — 6:Economics And The Environment — Paying for PV — Costs and markets — Financial incentives — Rural electrification — Environmental aspects — Raw materials and land — Lifecycle analysis — References — Index." .

207364  "1954" . ."Leyte : the return to the Philippines" ."The strategic plan — The nature of the target — Plans are made and forces are readied — The return — A Day: 20 October 1944 — The Japanese reaction — Southern Leyte Valley: part one — Southern Leyte Valley: part two — Northern Leyte Valley: part one — Northern Leyte Valley: part two — Logistics and civil affairs — The mountain barrier: part one —The mountain barrier: part two — Measure of the fighting — Battle of the ridges — The fall of Ormoc — Battle of the airstrips — Logistics — The entrances to Ormoc Valley — Seizure of Ormoc Valley — Westward to the sea — Leyte is liberated." . "The landing of American forces on Leyte and the successful conclusion of a campaign which led to the severance of the Japanese mainland from its southern empire." .

140657  "2009" . ."Deep in the valley" ."Visitors to Grace Valley, California, often remark about its peace and beauty  both of which are plentiful. But visitors dont always see what lies at the heart of a community. June Hudson grew up in Grace Valley, the daughter of the town doctor. Leaving only to get her medical training, she returned home and followed in her fathers footsteps. Some might say she chose the easy, comfortable route ... but June knows better." .

55285  "2004" . ."Nausica\\u00E4 of the Valley of the Wind." ."Nausica\\u00E4 , a gentle but strongwilled, young princess, has an empathic bond with the giant insects that evolved as a result of the ecosystems destruction. Growing up in the Valley of the Wind, she learned to read the soul of the wind and navigates the skies in her glider. Nausica\\u00E4 and her allies struggle to create peace between kingdoms torn apart by war, battling over the last of the worlds precious natural resources.".

112144  "1927" . ."Death valley in 49" ."Historical introduction — Boyhood in Vermont — Migration to Michigan — The new home — A journey to pioneer Wisconsin — A trapping expedition — Across the plains — Down Green River — Into Death Valley — Out of Death Valley — From famine to abundance." .

17188  "2007" . ."Valley of the wandering river : a western duo" ."In \\"Track the Man Down,\\" Ben Dunns fate is immediate hanging upon capture. \\"Valley of the Wandering River\\" details Dave Chants mistaken belief that it is possible for a man to go home again." . "Track the man down — Valley of the wandering river." .

63066  "2004" . ."Silicon Alley : the rise and fall of a new media district" . "Who Were the New Media People and Why Did They Believe? — Making and Selling a New Media District — Capital and Credibility: Hooking Up With Wall Street — Taking New York Into a \\"New\\" Economy? — Over the River and Through the Hoods — Silicon Alley Unplugged — Creativity Unbound (and Reframed?)." .

128267  "1996" . ."Mountains & valleys" ."Looks at how the highest and lowest places on earth are formed, and climate zones and weather factors for mountains and valleys." .

176845  "1990" . ."The Valley of the Kings : horizon of eternity" ."Examines many of the paintings found in the tombs of the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt." .

209895  "1959" . ."Valley Forge." ."Dramatized narrative account." .

58963  "2004" . ."Rain Valley : a Western trio" ."Renegade rifles — Trouble weather — Rain Valley." .

148128  "1994" . ."Shadow on the valley" ."In September 1864, Union surgeon Colonel Simon Wolfe investigates a brutal mass murder during Sheridans Shenandoah Valley campaign." .

1695  "1966" . ."Death Valley in 49." . "Describes one of the most dramatic episodes of the California Gold Rush— an incredible journey of a party of emigrants who got lost in Death Valley. Some perished, but others lived to tell the tale." .

83737  "2001" . ."From the place in the valley deep in the forest : stories" ."Voice of the sun — From the place in the valley deep in the forest — History is dead — Wormwood — Five women in no particular order — Vivs biding — Sifting through — Totem." .

77565  "2002" . ."Work in the new economy : flexible labor markets in Silicon Valley" ."Pt. Ⅰ. Flexibility and the Transformation of Work and Employment — 1. Understanding Flexibility — 2. Silicon Valley: Changing Industry Structure and Employment Practices — Pt. Ⅱ. Flexibility and Intermediaries — 3. Flexibility and Intermediation — 4. Labor Market Intermediaries — Private Sector — 5. Labor Market Intermediaries — Membershipbased — 6. Labor Market Intermediaries — Public Sector — Pt. Ⅲ. Flexibility and Careers — 7. Careers in Silicon Valley — 8. Flexibility and Security." .

158479  "1993" . ."Hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world : a novel" ."The last surviving victim of an experiment that implanted the subjects heads with electrodes that decipher coded messages is the unnamed narrator. Half the chapters are set in Tokyo, where the narrator negotiates underground worlds populated by INKlings, dodges opponents of both sides of a raging hightech infowar, and engages in an affair with a beautiful librarian with a gargantuan appetite. In alternating chapters he tries to reunite with his mind and his shadow, from which he has been severed by the grim, dark \\"replacement\\" consciousness implanted in him by a dotty neurophysiologist. Both worlds share the unearthly theme of unicorn skulls that moan and glow." .

6749  "2007" . ."People of the forest" ."When Nate King chooses a new valley in which to build his home, he wants to get away from all civilization, but a hostile band of Indians also claim the valley and will not share." .

23313  "1980" . ."Valley Forge historical research project" ."v. 1. The vortex of small fortunes, the Continental Army at Valley Forge, 1777—1778 / by Wayne K. Bodle — v. 2. This fatal crisis, logistics, supply and the Continental Army at Valley Forge, 1777—1778 / Jacqueline Thibaut —v. 3. In the true rustic order, material aspects of the Valley Forge encampment, 1777—1778 / Jacqueline Thibaut." .

105210  "1999" . ."The lost valley : a western trio" ."The stage to YellowCreek — The whisperer: a Reata story — The lost valley." .

119459  "1940" . ."How green was my valley." ."Winner of the National Book Award, this is the story of the Morgans, a Welsh family of miners. Especially is it the story of Huw, the youngest, and of the valley in which they lived, a valley doomed to destruction by encroaching slag heap." .

89175  "1996" . ."Peoples of the river valley" ."Describes human life in river valleys, with the Wayana Indians of South America and the Omo of East Africa as examples." .

208201  "p2007" . ."The quest" ."Egypt has been struck by a series of terrible plagues, killing its crops and crippling its people. Then the ultimate disaster befalls the kingdom. The Nile fails. The waters that nourish and sustain the land dry up. Something catastrophic is taking place in the distant and totally unexplored depths of Africa, from where the mighty river springs. In desperation the Pharaoh sends Taita, the only man who might be able to find his way through the hazardous territory to the source of the Nile and discover the cause of all their woes. But not even Taita can have any idea of what a terrible enemy waits in ambush in those dark lands at the end of their world." .

77439  "2002" . ."Gateway house : a western story" ."Ed Morgan attempts to fulfill the wish of his dead brother to recover a large cache of gold hidden in Diablo Canyon." .

114294  "1997?" .  ."Atlas shrugged" ."Noncontradiction: Theme — Chain — Top and the bottom — Immovable movers — Climax of the DAnconias — Noncommercial — Exploiters and the exploited — John Galt line — Sacred and the profane — Wyatts torch — Eitheror: Man who belonged on earth — Aristocracy of pull — White blackmail — Sanction of the victim — Account overdrawn — Miracle metal — Moratorium on brains — By our love — Face without pain or fear of guilt — Sign of the dollar — A is A: Atlantis — Utopia of greed — Antigreed — Antilife — Their brothers keepers — Concerto of deliverance — \\"This is John Galt speaking\\" — Egoist — Generator — In the name of the best within us." . "The story of a man who said he would stop the motor of the world—and did. This novel is the setting for the authors philosophy of objectivism." .

169501  "2009" . ."Uranium : war, energy, and the rock that shaped the world" ."Uranium is a common element in the earths crust, and the only naturally occurring mineral with the power to end all life on the planet. After World War II, it reshaped the global order. Marie Curie gave us hope that uranium would be a miracle panacea, but the Manhattan Project gave us reason to believe that civilization would end with apocalypse. Slave labor camps in Africa and Eastern Europe were built around mine shafts, and America would knowingly send more than 600 uranium miners to their graves in the name of national security. Fortunes have been made from this yellow dirt; massive energy grids have been run from it. Fear of it panicked the American people into supporting a questionable war with Iraq and its specter threatens to create another conflict in Iran. Now, some are hoping it can help avoid a global warming catastrophe.—From publisher description." . "The fascinating story of the most powerful source of energy the earth can yield." .

140041  "p2009" . ."Peaks and valleys making good and bad times work for you—at work and in life" ."Spencer Johnson presents invaluable life lessons through a parable of an unhappy man living in a valley and his lifechanging encounter with an old man on a peak." . "Feeling low in a valley — Finding answers — Forgetting — Resting — Learning — Discovering — Sharing — Using peaks and valleys — Enjoying a peak — After the story." .

137237  "2009" . ."The grave thief" ."Scree has been wiped from the face of the Land in a brutal demonstration of intent. While those responsible scatter to work on the next step in their plan, the stakes are raised—all the way to the heavens—as the Gods themselves enter the fray." .

10786  "2007" . ."Native hubs : culture, community, and belonging in Silicon Valley and beyond" ."Disciplinary forces and resistance : the Silicon Valley and beyond — Gathering together in hubs : claiming home and the sacred in an urban area — Laverne Robertss relocation story : through the hub — Who are the \\"real Indians\\"? : use of hubs by Muwekma Ohlones and relocated Native Americans — Empowerment and identity from the hub : indigenous women from Mexico and the United States — \\"Without papers\\" : a transnational hub on the rights of indigenous communities — Reinvigorating indigenous culture in Native hubs : urban Indian young people." .

150892  "2009" . ."Fault line : a novel" ."In Silicon Valley, the eccentric inventor of a new encryption application is murdered in an apparent carjacking. In Istanbul, a cynical undercover operative receives a frantic call from his estranged younger brother. When Alex Treven, a patent lawyer who has been working for the inventor, is attacked in his apartment, he is convinced he is the target of a conspiracy, and his brother, Ben, is his only hope. Setting aside their differences, Alex and Ben come together to find out who is behind the attacks. They soon learn that forces in America and abroad are involved in a highstakes struggle to take hold of the technology, and now both of their lives are in danger." .

81228  "2010" . ."The questing road" ."Acolytes to a dark god have crossed the gulf between worlds to abduct an innocent tariling, not even a year old, dooming it to become a sacrifice in a ceremony that will unleash an army of supernatural creatures upon an unsuspecting kingdom. Yoros and Kyrryl know that this is no mere animal, but to its own (felinoid) kind is a cherished child. With their warrior niece, Ashara, they follow its trail through a dimensional gate, little realizing their simple quest will become a desperate fight for survival in the middle of an allout war. They cant know of the atrocities that decimated the plains tribes of the strange world beyond the gate. Nor can they know of the massive revenge that threatens an entire civilization. If they are to save themselves and their lost tariling, they must follow its magic through the unknown terrors of a bizarre world of alien creatures and mortal perils beyond their wildest imagining." .

89727  "1979" . ."Theiron blast furnace : theory and practice"."A brief description of the blastfurnace process — A look inside the furnace — Thermodynamics of the blastfurnace process : enthalpies and equilibria — Blastfurnace stoichiometry — Development of a model framework : simplified blastfurnace enthalpy balance — The model framework : combination of stoichiometric and enthalpy equations — Completion of the stoichiometric part of the model : conceptual division of the blastfurnace through the chemical reserve zone — Enthalpy balance for the bottom segment of the furnace — Combining bottom segment stoichiometry and enthalpy equations : a priori calculation of operating parameters — Testing the mathematical model and a discussion of its premises — The effects of Tuy\\u00E8re injectants on blastfurnace operations — Addition of details into the operating equations : heat losses; reduction of Si and Mn; dissolution of carbon; formation of slag; decomposition of carbonates — Summary of blastfurnace operating equations : comparison between predictions and practice — Blastfurnace optimization by linear programming." .

94790  "2010" . ."The lastChristian : a novel" ."Abby, a Christian missionary raised in New Guinea, goes to America only to discover a nation where Christianity has completely died out. She must face the spiritual implications of transhumanity— humans with replacement silicon brains that promise eternal life but make impossible personal connection with God." .

"California—Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)" . , .: 7.000500041837816

"United States" . , .: 5.000500158988675

"Large type books." . , .: 5.000048010261937

"High technology industries—Employees—Supply and demand—California—Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)" . , .: 4.000200292360115

"California" . , .: 4.000143106613315

"United States—Death Valley" . , .: 3.0001438296190024

"Western stories." . , .: 3.000042410845846

"Fantasy fiction." . , .: 3.0000297885252287

"Computer industry—Political activity—California—Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)" . , .: 2.000333791593002

"World War, 1939—1945—Campaigns—Philippines—Leyte." . , .: 2.000167321745793

NO.977 begin

977: AP PHOTOS: Tornadoes rip across Midwest, South

With parts of the U.S. recovering from deadly tornadoes, more heavy storms are making their way across the South.

93469  "1968" . ."Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes" ."Describes the causes and effects of major weather disturbances such as hurricanes and tornadoes and the attempts made to control them. Also includes accounts of people who have experienced these storms." .

181889  "1989" . ."Tornadoes" ."Describes the causes, different parts, and movements of tornadoes, discusses how they are tracked and studied by scientists, and suggests science projects and related activities." .

132504  "1972" . ."Storm warning; the story of hurricanes and tornadoes" ."Explains the weather conditions that produce cyclonic disturbances such as hurricanes and tornadoes and the new methods developed to detect them." .

146524  "1972" . ."Historical catastrophes: hurricanes & tornadoes," ."Describes the damage done by several major hurricanes and tornadoes since the beginning of the twentieth century. Also discusses the role of the Weather Service in discovering storms and alerting people of impending danger." .

113810  "1999" . ."Tornadoes" ."An introduction to the storms sometimes known as twisters, including how and where they occur, the damage they can do, and some of the worst tornadoes in recorded history.". "What is a tornado? — Where and when do they happen? — How do they start? — How do tornadoes act? — A water tornado — Tornadoes do strange things — The worst tornadoes — How do you know if its coming? — Safety during a tornado." .

13877  "1981" . ."Disastrous hurricanes and tornadoes" ."Discusses types of wind, how their force is measured, the characteristics of hurricanes and tornadoes, some devastating storms, weather proverbs, and safety precautions to take during hurricanes and tornadoes." .

101579  "2000" . ."Tornadoes" ."Analyzes tornadoes, including their origins, formation, intensity, destructive capabilities, and significance as a weather phenomenon." .

17155  "2007" . ."Storm warning : the story of a killer tornado" ."An account of the May 3, 1999, tornado outbreak in Oklahoma, including the story of the F5 tornado \\"whose 300 mph winds were the fastest ever recorded on the planet.\\" Includes material on Ted Fujita and Gary England." . "Natures atom bomb — A meteorological star — A tornado forecast — Searching for clues — The tornado detective — Priority one — Hiding from the bear — Inside the bears cage — Mr. Tornado sees his first — A twisters journey — Vortex — The twisters aftermath — Seeing the winds — A tornados grip." .

34113  "2005" . ."Tornadoes" ."An introduction to tornadoes including how tornadoes happen and how to survive a tornado." . "What happens when a tornado hits? — Where do tornadoes occur? — How are tornadoes formed? — How do we measure tornadoes? — How are people warned? — Who are storm chasers? — Where is Tornado Alley? — Where was the worlds worst tornado? — Can tornadoes happen at sea? — Are tornadoes getting worse? — Whats the best kind of house to live in? — How would you survive in a tornado? — Tornado facts — Glossary — What do you know about tornadoes?" .

209598  "1960" . ."Hurricanes,tornadoes, and blizzards." ."Describes the damaging storms caused by wild, strong winds: blizzards, hurricanes, and tornadoes." .

125755  "1997" . ."Tornadoes" ."Provides information about tornadoes, discussing the conditions that lead to their formation, looking at what happens during the course of the ferocious storms, and tracing the wreckage of some of the major twisters of the past." . "A chronology of weather — Floods — Blizzards — Hurricanes — Tornadoes — Droughts." .

39821  "2006" . ."Tornadoes, hurricanes, and tsunamis: a practical survival guide" ."Examines what to do in an emergency situation involving tornadoes, hurricanes, or tsunamis." . "What is a tornado and what do you do if one hits? — Hurricanes and hurricane preparedness — Tsunamis and their aftermath — Emergency preparedness and your community." .

77692 "2003" . ."Hurricane hunters and tornado chasers : life in the eye of the storm" ."Introduction: life on the run — One: the scariest place on earth — Two: an age old mystery — Three: and toto too! — Four: eyeing the storm — Five: chasing a dream — Six: on the path ." . "Describes the destructive forces behind severe weather systems such as tornadoes and hurricanes and the experiences of people interested in researching and tracking these storms." .

47662  "2005" . ."Big weather : chasing tornadoes in the heart of America" ."Following an eccentric band of storm chasers during tornado season, a writer delves deep into our fascination with catastrophic weather. Why is it that devastating weather—and tornadoes in particular—maintain a primal hold on our collective imagination? With his guide Matt Biddle, an Ahablike veteran storm chaser, Svenvold draws a portrait of a culture enamored by extremes. Along the way, he encounters an assortment of characters out of a Fellini film, a subculture of catastrophilia. At the heart of the excitement are the aweinspiring events themselves—a tornado that levels a small town, and the look back at the central Oklahoma tornado outbreak that included the singlemost destructive tornado in US history." . "Becalmed: dreaming of Yevtushenko — Weather talk — Children at play — Catastrophilia — Paparazzidel Cielo — Present progressive — A citizens brigade — Goodbye, Wakan — Weather risk and the great folly — How firm is your foundation? — What would Jesus drive?" .

99971  "2000" . ."Hurricane & tornado" ."Describes dangerous and destructive weather conditions around the world, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning, hail, and drought with photographs, historical background, and legends." . "Weather folklore — Early forecasts — What is extreme weather? — Causes of extreme weather — Severe winds — Thunderous storms — Twisting tornadoes — Tornado force — Lightning strikes — Hailstorms — Hurricane alert — Hurricane horror — Fog and smog — High seas — Snowstorms — Avalanche — Floods and landslides — Deadly droughts — Polar extremes — Weather watch — Disaster relief — Natures survivors — Climate change — El Nino phenomenon — Freaky conditions — Weather beyond Earth." .

84254  "2001" . ."Howling hurricanes" ."This book describes what a hurricane is, tells where and when hurricanes occur, and explains how a hurricane starts and how it travels." .

34190  "2005" . ."Hurricanes" ."An introduction to hurricanes including where hurricanes happen, are hurricanes getting worse, and how to survive a hurricane." .

167139 "1992" . ."The storm season" ."Burl Drennan has lived most of his life in Nortex, Texas, at an undistinguished railroad town that sits in an area of violent storms and tornadoes. Burl has no particular ambition until, one day, an enormous twister roars through town. As Burl drives toward safety, the huge funnel follows him. Awed by the tornados raw power, Burl becomes a storm chaser. This quest will shape his days and nights, his friends and lovers. And it will lead him to revelations in the lightringed throat of a tornado." .

101721  "2000" . ."Hurricanes" ."Examines the development, structure, destructive capabilities, and significance of hurricanes. Includes a chapter on hurricane prediction and safety.".

111664  "1999" . ."Hurricanes of the North Atlantic : climate and society" ."Hurricane Characteristics — Hurricane Categories and Impacts — Hurricane Climate Data — North Atlantic Hurricanes — Tropical Only Hurricanes — Baroclimically Enhanced Hurricanes — Major Hurricanes — U.S. Hurricanes — Hurricanes of Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Bermuda — Hurricane Cycles and trends — Hurricane Return Periods — Hurricanes of the Early 1990s — History of Seasonal Hurricane Forecasting — Seasonal Forecast Models — Sub Basin Forecast Models — Prospects for Extended Range Outlooks — People at Risk — Property at Risk — Catastrophe Insurance — Integrated Assessment." .

73764  "2002" . ."Earthshock : hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other forces of nature" ."Man and nature — Earth, ocean, atmosphere and life — Earthquakes — Volcanoes — Thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes and lightning — Floods, dambursts and tsunamis — Deserts, droughts, wildfires and desertification — Avalanches, glaciers and ice ages — Global climatic change — Man and nature: a chronology." .

148784  "1993" . ."Earthshock : hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes and other forces of nature" ."Man and nature — Earth, ocean, atmosphere and life — Earthquakes — Volcanoes — Thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes and lightning — Floods, dambursts and tsunamis — Deserts, droughts, wildfires and desertification — Avalanches, glaciers and ice ages — Global climatic change — Man and nature: a chronology.". "Explains the latest scientific insights into the forces of Nature and their impact on humankind." .

91382  "2000" . ."The mystery in Tornado Alley" ."Nancy and her friends investigate the mystery surrounding a ransom note found in an old duffel bag, and when a charming tornado chaser offers to help, Nancy is lead into greater danger as she faces a monster storm." .

6141  "2007" . ."Hurricanes" ."It was scary on the roof: Hurricane Katrina — Never did the sky look more terrible: Hurricane science — Our house fell on its side: Great storms of history — Puniness of man: Hurricane predictions and warnings — Chart: Some notable hurricanes, typhoons, and tropical cyclones — Glossary — Bibliography — For further reading — Some websites to explore." . "Step into the eye of the storm. Follow the action, from the first news reports of a hurricane called Katrina gathering out at sea, to eyewitness accounts of those who survive the epic devastation she finally wreaks along the Gulf Coast. Then look back at the history of these catastrophic storms and examine the science of hurricanes. How do they form? Why do they rage through the same regions? Which were the deadliest hurricanes in history? And how can scientists predict their landfall? All the answers are here, in an exciting narrative brought to life with stunning National Geographic photography of stormravaged landscapes and cities. The books informative back matter contains all the facts that reportwriters need, and includes a complete list of sources to find out more about this fearsome phenomenon. This season, \\"Hurricanes\\" will score a direct hit with children everywhere." .

122948  "1997" . ."Wild, wet and windy : the weather—from tornadoes to lightning" ."Describes all kinds of weather, including hurricanes, tornadoes, fog, and lightning, and discusses the effects of weather on people and other animals." .

9483  "1973" . ."Hurricanes; monster storms from the sea." ."Recounts some famous hurricanes of history and describes what man has learned about hurricanes, how they are tracked, and attempts to tame them." .

23348  "2007" . ."Hurricane Katrina" ."Hurricane Katrina — What is a hurricane? — What can a hurricane do? — Categories of hurricanes — Katrinas power — NewOrleans — Big problems — Rebuilding.". "This book describes Hurricane Katrina of 2005 and the loss of life and property in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama that resulted from the Category 3 hurricane." .

164744  "1992" . ."Hurricanes and storms" ."Describes the characteristics of hurricanes and other kinds of storms, the damage they may cause, and possible protective measures." .

114246  "1999" . ."Tornado alley : monster storms of the Great Plains" ."The frontier overhead — Catching real storms — Numerical simulations come of age — Storm chasing and Doppler radar in major field programs — The importance of portability — The state of the art — Where we are headed." . "\\"The books historical organization traces the development of severeweather science through the last half century, from early anecdotal observations to todays hightechnology measurements.\\" Publ Weekly. \\"Dozens of the authors own photographs show the mesmerizing power of tornadoes as his text reflects the conversion of an enthusiasm into a profession.\\" Booklist.".

187730  "2008" . ."Adventures in Tornado Alley: the storm chasers" ."\\"The magnificent storms of the infamous Tornado Alley in the central USA are revered both by professional meteorologists and those enthusiasts who obsessively chase them in the quest for the ultimate extreme weather adrenaline rush. Adventures in Tornado Alley takes the reader out on the road with two young chasers whose knack for being in the right place at the right time, capturing the grandeur of these spectacular scenes, has won them worldwide attention.\\" —Publishers description." .

145101  "1994" . ."Heavy weather" ."In the year 2030, the green houseeffect has resulted in violent tornadoes sweeping Texas. On their trail are the \\"storm troupers,\\" computer experts and atmospheric scientists who document and spread the information on digital networks, using virtual reality to explore the eye of the storm. Now the computers announce the approach of F6, a tornado of an intensity unknown to man. By the author of The Hacker Crackdown." .

126338  "1996" . ."Twister : the science of tornadoes and the making of an adventure movie" ."Awardwinning science writer Keay Davidson takes you where only the bravest souls have ventured, and survived. Into the frightening path of violent twisters. He also gives you a behindthescenes look at the making of the Warner Bros. film. Through fascinating interviews, youll come to understand just how these incredible storms came to life on the big screen. Enhanced with spectacular closeup photographs and easytograsp graphics. Twister offers an enthralling profile of these powerful storms, including an indepth look at the leading tornadomonitoring project, Vortex. Youll discover a fascinating world of science and mystery, where storm chasers risk their lives for their work. And youll hear from those who have experienced close encounters with tornadoes as they tell their unforgettable stories." . "Ground zero — World destroyed — American gothic — \\"To destroy tornadoes before they destroy us\\" — Into the whirlwind — On the road — White plague and global warming — Putting tornadoes to work — No mans land." .

24381  "2007" . ."Terrorists, tornados, and tsunamis : how to prepare for lifes danger zones" ."Terrorism — Crime — Natural disasters — Hurricanes — Tornados — Floods — Earthquakes — Winter storms — Other natural disasters — Conclusion  Bibliography and further reading — Index." . "Unpredictable occurrences are a part of life. This book provides the tools to prepare people to face many of these disasters." .

96120  "2000" . ."Twisters!" ."Describes how tornadoes form and what effects they have on people and their surroundings." .

20003  "2012" . ."Saving animals from hurricanes" ."Look inside this book to meet the everyday heroes who found ways to save animals fromHurricane Katrina and the floods that followed." . "Animals everywhere — Dog on a car roof — Hurricane Katrina — Pets left behind — Rescuers rush in — Happy reunions — The horse hero — Mollys story — Police at the aquarium — Eight missing dolphins — An ocean rescue — The biggest animal rescue — Famous hurricanes and rescues — Animals at risk from hurricanes." .

9593  "1936" . ."The hurricane," ."A French medical officer describes the events and heroism during a hurricane on a Polynesian island." .

35578  "2006" . ."Hurricane Katrina : devastation on the Gulf Coast" ."Examinesthe events of this horrific hurricane and its aftermath." . "The worst disaster in U.S. history — In the path of a monster — The human tragedy : no shelter from the storm — Responding to the crisis : challenge and controversy — Assessing the damage — Moving forward." .

70288  "2010" . ."Into the storm : violent tornadoes, killer hurricanes, and deathdefying adventures in extreme weather" ."Reed Timmer, a star of the Discovery Channels Storm Chasers, is one of the worlds most successful and most extreme storm chasers. His is a job that requires science and bravado, knowledge and instinct just to survive, never mind excel. Here, he takes readers inside the aweinspiring world of big weather. Featuring stories of the over 300 tornadoes, hurricanes, or blizzards that Timmer has watched ringside over the last decade, from Hurricane Katrina to littlestudied storm systems in places like Canada and Argentina. As a Ph.D. candidate in meteorology, Timmer is after more than just an adrenaline rush—his stories feature insights into the science of storms, and how the data he is collecting could possibly save lives. He also takes readers inside the stormchasing community, examining his controversial obsession and the ethical debates it sparks.—From publisher description." . "Freshman perspective — Is this really happening? — Explore the possibilities — Natural habitat — Little decisions — Blown back — Just the trouble I needed — Chasing for an audience." .

126720  "1996, c1995" . ."Storms and hurricanes" ."Weather and space — Winds and pressure — Moving air — Clouds, rain and more rain — Thunderstorms — Wet storms and dry storms — Whirlwinds — Hurricanes — Storm watching from above — Storm watching from below — Living with hurricane s— Hurricane Hugo — Shelter from the storm — Earths changing climate — Storms on other planets." . "With the aid of satellite images, this book looks at both the causes and catastrophic effects of the worlds most exciting weather." .

115524  "1998" . ."People chase twisters" ."Provides information about violent weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, lightning, blizzards, monsoons, and sandstorms." .

18652  "2007" . ."Floridas hurricane history" ."In this book, Jay Barnes offers an informative look at Floridas hurricane history. Drawing on meteorological research, news reports, firstperson accounts, maps, and historical photographs, he traces all of the notable hurricanes that have affected the state over the last fourandahalf centuries, from the great storms of the early colonial period to the devastating hurricanes of 2004 and 2005  Charley, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne, Dennis, Katrina, and Wilma. In addition to providing a comprehensive chronology of more than one hundred individual storms, Floridas Hurricane History includes information on the basics of hurricane dynamics, formation, naming, and forecasting. It explores the origins of the U.S. Weather Bureau and government efforts to study and track hurricanes in Florida, home of the National Hurricane Center. But the book does more than examine how hurricanes have shaped Floridas past; it also looks toward the future, discussing the serious threat that hurricanes continue to pose to both lives and property in the state.\\" Filled with more than 200 photographs and maps, the book also features a foreword by Steve Lyons, tropical weather expert for the Weather Channel. It will serve as both an essential reference on hurricanes in Florida and a remarkable source of the stories  of tragedy and destruction, rescue and survival  that foster our fascination with these powerful storms. Book jacket." . "The Sunshine State has an exceptionally stormy past. Vulnerable to storms that arise in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, Florida has been hit by far more hurricanes that any other state. In many ways, hurricanes have helped shape Florida\\u02BCs history. Early efforts by the French, Spanish and English to claim the territory as their own were often thwarted by hurricanes. More recently, storms have affected such massive projects as Henry Flagler\\u02BCs Overseas Railroad and efforts to manage water in South Florida." .

87394  "2001". ."Hurricanes" ."Explains the development of hurricanes and their effects, as well as scientific advancements that have improved tracking and observation. References current web sites for additional research on this topic." .

96797  "2000" . ."Lazarus and the Hurricane : the freeing of Rubin \\"Hurricane\\" Carter" ."A true story in which an AfricanAmerican teen tries to help Rubin \\"Hurricane\\" Carter receive a fair trial for the murder of three men in 1966." .

67919  "1961" . ."The nature of violent storms." ."Thermals and convective clouds — Air motions and the forces that produce them — Thunderstorms — Tornadoes — Hurricanes — Cyclones." .

101138  "1999" . ."Into thetwister of terror" ."You better find someplace to hide from the tornado and the decision you make could mean your life." .

27561  "2006" . ."Natural disasters" ."Describes a wide range of natural disasters including earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes, landslides, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and epidemics." . "Dynamic planet — Restless earth — What is a tsunami? — Wave power — Walls of water — A drowned world — Recovery begins — Tsunami warnings — Earth shakes — Surviving a quake — Mighty volcanoes — Rivers of fire — Landslides and avalanches — Earths atmosphere — Wild weather — Hurricane force — Battling the wind — Hurricane Katrina — Twisting tornadoes — Flood alert — Raging waters — Drought and famine — Wildfire — Fighting fires — Climate change — Unnatural disasters — Infectious diseases — Epidemic — Future disasters — Did you know? — Timeline — Find out more." .

10298  "p2007". ."Hurricane punch" ."Returning to his home in Florida only to face the states worst hurricane season and a pair of serial killers vying for \\"most wanted\\" status, Serge A. Storms and his companion, Coleman, tackle the most challenging case of their careers." .

100749  "2010" . ."The boy who loved tornadoes: a mothers story" ."Chronicles the authors struggle to protect her autistic son and help her daughter thrive despite the problems that their family faced.".

52612  "c2004" . ."Extreme weather : a guide & record book" ."Heat & drought : Hottest cities & hot spots ; Real heat : the humidity factor ; Historic heat waves of the United States ; Droughts & dust storms ; Global warming — Cold : Coldest cities and cold spots ; Historic cold waves of the United States — Snow & ice : Snowiest cities in the United States ; Snowy places ; Historic snowstorms in the United States ; Ice storms — Rain & floods : Rainiest & driest cities & places ; Extreme rainstorms ; Floods — Thunderstorms & hail : Stormiest places ; Lightning ; Hailstorms — Tornadoes : Typical tornadoes ; Historic twisters ; Waterspouts — Hurricanes : Hurricanes and their intensity ; Historic hurricanes ; Hurricane flooding : the storm surge & rainfalls ; Tropical storms around the world — Windstorms & fog : Extratropical storms ; Great cyclones of Europe ; Extreme winds ; Fog." . "There are few thrills as exciting as weather at its worst. Extensively illustrated with color photographs of some of the most extreme weather ever captured on camera, dozens of color maps, and tables of weather records for over three hundred U.S. cities, this book also includes historical examples of some of the more bizarre weather events observed: heat bursts, electrified dust storms, snow rollers, pink snowstorms, luminous tornadoes, falls of fish and toads, ball lightning, super bolts, and other strange meteorological events." .

192392  "1987, c1986" . ."Weather" ."An introduction to weather and the elements, such as rain, wind, warm and cold fronts, hurricanes, and tornadoes." .

"Tornadoes." . , .: 20.001000582838067

"Hurricanes" . , .: 19.00100025149589

"Storms." . , .: 11.001000294547628

"United States" . , .: 7.000125034806014

"Natural disasters." . , .: 5.00008342589903

"Weather." . , .: 4.000066804213064

"Emergency management." . , .: 2.00008352147434

"Severe storms—Miscellanea." . , .: 2.0000669882977293

"Volcanoes." . , .: 2.0000483886768063

"Earthquakes." . , .: 2.0000478020938566

NO.4537 begin

4537: Jihadist Islamic State seizes key Syria oil field

The insurgent group took control of a major Syrian oil field on the Iraqi border.

90932  "2000" . ."Petrotyranny" ."How oil sustains dictatorship — Oil powers cruel projection of luxury — The Middle East and North Africa — Nigerian oil and dictatorship — Oil versus democracy in SubSaharan Africa — Sudans nightmare version of oil dictatorship — Oil versus democracy in the Indian subcontinent — Oilbased Asiatic despotism — Mighty mainland oil power versus tiny island democracy — The Red version of the oil time warp and its successors — Oil, militarism and repression in Latin America— Oilfree Europe as an emerging green bastion of liberty — Oil mocks democratic power — Oil and democracy in North America: the heart of political conflict — The emergence of a green and democratic peace — Appendix 1. The effects of oil price changes — Appendix 2. Steps toward abolishing petrotyranny." .

169314  "1992" . ."Oil, power, and principle : Irans oil nationalization and its aftermath" ."1. The Age of Autocracy and Concessions — 2. Reza Shah and the 1933 Concession — 3. Iran Defies Russia and Britain — 4. The Generals Mission — 5. The Oil Nationalization Act — 6. Forces at Work in Iran, Britain, and the United States — 7. Iran Takes Over the Company — 8. The Harriman and Stokes Missions — 9. The Oil Cartels Stranglehold — 10. British Plans for the Occupation of Abadan — 11. The Oil Dispute Taken to the United Nations — 12. Mossadeqs Discussions in the United States — 13. Britain Manipulates the World Bank — 14. Judgment at the World Court — 15. British Attempts to Overthrow Mossadeq — 16. Qavams Prime Ministership and the Communist Threat — 17. Churchills Games with Truman — 18. Irans Oilless Economy — 19. Edens Games with Eisenhower — 20. The Coup — 21. An Oil Consortium Takes Over — 22. The Coups Aftermath." .

71573  "2002" . ."Crude power : politics and the oil market" ."The necessityof oil — Foreign powers and Middle Eastern oil — Oil supplies, OPEC, oligopoly and politics — The political economy of oil prices — The persistent political risks." .

213255  "1975" . ."Black gold : the story of oil" ."Traces the history of oil from its use by the ancient Sumerians through the present energy crisis, with emphasis on the men who fought for control of the oil industry." .

56079  "2004" . ."Crude awakenings : global oil security and American foreign policy" ."Threats to Saudi stability — Power shifts — The chief guarantor of oil stability — The United States in the Middle East before and after September 11 — The cold war and global interdependence — The China factor — The oil weapon — Multiple cushions for oil shocks — Oil market dynamics and OPEC — Global oil, high technology, and the environment — Twentyfirstcentury threats to global oil stability." .

41272  "2005" . ."The politics of the global oil industry : an introduction" ."The players — Essentials of oil — The oil companies — The oilproducing nations — OPEC and international oil organizations — The issues — International relations — Environmental concerns — Human rights — Economic development — Oil politics and its global impact — Country case studies — Iraq — Mexico — Nigeria — Norway — Russia — Saudi Arabia — Venezuela." . "The relationship of international politics and the global oil industry affects everyone but is understood by few. Taking a wellbalanced and objective approach to deconstructing this intricate web for those unfamiliar with the industry, Falola and Genova introduce the major players in the field, offering cogent and uptodate information about the countries, companies, organizations, and people who shape the contemporary history of oil. They break down the essentials, describing the discovery process, the different types of oil, and the various processes by which oil gets to the market. Then they provide a brief history of the major oilproducing countries, followed by a discussion of OPEC and international efforts to control the price and supply of oil. After setting the stage, they introduce the most salient political issues that are influenced by oil, namely environmental protection, human rights, and economic development. Finally, a look at each of seven major oil exporters—Iraq, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela—demonstrates that the \\"black gold\\" can be both a blessing and a curse for the countries that produce it. Despite the need to learn how to exploit alternative energy sources before the oil runs out, we will continue to be dependent on oil for the foreseeable future. Todays oil demands are not only generated by such obvious activities as gassing up our cars or powering our aircraft, but also from the ubiquitous technological gadgets that have infiltrated our daily lives. From computer monitors to CDs, from cell phones to the petroleumgenerated materials used in our shoes and sweaters, our reliance on oil continues to grow. Because price and supply are highly dependent on political events in distant countries, it is essential for American consumers to understand the intricacies of this complex subject. Falola and Genova demystify the industry and invite us to investigate more deeply this vital resource." .

43066  "2005" . ."Addicted to oil : Americas relentless drive for energy security" ."Oil and America — The die is cast — How America got control of the Gulf — Energy security and the Gulf: from solution to problem — The axis of oil — Energy security begins at home — Canada, Venezuela and Mexico: a hemispheric solution? — The Caspian and central Asia: a new Middle East? — America the motorised — The looming crisis — Oil and Islamism — A war for oil." . "It is in Americas increasing motorisation and its consequent demand for oil, Rutledge argues, that Americas foreign policy toward the Middle East has formed. The need for a secure oil protectorate in the oil rich area has led to diplomatic and defense entreaties to the Middle East, especially in Iraq.".

208887  "1975" . ."Petroleum : gas, oil, and asphalt" ."Discusses the different kinds of oil, how they are found and recovered, their uses, and the problems of pollution, oil conservation, and oil shortage.".

46792  "2005" . ."United States foreign oil policy since World War Ⅰ : for profits and security" ."Forging policy for the postwar era — Containing nationalism, 1919—1928 — Oil policy in depression: the Hoover years — From depression to war, 1933—1941 — World War Ⅱ and the structure of decision making, 1940—1943 — The petroleum reserves corporation — The preservation of domestic and offshore resources — The failure of internationalism, 1943—1947 — American enterprise denied and resurgent, 1945—1948 — From Korea to OPEC — From OPEC to the Iranian revolution — From oil shocks to oil wars — Conclusion: reflections on the past and persent." .

124410  "1997" . ."Oil! : a novel"."In Oil! Upton Sinclair fashioned a novel out of the oil scandals of the Harding administration, providing in the process a detailed picture of the development of the oil industry in Southern California. Bribery of public officials, class warfare, and international rivalry over oil production are the context for Sinclairs story of a genial independent oil developer and his son, whose sympathy with the oilfield workers and socialist organizers fuels a running debate with his father. Senators, small investors, oil magnates, Hollywood film starlets, and a crusading evangelist people the pages of this lively novel." .

54578  "2004" . ."Americas oil wars" ."In AmericasOil Wars, former CIA & US Army advisor Stephen Pelleti\\u00E8re reviews the Middle East policy of recent American administrations. He argues that the chief motivating factor has been oil & that three recent wars in the region mark a longterm diplomatic failure by the US." . "The origins of religious unrest in the Middle East in the 1990s — Arms in the Gulf — The political effects of the third oil shock — Techno war in the Gulf — The neocons silver bullet strategy." .

206963  "1985" . ."Oil" ."Explains how oil is discovered, drilled, refined, and used as an energy source." .

149441  "1993" . ."Venezuela : the political economy of oil" ."8.12. Expansion or Contraction? The Future of PdVSAs Internationalization Programme — 9. Oil and the Venezuelan Economy. 9.1. Oil and the Illusion of Development. 9.2. Revenue Needs, Taxes and PdVSA. 9.3. Oil: A New Platform for Industrial Development? — 10. The Future of Venezuelan Oil." . "5.1. Natural Gas Deposits. 5.2. Natural Gas Production. 5.3. Future Developments for Natural Gas — 6. The Venezuelan Downstream Sector. 6.1. The Venezuelan Refining System. 6.2. The Venezuelan Refineries. 6.3. Outlook: Greener Products, Dirtier Crudes — 7. The Markets for Venezuelan Petroleum. 7.1. Crude Oil Exports. 7.2. Term Contracts for Crude Oil. 7.3. Pricing Mechanism. 7.4. Petroleum Products Exports. 7.5. The Supply of the Domestic Venezuelan Market — 8. PdVSAS Refining Interests Overseas. 8.1. Internationalization and PdVSAs Commercial Strategy. 8.2. Ruhr Ol GmbH. 8.3. Citgo Petroleum Corporation. 8.4. Champlin Refining Company. 8.5. AB Nynas Petroleum. 8.6. The UnoVen Corporation. 8.7. Seaview Petroleum Company. 8.8. Citgo Petroleum Corporation, Savannah. 8.9. Refineria Isla (Curazao), S.A. 8.10. Briggs Oil Ltd, Eastham Refinery Ltd, Lyondell Petrochemical Company: PdVSAs Latest Refining Acquisitions. 8.11. Examining the Case for PdVSAs Overseas Integration." . "1. Introduction — 2. Historical Background and Institutional SetUp. 2.1. Evolution of Venezuelan Oil Production. 2.2. The Legal Framework of Oil in Venezuela. 2.3. The Concessionaires. 2.4. PdVSA: Corporate Structure. 2.5. PdVSA and the Ministry for Energy and Mines: the Triumph of Politics over Profits. 2.6. Venezuela and OPEC — 3. The Venezuelan Upstream Sector. 3.1. Producing Areas and Oil Fields. 3.2. Crude Reserves: The Politics of Accountancy. 3.3. Crude Oil Production: the Implications of Maturity. 3.4. Main Crude Types: The Notso Light, the Very Heavy and the Extraordinarily Heavy. 3.5. Main Production, Distribution and Storage Facilities. 3.6. Reactivation of Marginal Oil Fields: Wringing Blood out of a Stone? 3.7. Conclusion: Perspectives for Oil in Traditional Production Areas — 4. The Orinoco Oil Belt. 4.1. An Ocean of Oil. 4.2. Orimulsion: the Key to the Orinocos Riches? 4.3. The Future Exploitation of Venezuelas Heavy Oil Deposits — 5. Natural Gas in Venezuela." . "For review see: Winfield J. Burggraaff, in HAHR : The Hispanic American Historical Review, 76, 3 (August 1996); p. 585586." .

57870  "2004" . ."Oil, power and empire : Iraq and the U.S. global agenda" ."\\"Go, massive. Sweep it all up\\" — Iraqisnot present at the creation — Saddam Husseins American train — Arming Iraq : doubledealing death in the Gulf — \\"We have to have a war\\" — Germ warfare : Americas weapon of mass destruction — The great WMD flim flam — A growing clamor for regime change — Operation Iraqi colonization — Oil, power & empire — The bitter fruits of unjust war." .

56578  "2004" . ."The end of oil : on the edge of a perilous new world" ."Petroleum is now so deeply entrenched in our economy, our politics, and our personal expectations that even modest efforts to phase it out are fought tooth and nail by the most powerful forces in the world: companies and governments that depend on oil revenues; the developing nations that see oil as the only means to industrial success; and a Western middle class that refuses to modify its energydependent lifestyle. But within thirty years, by even conservative estimates, we will have burned our way through most of the oil that is easily accessible. And well before then, the side effects of an oilbased society — economic volatility, geopolitical conflict, and the climatechanging impact of hydrocarbon pollution — will render fossil fuels an all but unacceptable solution. How will we break our addiction to oil? And what will we use in its place to maintain a global economy and political system that are entirely reliant on cheap, readily available energy?Brilliantly reported from around the globe, The End of Oil brings the world situation into fresh and dramatic focus for business and general readers alike. Roberts talks to both oil optimists and oil pessimists, delves deep into the economics and politics of oil, considers the promises and pitfalls of alternatives, and shows that, although the world energy system has begun its epochdefining transition, disruption and violent dislocation are almost assured if we do not take a more proactive stance. With the topicality and readability of Fast Food Nation and the scope and trenchant analysis of Guns, Germs, and Steel, this is a vitally important book for the new century." . "Free ride — Light the fire — Last of the easy oil — Futures so bright — Energy is power — Too hot — On the road to nowhere — Give the people what they want — Big oil gets anxious — And now for something completely different — Less is more — Into the blue — Energy security — Invisible hand — Digging in our heels — How do we get there?" .

49754  "2004" . ."A century of war : AngloAmerican oil politics and the new world order" ."The three pillars of the British Empire — The lines are drawn: Germany and the geopolitics of the Great War — A global fight for control of petroleum begins — Oil becomes a weapon, the Near East the battleground — Combined and conflicting goals: the United States rivals Britain — The AngloAmericans close ranks — Oil and the new world order of Bretton Woods — A Sterling crisis and the Adenauerde Gaulle threat — Running the world economy in reverse: who made the 1970s oil shocks? — Europe, Japan, and a response to the oil shock — Imposing the new world order — From the evil empire to the axis of evil — A new millennium for oil geopolitics — Appendix I: Founding members of the Trilateral Commission (1973) — Appendix II: Participants at the Saltsjobaden meeting of the Bilderberg Group (1973)." .

30484  "2006" . ."The age of oil : the mythology, history, and future of the worlds most controversial resource" ."A History of an Unreliable Market (and the Bad Policies it Prompted). — John D. Rockefellers cursed legacy — The age of gasoline and oil imperialism — The carveup of Arabias oil — The oil glut of the 1930s — Cold War fears and the U.S.Arabian link — The Iran tragedy and the \\"seven sisters\\" cartel — The golden age of oil and its limits — Oil and the explosion of Arab nationalism — The first oil shock — The second oil shock — The countershock — A storm in the desert: the first Gulf crisis — The Soviet implosion and the troubled Caspian El Dorado — The collapse of oil prices and industry megamergers — The first oil crisis of the twentyfirst century — Misperceptions and Problems Ahead. — Are we running out of oil? — The inner secrets of oil — The puzzle of oil reserves and production, and the quest for their control — The problems with oil quality, price, and consumption trends — Flawed forecasts, foggy alternatives to oil — Arabs, Islam, and the myth of oil security — Proven reserves, production, and reserves life index of the first twenty oil countries in the world and world totals (2004) — Consumption trends of the first twenty countries in the world (1980—2004) — Main features of some qualities of crude oil — The largest national oil companies — The largest international oil companies." . "Explores the obsessions and misperceptions surrounding the resource that has shaped our lives, demonstrating that oil will be with us for a long time to come.Oil is the most vital resource of our time. Because it is so important, misperceptions about the black gold abound. The author clears the cobwebs by describing the colorful history of oil, and explaining the fundamentals of oil production. He delivers a controversial perspective on the industry, as only an insider could. The history of the oil market has been marked, since its inception, by a succession of booms and busts, each one leading to a similar psychological climax and flawed political decisions. In a single generation, we have experienced the energy crisis of 1973; the dramatic oil countershock of 1986; the oil collapse of 1998—99 that gave rise to the idea of oil as just another commodity; and the sharp price increases following hurricane Katrinas devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Today, we are experiencing a global oil boom that, paradoxically, seems to herald a gloomy era of scarcity exacerbated by growing consumption and the threat from Islamic terrorism in the oilrich Middle East. The author argues that the pessimists are wrong. In the second part of his book, he debunks the main myths surrounding oil in our times, addressing whether we are indeed running out of oil, and the real impact of Islamic radicalism on oilrich regions. By translating many of the technical concepts of oil productions into terms the average reader can easily grasp, he answers our questions. Ultimately, he concludes that the wolf is not at the door. We are facing neither a problem of oil scarcity, nor an upcoming oil blackmail by forces hostile to the West. Only bad political decisions driven by a distorted view of current problems (and who is to blame for them) can doom us to a gloomy oil future. This book traces the history of the oil market, explains the fundamentals of oil production, examines the myths and controversies surrounding the production and distribution of oil, and speculates on future challenges in the oil market." .

44546  "2005" . ."The end of oil : on the edge of a perilous new world" ."Petroleum is now so deeply entrenched in our economy, our politics, and our personal expectations that even modest efforts to phase it out are fought tooth and nail by the most powerful forces in the world: companies and governments that depend on oil revenues; the developing nations that see oil as the only means to industrial success; and a Western middle class that refuses to modify its energydependent lifestyle. But within thirty years, by even conservative estimates, we will have burned our way through most of the oil that is easily accessible. And well before then, the side effects of an oilbased society — economic volatility, geopolitical conflict, and the climatechanging impact of hydrocarbon pollution — will render fossil fuels an all but unacceptable solution. How will we break our addiction to oil? And what will we use in its place to maintain a global economy and political system that are entirely reliant on cheap, readily available energy? Reported from around the globe, The End of Oil brings the world situation into fresh and dramatic focus for business and general readers alike. Roberts talks to both oil optimists and oil pessimists, delves deep into the economics and politics of oil, considers the promises and pitfalls of alternatives, and shows that, although the world energy system has begun its epochdefining transition, disruption and violent dislocation are almost assured if we do not take a more proactive stance. With the topicality and readability of Fast Food Nation and the scope and trenchant analysis of Guns, Germs, and Steel, this is a vitally important book for the new century.". "pt. I. The free ride — 1. Lighting the fire — 2. The last of the easy oil — 3. The futures so bright — 4. Energy is power — 5. Too hot — pt. II. On the road to nowhere — 6. Give the people what they want — 7. Big oil gets anxious — 8. And now for something completely different — 9. Less is more — pt. III. Into the blue — 10. Energy security — 11. The invisible hand — 12. Digging in our heels — 13. How do we get there?" .

34202  "2005, c1988" . ."Oil crisis" ."Dr. Campbell is renowned for the book he published ... , The Coming Oil Crisis. That analysis has been proved right! Now the crisis has come, so we have Oil Crisis. From the vantage point of a lifetimes oil industry experience, he gives a lucid account of why oil production is set to decline—in a nutshell, we are using more than we are finding, because there is not really any significant amount still to be found. That fact explains why Shell has recently restated, and restated again and again, its reserves position; why oil is persistently above $50 a barrel (and why Goldman Sachs thinks $100 a barrel is pretty likely); why Central Asia is in turmoil; why America invaded Iraq—competition, in all kinds of ways, is intensifying for the remaining resource. The problem is beyond the grasp of politicians. They can fiddle with ideas about renewables or hydrogen but they, along with most of humanity, have not really grasped that it is the oil economy that enables about a 7 billion world population to be sustained. A wholly new world is imminent. The transition is not likely to be very pleasant. Dr. Campbell outlines our grim future unless new policies to face reality can be put in place." . "Initiation — Oil : chemistry, source and trap — Pioneering epoch — Growth and transition — Insight and information — How much oil has been found — Ultimate and the undiscovered — Future production, crisis and beyond — Natural gas, gas liquids and nonconventional oil — Economists never get it right — Oil trading and oil price — Experience of Norway — Renewable energy and restraint — World begins to wake up — Synthesis: what it all amounts to." .

97926  "1978" . ."North Sea oil in the future : economic analysis and government policy" ."Written for the Trade Policy Research Centre in London. Gives a detailed and independent analysis of the economics of North Sea oil." .

125325  "1996" . ."The politics of oil in the Caucasus and Central Asia : prospects for oil exploitation and export in the Caspian basin" ."I. The History of Oil in the Region — II. Oil Exploitation and Export — III. The Major Projects — IV. Export Options — V. Prospects for the Region." .

146721  "2009" . ."Crude world : the violent twilight of oil" ."A stunning and revealing examination of oils indelible impact on the countries that produce it and the people who possess it, of the power of oil to exacerbate existing problems and create new ones." . "Scarcity — Plunder — Rot — Contamination — Fear — Greed — Desire — Alienation — Empire — Mirage — Appendix A. World crude oil reserves — Appendix B.U.S. crude oil imports." .

25017  "2010" . ."Desert kingdom how oil and water forged modern Saudi Arabia" ."The nature of the state — Imperial geology — The dogma of development — Engineering the garden — The black gold coast — The wages of oil — Natures retreat." .

53010  "2010" . ."Desert kingdom : how oil and water forged modern Saudi Arabia" ."The nature of the state — Imperial geology — The dogma of development — Engineering the garden — The black gold coast — The wages of oil — Natures retreat." .

19325  "1980" . ."Oil" ."Discusses oil, a natural resource which is a primary source of energy and numerous important byproducts." .

45780  "2004" . ."Americas oil wars" ."The origins of religious unrest in the Middle East in the 1990s — Arms in the Gulf — The political effects of the third oil shock — Techno war in the Gulf — The neocons silver bullet strategy." .

45095  "2005" . ."Beyond oil : the view from Hubberts peak" ."With world oil production about to peak and inexorably head toward steep decline, what fuels are availableto meet rising global energy demands? That question, once thought to address a fairly remote contingency, has become ever more urgent, as a spate of books has drawn increased public attention to the imminent exhaustion of the economically vital world oil reserves. Deffeyes, a geologist who was among the first to warn of the coming oil crisis, now takes the next logical step and turns his attention to the earths supply of potential replacement fuels. In Beyond Oil, he traces out their likely production futures, with special reference to that of oil, utilizing the same analytic tools developed by his former colleague, the pioneering petroleumsupply authority M. King Hubbert. The book includes chapters on natural gas, coal, tar sands and heavy oils, oil shale, uranium, and (although not strictly an energy resource itself) hydrogen. A concluding chapter on the overall energy picture covers the likely mix of energy sources the world can rely on for the nearterm future, and the special roles that will need to be played by conservation, highmileage diesel automobiles, nuclear power plants, and windgenerated electricity. An acknowledged expert in the field, Deffeyes brings a deeply informed, yet optimistic approach to bear on the growing debate. His main concern is not our longterm adaptation to a world beyond oil but our immediate future: \\"Through our inattention, we have wasted the years that we might have used to prepare for lessened oil supplies. The next ten years are critical.\\"" . "Why look beyond oil — Where oil came from — The Hubbert method — Mostly gas — Consider coal — Tar sands, heavy oil — Oil shale — Uranium — Hydrogen — The big picture." .

2925  "1983" . ."The oil follies of 1970—1980 : how the petroleum industry stole the show (and much more besides)" .

"Documents the activities of the major oil companies before and during the oil crisis of the 1970s and demonstrates how their complete control over information about supplies allowed them to manipulate the market" .

88089  "2001" . ."Resource wars : the new landscape of global conflict" ."Wealth, resources, and power: the changing parameters of global security — Oil, geography, and war: the competitive pursuit of petroleum plenty — Oil conflict in the Persian Gulf — Energy conflict in the Caspian Sea basin — Oil wars in the South China Sea — Water conflict in the Nile basin — Water conflict in the Jordan, TigrisEuphrates, and Indus River basins — Fighting for the riches of the earth: internal wars over minerals and timber — The new geography of conflict — Appendix: Territorial disputes in areas containing oil and/or natural gas." . "Klare argues that wars in the near future will be fought over the control of dwindling natural resources like oil and water." .

74905  "2003" . ."Oil power of the future : new ways of turning petroleum into energy" ."Basics of oil — History and development of oil — Business of oil — Pros and cons of oil as an energy source — Into the future." . "Presents the pros and cons of using oil for fuel as the growing demand for electricity increases problems such as air pollution." .

149287  "1994" . ."The economy of Iraq : oil, wars, destruction of development and prospects, 1950—2010" ."OPEC Failure and the IraqKuwait Oil Confrontation. The Invasion and the Economic Sanctions. An Estimate of Iraqs Human Losses. An Estimate of Iraqs Economic Losses. Impact on Personal Income, Consumption, and Cost of Living — 7. Iraqs Economic Development, 1950—1990: An Assessment. Evolution of the New State. Regional and International Context. Ideological Dimensions. An Assessment of Iraqs Development, 1950—1990. Development Problems, 1958—1980. Development Problems, 1980—1993 — 8. What Economic Future for Iraq? Sanctions, Reparations, Debt, and Reconstruction. The $586Billion Question. An Estimate of Oil Revenue to 2010. The Burden of Foreign Debt. The Burden of War Reparations. United Nations Sanctions. Other Claims on Scarce Resources. The Continued Crisis of the Economy. The Problem of Hyperinflation and the Exchange Rate. What Economic Future for Iraq?" . "Evolution of Arab Nationalism. The Political Economy of Arab Nationalism. The National Development Plan, 1970/71—1974/75. The Strategy of the Plan. Quantitative Goals of the Plan. Assessment of the National Development Plan. The 1975 Investment Program. Development Planning after 1975 — 5. The IranIraq War and the Demise of Development. The War and the Iraqi Economy. The War, Iraqs Oil and Saudi Arabias Oil Policy. The War and the Deterioration of the Iraqi Economy. The War and the End of Development. War Labor Mobilization and the Economy. Military Expenditures and Iraqs GNP and Oil Revenue. The War and Military and Nonmilitary Imports. Privatization under War Conditions. An Estimate of the Cost of the Destruction — 6. The Invasion of Kuwait and the Destruction of Development. Abundance of Problems versus Scarcity of Resources. Government Borrowing, Money Supply, and Inflation. The Emerging Problem of External Debt. Military Industries and the Use of Scarce Resources." . "1. The Evolution of Iraqs Oil Industry. Oil Concessions in Iraq and the Agreement of 1952. The Growth of Output and Revenue. Oil Output. The Pricing of Iraq Crude Oil to 1950. Price Developments, 1950—1960. Nationalization and Oil Price Developments in the OPEC Era. The 1973 Oil Price Revolution. The Emergence of Iraqs National Oil Industry — 2. Oil and Development under the Monarchy, 1950—1958. The Development Board and Its Programs, 1950—1958. Planned versus Actual Development Spending, 1951/52—1957/58. Highlights of Allocations for Development, 1950—1958. The Development Board and the Agricultural Sector. The Development Board and the Industrial Sector — 3. Oil and Development Planning, 1958—1968. Development Planning in the Qasim Era, 1958—1963. Development Planning under the Aref Brothers. The Economys Past Performance as a Guide for the Plan. Sectoral Expenditure under the FYP. Actual Performance of the FYP — 4. The Baath Party and Its National Development Plans." .

194837  "1987, c1986" . ."Red storm rising" ."When Moslem fundamentalists destroy a keySoviet oil complex, the Russians initiate a plan of diplomatic trickery for their seizure of Persian Gulf oil.".

6278  "2007" . ."Hard times in the lands of plenty :oil politics in Iran and Indonesia" ."Oil wealth and politics in the developing world : theories and evidence — Explaining regime durability in oilrich states: oil, opposition, and late development — The impact and legacies of oil and late development : coalitions and state building before the boom — The oil booms and beyond : two exporting states confront crisis — Oil, opposition, and late development : regime breakdown and persistence in twentyone oilexporting states." .

20661  "2011" . ."Extra virginity : the sublime and scandalous world of olive oil" ."Prologue : Essences — Olives and lives — Oil bosses — Olives sacred and profane — The lovely burn — Industrial oil — Food revolutions — New worlds of oil — Epilogue : Mythologies — Glossary — Appendix : Guidelines for choosing good oil." . "For millennia, fresh olive oil has been one of lifes necessities, not just as food but also as medicine, a beauty aid, and a vital element of religious ritual. Todays researchers are continuing to confirm the remarkable, life giving properties of true extravirgin, and \\"extravirgin Italian\\" has become the highest standard of quality.But what if this symbol of purity has become deeply corrupt? Starting with an explosive article in The New Yorker, the author has become the worlds expert on olive oil and olive oil fraud, a story of globalization, deception, and crime in the food industry from ancient times to the present, and a powerful indictment of todays lax protections against fake and even toxic food products in the United States. It is also anaccount of the artisanal producers, chemical analysts, chefs, and food activists who are defending the extraordinary oils that truly deserve the name \\"extravirgin.\\"" .

85945  "1995" . ."Review and outlook for the world oil market" ."1. Introduction and Summary. Review of World Oil and Energy Markets. Outlook for the World Oil Market to 2010 — 2. Review of World Oil Demand. World Oil Demand 1971—1992. OECD. NonOECD — 3. Review of World Oil Supply. Crude Oil Reserves 1950—1994. Crude Oil Production 1950—1994. Oil Market 1985—1994. Drilling Activity 1950—1993 — 4. Review of Past and Recent Oil Market Forecasts. pt. 1. Previous Forecasting Errors. Consensus View of Oil Price Forecasts. Undue Pessimism in NonOPEC Production Forecasts. Challenge of modeling OPEC Behavior. pt. 2. Range of Current Forecasts — 5. Outlook for World Oil Prices. Current Oil Prices — The Role of OPEC Production. Future Levels of Oil Prices — A Case for Constant Real Oil Prices. OPEC: Past Experiences and Future Prospects. Oil Demand Pressures. Oil Supply Potential — 6. Outlook for World Petroleum Demand and Supply to 2010. Oil Price Assumptions. Macroeconomic Assumptions. Oil Demand Projections. NonOPEC Supply Projections." .

89754  "c1979" . ."Oil machines" ."Describes various pieces of oil machinery used in the petroleum industry and discusses their uses." .

167931  "1963" . ."Middle East oil crises and Western Europes energy supplies." ."The Middle East oil crises in the 1960s — Possible Middle East oil crises in the 1960s — Effects of future crises on the supply of oil from the Middle East — Emergency drilling requirements for Western Hemisphere oil — The price of emergency oil to Europe — Protecting Western Europe against a shutdown of Middle East oil." .

1023  "1959" . ."The greatest gamblers; the epic of American oil exploration." ."Account of the early days and the development of the oil industry by Rockefeller, Mellon and other men whose gambling on oil led them to great wealth." .

77227  "1979" . ."Oil painting" ."Provides stepbystep instructions and techniques in painting with oils." .

209789  "1971" . ."The oilbarons; men of greed and grandeur." ."Documents and evaluates the growth of wealth and political and economic power among the leaders of the oil industries in America." .

54576  "2004" .."Blood and oil : the dangers and consequences of Americas growing petroleum dependency" ."A world security expert assesses the critical role that petroleum plays in Americas actions abroad, warning that the nations everincreasing dependency on foreign oil from turbulent countries is bound to lead to recurrent military involvement in these areas." . "The dependency dilemma: imported oil and national security — Lethal embrace: the American alliance with Saudi Arabia — Choosing dependency: the energy strategy of the Bush Administration — Trapped in the Gulf: the irresistible lure of bountiful petroleum — No safe havens: oil and conflict beyond the Persian Gulf — Geopolitics reborn: the U.S.RussianChinese struggle in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Basin — Escaping the dilemma: a strategy for energy autonomy and integrity." .

20848  "2011" . ."The oil kings : how the U.S., Iran, and Saudi Arabia changed the balance of power in the Middle East" ."This is an account of an era we thought we knew: how the US decision in the mid1970s to choose Saudi Arabia as the dominant oil power in the Mideast ultimately led to the Islamic revolution in Iran, and how oil came to dominate U.S. domestic and international affairs. The author draws on newly declassified documents and interviews with some key figures of the time to show how Nixon, Ford, Kissinger, the CIA, and the State and Treasury departments, as well as the Shah of Iran and the Saudi royal family, maneuvered to control events in the Middle East. He details the secret U.S.Saudi plan to circumvent OPEC that destabilized the Shah; reveals how close the U.S. came to sending troops into the Persian Gulf to break the Arab oil embargo; and shows how the Ford Administration barely averted a European debt crisis that could have triggered a financial catastrophe in the U.S." . "A kind of super man — Guardian of the Gulf — Double indemnity — Contingencies — Oil shock — Cruel summer — Screaming eagle — Potomac Scheherazade — Henrys wars — The spirit of 76 — Royal flush — Oil war." .

49262  "2005" . ."Oil : politics, poverty and the planet" ."Insatiable demand and the quest for supply — Conflict, poverty, inequality: the mixedblessing of oil — Oil security and global strategy — Petronationalism — ‘Alternatives’ to oil: environmental and ‘security’ imperatives." .

26611  "2010" . ."In deep water : the anatomy of a disaster, the fate of the Gulf, and ending our oil addiction" ."Timeline — Foreword — Introduction — Blowout — Oil in the water — Big oil, \\"Small people\\" — Blind faith — A healthy gulf — Beyond petroleum — Epilogue." . "Describes the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and the environmental, economic, and social damage done by the subsequent oil spill, and suggests ways to prevent another such disaster through decreased dependence on petroleum products." .

33989  "2006" . ."A history of modern Libya" ."The Green Books stateless society, 1973—1986 ; Revolutionaries, technocrats, and The Green Book as political primer ; The Green Books economic and social directives ; Oil and development ; The revolutionary society ; Symbols, myths, Islam, and opposition ; Terrorism, adventurism, and confrontation with the West ; The revolutionary decade revisited — The limits of the revolution, 1986—2000 ; Curtailing revolutionary energy ; The Great Green Charter of Human Rights ; Protecting the regime : formal and informal means of power and control ; The economic sanctions and their impact ; Economic sanctions and oil policies ; Attempts at economic reform ; The lessons of failed reforms ; Confrontation, terrorism, and sanctions ; The revolution curtailed — Fork in the road : Libya in the 21st century ; The road to disarmament ; The West and Libya : diplomacy and reform ; Political economy of reform ; From Arab socialism to panAfrican unity ; Libya in the twentyfirst century and the shadow of the past." . "Chronology, 1900—2005 — List of acronyms — Introduction : Libya, the enigmatic oil state — \\"A tract which is wholly sand...\\" (Herodotus) ; Libyas geography ; The Ottoman period and the Sanusiyya ; European intrusions and the Young Turk revolt ; The Ottoman legacy — Italys fourth shore and decolonization, 1911—1950 ; The Italian occupation, 1911—1923 ; Fascism and the Italian settler colony ; World War II, Italys defeat, and the Great Power deliberations ; Legacies at the eve of independence — The Sanusi monarchy as accidental state, 1951—1969 ; Politics of avoidance : the reluctant monarchy ; The development challenges of the first decade ; The Libyan oil industry ; The unification of the kingdom ; The social impact of oil and the early seeds of revolution ; The monarchy in perspective — A Libyan sandstorm : from monarchy to republic, 1969—1973 ; Libyas young revolutionaries ; Popular revolution, participation, and legitimacy ; Charisma and rhetoric as mobilizational tools ; Oil and economic management; The revolution on the eve of the 1973 oil crisis —" .

27781  "1973" . ."The secret of Sherwood Forest; oil production in England during World War II" ."Oil production in England during World War II." .

153669  "2009" . ."The enduring legacy : oil, culture, and society in Venezuela" ."Introduction : oil, culture, and society — A tropical Mediterranean : Lake Maracaibo at the turn of the century — The search for black gold — La ruta petrolera : learning to live with oil — Oil, race, labor, and nationalism — Our tropical outpost : gender and the senior staff camps — The oil industry and civil society — Oil and politics : an enduring relation — Conclusion : an enduring legacy." .

192019  "1927" . ."Oil! A novel" ."Life of the son of an oil magnate, based on the Teapot Dome scandal of the Harding administration." .

185650  "2008" . ."Oil" ."This stepbystep guide introduces all the materials, techniques, and styles needed to become comfortable with oil painting. Find out about the properties and ingredients of oil paint, as well as how to mix your own and work with solvents and dryers. Instructions tell when and how to use brushes and spatulas to shape the paint; how to create realistic fleshtones; and how to \\"model\\" oils without blending brushstrokes. Youll also learn the characteristics of warm, cool, and neutral colors, and how to approach figure drawing, still lifes, and landscapes.".

162799  "1992" . ."Kuwait : the transformation of an oil state" ."invasion of Kuwait in the context of Kuwaits historical foreign policy and examines the invasions legacy, arguing that it reinforced Kuwaiti nationalism while renewing public demand for greater political participation." . "weaves these themes into a broad profile of Kuwait, analyzing the nations transformation from a preoil to an oil economy; its social structure and composition, including the countrys tribal roots and key divisions involving class, gender, and immigrant labor; political tensions resulting from the nations sudden wealth and the accompanying changes in social structure; and its relations with other countries in the Gulf and Middle East. In particular, she places Iraqs." . "1. Introduction. Ecology and Economy. Society. Polity. Foreign Policy — 2. History. National Formation: The Establishment of a Kuwaiti Community. State Formation: The Establishment of Kuwaiti Institutions. Independence: The Establishment of Kuwait as a State — 3. The Oil Economy. The Desert and the Sea: The PreOil Economy. Multinationals and the State: The History of Oil. Development Strategies: The Economic Role of the State. Retrenchment Strategies: The Economy in a Period of Falling Prices. The Benefits and the Costs of Oil — 4. Kuwaiti Society. Unity. Division — 5. Political Institutions and Processes. Formal Structures. Shaikh Jabirs Rule: Problems and Prospects — 6. Foreign Policy. The Historical Patterns of Kuwaits Foreign Policy. Kuwait and the Superpowers. Kuwait and the Region. The Invasion. The New Foreign Policy Environment — 7. The Aftermath of the Invasion. The Occupation. Liberation and Reconstruction. Future Prospects." . "Kuwait, unlike most of its neighbors, has a wellestablished national identity and a long history as a nation, dating back to the eighteenth century. In this book, Dr. Jill Crystal focuses on two recurring themes in Kuwaiti history: one, the preservation of a sense of community in the face of radical economic, social, and political transformations; the second, internal rivalry over the conventions governing relations among members of the community. Crystal skillfully." .

"Petroleum industry and trade" . , .: 38.00100035317032

"United States" . , .: 16.000200611375842

"PETROLEUM" . , .: 8.000250907773022

"Iraq" . , .: 5.00014382164319

"Petroleum reserves—Forecasting." . , .: 5.00014324922047

"Saudi Arabia" . , .: 4.000200468756505

"Energy policy—United States." . , .: 4.00006749754296

"World politics" . , .: 4.00006703712266

"Iran" . , .: 3.000500212218122

"Middle East" . , .: 3.000334190474256





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